A bit inappropriate task for dailies
You can enter WvW at any time. What ‘opens’ at L31 is the information about WvW. Any character can use the Asura Gates in Lion’s Arch to enter the Mists, and PvP or WvW. Every cultural Home City has an Asura Gate to Lion’s Arch.
Though, even up-leveled to 80 in WvW, you may find taking on a Veteran difficult alone. Make sure to have help from others. =)
Good luck.
You can join WvW at any level. You just have to walk through the Asura gate portal in Lion’s Arch.
You don’t need to do all the dailies. If you look at the structure of the dailies you can clearly se le they are meant to gently push players towards a varied gaming session…
Just do a daily you can instead.
It is good to know I can enter WvW from Lions Arch asura gates. Thank you!
Oh!..and welcome to Tyria! =)
As many have said, you only need to do 3 dailies, not all of them to get the daily reward.
I usally do a combination of pvp and pve, depending on what is quicker to achieve, that way, I have it out of the way and can go about my random buisness elsewhere.
all 3 dailies? you get 4 different dailies for each game mode (PvE, PvP and WvW) of which you can mix and match to complete 3 to get the AP’s and then youg et a chest with some stuff for each individual daily you do, the WvW ones in particular gives a bit of WvWxp and a wrap of experience (the latter you get for every single daily i think) and as such is not even usefull for you unless you do plan to play WvW later on, and even then they dont give that much WvWxp
As a new player (joined GW2 less than 24h ago) I would like to recieve reward for completing all 3 daily tasks. But one of them is “Daily WvW veteran creature slayer.” WvW opens for me at level 31 only. But I don’t want to speed level my first character to level 31 today just for the sake of being able to do dailies. “The journey is the destination” after all.
Dear ANet, please reconsider offering a bit more appropriate daily tasks for new players.
Only today (if this is your first daily) will you have 3 dailies. From tomorrow on, you’ll have your pick of three PvE ones and 3 PvP ones (as you said, you won’t be able to do the three WvW ones until you’re lvl31, I wonder why they even put them in there…)
To those that say you can do WvW on any level, you’re partly right. As long as you have it unlocked on at least one character. You must have (had?) at least one character at lvl31 before WvW unlocks. After that you can enter WvW with a lvl2 character if you so wish.
As a new player (joined GW2 less than 24h ago) I would like to recieve reward for completing all 3 daily tasks. But one of them is “Daily WvW veteran creature slayer.” WvW opens for me at level 31 only. But I don’t want to speed level my first character to level 31 today just for the sake of being able to do dailies. “The journey is the destination” after all.
Dear ANet, please reconsider offering a bit more appropriate daily tasks for new players.Only today (if this is your first daily) will you have 3 dailies. From tomorrow on, you’ll have your pick of three PvE ones and 3 PvP ones (as you said, you won’t be able to do the three WvW ones until you’re lvl31, I wonder why they even put them in there…)
To those that say you can do WvW on any level, you’re partly right. As long as you have it unlocked on at least one character. You must have (had?) at least one character at lvl31 before WvW unlocks. After that you can enter WvW with a lvl2 character if you so wish.
I’m afraid you are mistaken. You can enter WvW with any level character at any time. What does unlock at L31 is the icon (if you have never visited WvW) and information. I don’t have any L31 or higher characters on my account and do WvW Dailies often.
You must have (had?) at least one character at lvl31 before WvW unlocks. After that you can enter WvW with a lvl2 character if you so wish.
You are very much giving bad information there.
Before the Tomes, players that were too poor to craft level their characters would go to WvW right after the starter instance to speed level with a zerg.
When EotM came around, that became the preferred speed leveling zone with some still using WvW.
It is however ADVISED by the WvW community in game for unexperienced players to refrain from WvW until level 31 so they have their whole skill bar unlocked. This is also why new accounts don’t have the WvW icon until level 31.
Furthermore, you do not need the Asura gates in Lion’s Arch, press F11 and check your key bind for the “Score Board” (my key binds are not the default and have been that way for going on 3 years) and all you have to do is press that hot key to get the WvW interface and choose between the Borderlands, Eternal Battlegrounds, Obsidian Sanctum, or Edge of the Mists.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is why the NPE was a bad idea. New players not realizing all game modes are available to you from your first character the moment they are out of the first instance. Then trying to tell everyone what the NPE says as gospel.
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior
You must have (had?) at least one character at lvl31 before WvW unlocks. After that you can enter WvW with a lvl2 character if you so wish.
You are very much giving bad information there.
Before the Tomes, players that were too poor to craft level their characters would go to WvW right after the starter instance to speed level with a zerg.
When EotM came around, that became the preferred speed leveling zone with some still using WvW.
It is however ADVISED by the WvW community in game for unexperienced players to refrain from WvW until level 31 so they have their whole skill bar unlocked. This is also why new accounts don’t have the WvW icon until level 31.
Furthermore, you do not need the Asura gates in Lion’s Arch, press F11 and check your key bind for the “Score Board” (my key binds are not the default and have been that way for going on 3 years) and all you have to do is press that hot key to get the WvW interface and choose between the Borderlands, Eternal Battlegrounds, Obsidian Sanctum, or Edge of the Mists.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is why the NPE was a bad idea. New players not realizing all game modes are available to you from your first character the moment they are out of the first instance. Then trying to tell everyone what the NPE says as gospel.
On problem with giving information is that ANet changes things, the wiki gets updated and the old, previous version and the information about it vanishes.
I bought 3 accounts when they were for sale for $10 dollars, about 6 and 5 months ago. At that time, on my new accounts, I tried to access PvP and WvW through the UI and through the hot buttons. On none of my accounts was I able to get into either WvW or PvP through either the UI button at top or by a hot button. Mousing over the UI icons they said something like, this content is locked until level X. The hot buttons were disabled. Nothing pulled up. On each account I had to run to Lions Arch and go through the portals to open it up for access.
Since that time it appears they have changed it again and it’s eaier to access it, but my new account versions was the NPE version and it was not available to new accounts without special effort.
So while what he said was incorrect, it’s not because of the NPE but because they keep changing the rules and he didn’t know the current version of the rules.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
It doesn’t matter that he can get there. What matters is that that veteran is going to tear him to pieces in moments. A level 80 veteran vs a day one character, in an environment where other players can come kill you? C’mon.
It doesn’t matter that he can get there. What matters is that that veteran is going to tear him to pieces in moments. A level 80 veteran vs a day one character, in an environment where other players can come kill you? C’mon.
Agreed. I would not recommend that a new player go into WvW unless he is a hard core PvP person. No weapon skills, no utility skills, no elites, no traits, starter gear and has no clue where the WvW daily is or how to get there. He will be repeatedly ganked and annoy his side for being a clueless noob. Much better to wait.
ANet may give it to you.
It doesn’t matter that he can get there. What matters is that that veteran is going to tear him to pieces in moments. A level 80 veteran vs a day one character, in an environment where other players can come kill you? C’mon.
Agreed. I would not recommend that a new player go into WvW unless he is a hard core PvP person. No weapon skills, no utility skills, no elites, no traits, starter gear and has no clue where the WvW daily is or how to get there. He will be repeatedly ganked and annoy his side for being a clueless noob. Much better to wait.
Which doesn’t matter, because he doesn’t have to do that specific daily. Only three are required for the daily reward.
^The thing is…on the first day, and only the first day, only 3 Dailies show up…one from each category.
After that, there will be choices.
^The thing is…on the first day, and only the first day, only 3 Dailies show up…one from each category.
After that, there will be choices.
That was my complaint on my new accounts, inappropriate dailies showing up. As a veteran player I knew they were inappropriate but a new player sees them and it causes confusion. Naturally, if a large panel shows up and recommends these things to do for that day, they are going to want to do them. In other MMOs the dailies new players get is appropriate for their level and for ANet to suggest dailies that are, while not impossible are certainly too difficult for a day one person, shows bad daily design.
ANet may give it to you.
^The thing is…on the first day, and only the first day, only 3 Dailies show up…one from each category.
After that, there will be choices.
That was my complaint on my new accounts, inappropriate dailies showing up. As a veteran player I knew they were inappropriate but a new player sees them and it causes confusion. Naturally, if a large panel shows up and recommends these things to do for that day, they are going to want to do them. In other MMOs the dailies new players get is appropriate for their level and for ANet to suggest dailies that are, while not impossible are certainly too difficult for a day one person, shows bad daily design.
The daily thing could be communicated better. However, since there are three categories for dailies, PvP, WvW and PvE, and NONE of the WvW dailies are really idea for low level characters anyway, what you’re really asking for is for Anet to remove WvW dailies from all characters below a certain level.
That would limit options since there are people who buy this game just to WvW, right out of the box, even if they are low level.
^The thing is…on the first day, and only the first day, only 3 Dailies show up…one from each category.
After that, there will be choices.
That was my complaint on my new accounts, inappropriate dailies showing up. As a veteran player I knew they were inappropriate but a new player sees them and it causes confusion. Naturally, if a large panel shows up and recommends these things to do for that day, they are going to want to do them. In other MMOs the dailies new players get is appropriate for their level and for ANet to suggest dailies that are, while not impossible are certainly too difficult for a day one person, shows bad daily design.
The daily thing could be communicated better. However, since there are three categories for dailies, PvP, WvW and PvE, and NONE of the WvW dailies are really idea for low level characters anyway, what you’re really asking for is for Anet to remove WvW dailies from all characters below a certain level.
That would limit options since there are people who buy this game just to WvW, right out of the box, even if they are low level.
No. What I’m asking is not to remove the WvW dailies for all characters below a certain level. What I am suggesting is that the day one dailies be changed to be the same as day two dailies and all the dailies after that. Multiple PvE, WvW and PvP options so that a day one person is not confused by a panel telling him that to get his daily done he needs to go into WvW and PvP.
ANet may give it to you.
^The thing is…on the first day, and only the first day, only 3 Dailies show up…one from each category.
After that, there will be choices.
That was my complaint on my new accounts, inappropriate dailies showing up. As a veteran player I knew they were inappropriate but a new player sees them and it causes confusion. Naturally, if a large panel shows up and recommends these things to do for that day, they are going to want to do them. In other MMOs the dailies new players get is appropriate for their level and for ANet to suggest dailies that are, while not impossible are certainly too difficult for a day one person, shows bad daily design.
The daily thing could be communicated better. However, since there are three categories for dailies, PvP, WvW and PvE, and NONE of the WvW dailies are really idea for low level characters anyway, what you’re really asking for is for Anet to remove WvW dailies from all characters below a certain level.
That would limit options since there are people who buy this game just to WvW, right out of the box, even if they are low level.
No. What I’m asking is not to remove the WvW dailies for all characters below a certain level. What I am suggesting is that the day one dailies be changed to be the same as day two dailies and all the dailies after that. Multiple PvE, WvW and PvP options so that a day one person is not confused by a panel telling him that to get his daily done he needs to go into WvW and PvP.
I’m not even sure what a day one person is doing looking at dailies tbh. They don’t appear on the sidebar on your first character. They aren’t talked about. If it were up to me, dailies would be removed from all first characters prior to level 20 or 25.
^The thing is…on the first day, and only the first day, only 3 Dailies show up…one from each category.
After that, there will be choices.
That was my complaint on my new accounts, inappropriate dailies showing up. As a veteran player I knew they were inappropriate but a new player sees them and it causes confusion. Naturally, if a large panel shows up and recommends these things to do for that day, they are going to want to do them. In other MMOs the dailies new players get is appropriate for their level and for ANet to suggest dailies that are, while not impossible are certainly too difficult for a day one person, shows bad daily design.
The daily thing could be communicated better. However, since there are three categories for dailies, PvP, WvW and PvE, and NONE of the WvW dailies are really idea for low level characters anyway, what you’re really asking for is for Anet to remove WvW dailies from all characters below a certain level.
That would limit options since there are people who buy this game just to WvW, right out of the box, even if they are low level.
No. What I’m asking is not to remove the WvW dailies for all characters below a certain level. What I am suggesting is that the day one dailies be changed to be the same as day two dailies and all the dailies after that. Multiple PvE, WvW and PvP options so that a day one person is not confused by a panel telling him that to get his daily done he needs to go into WvW and PvP.
I’m not even sure what a day one person is doing looking at dailies tbh. They don’t appear on the sidebar on your first character. They aren’t talked about. If it were up to me, dailies would be removed from all first characters prior to level 20 or 25.
They show up as a huge panel that fills up your screen along with the daily login reward, that requires you to accept at least one option before you can get the login reward. A day one person will get that panel and sees that he has 3 tasks to do that the game is recommending to him. Of course he is going to think he should do them. He is going to think they are like dailies in other MMOs that are level appropriate and what he should do to level. Just like OP is a day one player and he is asking about WvW, because that is one of the 3 and only 3 choices he got as a recommended daily.
However I do agree that brand new accounts shouldn’t have dailies for a while. Most dailies are things they can’t do easily until a they are higher level.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
They changed the daily limitation to the first day only?
I remember took my alt account way longer than that to get rid of that non sense daily (1 pve, 1 pvp and 1 wvw), I think my first character was level 20-ish when it finally changed.
Most of the times I’d skip the daily because, being experienced, my lvl 18 ele could take a sentry down or a vet creature, if no opposition showed up, but would take so long to do it that wasn’t worth it at all. On other occasions, take a keep? Yeah not happening unless you join a good zerg.
If they are going to force daily on each game mode for new accounts, they could at least pick an easy daily for WvW, like kill a yak or a sentry, but no, it is random and sometimes you will see yourself stuck with kill invaders, cap a tower or a keep.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
Op…you know you have options for dailyes for every aspect of the game, PVP PVE AND WvW? you can choose one of each to complete it (3 in total to recive daily reward ap). You can mix and match them however you want. Like, do PVE daily view a vista, then go to PVP and do one too like cap a point in any match, then go to WvW and kill a veteran. And there you go, you have completed the daily in 15 min.
- I would like to receive reward for completing all 3 daily tasks -
I log into gw2 get my daily chest. the tab opens up with 4 rng selected dailies each in pvp, pve an wvw (3/12). if you cant do the wvw one’s there are two other sections to choose from (3/8).
If you joined this game soley to WvW, the opening question should have been something like " Is there anyway to enter WvW before level 31?
go to your hole city and portal to lions arch then portlal to WvW
“commander can i have a word”
Op…you know you have options for dailyes for every aspect of the game, PVP PVE AND WvW? you can choose one of each to complete it (3 in total to recive daily reward ap). You can mix and match them however you want. Like, do PVE daily view a vista, then go to PVP and do one too like cap a point in any match, then go to WvW and kill a veteran. And there you go, you have completed the daily in 15 min.
Not for day one players, which is what the OP is. On day one you get 3 dailies only. One PvE daily. One WvW daily. One PvP daily. No mixing and matching, which is why he was confused and saying it was inappropriate. And on day one it will take him a lot longer than 15 minutes to do those, should he even try.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Furthermore, you do not need the Asura gates in Lion’s Arch, press F11 and check your key bind for the “Score Board” (my key binds are not the default and have been that way for going on 3 years) and all you have to do is press that hot key to get the WvW interface and choose between the Borderlands, Eternal Battlegrounds, Obsidian Sanctum, or Edge of the Mists.
My scoreboard is bound to B, and I did press it as soon as I saw that I had to do WvW ( which was a ruins so even doable with a lvl2) but the scoreboard won’t even pop up.
But the gates do work… I had completely forgotten about those… And once you’ve been in WvW, the key and the button on top work as well…
They changed the daily limitation to the first day only?
I was like OP, wondering why I had a choice of 1 PvE, 1 PvP and 1 WvW. And the next day, I had the forums open to spew my wrath, when I opened my client to make a screenshot. And found out I had 3 of each then :p
Easiest way to get that daily I found is to go to the borderlands map where your server starts in the lower left. Take the right path around the hill and while sticking close to that wall is position yourself along the hill and wait for the Vet Warg to spawn. This is west of Hero’s Lodge, the southern most supply camp. The Vet Warg has a normal warg as a companion (useful to kill if down). It’s a easier than the other two choices which I think is only on Eternal Battlegrounds.
For a not level 80 sporting rare or higher gear, the fight might get … interesting but there’s usually one or two other players from your server with the same idea. And you usually don’t run into players from the other two servers.
RIP City of Heroes
Easiest way to get that daily I found is to go to the borderlands map where your server starts in the lower left. Take the right path around the hill and while sticking close to that wall is position yourself along the hill and wait for the Vet Warg to spawn. This is west of Hero’s Lodge, the southern most supply camp. The Vet Warg has a normal warg as a companion (useful to kill if down). It’s a easier than the other two choices which I think is only on Eternal Battlegrounds.
For a not level 80 sporting rare or higher gear, the fight might get … interesting but there’s usually one or two other players from your server with the same idea. And you usually don’t run into players from the other two servers.
That’s good to know. I usually only do the ruins one as I’m not very familiar with WvW and the only vet I’ve ever heard of was some vet grub somewhere and I wasn’t going to track that thing down for a daily. Lol.
ANet may give it to you.
Easiest way to get that daily I found is to go to the borderlands map where your server starts in the lower left. Take the right path around the hill and while sticking close to that wall is position yourself along the hill and wait for the Vet Warg to spawn. This is west of Hero’s Lodge, the southern most supply camp. The Vet Warg has a normal warg as a companion (useful to kill if down). It’s a easier than the other two choices which I think is only on Eternal Battlegrounds.
For a not level 80 sporting rare or higher gear, the fight might get … interesting but there’s usually one or two other players from your server with the same idea. And you usually don’t run into players from the other two servers.
That’s good to know. I usually only do the ruins one as I’m not very familiar with WvW and the only vet I’ve ever heard of was some vet grub somewhere and I wasn’t going to track that thing down for a daily. Lol.
You’ve the warg in one corner, the other corner has a harpy (highly annoying as he has more friends with him and they do their flying stuff ) and then there’s the wurm somewhere on the left side halfway the map.
Easiest way to get that daily I found is to go to the borderlands map where your server starts in the lower left. Take the right path around the hill and while sticking close to that wall is position yourself along the hill and wait for the Vet Warg to spawn. This is west of Hero’s Lodge, the southern most supply camp. The Vet Warg has a normal warg as a companion (useful to kill if down). It’s a easier than the other two choices which I think is only on Eternal Battlegrounds.
For a not level 80 sporting rare or higher gear, the fight might get … interesting but there’s usually one or two other players from your server with the same idea. And you usually don’t run into players from the other two servers.
That’s good to know. I usually only do the ruins one as I’m not very familiar with WvW and the only vet I’ve ever heard of was some vet grub somewhere and I wasn’t going to track that thing down for a daily. Lol.
You’ve the warg in one corner, the other corner has a harpy (highly annoying as he has more friends with him and they do their flying stuff ) and then there’s the wurm somewhere on the left side halfway the map.
I’m not going deeper in there. Every time I venture in there someone tries to kill me and that’s hazardous to my health. O.o
ANet may give it to you.
Easiest way to get that daily I found is to go to the borderlands map where your server starts in the lower left. Take the right path around the hill and while sticking close to that wall is position yourself along the hill and wait for the Vet Warg to spawn. This is west of Hero’s Lodge, the southern most supply camp. The Vet Warg has a normal warg as a companion (useful to kill if down). It’s a easier than the other two choices which I think is only on Eternal Battlegrounds.
For a not level 80 sporting rare or higher gear, the fight might get … interesting but there’s usually one or two other players from your server with the same idea. And you usually don’t run into players from the other two servers.
That’s good to know. I usually only do the ruins one as I’m not very familiar with WvW and the only vet I’ve ever heard of was some vet grub somewhere and I wasn’t going to track that thing down for a daily. Lol.
You’ve the warg in one corner, the other corner has a harpy (highly annoying as he has more friends with him and they do their flying stuff ) and then there’s the wurm somewhere on the left side halfway the map.
I’m not going deeper in there. Every time I venture in there someone tries to kill me and that’s hazardous to my health. O.o
I’m generally very good in avoiding people (but I don’t go for vets anymore, too much trouble)
That’s why I think the warg is the easiest. There are rarely any opposing server players there simply because there are virtually no targets on that side of the river other than one vista at the shore (and now with no map complete it’s only XP) and the warg appears near the hills. You are out of visual range of that southern supply camp and the tower so it’s unlikely anyone will see you. And with the “backdoor” approach from your server area in the lower left you keep your exposure down.
RIP City of Heroes
I do think there should be more dailies per sector of the game though. As often the pve dailies contain like 2 for fractiles? or other rather impossible to get once. It be nice to have more choice. I doubt any new player will be able to do the mine x amound in orr on day one, or run fractiles. :P etc.
[TSP] The Shadow Phantoms – Guild master
Gunnar’s Hold
A new player would not get ‘Mine in Orr’, as it is set to your highest level character (range).
A new player would not get ‘Mine in Orr’, as it is set to your highest level character (range).
Ah I did not know about that, sorry though I still get fractiles, and never other dungeons. I do not like fractiles, as getting a party for it is just meh and people expect to much from you, and they take too long in row. It helps that I am a wvw player. but I like pve appart from dungeons quite a bit
would like to see more type of dailies in all area’s
[TSP] The Shadow Phantoms – Guild master
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by Sealreth.1425)
I was like OP, wondering why I had a choice of 1 PvE, 1 PvP and 1 WvW. And the next day, I had the forums open to spew my wrath, when I opened my client to make a screenshot. And found out I had 3 of each then :p
Thanks for the answer. I guess it is a progress then compared to before, however still incompatible. I cannot fathom why give those choices for a new account only.
Hopefully they will change it once again by eliminating it completely or making more friendly.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
A new player would not get ‘Mine in Orr’, as it is set to your highest level character (range).
Ah I did not know about that, sorry
though I still get fractiles, and never other dungeons. I do not like fractiles, as getting a party for it is just meh and people expect to much from you, and they take too long in row. It helps that I am a wvw player. but I like pve appart from dungeons quite a bit
would like to see more type of dailies in all area’s
On my new account I don’t get fractals. It’s usually a vista, some gathering and 4 events at a starter area (max character is lvl26).