A Flaw in the Wardrobe System

A Flaw in the Wardrobe System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Regulator.1207

The Regulator.1207

I’m not sure if this is the correct place for this but:
Hello, I recently crafted several pieces of Zojja’s Ascended heavy armor, and I want to put my current runes (Hoelbrak) on my new ascended pieces. However, the runes are stuck on my exotic set of armor that I purchased from the WvW armor vendor via gold and Badges of Honor. My plan was to salvage the exotic set with a black lion salvage kit and apply to the runes to my new set of ascended armor, but, alas, it is not meant to be.

I understand that, for whatever reason, ArenaNet is not comfortable with allowing players to use Badges of Honor as a way of making money [Purchasing armor through the WvW vendor with smaller amounts of gold (than their counterparts on the trading post) and some badges that the players earned through WvW participation] and then salvaging it to sell the materials they receive. But with the old transmutation stone/crystal system, would this rune transition not have been possible? I have been unable to overcome this obstacle through any reasonable means, if anyone has any suggestions on how to solve it, please let me know. I have edited an image to further explain my problem and how I feel.

I hope that this problem can be addressed evenly, or even better the Wardrobe System can be amended, but I feel that there is little that can be done, and that really bums me out, man.

A Flaw in the Wardrobe System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cureless.4672


The only way to reclaim the runes is to use the upgrade extractor from the gemstore
@ 250 gems a pop

A Flaw in the Wardrobe System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Otaur.9268


I posted this elsewhere, but I believe it is relevant here…

… I have several armor sets sitting in my bank with runes… I hold on to them in hopes that ANet will make the Extractor from Gem Store a cheaper bundle, so the cost of the extractor is “efficient” in a manner of speaking. Right now it would be moronic to buy an extractor because it is cheaper to use the same amount of gems to convert to gold and re-buy most runes/sigils.

Please ANet, give WvW players a break, even if we salvage the armor for NO MATS but 100% Rune/Sigil Return… Players would be happy. As we spend gold and badges to obtain this gear. By allowing players to SALVAGE FOR NO RESOURCES, and a 100% Rune/Sigil Return option, this removes Gold and Badges from the game without providing an extra source of Dark Matter, Ecto’s and Other Materials.

Please consider this…

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

A Flaw in the Wardrobe System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6437


Hey there, since we are getting a lot of feedback on this topic right now, we are collecting it all in dedicated threads. You are very welcome to repost your questions comments and concerns here “https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Game-Updates-Wardrobe-Transmutation-Outfits