Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.
A Typical Evening in GW2
Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.
It’s funny, you’re finding HoT frustrating but there are many people finding it fun. What’s frustrating about it to you?
Because some of us find HoT to be a lot of fun. In fact, HoT as more fun for me right now than the base game.
How would you suggest them to save it? You’re expressing your dissatisfaction with the content because of something along the line of “no one will do it with me, controversy, and boring.” But, you never expressed what would be entertaining for you.
Christmas is coming. C;
Typical evening for me now :
Login 6 chars : cut that melandru trees.
Logout : back to busy work.
Hope my jungle vacation day will come back soon ;-; .
Hm, my typical evening so far:
- PvP daily rooms, because PvE dailies are still time-gated, zergy suckfests.
- See what the guild is up to. Sometimes nothing, sometimes
- Fractals! Kinda yay.
When we’re not 4-manning it. Then it’s still yay, but it takes longer. :P
- Or, go bang my head on HoT content. . . .
Yeah, that’s where I find my frustration building. With half of each zone locked behind some major task that must be completed before unlocking the other half and a designed-for-kitten map interface, I end up going in circles instead of accomplishing goals.
I want to explore, but the game won’t let me.
I’d want to do Adventures, but it turns out half of them are either locked or utterly obnoxious and need better tuning.
I don’t need coaxing and cajoling to do meta-events. The little orange circle just needs to be nearby and actually easy enough to reach. I’d rather be fighting Mordrem than the terrain verticality.
And I’m not on for an entire two-hour cycle, because I’ve been Fractal diving. So, my 4-5 hour play experience turns into a lot of standing around or fruitless wandering.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
try something new… WvW – PvP for example
I think I’ve reached a similar point. All I tend to do is login for my dailies (PvP, and any easy ones like gathering, vista, etc), cycle through a couple of characters parked at JP chests, and maybe do a fast world boss like Maw or KQ if it’s the spawn is close enough to my login time.
I then consider doing HoT content for a few seconds and realize I don’t have the motivation or enough time to do anything worthwhile there. The map areas I’m still missing seem to require a significant amount of grinding to get past the mastery gates. Many of the achievements I am missing require seem to be dependent upon landing in a highly coordinated map. I didn’t even play HoT that heavily, but I seem to already be burned out on the HoT maps.
I’m completely mystified by the reaction of some to Maguuma. I’m not rubbishing your opinion and I know you are not alone but I’m mystified!
I’m now map complete in all Magumma on 3 chars and I’m having a complete blast! I won’t pretend I wasn’t lost and frustrated a few times in Tangled Depths before I had explored it once. But after that I love all the maps, the NPC characters, the stories and the intense action. It’s amazing! The first time I stumbled into a Dragon’s Stand map doing the final assault on Mordremoth was a huge adrenalin rush that I won’t forget. I’ve done Dragon’s Stand twice today and still it is huge fun.
Everything is not perfect. Chak Gerent (the conclusion to Tangled Depths) is close to impossible without TeamSpeak coordination, which I don’t think is right for Open World content. But, honestly guys, give HoT and Maguuma a good try. It’s given me some of the most exhilarating gaming I have had in years!
(edited by Jong.5937)
The one thing that I really think they should do, for HoT purchasers, for free and it’s not a small thing(!) is add a whole new 0-80 starter zone. Tengu anyone?
What has become clear, from all the discussion here and on Reddit, is that a substantial slice of the GW2 community don’t want harder content to move on to when done with the Old World, they want more of that world to explore and that I get. I really hope ANet have something like this in their back pocket, maybe as part of the next season of Living Story!
I can honestly say that I haven’t actually done much of anything with HoT as yet. Been to VB for a bit, done the initial mission to unlock masteries. Other than that, I’ve oddly found myself spending inordinate amounts of time in EotM (again). I think it took me about a week to get enough proofs to get HP on my necro to fully unlock reaper (omg so fun smashing into a zerg with her!) and now I’m working on the 40 or so more I need on my ele (and I have like 30 of them from 2-3 hours of play after Tuesday’s patch, woot). shrug who knew?
Mesmer is up next…then maybe guard? Or maybe another necro… choices, choices.
I realize the point of this post is to whine, but:
I login my 2nd acct get, daily login, then main. Then i do my pvp dailies on one of my 9 toons, either using a meta build to practice on, or trying out a new build i made up. Often i’ll get on another class to finish the rest of the daily. I got dragon rank a long time ago, but with all the new metas/elites there’s a lot to explore and re-learn.
After that (i don’t spend as much time as i’d like in pvp anymore – too much new pve), i usually do my 2 fractal dailies, and if the guild is psyched occasionally i’ll do a set of 3 fractals in the 60’s or 70’s. If i have 500+ agony resist sitting in bank, i’ll craft a +10 and slot it into one of my alt sets of ascended gear.
Then i do my daily crafting for wood/metal/leather/silk. Sometimes i’ll run my thief around for wood/ore from lower level zones. I’m working on nevermore, and i don’t want to buy the spiritwood planks, so i’m taking the long path. I loved the first collection too… It actually got me into old tyria again, and i even did some things i’ve never done before (jp in mt maelstrom).
Then i go to some of the HoT zones and start working on my elite spec weapons (6 done, 3 to go!). I’m working on the ele warhorn atm, and have been goofing off on a celestial Sc/f build with a trolly looking armor set on my asura ele. I’m mostly just farming currency, but i start to get sucked into the metas as i’m there, looking for a t4 VB map or a real map actually attempting Gerent in TD(on of my favorite zones)
I’m already 163 mastery and 4 HoT map completes – i think the mastery system and the zone building is phenomenal. The openworld pve is great too… multiple builds are much more fun to use, cause zerker at first can be pretty frustrating if you don’t know mob mechanics.
The raids themselves are super fun. It’s not just stand here and stand there… Vale guardian is one of the best raid bosses i’ve ever done. You have to keep maximising dps rotations, while moving and knowing the mechanics well. Even failed attempts are really fun…. something that wasn’t always the case in gear gated games like wow. And much like pvp, it’s not really gear, it’s pretty much just having skilled good players.
I can see that if you’re not very good it could be frustrating, but at the same time, old world tyria was pretty much press 1 and win while looking at pretty stuff, despite the awesome combat system.
There is tons to do – even from someone who is maxed on mastery and new zone exploration. If you’re banging your head against a wall, try out a more forgiving build – cele engie/ele, settler druid, rabid herald – all have been really fun in open world HoT. And many of them can solo Hero Points that seem difficult when you’re running typical full damage builds.
And if you still don’t like it, you can always go play a different game, or hang out in old tyria. Just sayin’.
I log in, get my daily reward, press B : server is leading with 500 ppt because of dead matchup, press B again, log out.
Edit: sometimes, I chop wood too.
yeah my time pretty much mirrors op. log in and do some pvp dailies, go to dr and hang out with guildies, hit my alt and gain a level and farm some nodes, go back to dr and hang out with guildies…log off.
the new zones are such a turnoff that i havent been on a hot map in 3 weeks and i don’t want to ever go back. gw2 is turning into a browser game for me…
Typical evening for me:
#1: Log in to my all my alts and do the flax farm, tree farm, quartz farm.
#2: Log into Reaper and do Treasure Mushrooms
#3: Run Triple Trouble with my guild on whatever toon I feel like that day.
#4: See if my other guild is organizing Chak Gerent. If they are, join there and help organize and explain the event.
#5: Continue doing LWS2 achievements before I head to HoT story.
#6: Try out new PVE builds on various toons in different maps.
#7: Get some map completion for my alts.
#8: Hunt out remaining mastery points in Dragon Stand
After 8 I’m usually going to sleep, or am in the “wing it” phase. After doing a lot of the above, I plan to complete the ambrite weapon collection set, gather the mats for ascended weapons on all my toons to finally start doing raids. Maybe after I’m no longer bored of them, I’ll start doing dungeons/fractals/PVP/WvW again.
Well, you’ve listed a lot of different things and clearly dislike them all. Have you, I dunno, considered playing anything else?
Like why are you even playing this game?
HoT- I enjoy thoroughly
Raids – I, and my guild, enjoy thoroughly
Fractals – my favorite activity in game
Dungeons – this part I’m with you on, but I was never really a big fan in the first place.
The game’s not for you, anymore, and that’s fine. But there’s certainly no sense in continuing to log on if you aren’t having fun. There are lots of other games out there that might be more suited to you.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
yah i think its a fair point. other games are out there..people probably trying to find something new or waiting for something else to come out (blade and soul or whatever). gw2 just doesn’t scratch any itches anymore.
Log in.
Check aurillium and guild upgrades, purchase any needed mats.
Change guild MOTD to announce new upgrades or alert members to needed materials, plans, or event schedules.
See who’s online in the guild
See what they’re doing while gathering stuff for crafting.
New guild members? Make sure to go through any questions or orientation stuff.
Ask if anyone needs to do any instances or guild mission credit.
Form group for whatever content people want to do, or respond to the every day question “so what are we doing tonight?” from guild members by joining their groups.
If not forming a group, go hang out with someone doing open world stuff.
If nobody’s online, go solo Various HoT- related achievement goals.
Craft up whatever I can afford to level scribe.
Log out.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Ditto, all of it.
- Login, think about scribing… think about the cost… log
- Login, gather empyreal shards for ascended weapons for raids, finish… log off
- Login, take empyreal shards to craft with… discover the price of this or that thing is now 1/8th a precursor… log off to come up with plan
- Login with plan, imagine time sink, …log off, not worth it
- Stay logged off because logging in is pointless until I have a plan
- All plans involve a year’s investment
- Desperately hope Anet does something positive
It’s funny, you’re finding HoT frustrating but there are many people finding it fun. What’s frustrating about it to you?
Because some of us find HoT to be a lot of fun. In fact, HoT as more fun for me right now than the base game.
It’s fun for Vayne, so it must be fun for everyone. It can’t possibly be that someone else found it unfun. We must investigate!
Ditto, all of it.
- Login, think about scribing… think about the cost… log
- Login, gather empyreal shards for ascended weapons for raids, finish… log off
- Login, take empyreal shards to craft with… discover the price of this or that thing is now 1/8th a precursor… log off to come up with plan
- Login with plan, imagine time sink, …log off, not worth it
- Stay logged off because logging in is pointless until I have a plan
- All plans involve a year’s investment
- Desperately hope Anet does something positive
it really does feel like like its been a long time since anet has done something that was well received. they are on a string of ill conceived and badly received releases and ideas.
this sort of thing makes you angry at first then sad then ultimately apathetic-how long can you wait for people that fail constantly to make something good?
after 3 years the game was due for a real freshening up/facelift-we should be blown away with new armor skins/ways of customizing our characters (new faces/body types/tattoos/emotes/animations). we get nothing with hot…and nothing on the way.
still logging in for daily chest and some socializing but nothing more..
I do the same thing the OP does, except i’ve given up on crafting entirely. I do the PvE dailies, then log to go play WoW, Hearthstone, or Heroes of the Storm, since they’re just flat out better games. The only reason i do dailies is due to my guildies, otherwise, i hate this game.
Log in for reward, farm SW/CS until DR kicks in after 30-60 mins, then log off and play overwatch/warframe.
It’s funny, you’re finding HoT frustrating but there are many people finding it fun. What’s frustrating about it to you?
Because some of us find HoT to be a lot of fun. In fact, HoT as more fun for me right now than the base game.
It’s fun for Vayne, so it must be fun for everyone. It can’t possibly be that someone else found it unfun. We must investigate!
And yet for those who say they find HoT fun, I have yet to see good explanation of what exactly they are enjoying about it either.
I’m enjoying having Masteries to work towards and the new creature mechanics making open world a little more challenging. But am very much disliking the Map meta schedules and feeling tied in to maps for a whole cycle if I want to gather map resources efficiently.
HoT, as far as I can tell, has been great for those with lots of play-time. or who can happily play for 2-3hours at a time. That’s tricky for me, so am realising that it feels more rewarding to carry on playing old core content where I can complete something in the time I have.
And yet for those who say they find HoT fun, I have yet to see good explanation of what exactly they are enjoying about it either.
To me, the fun about HoT is that there is always something to do, always something to discover, always something to improve or progress.
I’m married with kids and a moderately demanding fulltime job (software development and consulting), so my game time is a lot more limited and fragmented than I’d like, but no matter when I long on or how much/how little time I have, there’s always something to do.
I really enjoy fractals since the update (liked fractals and dungeons before, too, but high-level fractals were often off-limits due to time constraints), and it’s easy to just jump in and do a fractal or two with friends, guildies, or even pugs if I feel like it, whenever I have half an hour of playtime. I can even choose what fractals I’d like to do and won’t be stuck with doing swamp all the time (I hate that map with a passion ).
I love the new maps. They’re stunningly beautiful and at the same time like the rpgs of old, the ones we played back in the 80s and 90s, where you had to draw your own map and learn the map by yourself rather than just look at an auto-map and decide where to go. I’ve always been a fan of solving mazes and discovering unknown territory (in real life as well as in games ), and the way these maps are laid out appeals to me a lot more than I expected.
Due to the fact that I have a lot of alt characters (18 lvl 80s currently) I have a variety of chars all over the place to just choose whatever I feel like playing atm. If I want to do some resource farming and map exploration, I jump on my ranger in the middle of TD and see where I can go on that map today. A guildie is new to VB and lost? One of my eles is near there and ready for some exploration and a few events. Another guildie’s looking for company to track down a treasure mushroom in AD? One of my mesmers is near there, switch to that one. Octovine event just starting? Let’s look for a taxi on lfg and join that one.
Aside from a great variety in gamestyles and things to do, the many characters also have another advantage: Map exploration gives a huge amount of experience, and with my characters all stumbling over the new (and old) zones all the time, I’ve yet to start thinking about gaining mastery experience. It all comes naturally (I’m currently at mastery level 78, evenly split between 34 pact tyria and 34 HoT levels) from just goofing around and doing what appeals to me.
Another thing that comes naturally is progression in many of the new achievements, collections and the like. I don’t really want to commit to one goal right now, because I don’t have the time to spend farming away for a very narrow, specific range of stuff, so I’m just taking whatever I come across during normal play. Surprisingly, I’ve come a good way towards the fractal backpiece precursor (currently on tier 3) without going out of my way, and the non-buyable parts of the specialization collections are well-filled, too.
Playing around the new maps, joining in on events I come across, looting chests and gaining the occasional meta event participation has also put a nice number of map currencies into my wallet already, enough to fill out the first of my (first tier) order backpiece collections that I’ve been looking forward to, as well as some other stuff for collections that look interesting. If I keep playing the new maps on my alts the way I have so far, I should be able to easily get enough airship parts, aurilium, and leyline crystals to fill out the buyable pieces of all collections I’ll end up wanting to finish eventually.
Is that a good enough explanation for your taste? I’m afraid it’s a bit all over the place, but that’s pretty much my playstyle in this game, and HoT fits right in there. I know I used to worry about gaming to system for “optimized” resource gain in other games (when I was younger and had more time on my hands to spend on farming and stuff), but I no longer have the time, nor fun in gaming the system. After playing rpgs for so long, I found I enjoy my games a lot more if I just see where they take me and don’t go after specific, narrow goals unless I am already pretty close to completion. HoT offers so many things to collect, progress, explore, win, that there’s something rewarding to do pretty much everywhere and I suspect that it’ll be a long while before I run out of things to enjoy.
It’s funny, you’re finding HoT frustrating but there are many people finding it fun. What’s frustrating about it to you?
Because some of us find HoT to be a lot of fun. In fact, HoT as more fun for me right now than the base game.
Probabbly the same as most people who dislike the HoT maps, not a fan of meta event trains. want to go try and get the gold on that challenge? nope sorry not enough people to do the event.
Oh look that challenge is open, I’LL go do that. challenge closes after being on it for a few minuets.
want to do a HC? hum, it’s a champ, with extra mobs, yeah I’m not going to be able to do this on my own.
I’ll go see if I can do a DS map event, nope just missed the start, the map I’m on is empty. who TD meta is coming up! Nope it’s empty too/dame failed after 2 minutes. Right back to VB then, oh not enough people doing the Meta, looks like this map is a raid lobby, best look for a taxi.
Yes this is how HoT feels for a lot of players.
I’m having more fun in the Core game seeing as I don’t have to wait for a timer or other people to have fun.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Well, you’ve listed a lot of different things and clearly dislike them all. Have you, I dunno, considered playing anything else?
Like why are you even playing this game?
HoT- I enjoy thoroughly
Raids – I, and my guild, enjoy thoroughly
Fractals – my favorite activity in game
Dungeons – this part I’m with you on, but I was never really a big fan in the first place.The game’s not for you, anymore, and that’s fine. But there’s certainly no sense in continuing to log on if you aren’t having fun. There are lots of other games out there that might be more suited to you.
I’ve played Guild Wars since Factions was released and like I said, I really do like parts of this game and don’t want to leave. I have a legendary weapon, Nightfury, a halo, full light ascended armour, 20-odd ascended weapons, synergetic blade shard back item, Mawdrey, etc, etc. I’ve Been There and Done That several times. I’ve also never played any other MMORPG for more than a few days trial because they just didn’t ‘feel’ right to me.
I’m also the leader of our guild and couldn’t possibly abandon our members after we’ve been through so many good times together. Some of our members have stood beside me through thick and thin and I owe them the same consideration.
I don’t like HoT as it feels claustrophobic to me when I’m in the maps, amongst other annoyances. I don’t like PvP or WvW so am limited to non-HoT PvE maps, dungeons and Fractals all of which seem to have been abandoned by ANet.
If I do leave GW it won’t be a snap or angry rage-quit decision as once I leave I’ll not return. I’ll be wiping away ten years history so will just log off one night and quietly vanish from the game and these forums. I will also take as many guildies with me as I can so we can reform elsewhere, these are good friends. Right now that route isn’t even being considered as I want to stay but, and this was the point of my original post, I’m becoming increasingly bored. It’s my hope that ANet will pull a rabbit from the hat as the phrase goes, but I’m becoming increasingly sceptical of that.
Oh well, Windersday is here soon so hopefully that’ll provide some entertainment.
Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.
In GW1 if there was ever a night in which I was running out of stuff to do, I’d change my secondary, and/or grab some more skills to play around with.
Then I’d hang out in temple of Balth Isle of the Nameless to experiment. Then it would be the next morning and I’d feel bad.
In GW1 if there was ever a night in which I was running out of stuff to do, I’d change my secondary, and/or grab some more skills to play around with.
Then I’d hang out in temple of Balth Isle of the Nameless to experiment. Then it would be the next morning and I’d feel bad.
I never had an issue in GW1 either. I always had a character somewhere in the process of working through a campaign. And there were almost always people looking for help that I could lend a hand to. And of course, I loved doing ‘old school’ FoW and UW runs. I sort of miss that here in GW2.
So, OPs login counts toward Anet monthly active members. No wonder the numbers are so inflated. Stop pumping you chest Anet, we know the number you presented is fake.
I log on around 8pm, open the daily chest and check the PvE dailies. Next I say hi to guildies and bank the daily item or buy T6 materials if it was Laurels. Then I farm my home instance and do three of the four PvE dailies. I chat to guildies some more.
Then I sit and think, “what should I do now? HoT? Forget it, that’s just an infuriating exercise in futility and my head hurts due to constantly banging it against the glass walls and ceiling. A dungeon run? Ha, I can no longer find enough guildies to form a party and pug groups can take a long time to fill up. Oh I know, Fractals! Oh erm, maybe not. Raids? Nope and best not to mention Raids in guild chat as that word is quickly becoming an Escalator, no need to start another argument. Anyway doing a Raid is no fun as its just ‘stand here now, stand there now, use this skill now, etc.’ No fun at all.”
Then I go and farm something.
Bored reading this? Try to imagine how I feel!
My point? ANet please please please save this game. I used to love this game, I like most of our guildies, I want to do stuff solo or with them again like we used to do before you destroyed the magic. I really don’t want to leave Tyria but I just can’t take this level of boredom for much longer. I’m holding on with the real hope you’ll produce something but I have no idea what that could be. Please just do something.
So maybe tell us what you were doing pre HoT besides running dungeons?
You basically dislike all of the current pve content (which this expansion was heavily focused on), do not spvp or wvw. No wonder you are bored.
What about longerterm goals? Working towards any legendary or specific look?
Fact of the matter is, if you dislike pve which consists of:
- fractals
- HoT maps
- vanilla Gw2 maps and farm
- twinks
- achievements
- longerterm goals like legendarys
and do not play the competative game modes (spvp and wvw),
then yes, the game might not be for you.
Again, the question begs to be asked, what did you do pre HoT besides run dungeons for gold daily?
I am not anti pre-HoT GW1-I still find the old maps great, and don’t “need” gliding at all-, but I most surely wish they don’t stop offering us these type of more challenging maps, where your build choices matter more and it keeps you engaged with the theoretical “active combat.”
I do hate with passion calling people you don’t know names, whether it’s scrubs, filthy casuals (as idiotic a pejorative term as it comes), PHYWs, etc. The game is not really “hardcore” even post HoT, so I find the elitism in those few players quite laughable-why do people like to feel superior by putting “less skilled” players down, or belittling them? It’s a very childish sense of “superiority” no one really cares about. You can enjoy HoT without resorting to insulting those you think it wasn’t designed for, as if somehow they weren’t able to have fun in it or as if the game was any so-called hardcore, and only for “pros.”
In short, I find both old and new content fun, but especially love that you can experiment with PvE builds in a way more engaging manner now. On that token, I also believe the game is NOT truly “hardcore” at all and quite enjoyable at most playing levels, though admittedly some players will benefit from cooperating with each other, which is a design choice I agree with and wouldn’t want to be changed.
In GW1 if there was ever a night in which I was running out of stuff to do, I’d change my secondary, and/or grab some more skills to play around with.
Then I’d hang out in temple of Balth Isle of the Nameless to experiment. Then it would be the next morning and I’d feel bad.I never had an issue in GW1 either. I always had a character somewhere in the process of working through a campaign. And there were almost always people looking for help that I could lend a hand to. And of course, I loved doing ‘old school’ FoW and UW runs. I sort of miss that here in GW2.
We need to start our own company and make a spiritual successor to it.
I am not anti pre-HoT GW1-I still find the old maps great, and don’t “need” gliding at all-, but I most surely wish they don’t stop offering us these type of more challenging maps, where your build choices matter more and it keeps you engaged with the theoretical “active combat.”
I do hate with a passion calling people you don’t know names, whether it’s scrubs, filthy casuals (as idiotic a pejorative term as it comes), PHYWs, etc. The game is not really “hardcore” even post HoT, so I find the elitism in those few players quite laughable-why do people like to feel superior by putting “less skilled” players down, or belittling them? It’s a very childish sense of “superiority” no one really cares about. You can enjoy HoT without resorting to insulting those you think it wasn’t designed for, as if somehow they weren’t able to have fun in it or as if the game was any so-called hardcore, and only for “pros.”
In short, I find both old and new content fun, but especially love that you can experiment with PvE builds in a way more engaging manner now. On that token, I also believe the game is NOT truly “hardcore” at all and quite enjoyable at most playing levels, though admittedly some players will benefit from cooperating with each other, which is a design choice I agree with and wouldn’t want to be changed.
In GW1 if there was ever a night in which I was running out of stuff to do, I’d change my secondary, and/or grab some more skills to play around with.
Then I’d hang out in temple of Balth Isle of the Nameless to experiment. Then it would be the next morning and I’d feel bad.I never had an issue in GW1 either. I always had a character somewhere in the process of working through a campaign. And there were almost always people looking for help that I could lend a hand to. And of course, I loved doing ‘old school’ FoW and UW runs. I sort of miss that here in GW2.
We need to start our own company and make a spiritual successor to it.
We’d probably get sued. But otherwise, I’m game.
In GW1 if there was ever a night in which I was running out of stuff to do, I’d change my secondary, and/or grab some more skills to play around with.
Then I’d hang out in temple of Balth Isle of the Nameless to experiment. Then it would be the next morning and I’d feel bad.I never had an issue in GW1 either. I always had a character somewhere in the process of working through a campaign. And there were almost always people looking for help that I could lend a hand to. And of course, I loved doing ‘old school’ FoW and UW runs. I sort of miss that here in GW2.
We need to start our own company and make a spiritual successor to it.
We’d probably get sued. But otherwise, I’m game.
Not if we call it “Build Bars: Typical Evening”. That’ll fly under the radar.
In GW1 if there was ever a night in which I was running out of stuff to do, I’d change my secondary, and/or grab some more skills to play around with.
Then I’d hang out in temple of Balth Isle of the Nameless to experiment. Then it would be the next morning and I’d feel bad.I never had an issue in GW1 either. I always had a character somewhere in the process of working through a campaign. And there were almost always people looking for help that I could lend a hand to. And of course, I loved doing ‘old school’ FoW and UW runs. I sort of miss that here in GW2.
We need to start our own company and make a spiritual successor to it.
We’d probably get sued. But otherwise, I’m game.
Not if we call it “Build Bars: Typical Evening”. That’ll fly under the radar.
I’ve played Guild Wars since Factions was released and like I said, I really do like parts of this game and don’t want to leave. I have a legendary weapon, Nightfury, a halo, full light ascended armour, 20-odd ascended weapons, synergetic blade shard back item, Mawdrey, etc, etc. I’ve Been There and Done That several times. I’ve also never played any other MMORPG for more than a few days trial because they just didn’t ‘feel’ right to me.
I’m also the leader of our guild and couldn’t possibly abandon our members after we’ve been through so many good times together. Some of our members have stood beside me through thick and thin and I owe them the same consideration.
I don’t like HoT as it feels claustrophobic to me when I’m in the maps, amongst other annoyances. I don’t like PvP or WvW so am limited to non-HoT PvE maps, dungeons and Fractals all of which seem to have been abandoned by ANet.
If I do leave GW it won’t be a snap or angry rage-quit decision as once I leave I’ll not return. I’ll be wiping away ten years history so will just log off one night and quietly vanish from the game and these forums. I will also take as many guildies with me as I can so we can reform elsewhere, these are good friends. Right now that route isn’t even being considered as I want to stay but, and this was the point of my original post, I’m becoming increasingly bored. It’s my hope that ANet will pull a rabbit from the hat as the phrase goes, but I’m becoming increasingly sceptical of that.
Oh well, Windersday is here soon so hopefully that’ll provide some entertainment.
You have to separate GW1 and GW2 when you think of the history. Leaving GW2 won’t throw away the times you spent and enjoyed in GW1.
I definitely agree that leaving your guild, as a leader, is not an easy decision. From your original post it sounded as though the rest of your guild is on the same page as you? Have you guys all considered moving to a different game together?
I’m a pretty big GW2 fan, and I’m not suggesting to leave the game because I find the game poor. Quite the contrary. But I firmly believe that playing an MMO, in addition to the social aspect, should at the very least be fun. If you aren’t having fun, then you will only grow more frustrated with the game.
MMOs come and go. I’ve made great friends in many of them and have lost communication with most of them after I left whatever game it was. It’s the nature of MMOs and something I think people understand and accept as inevitable.
You almost sound like a parent that is staying in a loveless marriage, simply for the kids. While a nice thought, it’s not always the best choice.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
My typical evening generally goes as follows now:
Log in and get my daily, and do the three easiest chores for my AP.
Farm my home for for my nodes; usually this removes one of the chores.
Go do teq, get nothing, , then log out to play something else.
I could wait until a HoT meta is ready to be done, I could go work on getting more masteries that I, in return, must grind more XPs for, but I find neither to be fun. And as I play games to have fun it seems counterproductive to work at them.
I cannot understand why games need to chance their core principles in order to feel they are benefiting the community. All I really wanted in the Xpac was a few more maps like the ones in core Tyria, with maybe new legendaries/dungeons etc.. The current iteration since they went F2P is terrible IMO so even though I still play, I only do so until I see what they do next.
edit: clarity
(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)
It’s funny, you’re finding HoT frustrating but there are many people finding it fun. What’s frustrating about it to you?
Because some of us find HoT to be a lot of fun. In fact, HoT as more fun for me right now than the base game.
It’s fun for Vayne, so it must be fun for everyone. It can’t possibly be that someone else found it unfun. We must investigate!
Pretty disingenous of you. Other people on these forums and on reddit have found it fun. Other people in my guild find it fun. I asked the OP a question about what frustrated him.
Not sure what your problem is with that, but you know, it’s nice to have you targetting a perfectly reasonable post again. I forgot how much I enjoy it.
My point? ANet please please please save this game. I used to love this game, I like most of our guildies, I want to do stuff solo or with them again like we used to do before you destroyed the magic. I really don’t want to leave Tyria but I just can’t take this level of boredom for much longer. I’m holding on with the real hope you’ll produce something but I have no idea what that could be. Please just do something.
Yeah… I did as you described for a while, then got bored with it. Now I just monitor the game without logging on. I’m sure they do actually have some interest in fixing things but the trouble is that fixing it will take a very, very long time. Look at the recent post on precursors- even removing something as basic as not requiring events to fail to fill out the collections is going to take some time.
Hopefully, in time, it will be playable again but there’s always new stuff coming out. Many who left, perhaps me, won’t come back if we find something else as fun as the old GW2.
This would make a very good case study for an MBA with a focus on the video game industry, except that there are already many examples of companies in the game world or out of it, assuming they knew what their customers wanted and finding out they were very, very wrong.
My point? ANet please please please save this game. I used to love this game, I like most of our guildies, I want to do stuff solo or with them again like we used to do before you destroyed the magic. I really don’t want to leave Tyria but I just can’t take this level of boredom for much longer. I’m holding on with the real hope you’ll produce something but I have no idea what that could be. Please just do something.
Yeah… I did as you described for a while, then got bored with it. Now I just monitor the game without logging on. I’m sure they do actually have some interest in fixing things but the trouble is that fixing it will take a very, very long time. Look at the recent post on precursors- even removing something as basic as not requiring events to fail to fill out the collections is going to take some time.
Hopefully, in time, it will be playable again but there’s always new stuff coming out. Many who left, perhaps me, won’t come back if we find something else as fun as the old GW2.
This would make a very good case study for an MBA with a focus on the video game industry, except that there are already many examples of companies in the game world or out of it, assuming they knew what their customers wanted and finding out they were very, very wrong.
A game should not have to be all about rewards.
Having said that, no one likes to feel short changed.
So, they need to spread the rewards out as evenly as possible, throughout all content, including WvW and EotM.
They should not go back to over-rewarding dungeons alone; but encourage people, who are bored, to experience other areas of the game.
Without making them feel financially penalised for doing so.
My point? ANet please please please save this game. I used to love this game, I like most of our guildies, I want to do stuff solo or with them again like we used to do before you destroyed the magic. I really don’t want to leave Tyria but I just can’t take this level of boredom for much longer. I’m holding on with the real hope you’ll produce something but I have no idea what that could be. Please just do something.
Yeah… I did as you described for a while, then got bored with it. Now I just monitor the game without logging on. I’m sure they do actually have some interest in fixing things but the trouble is that fixing it will take a very, very long time. Look at the recent post on precursors- even removing something as basic as not requiring events to fail to fill out the collections is going to take some time.
Hopefully, in time, it will be playable again but there’s always new stuff coming out. Many who left, perhaps me, won’t come back if we find something else as fun as the old GW2.
This would make a very good case study for an MBA with a focus on the video game industry, except that there are already many examples of companies in the game world or out of it, assuming they knew what their customers wanted and finding out they were very, very wrong.
Look at most of the people who tell them what they (supposedly) want, though.
If games companies assume these people are, even vaguely, typical of their playerbase, or their potential playerbase, of course they will end up heading in totally the wrong direction for the average player/potential player.
You would think they would get that, simply from the way most of these people express their “demands” and talk about other players…
But, apparently, it’s far too tempting to just count comments, like they’re all equally valid, reasonable and representative.
As opposed to really analysing what is going on and working out who, exactly, is saying what and for what reason/agenda.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)
Log in.
Wonder what to do for a few minutes.
Read forums on other PC.
Wonder what to do for a bit longer.
Log out.
Play Fallout 4.
Log in, wonder how 5 hours just vanished. Go to bed.
Not seeing a problem from my end.
if theres guildies on WvW ill join them, if not get to work and play the gw2 forums…
Doing the flax farm and mining my home instance is the only regular thing for me. Other than that, I do whatever I feel like doing that day. For the last week, that included running DS meta, collecting airship cargo in VB, doing the golden badges in SW, crafting another set of ascended, guild missions and accompanying a guildie through VB, world bosses or collecting materials. Sure, there are days when I don’t feel like doing anything, but more often than not I find something to do.
i log in and go to my home instance i just bought a few nodes to it, i dont own HoT just the core game, didn’t see anything there for me as i main en elementalist, why go through all that insane grinding when you have no use for the class, dungeons don’t reward anything worthwhile.
i try to get treasure hunter achi but all i got left is the boss drops, every time i go to zhaitan or ogre wars no one gets the drop, they up to 500g on tp now, lyssa temple always gets defended so all seeing is just a dream, it feels like there is nothing i can do to achieve it, its all to luck and waiting.
if i could even grind to get gold it would be good but there is no real way to get money in this game unless you convert gems to gold, feels so cheap, the salvage kits eat up all my profit, after doing bosses and salvaging i got less money than when i started.
this game essentially gives you the feeling of being hit with a nerfrod whenever you try to do something worthwhile, all the while putting things behind timegating or other tedious barriers, its like the opposite of “a carrot on a stick” gaming mentality, and it shows, everyone is bored because they have no incentive and just log in to talk with the friends they met.
(edited by Griever.7480)
Log in, do daily fractals, get bored, talk to some Guildies who also started to play other games on a more frequent basis and really don’t know what else there is to do.
And the best part is: We are slightly over ONE month after the release of the expansion (a freaking full price expension) and we have already run out of content! WOW!
Well, you’ve listed a lot of different things and clearly dislike them all. Have you, I dunno, considered playing anything else?
Like why are you even playing this game?
HoT- I enjoy thoroughly
Raids – I, and my guild, enjoy thoroughly
Fractals – my favorite activity in game
Dungeons – this part I’m with you on, but I was never really a big fan in the first place.The game’s not for you, anymore, and that’s fine. But there’s certainly no sense in continuing to log on if you aren’t having fun. There are lots of other games out there that might be more suited to you.
That sounds like a reasonable suggestion, in theory, but it’s actually not if you think about it.
Especially if someone has, for example, poured a lot of money into the game, only for it to change quite drastically on them.
Then they might not be so happy to just write it all off and start again, somewhere else, where the same thing could, quite possibly, happen again…
Even if people haven’t invested that heavily into the game, in terms of money, they may still have invested a lot of their time and energy into it, to an extent where they don’t want to just abandon all their progress and start again.
They may also be quite attached to their characters etc..
A good game would strive to please everyone (reasonable), as far as possible and while it would look to attract and retain new players, it wouldn’t totally abandon its original ones.
(edited by Tigaseye.2047)