(edited by Platforming.7102)
A Letter to Developers
- Refining takes too long. Some objects refine faster than others.
- Crafting feels unrewarding and dull. Time and resources are poured into various trades and they are required for crafting Ascended and Legendary items but only Baking recipes and Artificer’s potion recipes feel creatively inspired.
- “For fun” items should not utilize the same ingredients as legendary
- Remove timelocks on crafting.
- Improve availability of un-harvestable objects utilized in crafting (leather / cloth).
- Rich nodes for all node types, please.
- Dyable weapons (guild wars 1 cough)
- Make dyes account wide instead of requiring unlocking every color with each new character. In the case of limited availability dye packs, take out the ones that aren’t new (100% chance to get new colors).
- Completely do away with the Soulbound attribute. Account bound legendary weapons, at the very least.
- Increased availability of precursor drops. Instead of giving a specific precursor consider a “Chest of Almost Legendary Quality” or something like that so players can select their preferred precursor.
- More Legendary weapons (or just new skins?). The only Legendary skins I’m fond of are the underwater weapons.
- Increased chance of getting a Glob of Ectoplasm from salvaging. Minimum 1.
- Make back items impervious to “Damaged Equipment.”
- Make all vendor-type NPCs able to repair.
- Add a function of items to remove upgrades without requiring an Upgrade Extractor.
- Remove Transmutation Splitter from the game; Replace function with a forge recipe.
- Copper-Fed Salvage-O-Matic should function at the level of Black Lion Salvage Kit, not a basic one. Remove cost per use. Change name if necessary.
- Properly finish design for Asuran armor (Cover all the toes, please)!
- Make Black Lion Chests rewarding. Currently, chest contents feel unrewarding. Filler and junk do not constitute the rarity or price of keys.
- Remove Black Lion Claim Ticket Scraps from the game. Replace with Black Lion Claim Tickets. Whole tickets from now on, please. Do not offset this by increasing price of claimed weapons to higher values.
- Remove Transmutation Stones from the game; replace entirely with Transmutation Crystals.
- Remove breathers from the game. They aren’t necessary nor are they available in higher quality and force players to manage a 7th armor slot.
- Holiday bags don’t feel sufficiently rewarding. 0.0001% chance of getting desirable loot only manages to needlessly inflate the amount of holiday bags people open. (Ten thousand double clicks takes a while.)
- Make WvW items purchased with Badges of Honor salvageable / forgeable.
- No respawning enemies during instanced dungeons and fractals, except where absolutely necessary. This is the main problem which drives player creativity in circumventing events (ie. Dredge fractal).
- Remove green sigil / rune drops from dungeons. Consider removing rare sigil and rune drops as well.
- Dungeons become repetitive and dull. Consider open-instance dungeons for solo / group farm (I miss my dungeon romping days of EverQuest—especially Lower Guk / Sebilis).
Open instanced dungeons would be like standard world zones and could be utilized for world completion. (dungeons already have points of interest / waypoints). It could also allow players to obtain dungeon tokens gradually without having to do daily paths (monsters dropping bag of wondrous goods? Chests spread out through the dungeon?) — side note — this would also make dungeon expansion interesting. I remember finding a covered grate above the first boss in path 3 Sorrow’s Embrace that looked like an entrance to a tunnel that could go someplace extraordinary.
- Fractal rewards feel insufficient. New fractal reward system should be implemented. (Fractals are approximately equivalent to 4 dungeon paths with the guaranteed reward of 1)
- Agony Infusions should have a more significant effect on combat throughout the fractal. Instead of just reducing the amount of agony damage you take (which matters less in some fractals than others) use agony infusions to also increase damage to all npcs in fractals proportional to the amount of resistance. I’d even consider calling it “Fractal Infusion” or “Fractal Empowerment.”
- Agony Infusions should not require so many combines to become useful. How many million infusion items is it for the maximum value? :P
- Reduce the difficulty scale on fractals so time expended on a fractal run is approximately 10 minutes per path. Overall fractal run should take approximately 40 minutes.
- A vote-based progression of fractals would be an interesting change. Allow players to choose their adventure?!
(edited by Platforming.7102)
- Improve birthday reward system (Remember how good GW1 was? Try any random mini from Mini Set 1: Year 1, any random mini from Mini Set 2: Year 2, etc); not just half a dozen Queen Minis.
- Experience scrolls should add +20 levels / +20 skill points, making them viable for all people.
- Gem prices are more reasonable if one purchase becomes account-wide (bag slot unlocks for all characters @ 400, armor skins available unlimited amount 800, etc.) OR reduce price to 10% of current because pricing is silly. My warrior doesn’t need a 10 dollar cosmetic.
- Remove seller’s fees and listing fees (taxes!) from black lion trading post.
- Make the conversion between gold and gems a non-variable rate.
- Add direct player-to-player trading.
(edited by Platforming.7102)
- Make everything forge-friendly (Mini Risen Priest, Exotic sigil, Exotic rune, Karma items, WvW items, etc.)
- Make forge automatically upvert if possibile (4 blues automatically turn into 1 masterwork, 4 masterwork into 1 rare, 4 rares into superior, etc.); If you’re taking the time to use the random return device, make it worthwhile.
- Allow for multiple trait sets, swappable out of combat. (templates like GW1?)
- Improve the effectiveness of racial abilities. Include a cooldown reduction trait and / or effectiveness traits.
- Prevent Ranger and Necromancer pets from taking a significant portion of AE damage. (taking this one from RIFT). Consider attaching this as a passive effect in the Beastmastery trait line for Rangers and the Death Magic trait line for Necromancers.(Possible first minor: each point into beastmastery increases pet’s AE resistance 3%)
- Piercing shots should go through block / reflect, but not invulnerability. If this creates a balance issue allow shots to go through block but not get reflected.
- Allow for alternate abilities in the 1-5 pane. Appropriate swapping could, for example, remove CC abilities on the warrior hammer and replace them with higher DPS equivalent or trade attacks with conditions for non-condition but higher base damage (adding diversity and increasing the effectiveness of less favored weapon types).
- Each weapon could contain skills which add mobility, condition damage, direct damage, or crowd control in multiple slots—just an example.
- At least one heal and elite to match each type of utility skill.
- Remove weapon cooldown & improved effectiveness traits from specific trait lines. Many of these end up in strange trait lines that compromise an intended use of a weapon. Consider re-working the trait system to allow for more diverse selection of “Major” traits.
- Ranger: Rending attacks, Stability Training, Intimidation Training, Vigorous Training… should be on all the time by default. Makes pets more useful regardless to how you spec. They become fodder quickly in most situations as it is. Note for non-rangers: These traits only affect specific pet types exclusively so I’m not asking for god mode)
- Combine Mighty Swap (Beastmastery VI) and Companion’s Might (Skirmishing V) – into Beastmastery VI – “Vicious Bond” (Pet and owner gain 3 stacks of might on swap, Duration 10 seconds. You and your pet also grant might to each other on crit. Duration 6 seconds, no cooldown)
- Reduce pet swap to 10 seconds (20 seconds if dead).
- Change “Rampage As One” from “Pet.” to “Shout.” so it is affected by shout modifiers. Reduce cooldown to 80 seconds.
- Remove “Loud Whistle” (Beastmastery 15 point minor) and replace with “Resilient Bond” (For each point into Beastmastery increase pet’s resistance to area effect damage by 3%)
- Remove pets, minions and illusions from possible targets of instant death effects. (Jade maw ‘gaze’)
- Increase duration of “Revealed” on “Sic ’em!” to the full effect of the ability (10 sec).
Other class specific changes pending better understanding of their current state / possible improvements.
(edited by Platforming.7102)
- No more contested waypoints. Remove the waypoints and replace nearby if necessary (from inside a temple to just outside, for example).
- Reduced monster density throughout the game. Too many monsters cluttering places between waypoints, nodes, points of interest, vistas, etc. Amongst other things, this makes getting around and harvesting tedious.
- Make more Mystic Forges, crafting stations, bank and trading post NPCs available. Forges in every home city seems reasonable. Centralize necessities without forcing
players to buy convenience items from the trading post.
- Add vendors, repair, crafting stations, bank, guild bank and mystic forge available in the Eye of the North (added bonus for GW1 veterans).
- Please add guild halls!
(edited by Platforming.7102)
- Make Radiant/Hellfire skins both available at the same milestones. Lower the milestones required to earn Radiant/Hellfire boots.
- Increase the Achievement point reward for Legendary weapons. A lot of time, effort, and money goes into crafting them but they’re somehow worth only 5 points each. I’d say 200 a pop is not too generous.
- Capture and hold/defend and protect events max at 1 minute. 6 minutes or more at an area becomes tedious when mobs trickle in gradually.
- Proper scaling to world boss events. (IF scaling isn’t viable then consider making reasonable static values) Maintain 15-20 minute event window but change health values. A success should take 5 minutes at most. For example, Foulbear dies way too quickly but Shatterer and Jormag take way too long.
- …Balance?? :o
Not particularly helpful but I didn’t want to omit PvP from the list and pretend it’s working as intended.
This isn’t going to engage ANet.
In that case, what do you suggest?
I would appreciate more constructive feedback. Did you enjoy any suggestions?
(edited by Platforming.7102)
Sounds like you want a whole new game.
Dude I’m gonna have to disagree with you on the Asuran armor… I like my toes to poke out. I get feet cramps when my toes are squished inside tiny shoes all day.
A few changes would be nice. I don’t want a whole new game just yet. :P
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to want the most from your game!
(edited by Platforming.7102)
I like almost all of your suggestions. I personally do not have an issue with the trading post at all, but would like to see direct player trading an option also.
Unfortunately with the current skill system it may be difficult to add a variety of interesting mechanics to boss fights as players would require equally interesting skills to combat them. While I like the IDEA of less defined roles, the system was not well implemented in my opinion. Any class can play in the role DPS or support, but we have no traditional healer. While it is easier to form groups in GW2, the content we are grouped for just feels less challenging and repetitive. Numbers > skill and PvBagofHP.
Perhaps I’m a bit biased though. For those of you that have played trinity based MMO’s, do you ever miss pulling off the seemingly impossible? Some of my most memorable moments in any game were in GuildWars 1. Playing a monk and having the other monk in the party leaving in the middle of some tough content.. but wait, we aren’t going to start over, and the group decides to carry on. After a grueling test of skill your party succeeds and you all add each other to your friends-list because of that EPIC run.
I would love to see more attention given to healing roles. Going full DPS on a warrior should have serious consequences. Currently a full DPS group can complete near any content by hitting and dodging as required and they do it faster than a ‘balanced’ group. Reminds me of the speedclear groups in GuildWars 1 that they tried so many times to nerf without success. I understand that many do not see things the way I do, It’s just my opinion. Moving on..
Monetization schemes are necessary for obvious reasons. I have to agree with you on the transmutation stones and splitters though. Actually, a lot for sale in the gem store would make a great reward for completing challenging content. I understand the need, but it is important to recognize what we lose in rewards because of it. Sure, you can buy/trade gold for gems and get your shinies, but you wont see a boss drop a piece of phalanx armor for that same reason. For me, the most noticeable consequence of having the gem store is that it hinders immersion. Some folks like fuzzy quaggan backpacks, armor that makes you look like some nordic comic superhero / sparkly power ranger, but I do not. How does that fit the lore, setting, or in any way make sense other than it being something new and available for purchase? I wouldn’t have issue with it if it weren’t for the fact that items that DO fit the story and lore could have been made available in their place. I have made purchases from the gem store by credit card. I want to support the developers, but a lot of the items available should (I think) be in the game from regular vendors or as basic rewards for repeatable content. I find the current system comes across as being underhanded. Instead of items that paygate convenience, or take advantage of inebriated DC comics fans, how ‘bout we get some quality designs that ADD to immersion and overall game quality.
I’ll pay for more of that.
OP, great suggestions! This would make the game even better although some suggestions seem very hard to make. But a man can dream
http://wpwhendead.tumblr.com - a GW2 webcomic about a Charr and a Skritt
Of course everybody will like these suggestions because they either make something easier to get or more rewarding. Unfortunately most all of these will never happen imo because a lot of them would probably mess a lot with the economy and gold sinks and Anets income and such.
I agree w properly finishing Asura armor. Why do our ears stick out of helmets, and why do our toes break through heavy armor boots?…
I make PvP & WvW videos
everything except " Trash mobs should die in just a couple of strikes"
you should fear trashmob, they are scary beasts with inhuman strength or weapons.
you should respect trashmob, you should look behind your shoulder when you walk through the forest in the dark….
you should think twice before jumping on a trashmob patrol alone…
also any kind of death penalty when you revive via waypoint.
regarding conditions, my personal opinion is that conditions are too abundant, even power builds have conditions.
conditions should be less common, and have more damage per condition.
classes ( except necros) should be traited properly before being able to use conditions.
for example:
non traited weapons should do basic damage only,
if traited in power line, they will do more damage, if traited in precision line, they should crit more often or crit harder.
if traited in condition line, it should inflict corresponding condition and rarely more than single stack.
for example warrior using MH sword auto attack:
basic auto attack damage 160 damage.
basic auto attack while traited in power line is 202 damage.
basic auto attack while traited in condition line is 160 damage and 1 stack of bleed
warrior using offhand sword impale:
basic impale damage: 168
impale damage if sword traited in power line→adds rip: rip the sword for 643 damage
impale damage if the sword is traited in condition line: 3 stacks of torment for 5 seconds. etc
Book marking this and making a calendar mark for 6 months from now. I’ll LOL then.
tl;dr: buff all players, nerf all monsters, make gemstore free!
So that everyone can get their legendaries by the end of the week, and then ANet can safely shutdown the game because it went bankrupt. Sips his 10-dollar coffee while refusing to buy a skin for his alt.
No, seriously… There are several good ideas (which already have been discussed on the forums hundred of times, some with separate CDI threads), but mostly it’s the “I want the game even more casual and I don’t care if ANet employees starve to death” thread. QoL issues aside, many lifted restrictions will ruin the in-game economy and put the pay2lookspecial system at risk.
There’s a couple suggestions I like… like the world bosses being scaled properly to not take 15-20 minutes or the dyes being account bound and weapons being dyable, but a lot of the stuff is just making easy parts of the game easier… harvesting is already easy no need to remove even more mobs. And the mystic forge automatically upgrading would have devastating effects on the economy…
Alot of those suggestions got suggested before. But I am glad someone put them all in one post. I hope the devs see this. Some of these are a must in the game….
also any kind of death penalty when you revive via waypoint.
regarding conditions, my personal opinion is that conditions are too abundant, even power builds have conditions.
conditions should be less common, and have more damage per condition.
classes ( except necros) should be traited properly before being able to use conditions.
for example:
non traited weapons should do basic damage only,
if traited in power line, they will do more damage, if traited in precision line, they should crit more often or crit harder.
if traited in condition line, it should inflict corresponding condition and rarely more than single stack.for example warrior using MH sword auto attack:
basic auto attack damage 160 damage.
basic auto attack while traited in power line is 202 damage.
basic auto attack while traited in condition line is 160 damage and 1 stack of bleedwarrior using offhand sword impale:
basic impale damage: 168
impale damage if sword traited in power line->adds rip: rip the sword for 643 damage
impale damage if the sword is traited in condition line: 3 stacks of torment for 5 seconds. etc
You make good points I had not considered. I put some time into my suggestions but I realize many are under-developed and overly wishful. Thanks for taking the time to sift through my lengthy post and add your two coppers!
(edited by Platforming.7102)
tl;dr: buff all players, nerf all monsters, make gemstore free!
Or, more accurately, “Lets suggest a few adjustments which have the potential to increase the amount of fun people have. That’s what games are for.”
tl;dr indeed.
In that case, what do you suggest?
I would appreciate more constructive feedback. Did you enjoy any suggestions?
I actually like some of your suggestions and some i disagree with. Your main problem is that you put all your suggestions into 1 topic making it hard to discuss because most of them are out of place in this forum and better suited for the crafting or BLTC Forum for example.
You obviously put alot of time and thought into this but concentrating all of it into a single topic, its basically wasted.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
tl;dr: buff all players, nerf all monsters, make gemstore free!
Or, more accurately, “Lets suggest a few adjustments which have the potential to increase the amount of fun people have. That’s what games are for.”
tl;dr indeed.
A couple of years ago, I’d have agreed with this. Now, not so much.
The problem is, what’s fun for one group of players is horrible for another group of players. A percentage of players want things easier and find this game too hard. A percentage of players find this game too easy and want harder content.
Yes, games are here to have fun. If we all had the same idea of what was fun, designing games would be a whole lot easier.
tl;dr: buff all players, nerf all monsters, make gemstore free!
Or, more accurately, “Lets suggest a few adjustments which have the potential to increase the amount of fun people have. That’s what games are for.”
tl;dr indeed.
A couple of years ago, I’d have agreed with this. Now, not so much.
The problem is, what’s fun for one group of players is horrible for another group of players. A percentage of players want things easier and find this game too hard. A percentage of players find this game too easy and want harder content.
Yes, games are here to have fun. If we all had the same idea of what was fun, designing games would be a whole lot easier.
For as long as the developers insist on tying achievements and rewards to difficult content, even the worst players will feel entitled to the rewards. Many areas in the game are open to the public and are therefore subject to random participation. Basically, everyone who isn’t a min/max / adept dodger / doesn’t know the event will be a handicap for those who do. It makes content difficult without even adding cheap one-shot mechanics and things which are counter-intuitive or difficult to set up / execute.
Diablo 3 has transitioned to a lower default difficulty and a vastly more rewarding experience for each individual player.. I wonder if there’s anyone who dislikes those changes?
tl;dr: buff all players, nerf all monsters, make gemstore free!
Or, more accurately, “Lets suggest a few adjustments which have the potential to increase the amount of fun people have. That’s what games are for.”
tl;dr indeed.
A couple of years ago, I’d have agreed with this. Now, not so much.
The problem is, what’s fun for one group of players is horrible for another group of players. A percentage of players want things easier and find this game too hard. A percentage of players find this game too easy and want harder content.
Yes, games are here to have fun. If we all had the same idea of what was fun, designing games would be a whole lot easier.
And the treatment for this is understanding who the target market is. As many games are finding out, it is near impossible to create a gaming experience that thrills equally the high end hard core gamer and the casual enthusiast at the same time. Some games try to stratify the experience so that the high end players feel challenged and incentivized to play while at the same time providing content that provides an enjoyable experience for the more casual players. Other games attempt to design for the middle ground hoping to capture elements of both groups, neither of which is ever totally satisfied. Both groups are coming for enjoyment and fun; both groups have money to spend. I expect that, be it GW2, WoW, TESO, or whatever, the level of difficulty and challenge is likely to be the subject of both a game development and a financial performance decision-making process.
I appreciate the feedback I’m getting on this. Been making a few changes here and there. Gonna have to take a second look at the ability stuff. I really liked what Lalangamena.3694 had to say regarding death penalty and how your build could modify the 1-5 attacks on weapons. Probably easier to execute than my idea of manual skill flipping!
Concerning the Account Wide dyes suggestion:
This has been suggested quite a few times before IIRC. As much as I would like this as well, despite the fact that I’ve spent a ton of gold on Abyss and Celestial across my 20+ alts, I’m not gonna stifle this suggestion simply because it would have meant I wasted my money. If it’s beneficial for the majority, then I’m all for it.
However, I simply think this won’t ever happen; I could be wrong, but it’s just what I think. There will be other players that’ll complain fervently about how much money they had wasted, not caring about the fact that it benefits the many. Some will argue it’s supposed to a form of gold sink. I just think that, if Anet ever wanted this to happen, they would’ve made dyes account wide to begin with; I can’t imagine that dyes being tied to individual characters only was an afterthought, and I believe it was a deliberate decision by them. Whether or not they’d change their mind, I doubt it, but I could be wrong in the future.
As for dyable weapons. I too would like this, but I just can’t see it happening, or at least, if it was ever implemented, it would only be available to the most basic weapon skins. Some of the newer weapon skins you can get from the Black Lion Chests, if you could apply a different color to them, it could inadvertently look on-par, or at the very least, closer to looking like Legendary quality (just my opinion though); those with Legendary would probably be furious. Sure they can dye their Legendary too (if this ever happened) but the quality of it won’t really go up much, and that’s what they’d want; to have something that looks infinitely better than what the majority of others have.
In the end, I like these suggestions, as it benefits many -I just think it’s very unlikely, among the many suggestion from other players.
At first I thought `Not another one of these topics´. But it turns out Platforming is completely right in almost everything he wrote.
Great post, well said.
Only thing I don’t agree on is combat. The golem is essentially just a boring puzzle-y fight and IMO we have more than enough of those in TA aether. I’d love more fights in several phazes that require some skill like Lupicus, he’s a great boss. Also if you change defiance now without an AI boost, bosses would get facerolled even more than they are now.
Weapon sets… if you mean shortcuts for easy OOC swapping, I’m completely on board. In combat seems kinda unnecessary and OP to me.
One thing I rly agree on is that condi damage should be on par with direct damage in PvE so you can choose between the 2 and there’s more variety in the meta.
Supported, a lot of the stuff you listed is quite easy to do and really benefits players a lot (account wide dyes, turning soulbound items into account bound are my favorite two)
Surprisingly good post. I admit I started reading this thread with some cynicism, but I would not be upset to see any or even all of these changes made to the game – and I already like it enough as it is!
I would also like to say that I really like Lalengamena’s condition suggestions. I like that only Necro has access to conditions at first and that other builds must trait/specialise for it. That could let ANet lift this odd cap they have on them and the overwriting issue, as there would be far less people using them anyway, but they’d be far more effective. I love conditions and nearly all my chars end up running condition builds no matter what class they are, but I wouldn’t mind having to trait specifically for that if they were actually going to have a noticeable effect (which they currently don’t have).
Supported, a lot of the stuff you listed is quite easy to do and really benefits players a lot (account wide dyes, turning soulbound items into account bound are my favorite two)
I’m glad you like some suggestions. I realize I put a lot of focus into Ranger abilities and pets but that’s a result of my familiarity with the class. The broader changes apply to everyone, and ultimately I want everyone’s experience improved.
Only thing I don’t agree on is combat. The golem is essentially just a boring puzzle-y fight and IMO we have more than enough of those in TA aether. I’d love more fights in several phazes that require some skill like Lupicus, he’s a great boss. Also if you change defiance now without an AI boost, bosses would get facerolled even more than they are now.
Weapon sets… if you mean shortcuts for easy OOC swapping, I’m completely on board. In combat seems kinda unnecessary and OP to me.
One thing I rly agree on is that condi damage should be on par with direct damage in PvE so you can choose between the 2 and there’s more variety in the meta.
My point with improving the combat beyond simple “dodge one-shot cheap kills and make sure you press 1-5 when they come up” is why I mentioned the terminator golem thingy at the end of SE story. I really had fun with that one. Maybe it’s just me… I don’t have fun in most of the “challenging” encounters. They’re either too slow because the monster has massive amounts of HP, or the monster has too many cheap shot attacks, or both.
In that case, what do you suggest?
I would appreciate more constructive feedback. Did you enjoy any suggestions?
Stacking bleed as you suggest is impractical, for several reasons:
First, it would trivialize combat from the get-go, because the target would be deluged with 150+ bleed conditions from every party member that was capable of bleeding a target.
Second….do we really need 150+ tall stacks of bleed on a target? Just get in there and hit the kittening thing!
In that case, what do you suggest?
I would appreciate more constructive feedback. Did you enjoy any suggestions?
Stacking bleed as you suggest is impractical, for several reasons:
First, it would trivialize combat from the get-go, because the target would be deluged with 150+ bleed conditions from every party member that was capable of bleeding a target.
Second….do we really need 150+ tall stacks of bleed on a target? Just get in there and hit the kittening thing!
When I’m solo I find weapons like Warrior sword or Ranger short bow fun weapons. Unfortunately, in standard group or large group situations they become much less enjoyable as a result of the attacks relying on dealing conditions instead of meaningful base damage.
In the end, I always prefer more options than restrictions.
(edited by Platforming.7102)
Concerning the Account Wide dyes suggestion:
This has been suggested quite a few times before IIRC. As much as I would like this as well, despite the fact that I’ve spent a ton of gold on Abyss and Celestial across my 20+ alts, I’m not gonna stifle this suggestion simply because it would have meant I wasted my money. If it’s beneficial for the majority, then I’m all for it.However, I simply think this won’t ever happen; I could be wrong, but it’s just what I think. There will be other players that’ll complain fervently about how much money they had wasted, not caring about the fact that it benefits the many. Some will argue it’s supposed to a form of gold sink. I just think that, if Anet ever wanted this to happen, they would’ve made dyes account wide to begin with; I can’t imagine that dyes being tied to individual characters only was an afterthought, and I believe it was a deliberate decision by them. Whether or not they’d change their mind, I doubt it, but I could be wrong in the future.
As for dyable weapons. I too would like this, but I just can’t see it happening, or at least, if it was ever implemented, it would only be available to the most basic weapon skins. Some of the newer weapon skins you can get from the Black Lion Chests, if you could apply a different color to them, it could inadvertently look on-par, or at the very least, closer to looking like Legendary quality (just my opinion though); those with Legendary would probably be furious. Sure they can dye their Legendary too (if this ever happened) but the quality of it won’t really go up much, and that’s what they’d want; to have something that looks infinitely better than what the majority of others have.
In the end, I like these suggestions, as it benefits many -I just think it’s very unlikely, among the many suggestion from other players.
With the recent news of the updates, I stand corrected. Now let me say that I’ll never win the lottery and I’ll never get to meet Kate Upton. Also there’ll never be dual wielding greatswords in this game either!