A Way to solve the Pet Problem

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zardul.3952


When pets are on passive they give a random Effect to the RANGER for example,

Jaguar = " +5% dmg, "
Jungle cat = " 50% on hit to grant might "
Snow leopard = " Chance to do chill and condition duration increased"
Drake Ice Drake = " attacks do chill "
Drake Salamander = " attacks do fire dmg "
Drake River = " attacks have 20% chance to cause lightning strike"
Drake Reef = " Attacks cause confusion"
Polar Bear = " Gain Vitality and chance to chill "
Brown/ black Bear = " Gain Vitality and toughness "
Eagle / Hawk = "Bleeds are 10% more effective "
Raven = " chance to blind on Hit "
Devourer = " Attacks have a chance to hit twice"
Moa = " Gain Random Boon per 10sec"
Wolf= " Crowd controll are 20% more effective"
Pig = " gain Healing power"
Warthog = " gain precision"
Boar = " gain power"
Siamoth = " gain condition dmg "

What do you guys think? they are sort of like Preparations from Gw1.

the pet will always be visible, but not active. soo it stays true to the ranger Bio. " has a companion pet"

just gives us a chance in pvp and pve to not lose efficiency, due to the pet dieing or causing issues

Main: lvl 80 Ranger ,
Alt: lvl 80 Mesmer

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


Problem is that even set to passive (sometimes especially set to passive) the pet still draws aggro to itself… Jade Maw, the Mai Trin boss fight, and others have all been part of a long set of proofs that the entire mechanic (and probably class) need a real strong rethink. It doesn’t help anything that we keep getting nerfed every time we turn around (yet for all the nerfs to include being hammered to oblivion in pve, people still moan about being killed by rangers). But the aggro situation is my biggest beef with the pet. I have my ranger rigged to where it will do decent damage with the pet dead (as it still almost always is), yet thing things that kill me the most are mobs who aggro to a dead or passive pet instead of coming to where I need to place them.

Consider this, the pet can’t be made invulnerable when passive because that would easily lead to heavy exploitation in pvp (invulnerable means it would also be 100% off any npc mob’s radar because even if the pet never attacks, any damage done to it will put it on the “aggro table” for lack of better descriptor), so even passive, if only to prevent exploit situations, it needs to be a target. Yet even with the buffs to health, damage in some cases and fixes to a few abilities…they just don’t last long if anything is paying them direct attention, certainly a veteran mob or beyond doesn’t take much damage from the pet, and many are able to 1 shot the thing because of their especially simple AI (basically attack master’s target at all costs and don’t break off until dead or call off by another target or the heel command).

The ranger is built around these things and makes due well enough without, but the flaws they exhibit are all fatal beyond running around leveling or doing open world stuff, Adding buffs to pet/passive would be great in the meantime…or adding those buff to a permanent stow option, but the entire mechanic should be rethought/redone to unburden the class of literally a dead weight running around beside them. Fix this and you will have lifted 90% of all that is wrong with the ranger as it is now.

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


Honestly, I think the best way to fix pets is to make it so that they only have a basic attack and nothing else. Then make the F2 ability a special “shout” that provides buffs, combo fields, finishers, etc. (based on the pet) at both the ranger and the pet’s location.

Server: Devona’s Rest

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


pets are one of the few things in GW2 that work flawlessly. heck i wouldn’t say no to some extra buffs though.

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


pets are one of the few things in GW2 that work flawlessly. heck i wouldn’t say no to some extra buffs though.

Oh man! Thanks for that.
I needed a good laugh this morning!

Server: Devona’s Rest

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korossive.7085


I’m a mesmer and we got issues (useless scepter or staff dmg or slowness), but … kitten .


A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


pets are one of the few things in GW2 that work flawlessly. heck i wouldn’t say no to some extra buffs though.

Oh man! Thanks for that.
I needed a good laugh this morning!

You can be dismissive if you want to be but i am completely serious. This very well may be the first time I ever defended Anet on anything. 99.99% of the time the pets work how they are supposed to work. They draw agrro on the mob I attack.

I can totally understand if your a dungeon runner and want a more permanant type of stow pet function. However to say pets are broken is absurd. You think pets are a problem? Roll a mesmer see how you like clones. Up until they fixed minions they were a mess too.

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


When pets are on passive they give a random Effect to the RANGER for example,

Jaguar = " +5% dmg, "
Jungle cat = " 50% on hit to grant might "
Snow leopard = " Chance to do chill and condition duration increased"
Drake Ice Drake = " attacks do chill "
Drake Salamander = " attacks do fire dmg "
Drake River = " attacks have 20% chance to cause lightning strike"
Drake Reef = " Attacks cause confusion"
Polar Bear = " Gain Vitality and chance to chill "
Brown/ black Bear = " Gain Vitality and toughness "
Eagle / Hawk = "Bleeds are 10% more effective "
Raven = " chance to blind on Hit "
Devourer = " Attacks have a chance to hit twice"
Moa = " Gain Random Boon per 10sec"
Wolf= " Crowd controll are 20% more effective"
Pig = " gain Healing power"
Warthog = " gain precision"
Boar = " gain power"
Siamoth = " gain condition dmg "

What do you guys think? they are sort of like Preparations from Gw1.

the pet will always be visible, but not active. soo it stays true to the ranger Bio. " has a companion pet"

just gives us a chance in pvp and pve to not lose efficiency, due to the pet dieing or causing issues

Pets in PVP are probably a waste of time. In pve pets don’t cause issues.. In PVE are you trying to have them tank a metaboss champion or something? Of course they will die if you don’t controll them and heal them. Mine rarely die. When they do I can usually switch them out seemlessly.

Pets are a delight. If you were complaining about clones, jumping puzzles, or perhaps the camera I’d be fast to agree. however, you’re complaining about the one thing that is working.

Again i wouldn’t be against some extra buffs when stowed/ inactive. However if you hate pets that much prhaps you should rerol an engineer or a thief.

(edited by SHM.7628)

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

pets are one of the few things in GW2 that work flawlessly. heck i wouldn’t say no to some extra buffs though.

Oh man! Thanks for that.
I needed a good laugh this morning!

You can be dismissive if you want to be but i am completely serious. This very well may be the first time I ever defended Anet on anything. 99.99% of the time the pets work how they are supposed to work. They draw agrro on the mob I attack.

I can totally understand if your a dungeon runner and want a more permanant type of stow pet function. However to say pets are broken is absurd. You think pets are a problem? Roll a mesmer see how you like clones. Up until they fixed minions they were a mess too.

Pets need to work everywhere, not just in low level PVE.

As ArenaNet adds more and more content, the pets become more and more useless.

Even Anet have more or less said the pets are broken and won’t be fixed anytime soon, if ever.

Are we actually playing the same game here ?

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


You can be dismissive if you want to be but i am completely serious. This very well may be the first time I ever defended Anet on anything. 99.99% of the time the pets work how they are supposed to work. They draw agrro on the mob I attack.

I can totally understand if your a dungeon runner and want a more permanant type of stow pet function. However to say pets are broken is absurd. You think pets are a problem? Roll a mesmer see how you like clones. Up until they fixed minions they were a mess too.

I for real thought you were being sarcastic. Either you’re still joshing me here or you don’t have a ranger over level 5. Pets have so many bugs that they are essentially useless in anything other than the most basic boss fights (i.e., where the boss doesn’t move and isn’t an “object”).

Server: Devona’s Rest

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I have a Ranger lvl 80 and I have never actually had any problems with my pet.
runs away really quickly and hides in a bombshelter

Gunnar’s Hold

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kootje.9271


Pets are a delight.

I’d like to disagree.

Pet’s can be usefull and handy, but they’re not a delight. They have problems with moving targets. Their reaction time makes them easily dodgeable.
Also they will happily stand in each aoe and get their kitten whooped.

Solutions can be:
- Increase pet AI so they can dodge or move themselves from impending doom;
- Make their reaction time a lot better and make them move faster, so when u call back they won’t still hang in lots of aoe’s;
- Make pets perma stowable and give ranger a little damage increase to make up for the damage loss;
- Let pets dodge when the pc wants too, give the pet a dodge button.

One of these options would help. And I think Anet will probably improve the pets in the future, since there’s a lot of feedback about it from rangers. But the thing is that some of the above mentioned options can easily make a ranger OP.

Proud member of Dutch-Finest Guild on Far Shiverpeaks.

If it ain’t dutch,… :P

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zardul.3952


to the guy that said roll a mesmer… i have a mesmer and a ranger..

pets are useless and i shudnt need to reroll after putting so much effort into my ranger..
and rerolling doesnt solve problems.

Main: lvl 80 Ranger ,
Alt: lvl 80 Mesmer

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korossive.7085


Reread. I never said roll mesmer. Where do you get this stuff from??

I said “we got issues, but kitten …”. Sympathizing. No more.

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


You can be dismissive if you want to be but i am completely serious. This very well may be the first time I ever defended Anet on anything. 99.99% of the time the pets work how they are supposed to work. They draw agrro on the mob I attack.

I can totally understand if your a dungeon runner and want a more permanant type of stow pet function. However to say pets are broken is absurd. You think pets are a problem? Roll a mesmer see how you like clones. Up until they fixed minions they were a mess too.

I for real thought you were being sarcastic. Either you’re still joshing me here or you don’t have a ranger over level 5. Pets have so many bugs that they are essentially useless in anything other than the most basic boss fights (i.e., where the boss doesn’t move and isn’t an “object”).

Ranger is my primary and my favorite toon . I think ranger gets a bad rap a lot of the time. It’s ok to disagree. You clearly don’t like them or their pets that’s fine. I hear everyone rave about W’s. My W was the first toon i rolled. I like my W, but they feel flat and one dimentional to me. That is ok, different strokes for different folks.

I’ve never had any problems with my pets. They are sturdy and hold aggro. They can take a beating even against strong bosses. Plus very useful if you are in a downed state. I have no idea what bugs you are talking about. Care to elaborate?

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I have a Ranger lvl 80 and I have never actually had any problems with my pet.
runs away really quickly and hides in a bombshelter

so true

that made my day.


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Way to solve the Pet problem?

Remove them.

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


Pets are a delight.

I’d like to disagree.

Pet’s can be usefull and handy, but they’re not a delight. They have problems with moving targets. Their reaction time makes them easily dodgeable.
Also they will happily stand in each aoe and get their kitten whooped..

So noted about disagreeing. You said it yourself a lot of the fixes you propose would overpower rangers. Obiously PVP with thinking humans will be different.

In PVE though, I can hurt most targets pretty badly while my pet distracts and tanks. I often times go untouched. If you’re looking for them to be the primary source of you damage then you’re probably out of luck.

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


When pets are on passive they give a random Effect to the RANGER for example,

Jaguar = " +5% dmg, "
Jungle cat = " 50% on hit to grant might "
Snow leopard = " Chance to do chill and condition duration increased"
Drake Ice Drake = " attacks do chill "
Drake Salamander = " attacks do fire dmg "
Drake River = " attacks have 20% chance to cause lightning strike"
Drake Reef = " Attacks cause confusion"
Polar Bear = " Gain Vitality and chance to chill "
Brown/ black Bear = " Gain Vitality and toughness "
Eagle / Hawk = "Bleeds are 10% more effective "
Raven = " chance to blind on Hit "
Devourer = " Attacks have a chance to hit twice"
Moa = " Gain Random Boon per 10sec"
Wolf= " Crowd controll are 20% more effective"
Pig = " gain Healing power"
Warthog = " gain precision"
Boar = " gain power"
Siamoth = " gain condition dmg "

What do you guys think? they are sort of like Preparations from Gw1.

the pet will always be visible, but not active. soo it stays true to the ranger Bio. " has a companion pet"

just gives us a chance in pvp and pve to not lose efficiency, due to the pet dieing or causing issues

In memory of rangers Guild wars .

As the saying goes, ‘always remember the good times, while it lasts; until Guild wars 2…’

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


Ranger is my primary and my favorite toon . I think ranger gets a bad rap a lot of the time. It’s ok to disagree. You clearly don’t like them or their pets that’s fine. I hear everyone rave about W’s. My W was the first toon i rolled. I like my W, but they feel flat and one dimentional to me. That is ok, different strokes for different folks.

I’ve never had any problems with my pets. They are sturdy and hold aggro. They can take a beating even against strong bosses. Plus very useful if you are in a downed state. I have no idea what bugs you are talking about. Care to elaborate?

The biggest problems are:

1. They can’t hit moving targets. Bosses who stand still are OK, but any mobs that like to run or move around are basically invincible to the pet because the pet has to stop moving to start any attack, and by the time the attack finishes, the mob has moved out of range.

2. They frequently can’t hit “objects”. World bosses frequently are “objects” instead of mobs, and the pets simply run under them, then stand there spinning. Other objects likes portals or weapon racks etc. also have this problem.

3. They won’t flee from AoE.

4. F2 Lag. All those awesome F2 abilities are great, assuming you don’t actually need them when you press the button. Due to the fact ArenaNet won’t allow animation overlap or overrides, we have to wait for the pet to finish whatever they were doing before they will even consider listening to our commands.

Pets work great if you are trying to solo level because they do tend to hold agro pretty well and the pet rez is pretty OP, however, the bugs/problems listed above make rangers undesirable in a team setting, because 40% of their DPS is removed because the pets are not able to play.

Server: Devona’s Rest

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rym.1469


Simpliest of simplicities, easier of the easiest, best of the est changes suggested so far was:
Pets get 10% and 10% effects of all Area of Effect damage, effects, conditions spammed when Not applied directly to pet.
Just make it so untargeted Pet, at least outside of tPvP, gets only small percentage of direct damage/condition damage (outside of control effects such as Cripple/Immobilize/Chill/Fear/CCs). This way pets wouldn’t be able to tank bosses, just to survive unless they get targeted. If pet would be primary selected target, he should get full effect.
Simple. Btw. Cleaves and pierces may count as AoE effects or not, but I’d suggest them to do so.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

I think Bob Barker said it best.

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WatchTheShow.7203


When pets are on passive they give a random Effect to the RANGER for example,

Jaguar = " +5% dmg, "
Jungle cat = " 50% on hit to grant might "
Snow leopard = " Chance to do chill and condition duration increased"
Drake Ice Drake = " attacks do chill "
Drake Salamander = " attacks do fire dmg "
Drake River = " attacks have 20% chance to cause lightning strike"
Drake Reef = " Attacks cause confusion"
Polar Bear = " Gain Vitality and chance to chill "
Brown/ black Bear = " Gain Vitality and toughness "
Eagle / Hawk = "Bleeds are 10% more effective "
Raven = " chance to blind on Hit "
Devourer = " Attacks have a chance to hit twice"
Moa = " Gain Random Boon per 10sec"
Wolf= " Crowd controll are 20% more effective"
Pig = " gain Healing power"
Warthog = " gain precision"
Boar = " gain power"
Siamoth = " gain condition dmg "

What do you guys think? they are sort of like Preparations from Gw1.

the pet will always be visible, but not active. soo it stays true to the ranger Bio. " has a companion pet"

just gives us a chance in pvp and pve to not lose efficiency, due to the pet dieing or causing issues

Pets in PVP are probably a waste of time. In pve pets don’t cause issues.. In PVE are you trying to have them tank a metaboss champion or something? Of course they will die if you don’t controll them and heal them. Mine rarely die. When they do I can usually switch them out seemlessly.

Pets are a delight. If you were complaining about clones, jumping puzzles, or perhaps the camera I’d be fast to agree. however, you’re complaining about the one thing that is working.

Again i wouldn’t be against some extra buffs when stowed/ inactive. However if you hate pets that much prhaps you should rerol an engineer or a thief.

Had a ranger as my main since the game was in beta. Logged over 2,000 hours on it. I don’t usually have too many issues with my pet since I am a boss at micro managing it. However, if you fought Liadri during the Queen’s Gauntlet as a ranger, you could really see how broken the pet is/was. Every attack she did was a one hit kill. Since you can’t position your pet very well (they have a long invisible leash, even on passive), the pet remained dead the entire time. The moment you swapped out the pet it was dead again. Since the pet shares the ranger’s damage, rangers lost out on much needed dps. Condition removal was a key factor in that fight. Since our active condition removal depends on the pet being alive, it was also useless and ranger’s had to do that fight with no condition removal. Healing spring was a no go since it didn’t heal enough to undo Liadri’s damage. Eventually I beat Liadri (86 tries later) on my ranger, but I had no help whatsoever from my pet.

Funny enough, mesmers traited heavily into clones/phantasms and rifle warriors had the easiest time killing her.

(edited by WatchTheShow.7203)

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


You can be dismissive if you want to be but i am completely serious. This very well may be the first time I ever defended Anet on anything. 99.99% of the time the pets work how they are supposed to work. They draw agrro on the mob I attack.

I can totally understand if your a dungeon runner and want a more permanant type of stow pet function. However to say pets are broken is absurd. You think pets are a problem? Roll a mesmer see how you like clones. Up until they fixed minions they were a mess too.

I for real thought you were being sarcastic. Either you’re still joshing me here or you don’t have a ranger over level 5. Pets have so many bugs that they are essentially useless in anything other than the most basic boss fights (i.e., where the boss doesn’t move and isn’t an “object”).

I never had problems with my pets, except at boss fights and in dungeons (i.e. massive AoE.) AoE is the only place where pets are broken. And I do have 4 rangers at lvl80 and working on my 5th.

In fact, I find almost everything (except the two things mentioned above, when there’s a lot of AoE going on) easier on my rangers than on any of my other characters…

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tru Reptile.6058

Tru Reptile.6058

I honestly think it would be best for the Ranger community if Anet just came out and said that they can’t create a decent pet system. They really couldn’t do it in GW1, and certainly can’t do in GW2.

(edited by Tru Reptile.6058)

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


I honestly think it would be best for the Ranger community if Anet just came out and said that they can’t create a decent pet system. They really couldn’t do it in GW1, and certainly can’t do in GW2.

The pets in GW1 were awesome… (and no, I won’t run into a bomb shelter!) GW2 mostly have the huge problem of those overpowered AoE spells (and bombardments of those) that the pet simply cannot handle.

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tru Reptile.6058

Tru Reptile.6058

Pets in GW1 did have some pathing issues, but were overall better than in GW2. Ugh, Anet actually took a step backwards with the pet system in GW2. You realize how bad that sounds, Devs?

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sminkiottone.6972


I honestly think it would be best for the Ranger community if Anet just came out and said that they can’t create a decent pet system. They really couldn’t do it in GW1, and certainly can’t do in GW2.

They already said so,

Summoned creature AI is a different can of worms that we aren’t opening for the same reason. Pets that delay F2 use isn’t some wait script we put into their skills it has to do with core AI behavior shared by all pets and creatures and how they decide tasks. Rewriting that has the risks of breaking millions of unknown things so we have up until now band aided the solution. It is something that needs addressing but won’t be addressed until we can kitten how and when we will test it.

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tru Reptile.6058

Tru Reptile.6058

Yikes! That’s pretty awful…

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: matjazmuhic.1649


Yes yes more passive gameplay so we can just watch tv meanwhile and spam 1. Great idea! ArenaNet! Implement it ASAP!

Seriously? O_o

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flubble.8093


if those changes happened then everyone would take jungle cat to quickly buff might and switch to reef drake for OP confusion and everyone would play condi/tank ranger and sit in their healing spring spamming auto attack


A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Isslair.4908


The amount of rangers who post here and say that “pets are fine” is a good exmple of why people don’t like the whole class now.

Losing 50% of your deeps to 1-shot that a pet can’t dodge is not fine (also, go and solo last boss in arah p2 on your ranger plz). Anet could at least make pets dodge together with ranger, that would be a start. Or make pets untargetable by certain boss mechanics.

EU Aurora Glade

(edited by Isslair.4908)

A Way to solve the Pet Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I am just curious- do any of you use raven/ hawk pets?

Gunnar’s Hold