Is there some sort of internal road map for development? As far as I can tell, the development unit gets specific quarterly directives on what the business side needs (ie, focus on new box sales) and just does that for the remainder of the quarter. Of course, I know there are large gaps to this story, but ANet has not given me faith that anything other than the above strategy is how they approach Guild Wars 2’s future. Is there a longer term framework at work for growing Guild Wars 2, both in terms of its game world and its player base?
Planetside 2, for example, released a public road mapping forum quite early in its development which helped to massage user expectations, but also helped to make sure the game was connected with its community. While there has been some disappointment over the pace at which new content is coming out, they seem to be doing relatively well with a fairly public and transparent approach. (Here is a link for those that are curious: This allows the game to actually show users the kinds of progress they are making in terms of development as well as give users a general sense of where the game is looking to head. Of course, these roadmap posts for PS2 have raised expectations (and perhaps sometimes unreasonably), but the system has been great to make sure that many of the stakeholders for the game’s success at least feel like they are being heard.
As far as Guild Wars 2 is concerned, the community has no idea what is down the pipe at all, or even what ANet considers to be development objectives in both the near term and long term. There is incredible excitement and energy in the Guild Wars 2 community, but it is currently not being harnessed well by your public relations team at all – which relates to the fundamental problem of development and progress. The game has not seemingly moved forward in any direction for veteran players and there are no plans on the horizon to keep us at all engaged. There was a job posting for a Raid designer recently, and everyone went nuts. The CDI for raids is coming up, but CDIs really don’t mean anything, it seems. There is no stated goal to the CDIs other than to try and get a pulse on the community. The expectation management your community team does is non-existent. So we see a raiding CDI and the job post and we think “HOLY kitten RAID CONTENT SOON!” Rather, all it would take is a simple, vague timeline a, la: “We do plan on adding end game content, which is why we have/will hire/d a raid designer. We expect the preliminary stages of raid content planning to be underway by Q2 of 2015 with tangible end game content being released in Q1-2016/Q2-2016. This timeline is, of course, subject to change based on the challenges we will face along the way.” This way, your player base knows, vaguely, what is coming down the pipeline and (I know this is dangerous), can hold you accountable for delivery. We want the game to be a success as much as you do, but you have to give us something to work with.
As it stands, I feel that Guild Wars 2 is no longer making any productive progress and I do not see much from ANet to the contrary.