A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns
It really makes me wonder how the idea got through…
I mean, if I was in a meeting where people got asked for ideas on how to make/improve a cool legendary bow and somebody came up with that, I’m pretty sure every single person present would be 100% sure he was joking, laugh pretty loud and then, after the laughter wore off, go on: “Ok. Ok. Let’s start with the ideas.”
Now to witness that kind of thing actually making into the game made me sad. I don’t know what’s wrong with some of the development. It even sparks my dark imagination on trying to figure how somebody can actually convince other people to implement that into a game like GW2.
Now Reddit people downvoted me for not liking it, so I guess I’m the minority.
http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/17k4v8/flying_rainbow_unicorns_with_anets_logo/Now a request: If GW2 is going to become more and more a “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” bullkitten in the future, please tell me in advance so I can start looking for a more “for real” MMORPG already.
Come on… Quip was already a bad joke. I felt bad just because it even exists in this game. Now this… Poor me.
Sorry for the rudeness. I’m too passionate about this game being such a masterwork piece of art. I couldn’t stand the unicorn thing… Really sorry.
You’re not in the minority, believe me.
But, having said that, aesthetics are subjective. But having said THAT, that’s the danger of having such a grind attached to ONE thing. You want a Legendary bow? That’s your ONLY option. And most people hate it.
The Dreamers an evil weapon. I cant go near WvW now just on the off chance I run into an enemy weilding one. The shame of being struck down with flying rainbow unicorns would cripple me and make me unable to show my face in game again.
Try to explain someone who haven’t played the game that this kitten unicorn bow is the ultimate weapon.
These weapons are the main reason why im saving resources and waiting for the new legendaries to be added. All current comical weapons don’t even deserve the legendary status, they just badly destroy the lore of the game. Seeing someone firing the rainbow unicorns at the dragons looks just wrong and can’t be taken seriously.
Also, I wonder how many people would truly go for them if for each type they had a choice between the serious looking weapon (like Twilight or Flameseeker) and this parody of a weapon (like Quip or the Dreamer).
There should be a way to revert back to the old bow, or even have a different version of it. Because this is an absolute joke, a unicorn bow? okay. A unicorn bow that shoots rainbows? okay. A unicorn bow that shoots rainbows with a unicorn that looks like it could be a direct copy from clip art? ….. lol what? Don’t get me started on the bad taste of the Arena Net logo on the butt.
Arena Net should rethink this and quickly.
Fine; don’t buy it/look at it? You save a lot, or just take a look elsewhere. There are other Legendaries that are a bit on the extreme side as well. I don’t care for it myself, but not because it makes the game “stupid” or silly, but because it’s not my idea of a good-looking bow (I hate spikes or “brutal” looks as well-“manliness” is overrated.)
The only bad thing is the assumption that “dreamers” can’t be practical and “must live” in a world of rainbows and unicorns. :P Also, rainbows and unicorns are NOT bad. My point is that “dreamers” are not all about living in a fantasy world, as they can be in touch with their real world as well, and not every dreamer is about fluffy unicorns.
In short, that Legendary bow seems a bit condescending towards "dreamer"personality types of people, but I honestly feel they were just kidding around, and it’s OK, because I am sure it has its fans (how is the Pirate Sledge any more “serious”? I use that skin on my Guardian’s hammer…)
“What is the power your heart most desire” Said the Archmage, hidden in shifting shadows, with a voice made of the echos of one thousand souls trapped for ever in torment.
“I want a Bow, the most powerfull bow ever made, fitting to kill Ancient Dragons and freeze my enemys in fear just before my arrows pierce their bones and steal their lifeforce”
“You paid the ultimate price, so is yours… Anything else?”
“Yes, I want it to shoot unicorns and leave a path of color in the air, for they take my childhood, the same day as my family and friends, but not forever, not all. And I want the last thing they see is my deathly smile clothed in the colors they were unable to destroy”
“So be it. I give you The Dreamer. May your vengeance be unending.”“What is the power your heart most desire” Said the Archmage, hidden in shifting shadows, with a voice made of the echos of one thousand souls trapped for ever in torment.
“I want a Bow, the most powerfull bow ever made, fitting to kill Ancient Dragons and freeze my enemys in fear just before my arrows pierce their bones and steal their lifeforce”
“You paid the ultimate price, so is yours… Anything else?”
“Yes, I want it to shoot unicorns and leave a path of color in the air, for they take my childhood, the same day as my family and friends, but not forever, not all. And I want the last thing they see is my deathly smile clothed in the colors they were unable to destroy”
“I see, I perhaps do not have the bow you seek, but if you meet my friend Alagorn the Ambiguous behind the Blue Oyster Bar in lions Arch on Friday night…he may be able to fulfil your desires”
Well played!!
We should have a line of kitten legendary weapons to counter those horses of apolypse!
But seriously, a joke is great when it remains one and not a necessity – this should be some event/karma toy weapon, not a bow that is to wake respect and ooze power when looking at it. But then again most legendary weapons look..experimental to say the least.
Try to explain someone who haven’t played the game that this kitten unicorn bow is the ultimate weapon.
These weapons are the main reason why im saving resources and waiting for the new legendaries to be added. All current comical weapons don’t even deserve the legendary status, they just badly destroy the lore of the game. Seeing someone firing the rainbow unicorns at the dragons looks just wrong and can’t be taken seriously.
Also, I wonder how many people would truly go for them if for each type they had a choice between the serious looking weapon (like Twilight or Flameseeker) and this parody of a weapon (like Quip or the Dreamer).
To be honest, it’s all your opinion vs other people’s. For instance, the Flameseeker Prophecies shield, which you think is a “serious” weapon, and as much as I do like it and may get it in a few years, IS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS (to ME.) The moving Prophecies Book in it, etc. It’s not “realistic”. But I don’t care, beause it’s cool enough for me. That morphing Legendary Hammer… I really can’t like it, nor the Moot “disco” mace. And to be honest, Bolt, Twilight, and Flameseeker have nothing on an old Fiery Dragon Sword, and to ME aren’t “serious” weapons at all (cool, maybe, but the plain Lionguard greatsword is way more “serious”-realistic-than Twilight.)
In short, what’s serious to you, may not be for others. For someone out there, the Dreamer might be the ultimate “serious” weapon for him/her. I do not love it myself, but it’s OK for GW2 to have diverse weapon and armor styles, because even when we disagree/can’t relate with them, someone else might, and that’s fine.
(Come to think of it, there’s no “serious” Legendary weapon, IMHO. If they were, many wouldn’t even bother with them-people like non-serious effects, “cool” effects, such as those in Twilight AND the Dreamer. I myself don’t like a great number of Legendaries, but don’t mind if others love them.)
I did not mean to debate, but just to say it’s OK for people to have the Dreamer option if they want it, no matter how weird/“wrong” it looks for some of us? I won’t get it, but the game is still “true”; the reference to “My Little Pony” by the OP is wholly unwarranted (not to mention, it’s OK for people to like ponies and friendship.) This is not Macho/Spikes Wars 2, after all.
I am on the Legendary track specifically because of the rainbows!
You don’t like? Would you rather it fire poop arrows?
I am on the Legendary track specifically because of the rainbows!
You don’t like? Would you rather it fire poop arrows?
If it is a robot unicorn attack reference, they stole it from the muppets. Does no one remember kermit’s rainbow connection?
“Some day we’ll find it.
The rainbow connection.
The lover, The dreamer and meeeeee.
Laa la la leeee la luuuu.”
It’s the Rainbow Phoenix thing all over again ^^ Look up the Rainbow Phoenix from GW. People complained about it because it was so big and obnoxious and rainbowy, but it was the end-game Ranger pet. Plus this only affects two professions: Rangers and Thieves (and there are other weapon options!).
I’m seriously tempted to get it just so I can own people in WvW with it and put them into shame for being beaten by a girl with a unicorn bow (and it will be nice and massive on my Norn) xD
Shiny purple weapons (tormented) were the leet weapons in GW. Why can’t a unicorn bow be a legendary in GW2?
And for all those who say GW2 is dark and serious. Shatterer is cute. The Sylvari area is shiny and pretty. There are quaggan. Even Orr isn’t that dark. And humans? They were complete idiots in GW (trusted the White Mantle, the Vizier, etc). So they deserve their place (beyond that the HUMAN left Destiny’s Edge when fighting a dragon). Plus there are jokes all over the place.
Yes. This short bow sucks. And I really find people with it, and that just loves it. That is why I am going for twilight. Unicorns? Rainbows? MEEEEEN!!!!! HELLS NAH! No, but seriously…
stick to ur guns Anet this update was awesome for me i was disappointed reading no footfalls but this more than makes up for it
The Dreamers an evil weapon. I cant go near WvW now just on the off chance I run into an enemy weilding one. The shame of being struck down with flying rainbow unicorns would cripple me and make me unable to show my face in game again.
There is a solution
Imunise your self now
unicorn, unicorn, unicorn, eggs ham and unicorn now being served
The Dreamers an evil weapon. I cant go near WvW now just on the off chance I run into an enemy weilding one. The shame of being struck down with flying rainbow unicorns would cripple me and make me unable to show my face in game again.
There is a solution
Imunise your self now
unicorn, unicorn, unicorn, eggs ham and unicorn now being served
Wasn’t Tesco putting that in their burgers?
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
I play a ranger as my main, and when I found out this was the legendary… I stopped playing. I completed all the outdoor content and have no desire to do dungeons repeatedly or PvP.
Rifle that shoots rainbow pooping cats please!
I’d take a laser cat instead
I personally am shooting for this bow. Besides the tassles, not a bad looking bow, especially compared to the majority of ugmode bows in the game. Can’t wait till I get a simple bow like the shadow bows from FOW.
Anyhow, as far as LEGENDARY goes, um…I think Unicorns are right up there when it comes to the word. I even remember the movie LEGEND having something to do with unicorns having all this power or atleast pure untainted power that if controlled you could rule the universe.
Someone told me this weapon and it’s name was actually in reference to the muppets song. Could be wrong though.
Edit: nvm, a couple post above me already referenced it. that’s what i get for not reading every post.
(edited by Akari Storm.6809)
When I first started my Ranger I was hoping that Arena net had bought back the Storm bow from GW1 and made it Legendary but when the closet item to it was Aether/Azureflame I kind of said I would rather just go for a legendary.
I then looked at both Kudzu and The Dreamer and personally I felt The Dreamer was better I thought the Animation of the rainbows was cooler that kudzu’s flowers and also the Model for The Dreamer was just better with the tassels and the flowing colours. I obtained it like what 2 weeks ago and have been happy to log in and just randomly shoot it’s just amazing.
I love the serious Legendarys but I feel that some of the silly ones are just nice to have and see it adds to the game and when they changed the animation to what is it now i was like My rainbows are gone noooo! but after one fractal and some Orr farming I was in love with it, Its more detailed and its just a nicer animation in my opinion and honestly i just don’t see what there is to complain out… if you don’t like it don’t get it?! save up for something that might or might not be added in the next expansion etc or get a different legendary like Kudzu or get a exotic that is beautiful like Aether/Azureflame.
If you don’t like seeing it around you don’t have to look at it before I obtained it and since I obtained it I’ve seen a roughly 10 maybe 15 people tops with this weapon so your not going to be spending a huge amount of time with them so what if your running through Lions arch and you see someone shooting it just turn your head… Its there game as well…… they might not like your armor set or your broom lol.
You cant please everyone in games and this is one thing people have to put up with and stop creating QQ threads on the forums the amount of them is just ridiculous and people need to stop crying for this to be removed because “they don’t like it, its ruining my immersion!” should seriously just move on and accept that its part of the game lighten up! laugh a bit even smile maybe
I personally am shooting for this bow. Besides the tassles, not a bad looking bow, especially compared to the majority of ugmode bows in the game. Can’t wait till I get a simple bow like the shadow bows from FOW.
The tassels get bigger as you kill more people
As for simple skins (Gallery Here):
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
The tassels get bigger as you kill more people
Ok, I didn’t think this bow could get any more awesome – what have you DONE??
The tassels get bigger as you kill more people
Ok, I didn’t think this bow could get any more awesome – what have you DONE??
Skip the first few mins. Guy added a weird effect. Unsure if the tassels still grow with the update though. They should do since it was only the projectiles they modified.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
(edited by TheDaiBish.9735)
I think it’s silly as well. Looks like it should be on Teletubbys or Wizard101. But whatever makes your boat float.
I think it’s silly as well. Looks like it should be on Teletubbys or Wizard101. But whatever makes your boat float.
Buoyancy does.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Awful hipster garbage. But if it makes some people happy then I guess its alright. I just hope they add other legendary options for those that dont like this cutesy stuff so much.
Bronies frighten me. I don’t enjoy the bow, I prefer the Slingshot.
Need a legendary slingshot that shoots deku nuts.
Bronies frighten me.
Hehehehehe. Heh. Ahhhhh.
I don’t enjoy the bow, I prefer the Slingshot.
Need a legendary slingshot that shoots deku nuts.
I still got a few slingshot skins. I think they were pretty cool, if not the placement being odd on them.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
I agree with the OP. It is the dumbest thing I have seen in a MMO to date. Why people would want such a weapon is beyond me. It is neither fun nor funny.
To all the people saying it is homophobia that is driving this: Way to be a prick. We can have a opinion about a item and it not be driven by your fear of having someone not agreeing with someone else’s life style.
Now a request: If GW2 is going to become more and more a “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” bullkitten in the future, please tell me in advance so I can start looking for a more “for real” MMORPG already.
If the first thing your mind jumps to upon seeing a unicorn is MLP, that’s on you.
GW has always had some silly elements, if you absolutely have to take yourself so seriously, then ya, you’re better off looking for a more “for real” manly-man game of seriousness+4.
Thank you for the answer. That’s honestly what I was looking for with the post. I really didn’t know exactly what GW was about (didn’t play GW1 not even saw any videos) so maybe this game is just not what I expected. Still, it’s the best we have at the moment. Still a masterwork in so many aspects.
Great attitude by the OP! This reply that couldve been full of hate (which seems to be a norm anymore) was refreshing to see. Good on you!
I plan on The Dreamer being the first legendary I aim for. It will make a nice replacement for my slingshot.
Honestly, I think this is the best bow ever. Am currently making sunrise for my guard but because of this bow i’m conflicted of whether I should make a ranger and make her both sunrise and the dreamer.
This should be a dream come true for thieves. They won’t have to use stealth ever again I mean all people will be looking at are the random unicorns trampling over them making cute neighing sounds.
I think the “silly” Legendaries are hilarious, but at the same time, it makes me not want to use them on my own characters. (Which is fine by me, because that just means I can put the money to use elsewhere. ) If others like them and want to use them, why not?
all bronis in aned dev team made that bow : 3
here is an artistic impression if you combine fancy steampunk clothes, starwars, unicorns, attack pandas and cosmetic weaponry that resemble cute versions of our favourite transformers:
Also if you want realistic, TESO ( The Elder Scrolls Online ) looks like it might be pretty good.
I still like GW2 though
Did anyone ever though that shooting unicorns isnt so ridicolous, if u think about em as illusion. Shooting unicorns would be ugly. But shooting arrows, that look for everyone like unicorns – is a true mental attk, It would even fit in the gameworld. By shocking your enemys, you make them open for your next attk.
I LOVED the old animation for dreamer, whole reason why i’m 99% the way done finishing my bow… then this animation change happened…. Now I am really sad and don’t know where I should go from here. I guess I could change to make an incin but now I’ve just made multiple very significant and pricey gifts that are now useless/worthless.
Also I DO like unicorns and flying rainbows, just not to that extent. The unicorn on my bow and the rainbows on the arrow (along with the little thing on the arrow tip) was perfect and awesome. The new animation is just too big and clumsy for me. Please let me go back to the old design where the balance was perfect.
(edited by randomfightfan.4091)
My unicorns drink your QQ tears.
My unicorns drink your QQ tears.
Sad that this company is catering to people like you. People who only have fun by trying to make sure others isn’t a good design idea IMO.
With that said, getting killed by a ranger with dreamer and his pt was hilarious even b4 this change. Now the unicorns just look ugly and out of place.
My unicorns drink your QQ tears.
Sad that this company is catering to people like you. People who only have fun by trying to make sure others isn’t a good design idea IMO.
I’m confused. How does someone using The Dreamer detract from your own fun?
And surely if someone is having fun using the current iteration, and you want to take that away from them, then the same statement applies?
You aren’t going to please everyone all of the time. People were kittening about The Dreamer BEFORE the update, and 9 out of 10 times it wasn’t because of ‘immersion’. If the bow shot a massive tiger or something, I bet you wouldn’t see this amount of QQ.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
(edited by TheDaiBish.9735)
always makes me laugh how people are apparently too manly and/or serious to be able to bear the presence of this bow.
Yup, the same thing happened at release with ppl complaining about mesmer and purple butterflies effects… it just didn’t suit their manly man aesthetics.
I also have a sneaking suspicion ppl complaining about it being “childish”..are probably 15-25 and desperate to prove how adult they are.
Not everyone in this world is secure about their sexuality I guess. I for one appreciate that Anet are not mindless drones in the background and can do some fun references once in awhile. e.g. angry chickens from zelda
My unicorns drink your QQ tears.
Sad that this company is catering to people like you. People who only have fun by trying to make sure others isn’t a good design idea IMO.
I’m confused. How does The Dreamer detract from your own fun?
I guess if I got killed by a bow shooting unicorns, I would feel less of a man and thus less fun
My unicorns drink your QQ tears.
Sad that this company is catering to people like you. People who only have fun by trying to make sure others isn’t a good design idea IMO.
I’m confused. How does The Dreamer detract from your own fun?
I guess if I got killed by a bow shooting unicorns, I would feel less of a man and thus less fun
A group of us in WvW were on Skype when one of them got mowed down by someone with a Dreamer. All you could here was a ’kitten’s sake’ from him and the rest of us laughing ourselves stupid.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
My unicorns drink your QQ tears.
Sad that this company is catering to people like you. People who only have fun by trying to make sure others isn’t a good design idea IMO.
I’m confused. How does someone using The Dreamer detract from your own fun?
And surely if someone is having fun using the current iteration, and you want to take that away from them, then the same statement applies?
You aren’t going to please everyone all of the time. People were kittening about The Dreamer BEFORE the update, and 9 out of 10 times it wasn’t because of ‘immersion’. If the bow shot a massive tiger or something, I bet you wouldn’t see this amount of QQ.
My bad I guess I should have elaborated. The bow had nothing to do with my having less fun, it was that person’s attitude/him acting like a jerk that made it less fun. The bow was just a tool that he uses. I have no problems with the bow, only with the reasons for which that specific bow is being used
some of these legendaries just look ridiculous, so much it makes me not want to make them.
dreamer was fine (bad enough but bearable) just shooting rainbows, what’s with the massive unicorns? seriously?
hope they make more legendaries that are more serious looking (for a fantasy game) and not pre-school child toys like this.
I think this bow was meant to troll people in Wvw.
I just saw how it look. I’m so glad I don’t use shortbow…
Also the logo feel so much like a troll