A Very un-Merry Wintersday (with lag)

A Very un-Merry Wintersday (with lag)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kittenpox.1035



I’m attempting to do the achievement(s) for participating in the bell choir, but this thing is kitten near impossible…
I get that I live in Australia, and I’m going to have some amount of lag, but since my internet isn’t amazing to begin with these achievements feel more like a test of latency than competency. I’ve attempted pressing the keys earlier than needed, but after multiple attempts at this thing I still have yet to hit a SINGLE note… and it feels like I’m being punished for bad internet (and around 400ms ping).

I can see what they were going for, and it’s a great idea – but not all of us are able to compete. Maybe Toypocalypse will let me get the event achievement; but after seeing the winter wonderland jumping puzzle I’m not holding any hope of this.

Sorry for the whinge – I’m just really disappointed to have come back to GW2 only to find something that looks like it could be awesome but isn’t even worth attempting. :-(

A Very un-Merry Wintersday (with lag)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


It’s possible you’ve been hitting the notes too early anyway. Try hitting them later.

A Very un-Merry Wintersday (with lag)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kittenpox.1035


That’s the thing though – I have no possible way of knowing, short of watching my achievements as I attempt to play.

After tinkering with Toypocalypse, it turns out I should be able to complete the event’s achievement. I’m not trying to attempt bell-ringing anymore. :-)

A Very un-Merry Wintersday (with lag)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


There is something odd going on with sometimes getting de-synced even here in the US…so it isn’t your Aussie connection. I’ve found sometimes you get a “perfect” score but still take damage for every single note you play (no damage for standing there doing nothing). The only fix I’ve found was to leave the stage and get back on. It’s a weird bug and I have no idea what causes it. Heck one time I got on stage and not a single note would play, left stage (got ejected), got back on and voila all better. It’s weird.