A Plethora of Ideas

A Plethora of Ideas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrAntagonist.8623


I could not find any suggestion forum, so I assume this was the best location. Please inform me if I am incorrect with that.

Welcome to the personal suggestion thread I created from playing this game nonstop since I got it two weeks ago, and let me start off by saying this is hands down the best MMO I have ever played. That being said, I’ve noticed some things that could be improved upon, and I’m making this thread to get some opinions on my ideas.

1. Waypoint cost not increasing through warps.

For a few examples, if I’m in Lion’s Arch and I want to go to Rata Sum, it costs me (currently) about 2 silver, when if I warp to the Lion’s Arch portal hub, then walk to the Rata Sum portal, and then warp to the desired waypoint, that costs me nothing, except three loading screens. Same with waypoints on the direct other side of gates to new zones. My suggestion is to make the cost static based on any of these criteria:

1) Waypoint is directly adjacent to portal near other waypoint.
2) Waypoint is in a major city further from a different one. (Going from Metrica Province to Lion’s Arch would cost the same as going to Rata Sum)
3) Waypoint is in a different city than the one you are in (no cost)

This wouldn’t be that big of a deal, except my computer isn’t that good and the loading screens can take awhile sometimes, and I’m rather impatient.

2. Customizable HUD.

Basic things, such as rearranging the icons of your action bar, rearranging the currency order (Making Gems under Laurels, stuff like that), and most importantly, setting options for the Black Lion Trading Company alerts, such as only show an alert when I have X coins to pick up, or showing a preview of how much I have, perhaps in a partially filled coin, or a coin with a number by it.
Examples shown in attachment. Left would be either 1 gold to 1.99 gold, or to the nearest round. Right would be 50 silver. Excuse the sloppiness, I made it in about 2 minutes.

3. Removal of repair mechanics.

I understand that it used to be necessary to take money out of the economy, but why is it still here? It’s really more of a tedium than anything else, and if it was removed, all the repair canisters could switch to a different consumable, such as the revival orb.

4. Recipes being account wide instead of character.

If I go to the Festival of the Four Winds and purchase a unique recipe, only to later figure out “I don’t like playing as a Necromancer”, then I have to wait a year before I can acquire this recipe again.

5. Refer-a-Friend

I was unable to find any information on this, other than what appears to be a temporary period of a free game. I’m already telling all of my friends about this game, and small rewards to them and I would prove incentive for them to join.

6. Advanced graphics and performance options

As said earlier, I don’t have the best computer, but I can run the game fine. That is, until I go into World VS. World and there’s a zerg. It would be nice to be able to toggle things, such as “On entering WvW, x is lowered from z to y”, and more options to improve performance.

7. Simulation

Guild Wars needs more of a simulation aspect to it. The cityfolk keep talking about how it’s a dangerous time to be travelling, and you know what? They’re right. I want to live an uneventful life in a village, and when it’s attacked you would cower from the invaders while other players defended the village. Instead of making money from doing dungeons and acquiring items, you would make a living by planting crops and waiting a couple months for them to grow. Instead of armour conditions like “+7 power” you would have “+7 comfort” or “+12 warmth”. Eventually after a very long time of hard work, you would finally get the Legendary Field Plow.

8. Salvaging un-salvagable items for only upgrades

If I have a Karma item that I no longer need because I have leveled past it or found a better one, I would like to be able to salvage it to only receive the upgrades I put on it, and no materials, to avoid the obvious influx of easily-acquired materials.


Having an option to add more things, such as showing what buffs you give people, useful for throwing elixrs.
Example shown in attachments as a 20 second Photoshop.

Also, more hotkeys, like to the Achievments tab instead of just Hero.
Also, a “Salvage all but better” and “Salvage all unequippable” button would be nice.

Any feedback is appreciated, but please be polite.


(edited by DrAntagonist.8623)

A Plethora of Ideas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Druidicmind.5647


1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 are all really good suggestions. Especially 4/5. I hate having a really rare recipe, and using it on the wrong character by accident. Refer-a-friend would also be a really good way to pull people in the game, as people are reluctant to pay for a game they’re not sure if they’d like.

A Plethora of Ideas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mcgriddles.2416


1. Waypoint costs are so minimal… I don’t understand why it bothers you? I have a relatively crappy computer as well and the loading screens take forever. I would so rather maximize my gameplay time (even minimally) at the cost of fake currency.
2. I don’t care for rearranging my icons because I have keybinds to open all of my important tabs. To improve upon your suggestion, I’d like if there were two different icons for ‘you have items available for pickup’ and ‘you have money available for pickup.’
4. I want this to become a thing simply because I accidentally unlocked three (!!!) ascended recipes on the wrong character the other day. Kicking myself in the kitten .
5. I remember shortly after I purchased the game, ANet had implemented a trial weekend. It would be nice to see more of those.
6. As I said earlier, my computer is crappy and my load screens take forever, too. When I go into WvW, I turn my graphics down every time. No offense, but it’s not that difficult to change your settings and I do hope you’re not too lazy to be willing to do this each time. I go into WvW every single day, so I am swapping my settings back and forth often. It’s not that big of a deal. Shrug.
7. This suggestion is bad. If I wanted this, I would go play The Sims.
8. Pretty sure you can use the upgrade extractor on karma items.
9. You should know what buffs you’re giving people when you use the skill. If they’re in party, you can see your party members’ buffs in the UI. Having this feature would be super clunky and ugly and unnecessary imo.

Just my onion tho.

Incursiƶn [iN]

A Plethora of Ideas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I don’t think any of these ideas are bad. But I think there are higher priorities than most of them.

I’m pretty sure people want to see some skill and trait fixes, before any of this would be implemented. All programming endeavors require time and effort. Manpower.

I’m pretty sure the crew is stretched thin already. And they do have projects they’re working on. They haven’t told us what they are.

Since we don’t know what they are, it’s hard to say they’d be better or worse than the stuff you’re asking for.

I mean, I’d much rather be able to sort trading post armor by armor type than anything you suggested.

A Plethora of Ideas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


If you are interested, I got a list of 150+ features which got accumulated by the community. Unfortunately, even that thread never got any attention from devs.

20 level 80s and counting.

A Plethora of Ideas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


Some type of refer-a-friend trial would be awesome. I know some people that have always been on the fence, and the rare “free” weekends are not enough. Last time there was a free weekend, we were in the middle of a huge class project and no one had time to play, so they missed out on trying the game.

A Plethora of Ideas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrAntagonist.8623


1. Waypoint costs are so minimal… I don’t understand why it bothers you? I have a relatively crappy computer as well and the loading screens take forever. I would so rather maximize my gameplay time (even minimally) at the cost of fake currency.
2. I don’t care for rearranging my icons because I have keybinds to open all of my important tabs. To improve upon your suggestion, I’d like if there were two different icons for ‘you have items available for pickup’ and ‘you have money available for pickup.’
4. I want this to become a thing simply because I accidentally unlocked three (!!!) ascended recipes on the wrong character the other day. Kicking myself in the kitten .
5. I remember shortly after I purchased the game, ANet had implemented a trial weekend. It would be nice to see more of those.
6. As I said earlier, my computer is crappy and my load screens take forever, too. When I go into WvW, I turn my graphics down every time. No offense, but it’s not that difficult to change your settings and I do hope you’re not too lazy to be willing to do this each time. I go into WvW every single day, so I am swapping my settings back and forth often. It’s not that big of a deal. Shrug.
7. This suggestion is bad. If I wanted this, I would go play The Sims.
8. Pretty sure you can use the upgrade extractor on karma items.
9. You should know what buffs you’re giving people when you use the skill. If they’re in party, you can see your party members’ buffs in the UI. Having this feature would be super clunky and ugly and unnecessary imo.

Just my onion tho.

I’m surprised you didn’t get #7 was a joke, and #9 would be a graphical option (read: toggleable) where the icon would scroll up and fade out, or something. And you obviously have a higher threshold for bs patience. Also, almost all of Engineer’s team buffs are random, and you could use a 250 gem Upgrade Extractor for low level Sigils? That makes no sense. If you’re starting the game out and have no moni, the best Sigils you have are 2 Silver.

(edited by DrAntagonist.8623)

A Plethora of Ideas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mcgriddles.2416


I don’t roll engineer and I do not generally come across them in my GW2 adventures (both PvE and WvW).
Exactly.. The sigils on <80 karma gear are only like two silver. It’s not really a tragic loss if you just overlap the first sigil with a second cheaper one. I got 4 pieces of armor from the Melandru temple + I got the other two remaining pieces from WvW with Badges of Honor. When I upgrade my armor to ascended, I’m losing those runes because I can’t salvage them, AND I have to buy totally new ones. That’s like ~40g worth of runes. For 80 gear it makes sense but I don’t see the sense in it for <80 gear.

Incursiƶn [iN]