A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: purpleskies.3274


I think the real question needs to be, why can’t the butterfly wielding mesmer’s use this bow! Imagine 3 clones shooting an army of rainbow unicorns and then shattering into a field of pink butterflies! Flee from the ultimate power!

*As an aside I think I liked the bow a little bit more prior to the unicorns, when it just shot rainbows but nothing against its current state.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gisei.5749


I truly hate it. I think it is a vile skin, and I wouldn’t take it if someone offered it to me for free.

But I know there are some people who soiled themselves with excitement when they saw it. More power to them.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nolimitz.9467


But I know there are some people who soiled themselves with excitement when they saw it. More power to them.

I admit to this

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


the thing is; tyria is now a kids world.
like a ronald mcdonald thempark.

we jump on big candies, we cast spell with princess wands, we have mini pets following us, we shoot unicorns with our bows, we carry out raspberry jelly cake in our quaggan backpack…
nearly all the new content they did goes into that direction.
the reason is probably monetary.
these things must sell… they have the stats.

buy yeah, its a bit disapointing for people who dont like that.

personally, i was ok with some childish / jrpg elements.
but i just think its too much, non-stop now and that eventually the game will look like a big joke. and a golden arch sign will show you the way to Lion’s Arch bank.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ubaid.8213


Apparently, I was wrong. The Unicorn does exist in the Guild Wars universe. I had simply forgotten it. So I do not object to the bow itself.

I still think the bow’s effects, however, are absolutely stupid.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


the thing is; tyria is now a kids world.
like a ronald mcdonald thempark.

we jump on big candies, we cast spell with princess wands, we have mini pets following us, we shoot unicorns with our bows, we carry out raspberry jelly cake in our quaggan backpack…
nearly all the new content they did goes into that direction.
the reason is probably monetary.
these things must sell… they have the stats.

buy yeah, its a bit disapointing for people who dont like that.

personally, i was ok with some childish / jrpg elements.
but i just think its too much, non-stop now and that eventually the game will look like a big joke. and a golden arch sign will show you the way to Lion’s Arch bank.

^ This

And I usually hate when people use “^ This” but I will here.

When did Tyria get so over-the-top rainbow brite? That’s fine and all if there are lots of peeps that like this sort of thing, I wish I would have known they were going this direction though.

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


D3 has rainbow unicorn level so what? It’s funny :P I saw somebody shooting rainbows at Shatterer only once and it didn’t break my immersion at all, it freaking made me laugh…you’re taking it way too seriously…

I could kitten for every single huge pink Norn or big male Charr in PINK spiky armor, half naked female character or for matter of fact every player with a ridiculous looking set of armor in all colors I see around but I don’t because I accept other peoples tastes. Worry and pay attention to what YOU wear and look like, not what others do. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean anybody is forcing that thing down your throat. You’re not seeing it on a regular basis unlike some other things I mentioned. I’m also probably minority for not liking the quagann backpack but many people have it and I won’t write a thread on the forum just because I don’t like a certain minor visual aspect of this huge game. Here, design a bow with a mustache that shoots hairy fists, maybe then it will be manly enough for you :P

(edited by CharrGirl.7896)

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


they are pushing the boundaries too far.

for a holiday event? sure
colored fireworks? sure
minis? sure
leds on engineer turrets? sure
wooden toy weapon? hmm… sure
quaggan backlack? hmm… sure
flying broom? quick cash with potters fan probably. not for me.
bows that fire little ponies? NO

Personal limit.
im ok wit making money but this is absurd
in a few years youll go on gw lore wiki and see that zhaitan was defeated when the hero shot a raibow unicorn on its buttcheek and went back home riding his broom and carrying the loot in his quaggan backpack.

thats it.
lets make those kids ask for a quaggan backpack for christmas!

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avster.1935


I think most people are accepting of Kudzu and it’s covered in flowers and leaves floral footprints. They don’t seem to be bothered by a bow which represents some kind of powerful bond with nature.

Off topic: I don’t like the Kudzu’s footprints, the weapon design I’m fine with, but not the prints…also it lacks aura…thus i’m reluctantly saving all my gold/karma for Twilight (unless something better comes up by the time i’m done)

On topic: I don’t mind the flying unicorn weapon, but definitely not something I will get. I wish they would give us more variety on legendaries…

Evelyn Whitehawk | Exalted Legend | Demons’s Demise | I Transmuted My Legendary Medium Coat

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nolimitz.9467


Ah sadly i cant reach zhaitan with my bow….

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TommyProvolone.3715


Hmm. I’m guessing the forums have run out of complaints if we have resorted to complaining about a rare bow that only 2 classes can use that fires magical unicorns.

It is a shame indeed that ANET is not allowed to have one silly, fun item in its grand arsenal. They should probably change it so that each time you fire it, a disembodied head fires out with a trail of blood while a woman screams.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VBMeireles.4951


The unicorn Bow is probably the second most popular legendary in terms of looks, right behind Twilight. They seem to know what the majority of players want in terms of flying unicorns.

I’m surprised Kudzu isn’t more popular, I mean sprouting flowers and that, that’s pretty cool.

Bifrost is a rainbow thing and doesn’t break immersion. I want a legendary staff for my elementalist, but I’ll wait for another since I don’t like it. Kudzu is flowery. I don’t love it, but I’d rather go for it over Bifrost. Kudzu is alright because even flowery it’s subtle.

Now that size of a flying rainbow unicorn is just stupid. It’s so obviously out of place that I’m absolutely sure that, just like me, a lot of people thought it was a photoshop trolling attempt when they saw the first screenshot. It fits an April 1st joke, not this game.

Vinicius Meireles

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fletch.3572


Bronies ruin everything.

I’m with this guy.

It is a shame indeed that ANET is not allowed to have one silly, fun item in its grand arsenal.

You might want to re check the list of legendary weapons……

(edited by Fletch.3572)

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

I like it. Never found GW2 too serious of a game. Get a good chuckle over a bow shooting unicorns.
Hell, a unicorn isn’t that different from an arrow. Unicorns have a horn, arrows have arrowheads. Additionaly, unicorns have more weight behind them, which adds more force on impact, whereas the hero shooting them clearly isn’t hindered by its weight. So I suppose, if you wanted your fantasy game to be realistic, shooting a unicorn at zhaitan would be more efficient than shooting an arrow. Therefore it would make sense that the hero would shoot unicorns instead of arrows, if given the option to do so. So following the immersion argument, it would break immersion if an arrow was shot at Zhaitan instead of a unicorn.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kolibri.3846


The only thing I regret is that I can’t equip it on my guard :P
Totally love this bow thank you ANET

btw you know what’s even more silly than that bow? Crying about it on forums….

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nolimitz.9467


It fits an April 1st joke, not this game.

Opinions are awesome Q___Q

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tower Guard.5263

Tower Guard.5263

This bow is based on trollestia, which is based MLP. Rainbow main, Anet cutie mark.
Yeah you guys are being trolled, trolled hard.

The image is not mine, from the interweb.


A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VBMeireles.4951


Hmm. I’m guessing the forums have run out of complaints if we have resorted to complaining about a rare bow that only 2 classes can use that fires magical unicorns.

It is a shame indeed that ANET is not allowed to have one silly, fun item in its grand arsenal. They should probably change it so that each time you fire it, a disembodied head fires out with a trail of blood while a woman screams.

Why not a rainbow arrow? It’d be perfectly OK. I could even like it in its own way. The problem is not in the rainbow itself (even though I don’t think they fit the theme, some people like them) but the fact the bow is firing a kittening unicorn! Besides that, the size of the unicorn… it’s too big.

Vinicius Meireles

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawkian.6580


I’m sure this has been pointed out, but…

I think the implication that a shiny gossamer pink bow with tassles that shoots rainbows is a serious skin that makes for a cool legendary, while the same bow that attaches unicorns to the arrows is a joke, is downright hilarious.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


I’m fine with it, would never get one, but I like seeing other people with it in game.


Because the mace and the longbow only have novelty legendaries, when they start making a second round of legendary weapons, shortbow and mace should be first on the list.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rosen Myst.7641

Rosen Myst.7641

I personally do not like the unicorn bow because it looks silly. Imagine an English longbowman running around medieval England with it, and the image would have to make you laugh. I prefer things to look more realistic, but I also realize that this is a fantasy game, and there are people that this bow might appeal to. I just don’t think it appeals to the majority of rangers and there aren’t any other great legendary options for bows.

The best looking bow I ever had and still use is my Ebon Recurve Bow from gw. But that’s just me. I also think few people would put all the time required into getting a legendary bow if it wasn’t really distinct from the rest.

(edited by Rosen Myst.7641)

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawkian.6580


It’s a shortbow. The longbow looks completely different.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rosen Myst.7641

Rosen Myst.7641

Oh okay, thanks for clarifying that .. .. shows you how unappealling it was to me. I better go edit that. LOL

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


Hmm. I’m guessing the forums have run out of complaints if we have resorted to complaining about a rare bow that only 2 classes can use that fires magical unicorns.

It is a shame indeed that ANET is not allowed to have one silly, fun item in its grand arsenal. They should probably change it so that each time you fire it, a disembodied head fires out with a trail of blood while a woman screams.

Why not a rainbow arrow? It’d be perfectly OK. I could even like it in its own way. The problem is not in the rainbow itself (even though I don’t think they fit the theme, some people like them) but the fact the bow is firing a kittening unicorn! Besides that, the size of the unicorn… it’s too big.

I love it BECAUSE it’s too big and shoots unicorns! It draws attention to itself, it makes others groan and it has got to be the most humiliating thing to get killed by! What’s not to like?

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


Oh, and for all those whom say this has no place on the battlefield, archeologist have found rocks used in slingshots that had lightning bolts and Greek equivalents of, “take that,” carved into them. This shows even soldiers in those days had a sense of humor.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


most new content since lauch has been very childish.
it was ok for the holidays, but now…

I WANT a shield with a CLOWN face thats spins on it.

please daddy.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


not a question of gayness.

if it was a sparkling spiral with a snow owl at end it would be as cheesy.
it hurts my screenshots seeing those fake unanimated unicorns being shot a jormag, im ok with the rainbow btw, rainbows are cool.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


Hmm. I’m guessing the forums have run out of complaints if we have resorted to complaining about a rare bow that only 2 classes can use that fires magical unicorns.

It is a shame indeed that ANET is not allowed to have one silly, fun item in its grand arsenal. They should probably change it so that each time you fire it, a disembodied head fires out with a trail of blood while a woman screams.

Why not a rainbow arrow? It’d be perfectly OK. I could even like it in its own way. The problem is not in the rainbow itself (even though I don’t think they fit the theme, some people like them) but the fact the bow is firing a kittening unicorn! Besides that, the size of the unicorn… it’s too big.

I love it BECAUSE it’s too big and shoots unicorns! It draws attention to itself, it makes others groan and it has got to be the most humiliating thing to get killed by! What’s not to like?

Answer: That it seems to be every spotlight junkie’s wet dream. I don’t know anything else that screams louder, “Look at me every1, OMG LOOK AT ME!!”

hubris peeps…hubris

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

Hold on to the night, there will be no shame.
Always, I want to be with you, and make believe with you,
and live in harmony harmony oh love!

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wor Machien.9657

Wor Machien.9657

It’s so ridiculous that I think it’s great. I guess it’s just my sense of humor (silly) and the way I see the game.

It’s a game of magic and fantasy. I can’t take things in it too seriously. I loved the Banana Scythe in GW1. There’s tons of silly things all over Guild Wars 2 that I wasn’t surprised by The Dreamer’s changes. The people at Anet have a good sense of humor and charm they put in the game.

ONE detail that you find outrageous out of this game of soooooo many thousands upon thousands of details is nothing really to get all fussy about IMO.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


the thing is; tyria is now a kids world.
like a ronald mcdonald thempark.

we jump on big candies, we cast spell with princess wands, we have mini pets following us, we shoot unicorns with our bows, we carry out raspberry jelly cake in our quaggan backpack…
nearly all the new content they did goes into that direction.
the reason is probably monetary.
these things must sell… they have the stats.

buy yeah, its a bit disapointing for people who dont like that.

personally, i was ok with some childish / jrpg elements.
but i just think its too much, non-stop now and that eventually the game will look like a big joke. and a golden arch sign will show you the way to Lion’s Arch bank.

A bit of absurdity is fine during holiday events as a bit of a break from the normal gameplay. But yeah, you’re right. Much of the aesthetic design seems to be gravitating towards Disney kitsch.

I have no stats to back up this conclusion, but I think the people who dig the big, colorful and mentally challenged new direction, are also the ones who would tend to spend the most on gems (in general). Hence, why there’s so many more hideous examples of circus-chic, floating around Tyria — and I’m certain there is more to follow.

Give a child a choice between an apple and cotton candy and nine times out of ten, they go for spun sugar over substance. Same thing is probably happening here, only these children have credit cards and buy their candy with gems.

(edited by Blacklight.2871)

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923



serious gamers will play serious to get their gear.

kids cant wait.

makes sense.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fletch.3572


It’s almost becoming embarrassing for me at some points, between the prostitutes moaning in DR, the giant unicorns, the moot, quip, bronies, its just umm, turning me to new pastures.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


Oh, and for all those whom say this has no place on the battlefield, archeologist have found rocks used in slingshots that had lightning bolts and Greek equivalents of, “take that,” carved into them. This shows even soldiers in those days had a sense of humor.

Your point will be made when you produce evidence they were shooting unicorns from their slings. I imagine that idea would have been too stupid to contemplate, even for bronze age man. No trouble contemplating it in GW2 though.

(edited by Blacklight.2871)

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


i still want my shield with a spinning clown head on !

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


I have no stats to back up this conclusion, but I think the people who dig the big, colorful and mentally challenged new direction, are also the ones who would tend to spend the most on gems (in general). Hence, why there’s so many more hideous examples of circus-chic, floating around Tyria — and I’m certain there is more to follow.

Really? you had to go that far?

Complaints of it being childish and gay weren’t enough…

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TommyProvolone.3715


In all honesty, I see the people complaining about this to be more childish than the bow itself. The fact that people are using this bow as an example that the game is now going to turn into a more childish, gay, and apparently, “Mentally Challenged” direction is pretty immature, not to mention jumping off the slippery slope.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Rainbow projectiles are not contextually valid in the GW universe – and certainly not when nothing else in the game looks anything like the effect of the bow’s ammo.

Why aren’t they?

Where in the lore of the world does it say ‘rainbow projectiles don’t exist’?

Your point will be made when you produce evidence they were shooting unicorns from their slings.

Uhuh. Because everyone knows unicorns are real, right?

His point still stands; it’s a trolling weapon for people with a sense of humour.

Something this thread seems to be in dire need of.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

(edited by TheDaiBish.9735)

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

what did you expect in a game where you can fire a poisonous cow from a catapult

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


The new effect sucks so bad that it became the most expensive precursor.

kitten logic.

1+1 = potato

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HelperMonkey.1056


always makes me laugh how people are apparently too manly and/or serious to be able to bear the presence of this bow.

Yup, the same thing happened at release with ppl complaining about mesmer and purple butterflies effects… it just didn’t suit their manly man aesthetics.

I also have a sneaking suspicion ppl complaining about it being “childish”..are probably 15-25 and desperate to prove how adult they are.

Yeah — as far as mesmer effects go – I proudly support them. Granted I made a female character… but for some reason the effects seemed fitting to the nature of the class.

As far as The Dreamer goes: I’m torn. The new effects are hilarious, and I could see myself getting it just as a joke weapon that I would frequent. However, from the standpoint of someone who acquired The Dreamer beforehand in hopes to get a serious (ignoring the unicorn head) weapon, then only to have that idea taken away from them — I’m not a fan.

Maybe they could keep The Dreamer in its original state, but provide the new version (with an alternate name if needed), obtainable through a somewhat cheap mystic forge recipe. Cheap, since it is staying legendary and just changing the effect. And maybe a recipe to revert it back too.

I admit I am too lazy to read the entire thread to see if this idea is already mentioned, but am at least throwing in my support for a way to opt out from its effects.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rolando.9437


“What is the power your heart most desire” Said the Archmage, hidden in shifting shadows, with a voice made of the echos of one thousand souls trapped for ever in torment.
“I want a Bow, the most powerfull bow ever made, fitting to kill Ancient Dragons and freeze my enemys in fear just before my arrows pierce their bones and steal their lifeforce”
“You paid the ultimate price, so is yours… Anything else?”
“Yes, I want it to shoot unicorns and leave a path of color in the air, for they take my childhood, the same day as my family and friends, but not forever, not all. And I want the last thing they see is my deathly smile clothed in the colors they were unable to destroy”

“So be it. I give you The Dreamer. May your vengeance be unending.”

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xCrusadentx.2784


Seriously guys, you are taking this so seriously. It’s a fantasy MMO, it doesn’t have to be manly with all darkness, flames, and skulls. Lighten up a bit. I love tge new effect on the bow, quite entertaining.

Royal Blood Oath:
We are sworn together by our blood…

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


Seriously guys, you are taking this so seriously. It’s a fantasy MMO, it doesn’t have to be manly with all darkness, flames, and skulls. Lighten up a bit. I love tge new effect on the bow, quite entertaining.

There is only one legendary shortbow skin. You can’t think that everybody will like this. I think it looks absolutely ridiculous and it reinforces my belief this game was made for 15 year old girls. But my opinion aside, there simply is no other choice for a legendary weapon of each type (except gs).

And the Anet symbol on the unicorn’s butt is a very cheap addition in my view as well.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pricer.5091


I grew up with Conan the Barbarian, Warhammer, Lord of the Rings etc. Clearly I don’t like the rainbow brite style of fantasy, because I am not oriental…

Cover it in dirt, skulls and blood and make it shoot the tears of drowned babies…

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pricer.5091


“What is the power your heart most desire” Said the Archmage, hidden in shifting shadows, with a voice made of the echos of one thousand souls trapped for ever in torment.
“I want a Bow, the most powerfull bow ever made, fitting to kill Ancient Dragons and freeze my enemys in fear just before my arrows pierce their bones and steal their lifeforce”
“You paid the ultimate price, so is yours… Anything else?”
“Yes, I want it to shoot unicorns and leave a path of color in the air, for they take my childhood, the same day as my family and friends, but not forever, not all. And I want the last thing they see is my deathly smile clothed in the colors they were unable to destroy”

“So be it. I give you The Dreamer. May your vengeance be unending.”

“What is the power your heart most desire” Said the Archmage, hidden in shifting shadows, with a voice made of the echos of one thousand souls trapped for ever in torment.
“I want a Bow, the most powerfull bow ever made, fitting to kill Ancient Dragons and freeze my enemys in fear just before my arrows pierce their bones and steal their lifeforce”
“You paid the ultimate price, so is yours… Anything else?”
“Yes, I want it to shoot unicorns and leave a path of color in the air, for they take my childhood, the same day as my family and friends, but not forever, not all. And I want the last thing they see is my deathly smile clothed in the colors they were unable to destroy”

“I see, I perhaps do not have the bow you seek, but if you meet my friend Alagorn the Ambiguous behind the Blue Oyster Bar in lions Arch on Friday night…he may be able to fulfil your desires”

(edited by pricer.5091)

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ExZee.8109


The reason why Twilight and Sunrise are popular is because it’s a very simple design that’s flashy enough and it doesn’t cater to a specific taste. That’s the concept they should’ve implemented with every Legendary weapon; to try and cater to a “neutral” audience with the intention of being flashy/showy/all else that comes with bragging without having people say “it looks like it came out from —- and it’s why I like/don’t like it”. It’s also the reason why all the other Legendaries get some sort of criticism: staff doesn’t go with Necromancers, pistol sounds like it’s made for trolls, short bow has unicorns, etc etc. Anet clearly messed up with the Legendaries, no argument about that, and they’ve only made it worse with the short bow with this new update. Taking the unicorns as an example, it would be great if it was sold in the gem store as a Legendary-only skin effect that can be purchased as an option so that only the people that wanted it can have it. But either 1. have the default Legendary be much more neurtral like Twilight and Sunrise or 2. have an opposite version of the Legendary (ie. shoots black acid instead of rainbows or what have you) so that people don’t have to be forced to choose between a rainbow legendary shortbow or no legendary shortbow. In fact, I predict here and now that Anet will eventually release new Legendaries that will be “oppositely themed” and will eventually please both ends of the spectrum, but until they do they’re simply going to continue getting legitimate complaints.

And honestly anyone that defends a ridiculous rainbow/unicorn shooting shortbow as an ultimate end-game item in any MMO is just another teenage girl. NOT a purchasable skin, NOT an event item, NOT another exotic luxury. Get it through your heads.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


The reason why Twilight and Sunrise are popular is because it’s a very simple design that’s flashy enough and it doesn’t cater to a specific taste. That’s the concept they should’ve implemented with every Legendary weapon; to try and cater to a “neutral” audience with the intention of being flashy/showy/all else that comes with bragging without having people say “it looks like it came out from —- and it’s why I like/don’t like it”. It’s also the reason why all the other Legendaries get some sort of criticism: staff doesn’t go with Necromancers, pistol sounds like it’s made for trolls, short bow has unicorns, etc etc. Anet clearly messed up with the Legendaries, no argument about that, and they’ve only made it worse with the short bow with this new update. Taking the unicorns as an example, it would be great if it was sold in the gem store as a Legendary-only skin effect that can be purchased as an option so that only the people that wanted it can have it. But either 1. have the default Legendary be much more neurtral like Twilight and Sunrise or 2. have an opposite version of the Legendary (ie. shoots black acid instead of rainbows or what have you) so that people don’t have to be forced to choose between a rainbow legendary shortbow or no legendary shortbow. In fact, I predict here and now that Anet will eventually release new Legendaries that will be “oppositely themed” and will eventually please both ends of the spectrum, but until they do they’re simply going to continue getting legitimate complaints.

And honestly anyone that defends a ridiculous rainbow/unicorn shooting shortbow as an ultimate end-game item in any MMO is just another teenage girl. NOT a purchasable skin, NOT an event item, NOT another exotic luxury. Get it through your heads.

Cool man.
Still getting it in Feb, tell me which server you on, would love to do some confetti and unicorn action on you <3<3 Kawaiiii ^_¬

1+1 = potato

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fractalKinesis.8569


Anet should really have two sets of legendaries acquired in the same fashion: a serious one, and a comical one. The Dreamer can go in the comical one. Quip? Comical. Bolt? Serious.
This way the user can decide if the legendary they spent all their time getting will actually look good on them, or if they want to make their kills in PvP omg so humiliating xD. Kudzu is kind of a serious thing, but it might not be awesome for your h4rdk0rr black-armor charr warrior, and you might want to opt for the other legendary longbow skin, with equally-as-interesting visual effects. I dunno, maybe it’s jagged black metal and the trail from the arrow is actually a chain or something.

Catch my drift?

Xiro, High Five Warriors [HFW], Jade Quarry

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: critickitten.1498


Speaking as a brony myself, I actually hate the bow’s new projectiles and thought it was better when it was just rainbows. At least then it could be argued as a “brony bow” but was ambiguous enough that people could use it without feeling offended. Now it’s just shameless pandering, and I honestly don’t find it all that funny that someone else’s fun is being ruined just so that I can have a bow that I honestly don’t want anyways.

It would make a hilarious regular skin, but as a “legendary” skin, it drags the entire category of items through the mud. They no longer feel like items of great power and untold history any more, things that were always meant to be rare and hard to get. They feel like ordinary-but-expensive weapon skins whose sole purpose is to keep people running a grinding treadmill to get them.

The devs need to either remove this, and/or introduce more “legendary” weapons in the near future so that players can choose between more than just the one solitary “legendary” skin and no others.

Remember when our developers talked about “strengthening the core game”?
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.