A Bag Slot that all Characters can use?
This…is actually a really, really good idea. Shared bag slot. I like it a lot.
Though, if I may elaborate on it a little, why not make it a multi-tiered purchase?
For 2000 gems, you get an account wide unlock of the bag slot for all current and future characters.
100 gems would buy you a special 5 slot bag from the gem store that goes in this new slot
200 gems would buy you a 10 slot special bag
400 gems for the 15 slot
800 gems for the 20 slot
All prices would be per character. The special bags would be account bound, so if you ever did delete a character, you can transfer.
Leader of Looking For Gandalf [LFG]
Worst Commander of Ferguson’s Crossing (Self Proclaimed)
Has been suggested, recently too if you looked. Will show up maybe but I doubt it since they would need to reimburse all the people who bought multiples plus it would be a long term loss for the company.
Has been suggested, recently too if you looked. Will show up maybe but I doubt it since they would need to reimburse all the people who bought multiples plus it would be a long term loss for the company.
How exactly would this be a long term loss. Are there really that many people out there with multiple infinite tools? Anet has changed the tools from soulbound to account bound and reimbursed duplicates of the items, I don’t think this would be any different.
I just think that Anet could literally charge anything for this feature and people would easily buy into it for the convenience, and then have incentive to purchase future infinite use tools.
Yeah, I really doubt many people have multiple mining tools at all. I really like this idea too!
800 gems for the 20 slot
All prices would be per character. The special bags would be account bound, so if you ever did delete a character, you can transfer.
Yikes! That is 250€ in my case. No deal.
I have four full sets of tools. I have a very strong suspicion that I am not alone.
Long term loss is the people wanting the convienience of not dropping by the bank to switch tools.
I have 10 sets of the infinite tools, but I think this idea would have more applications than just using it for tools.
I could keep all my siege blueprints in the bag so i did not have to switch them out between players. I could keep my Mystic salvage kits in it. If I got a nice drop to use on another character, I could throw it in the bag, and easily access it on that other character without needing to go to the bank on two different characters.
There are so many applications for this besides tool swapping.
Leader of Looking For Gandalf [LFG]
Worst Commander of Ferguson’s Crossing (Self Proclaimed)
20 slots?
perm tools x3, perm salvage x1(2), (mystic kit), wvw siege, foods/utilities(using 10-15 different ones (undead/flame legion/inquest/nightmare court/dredge/bandit/sharpening stones/(tuning crystals), steaks, pizza,condi reducer and a free swap slot?
Oh, I have 10 sets as well and 12 salvage-o-matics….
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
As I said before, considering we have Xunlai Electrum Ingot as an available slot in bank storage, this kind of bag should come at some point with jeweler 500.
you really think anet will do this? IF you arent aware this is a business
It’s wise for businesses to respect and to please their customers, if they want to keep them.
Yes and customers are people who buy stuff so start buying more for your alts if its to much of a hassle to pop in and out of wvw or pay silvers for a main city to store it in bank mate
As a business decision, this would bring a crap load of money to them very quickly. Think of all the people, like myself, who would be willing to throw down $100+ just to buy all the bags at once for all their alts.
Not to mention that when people make new characters, they are going to want to shell out the money for a new one, just to make things easier. I know I would.
I don’t see how this would be a poor business decision. Even with an extra 20 storage slots shared between characters, bank tabs will still be needed. It’s not like an extra 20 slots would eliminate the need for a bank. The bag would just be a small convenience item for players.
Leader of Looking For Gandalf [LFG]
Worst Commander of Ferguson’s Crossing (Self Proclaimed)