A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


It seems unfair that one side of the gw2 community gets showered with content (pve), while the other community (pvp), gets exceptionally less content.

In 2015 can we see just as much work being done on PvP as there is in PvE?

Or at least communicate with the PvP community on changes and more than what it done already (hardly any).

http://strawpoll.me/3648686/r Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diovid.9506


It seems unfair that one side of the gw2 community gets showered with content (pve)

This is funny because many pve-players do not feel like they are being showered with content.

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

When perusing the Dev Tracker, it seems there is quite a bit of discussion with Devs about the changes in PvP.

It’s kind of funny…the PvE side of things seems full of comments about how everything in game caters to the PvP side. PvP did just get an update in the last Release.

Good luck.

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oRx.9584


When perusing the Dev Tracker, it seems there is quite a bit of discussion with Devs about the changes in PvP.

It’s kind of funny…the PvE side of things seems full of comments about how everything in game caters to the PvP side. PvP did just get an update in the last Release.

Good luck.

Do you consider an interface change an update? Me neither. Thats all PvP got. An interface change.

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


They spend way too much on PvP. If they used all the money they have given away in PvP they could have hired another 3-4 devs to actually make some content for PvE. Instead we get constant Esports shoved down our throats, with the same 3-4 teams from each region being the only ones actually competitive.

They should really scrap PvP completely and give us some actual content for a change.

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frenk.5917


SPVP just started getting a little bit of love, thanks to the E-sports thingy. Historically, though, PvE has seen much more updates than SPVP: while, in fact, PvE has been getting new content every two weeks with some breaks in between, SPVP has got new “content” only every six months.

Moreover, while PvE content is actually fresh gameplay (arguably, I know, but for the sake of the discussion let’s not be too picky), wether it is new zones, new events or even both, SPVP patches has been mostly balance updates or interface reworks, so nothing actually “new”.
To put it in a simplistic way, SPVPers have been doing the exact same thing over and over again for the past 2 years while PVEers , currently, have new gameplay that didn’t have before (just to mention some: Tequatl, Triple Wurm, Fractals, Southsun Cove, Drytop, Silverwaste, LS1, LS2 and all the various updates in between which include SAB, Zephyrite, Dragon Festivals, Queens Jubilee, etc. etc.).

I’m not saying that PvE gets a LOT of content, but it certainly gets MUCH MORE content than SPVP.

I used to be a WvW-oriented player, and I am well aware that WvW gets even less content than SPVP does.

Frenk – EU
All is vain

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stale.9785


Going to give my standard reply to this complaint.

1) PvE players are the ones who keep the lights on at Anet. Adventure, RPG, PvE gamestyle is the bread and butter of pretty much every dev out there, with a couple notable exceptions. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. The same dev time applied to the two player bases will result in drastically more financial return from PvE players.

2) The above aside, every single balance change since release had been done with absolutely no consideration at all except for PvP. The only exception to this is the Fiery Great Sword nerf.

3) The only non-trenchcoat medium armour that a human male can get is PvP exclusive. Read that again – the only medium male armour that isn’t hideous (IMO) is only available to PvPers.

Yes, it’d be nice if they could make more maps, and maybe introduce more playstyles. (All they’d have to do is look back to GW1, and bring forward some of those PvP styles.) Really though, with their horrible focus on the gemstore, any updates for PvP will be incidental.

This might sound like I’m anti-pvp, which is untrue, PvP needs love – but so does PvE. We need content all around – but the content that will return the largest immediate financial return would be PvE. (This is assuming we ever see new content…)

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Well every time I created a post suggesting Living Story affecting PvP (or in my case, it was all WvW), everyone immediately cried bloody murder.

I would love for patches to directly interface with PvP. Mordremoth’s influence causing vines to spread and break apart entire keeps, removing walls or disabling the whole keep. New sPvP maps, etc. All can be nicely tied together to whatever the current PvE story is.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


PvP going esports:

Make sPvP free to play to bring new players in.

Make new class every month only for sPvP so won’t waste time incorporate new class in PvE.

Win sPvP match to unlock the new class or buy it with gems.

Don’t forget to sell hats.

At the beginning of match, players get to choose class 1 by 1 depend on what the other team is picking.

Merge practice, unrank, and rank arena, since lesser mode means better pool of players for match making.

Monthly PvP tournament with prize going up for $1,000,000.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


PvP going esports:

Make sPvP free to play to bring new players in.

There’s a good argument to be made to make sPvP a fully separate game.

  • For one, it’d mean class-balance can now be focused on WvW, allowing more… creative… approaches to balance. Compare HotS where heroes such as Zagara, Bama or especially Azmodan are good at pushing siege, but less so at actual combat.
  • Fight-design can focus more on making the game work well in larger combat scenarios as both PvE and WvW share those. Can toy with better approaches to mass combat instead of having to drag smallest-scale balance along.
  • More room to integrate siege-supporting combat into classes. Mesmers could put up clones of siege gear to confuse defenders. Engineers could provide packs of Grenades, Bombs or Mortars to defenders or attackers, etc. There’s a host of rather creative class-balance ideas opened up the moment you shunt smallscale PvP or the concept of player-vs-player in favour of character-vs-character.
  • Better ability to combine LS updates for PvE and WvW. WvW lends itself more naturally to this, allowing things such as Mordremoth’s vines, the Aetherblade or the Twisted Marionette to “mess with” WvW, disabling entire keeps or areas, focusing the fighting into a smaller area temporarily. Could actually make them capturable Merc camps (again, look at HotS) which then join the player’s offence, a bit like the Quaggan’s used to do (rarely).
  • Fits more naturally. Both WvW and PvE are based on players levelling and bringing in their actual character. sPvP uses a copy only taking over name, some design and class, but not even racial skills or equipment. It’s the odd one out.

Make it a separate game, provide it F2P, use it as marketing to draw palyers into the actual GW2. Sell gemstore stuff in both games and provide the ability to carry it over (even more incentive to buy and play GW2).

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diovid.9506



This was sort of how it was in GW1. In GW1 it was possible to have a PvP-only account. In addition, those who had a PvE-account were also capable of creating PvP-only characters. But then again GW1 was (or at least, started out as being) almost completely PvP-oriented with PvE serving as a long tutorial.

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djinn.9245


I don’t support more attention to PvP. I’ve had enough of Anet trying to shove PvP down our throats – more investment in PvP will just make them do it more.

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anyandrell.6238


PvP. One player fights another player.
I fail to see what is to update to a PvP. Specifically.
Unless it were a totally new set of skills, weapons, etc. That would throw the PvE community in a fit.

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


PvP. One player fights another player.
I fail to see what is to update to a PvP. Specifically.
Unless it were a totally new set of skills, weapons, etc. That would throw the PvE community in a fit.

more maps and or game modes. Spvp was stuck with the same “capture 3 points” kind of gameplay for the whole life of this game. Why not a free for all deathmatch? Why not a capture the flag or king of the hill?

What about actual dueling place? Right now someone from the players has to pay 2000 gems a month to keep a dueling arena open which works on trust basis, we trust that nobody will be a bad man and won’t just start attacking everyone dueling.

At the same time, while Spvp has seen new maps, WvW pretty much has not. Originally they intended all 4 maps (3 boarderlands and the main one) to be different, but 2 years in all 3 boarderlands are still the same.

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


^ Probably because Anet can’t balance it. I don’t think death match or capture the flag will be remotely balanced with the current combat system.

And I believe they said they actually going to take out some maps because of balance problem in ranked arena.

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


^ Probably because Anet can’t balance it. I don’t think death match or capture the flag will be remotely balanced with the current combat system.

And I believe they said they actually going to take out some maps because of balance problem in ranked arena.

that sounds very lazy. Other games are able to have multiple modes and Guild Wars 2 can’t?

Plus I hope that they will only pull maps from Ranked Arena and not Practice. Or give us something to replace them with.

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


^ Probably because Anet can’t balance it. I don’t think death match or capture the flag will be remotely balanced with the current combat system.

And I believe they said they actually going to take out some maps because of balance problem in ranked arena.

that sounds very lazy. Other games are able to have multiple modes and Guild Wars 2 can’t?

Plus I hope that they will only pull maps from Ranked Arena and not Practice. Or give us something to replace them with.

I don’t think it’s a fair comparison. Other games combat system are much more simple. And many of them uses the holy trinity so every class kind of rely on each other.

GW2’s combat is probably one of the most fun out of the mmorpg i played.

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I don’t think it’s a fair comparison. Other games combat system are much more simple. And many of them uses the holy trinity so every class kind of rely on each other.

GW2’s combat is probably one of the most fun out of the mmorpg i played.

not exactly true for Wildstar’s combat and Tera’s combat. And both of them were able to provide modes. Sure, one was completely incompetent making PvP as PvP was dependent on gear score and people don’t exactly like gear disparity, but still…

Plus that’s still not a reason why they can’t implement such things as dueling.

A Balance Between PvP & PvE Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


Going to give my standard reply to this complaint.

1) PvE players are the ones who keep the lights on at Anet. Adventure, RPG, PvE gamestyle is the bread and butter of pretty much every dev out there, with a couple notable exceptions. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. The same dev time applied to the two player bases will result in drastically more financial return from PvE players.

2) The above aside, every single balance change since release had been done with absolutely no consideration at all except for PvP. The only exception to this is the Fiery Great Sword nerf.

3) The only non-trenchcoat medium armour that a human male can get is PvP exclusive. Read that again – the only medium male armour that isn’t hideous (IMO) is only available to PvPers.

Yes, it’d be nice if they could make more maps, and maybe introduce more playstyles. (All they’d have to do is look back to GW1, and bring forward some of those PvP styles.) Really though, with their horrible focus on the gemstore, any updates for PvP will be incidental.

This might sound like I’m anti-pvp, which is untrue, PvP needs love – but so does PvE. We need content all around – but the content that will return the largest immediate financial return would be PvE. (This is assuming we ever see new content…)

Man, you nailed it.

I’ve come to hate PVP over the past two years because of the balance changes they’ve done to PVE because of PVP. I hope with every bit of my fiber Anet fails to the extreme in making GW2 an esport.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.