Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
An adult woman wearing a ruffly babydoll dress holding a giant lollypop is bizarre.
Also known as cosplay.
What is the purpose of unicorn arrows? Do they run up and impale your enemy? What do the butterflies do? Ooo, scary! I suppose your enemy is laughing so hard at you that they’re rolling around on the ground and thus vulnerable to your other attacks?
Butterflies are normally associated with the Chaos Theory (flapping wings cause hurricanes and all that). Mesmer are to do with chaos. Not to mention Mesmers have the whole theatrical thing going on (in GW, Vassar hung around Foible’s Fair, while Lady Althea hung around this outdoor theater).
As for Unicorns, well, in Medieval times they represented purity and strength. Coat of Arms had them on and everything. Look at the Sigil the Dreamer uses (Purity). Take what you will from that.
no you dont have to see them
just delete the game and play something less fun
how can people be so serious about a game if it really is gamebreaking for you simply leave and find another game
this bow is awesome
Hey, I’m just expressing my opinion. But I guess the best some people can do is tell people to leave the game. What if everyone with a difference of opinion left the game as you suggest? I don’t think it would be very good for the game.
What is the purpose of unicorn arrows? Do they run up and impale your enemy? What do the butterflies do?
The purpose is to look good
Just out of curiosity: if you think rainbow unicorns “look good” I’m wondering if you have them on your walls at home. If you don’t, why not?
The argument isn’t “seriousness” vs. “fun”. Rainbow unicorns aren’t “fun”, they are childish. Cake is fun, cake with clowns on it is childish. If I say I don’t want a cake with clowns on it that doesn’t mean that I don’t like cake.
All I see is a massive amount of QQing in this thread, and people whom take things WAY to stinking seriously. It’s a game folks. If the graphics of one item makes you want to quit a game, then I say, PULL YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES UP.
This legendary has always been a “troll” weapon in my eyes. It has always had a unicorn on the bow itself, and it shot out rainbows before. I personally think is is by far the best troll weapon Anet has created to date. Albeit, I will concede that the logo is a bit far fetched. The prices of The Lover has sky-rocketed, so your humbugging it up, obviously is not shared with the majority.
You guys need to get over yourselves, seriously. Crying over how an animation of a weapon makes you want to not play. If that’s all it takes to get rid of some of you pansies, then the real world must be a horrible place for you guys. I swear, some of you guys are whinier than me, and I actually am a girl.
If the graphics of one item makes you want to quit a game, then I say, <snipped inflammatory comment>.
Can you please point me to the posts that say they were going to quit the game? I think I saw 2. The rest of the people are merely expressing their opinion. If you disagree, why not state your case for why you disagree instead of telling people they aren’t allowed to express their opinion?
What is the purpose of unicorn arrows? Do they run up and impale your enemy? What do the butterflies do?
The purpose is to look good
Just out of curiosity: if you think rainbow unicorns “look good” I’m wondering if you have them on your walls at home. If you don’t, why not?
If you think fireball staffs and giant jagged swords “look good” then why don’t you have any hanging on the walls of your home?
This is a really terrible argument that has nothing to do with anything.
And for what it’s worth, if I could have a magical bow that shot unicorns and rainbows then I absolutely would hang it in a prominent place in my house.
The argument isn’t “seriousness” vs. “fun”.
I never said anything about seriousness or fun. Is this the “reply with complete non sequiturs” part of the thread now?
(edited by Ehra.5240)
ANet should just make the bow shoot nyan cats.
nope no way. Downgrading a legendary is just a nono. People worked for this, don’t ruin it for them. 1
Did you even read my post? I’m not asking them to downgrade the legendary. I’m saying slightly reduce one effect and add a different effect. The projectiles for The Dreamer were fine as they were, I’d rather see a trail or footsteps than going over the top with the projectiles. But hey, to each his own. We all have our opinions and not everyone can be pleased.
What is the purpose of unicorn arrows? Do they run up and impale your enemy? What do the butterflies do?
The purpose is to look good
Just out of curiosity: if you think rainbow unicorns “look good” I’m wondering if you have them on your walls at home. If you don’t, why not?
If you think fireball staffs and giant jagged swords “look good” then why don’t you have any hanging on the walls of your home?
I didn’t say fireball staves “look good”, you brought “look good” into the discussion. As for whether I would put stuff on my walls, we are talking about the effect, not the items. So while I would not put a staff on my wall, I might have an image that has fire in it. I would not have an image that has a rainbow unicorn in it. I don’t want people to think I’m a baby.
The argument isn’t “seriousness” vs. “fun”.
I never said anything about seriousness or fun. Is this the “reply with complete non sequiturs” part of the thread now?
You may have noticed that my post contained more than just a response to you. And that comment was part of a different paragraph than my response to you – that connotes a new subject.
If the graphics of one item makes you want to quit a game, then I say, <snipped inflammatory comment>.
Can you please point me to the posts that say they were going to quit the game? I think I saw 2. The rest of the people are merely expressing their opinion. If you disagree, why not state your case for why you disagree instead of telling people they aren’t allowed to express their opinion?
Oh please, this made me actually roll my eyes in real life. “Snipping out inflammatory comment” makes you look overly sensitive in all aspects of life. You shouldn’t take a game so seriously, man.
Indicate where I said they couldn’t express them? Do not put words in my mouth, I simply stated my own opinion about how I perceive all the trivial sniveling I read on this thread. Crying over graphics, please. Graphics making you want to leave the game, graphics making you want to not group up with people, rinse and repeat. All of them should pull them up.
You want a reason, you got it in my previous statement. The Dreamer has ALWAYS had a unicorn, and already shot out rainbows. Who flipping cares, it’s a game.
An adult woman wearing a ruffly babydoll dress holding a giant lollypop is bizarre.
Also known as cosplay.
What is the purpose of unicorn arrows? Do they run up and impale your enemy? What do the butterflies do? Ooo, scary! I suppose your enemy is laughing so hard at you that they’re rolling around on the ground and thus vulnerable to your other attacks?
Butterflies are normally associated with the Chaos Theory (flapping wings cause hurricanes and all that). Mesmer are to do with chaos. Not to mention Mesmers have the whole theatrical thing going on (in GW, Vassar hung around Foible’s Fair, while Lady Althea hung around this outdoor theater).
As for Unicorns, well, in Medieval times they represented purity and strength. Coat of Arms had them on and everything. Look at the Sigil the Dreamer uses (Purity). Take what you will from that.
I guess it is some kind of tactic to take my comments completely out of context, but I don’t know why.
1. We aren’t talking about Cosplay, we’re talking about an MMO. So…whatever.
2. I was replying to a comment made about magic and fireballs. As I said, fireballs have a purpose – they burn your enemy. What do the unicorns and butterflys do to your enemy? I didn’t ask what they stood for.
If the graphics of one item makes you want to quit a game, then I say, <snipped inflammatory comment>.
Can you please point me to the posts that say they were going to quit the game? I think I saw 2. The rest of the people are merely expressing their opinion. If you disagree, why not state your case for why you disagree instead of telling people they aren’t allowed to express their opinion?
Oh please, this made me actually roll my eyes in real life. “Snipping out inflammatory comment” makes you look overly sensitive in all aspects of life. You shouldn’t take a game so seriously, man.
Indicate where I said they couldn’t express them? Do not put words in my mouth, I simply stated my own opinion about how I perceive all the trivial sniveling I read on this thread. Crying over graphics, please. Graphics making you want to leave the game, graphics making you want to not group up with people, rinse and repeat. All of them should pull them up.
You want a reason, you got it in my previous statement. The Dreamer has ALWAYS had a unicorn, and already shot out rainbows. Who flipping cares, it’s a game.
nobody “cares” that much.
yeah its just a game.
and a worst one imo because of designs like these.
nobody “cares” that much.
yeah its just a game.
and a worst one imo because of designs like these.
Then don’t play the game. Stop QQing.
You people act as if you don’t have choice to make/buy The Dreamer, nor a choice to play this game.
2. I was replying to a comment made about magic and fireballs. As I said, fireballs have a purpose – they burn your enemy. What do the unicorns and butterflys do to your enemy? I didn’t ask what they stood for.
To burn enemy brain. With butterflys u blind your enemy. And with unicorn u shock him.
Also. Its much harder to dodge arrow if it looks like unicorn. u dont know exactly where real attk is. U just c an unicorn )
Just throwing my 2 cents in here because I can. I’m a brony, I actually have the character name “Brony” in game, I’ve been watching MLP:FiM for a couple years now, and I loved the concept of having a legendary bow with a MLP influence. In fact, I was working towards acquiring it… but it’s now over the top. The projectiles are too big and it’s fairly distracting. The Dreamer could be changed in an alternative way while maintaining its MLP influence.
I’d say revert the projectiles back to just the unicorn head like they were, keep the new rainbow stream effect on the projectiles, and add a rainbow trail behind the player similar to that of Rainbow Dash’s. The current projectile is just too big and there are better ways to make it stand out more.
Thank you so much for that. That was near perfect.
I’m still following the thread since the start and I like it that many arguments were carefully written out and presented instead of it becoming a hate fest.
I just got back from work and it saddened me not being able to comment on many good posts I read while there (I can navigate the forums, but logging in is blocked for some reason, so I couldn’t answer).
The most interesting thing about participating in the forums is that it changes me. I didn’t really care about Kuzdu. The fact that Quip existed annoyed me, though. I could live with it, though. I’ve never seen anybody using it in the game anyways. Now after the new Dreamer effect Quip seems so subtle and belonging. Lol. :P I didn’t care about the Dreamer before. It just didn’t attract me since I found it “silly”. I’d never pay 5 gold for it.
I really always struggle to come up with words (english is not my main language) to express how I felt when I saw the video of the new Dreamer effect. “kitten” might be the closest word. Now after that I started to wonder what Guild Wars 2 represents to the development team. I have no clue at this moment. I know it represents “a lot”, I have no doubt, but what exactly? A comedy fantasy game? (No sarcasm.) That’s the route it seems to be trailing to.
I was having lunch and thinking about it, and the only conclusion I could come up with was: the development team must have been under a huge amount of stress. I laugh a lot in real life, with family, friends etc. When I log into the game, I’m looking for a medieval fantasy setting, for sPvP, for WvW, not for a comedy show (not for a dark fantasy terror setting either, mind you). Even some of the new Dreamer defenders admitted that it is a troll weapon, but that they like it. Maybe the development team has been under such a huge amount of stress that they unconsciously needed to “unleash” their intense need for “fun” and “laughter” in the game’s code.
Doesn’t hurt to make it clearer: IMO, the problem is not in the bow itself, nor in the rainbow trails themselves, is that the size of the unicorns (besides the fact that the projectile is a kittening unicorn, lol) and the brightness of the rainbows are making it so flashy that it’s “trolling” the whole setting of the game. In my humble view of what Guild Wars 2 is, or better yet, in the “theme” set by Guild Wars 2 concept art (go find a rainbow there, or in any of the teaser trailers), that simply doesn’t fit. It doesn’t fit in such a way (and with such intensity) that it’s funny that I even have to say it like this, with explanations and arguments. :P
Anyways. It’s been roughly a day and many comments were made already. I sincerely hope there can be a way to work things out to keep both the fans of flashiness and the fans of more “traditional” fantasy settings happy. Maybe we could set it back to what it was before? Maybe we could have, say, a unicorn horn (instead of the whole thing) as a projectile with less bright rainbows (like the Bifrost’s more subtle rainbows)?
Otherwise, I sincerely think a display option to turn the effects off would be a very good thing. I myself would be perfectly pleased with that. I’d just turn it off and resume living in my fun, trolless, fantasy world.
(edited by VBMeireles.4951)
(Part 2)
On a side, clarification note: I like the quaggan backpack. All of my characters are female Asuras because I see them like children/bunnies and I like children and their voice acting. I made a guardian and I enjoyed spamming “Save Yourselves” just to hear it over and over. I wish the quaggan backpack was bigger like it is on humans so I can see it better on my Asura. I’m not buying the broom because it doesn’t spark my interest. I just don’t care about it. I don’t care about the others riding them since it’s not in my face, so I just ignore it. I just think that the unicorn projectiles (and its rainbows’ intense brightness) are out of place in such a way that, in my limited knowledge of english, I lack the words to express it appropriately and politely. It directly and negatively impacts my gaming experience, which is unfortunate to me.
While reviewing my text I just noticed a word was filtered out to “kitten”. The start had to do with “troll” and the rest had to do with that acronym for “laughing out loud”. I had no idea it was offensive. I find it extremely funny, though, that while the word was filtered out in the forums, the flashy unicorn projectile is in the game. :P
Wow whats up with all the people that take things waaaaay too seriously? I think the bow is pretty cool and hilarious in a way.
i would like to see anet do more of these!
Wow whats up with all the people that take things waaaaay too seriously? I think the bow is pretty cool and hilarious in a way.
i would like to see anet do more of these!
Well, maybe ANet doesn’t want us to take their game seriously after all. It seems to be catering to the “who cares, it’s just a game” more than to the “passionate”.
I surely have to rethink what this game means to me. :P To think that I might be taking it more seriously than its creators makes me worry about myself. Lol. :P
I didn’t say fireball staves “look good”, you brought “look good” into the discussion.
Yes, and you’re the one bringing up the ridiculous argument that if you think an item looks good in a video game then you should clearly be willing to hang it up on a wall in your home. It has nothing to do with the argument, it’s just an attempt to derail the discussion.
You asked what the point of the unicorn was. It’s to look good. Whether you personally think it does look good or not is irrelevant. It’s still meant to be a unikittenfect that stands out and makes it obvious that someone has a legendary weapon.
edit: Lol at the filter.
You may have noticed that my post contained more than just a response to you. And that comment was part of a different paragraph than my response to you – that connotes a new subject.
You might have noticed that this other paragraph was still right after a paragraph in reply to me, and with no indicator in the second paragraph explaining that it was now moving onto a different conversation with a different group of people, the typical person would think it was a continuation of that discussion with me.
You know. Kind of how it’d be reasonable for you to think this new paragraph is still in reply to you, and not just anyone in general.
Well, maybe ANet doesn’t want us to take their game seriously after all. It seems to be catering to the “who cares, it’s just a game” more than to the “passionate”.
“Passionate” and “serious” aren’t synonyms. You can still be “passionate” about something and not get upset over something that’s intentionally silly.
(edited by Ehra.5240)
I guess it is some kind of tactic to take my comments completely out of context, but I don’t know why.
1. We aren’t talking about Cosplay, we’re talking about an MMO. So…whatever.
Hey, you’re the one that brought up adult women holding kittens and then the polar opposite (both of which have nothing to do with MMO’s). My point was Cosplay isn’t bizarre to those who do it, albeit poorly put forward.
2. I was replying to a comment made about magic and fireballs. As I said, fireballs have a purpose – they burn your enemy. What do the unicorns and butterflys do to your enemy? I didn’t ask what they stood for.
They don’t have a purpose. They’re purely aesthetic.
Elements standing for things is also in the game as well though.
Why does Air Attunement focus on mobility? Because Air is seen as mobile element.
Why does Fire Attunement focus on damage? Because Fire is seen as destructive.
Why does Water Attunement focus on healing and support? Because Water is seen as healing.
Why do Mesmers have Butterflies? Because they’re asscoiated with Chaos Theory.
I could put a strong argument forward for changing Necro life orbs to butterflies.
They’re all simply aesthetics that are appropriate to the purpose of the skill.
Let’s turn to other Legendary weapons:
What’s the purpose of Juggernaut affecting your armour? It doesn’t make you more resistant to attacks.
The Lightning around Bolt? Doesn’t deal any extra damage.
What about the trails left by Twilight and Sunrise?
And yet I don’t see you complaining about the lack of purpose from these.
Let’s turn to other Legendary weapons:
What’s the purpose of Juggernaut affecting your armour? It doesn’t make you more resistant to attacks.
The Lightning around Bolt? Doesn’t deal any extra damage.
What about the trails left by Twilight and Sunrise?
The disco mace doesn’t make anyone dance, my immersion is broken.
anet doesnt care for their setting.
they would sell you a shield with a clown face on it if it brings money.
The disco mace doesn’t make anyone dance, my immersion is broken.
I am pretty sure, I just fell in love with this comment.
anet doesnt care for their setting.
they would sell you a shield with a clown face on it if it brings money.
Less QQ, more pew pew.
2. I was replying to a comment made about magic and fireballs. As I said, fireballs have a purpose – they burn your enemy. What do the unicorns and butterflys do to your enemy? I didn’t ask what they stood for.
Can answer the butterfly part… they tell the enemy that a mesmer is about to lay waste to their soon-to-be carcass. They distract, get you wondering where the real mesmer is.
Unicorns also will distract. People will likely focus on them and the source, ignoring threats around them. Tactically used they have a lot of potential value in a mesmer-like way by getting the enemy to do what you want them to do (chase the guy with the bow) instead of what they want you to do.
anet doesnt care for their setting.
they would sell you a shield with a clown face on it if it brings money.
You really want that clown shield, huh?
since we go all out absurd and comedy, i dream for that shield!
i had to change my mindset, thats all.
Wow whats up with all the people that take things waaaaay too seriously? I think the bow is pretty cool and hilarious in a way.
i would like to see anet do more of these!
Well, maybe ANet doesn’t want us to take their game seriously after all. It seems to be catering to the “who cares, it’s just a game” more than to the “passionate”.
I surely have to rethink what this game means to me. :P To think that I might be taking it more seriously than its creators makes me worry about myself. Lol. :P
They, simply put, want us to have fun. If you don’t allow yourself to see the fun in this you cannot blame ANet. The entire idea behind the manifesto, from my take of it, was that they ultimately wanted to build a game that was fun to play. Maybe that’s an over-simplification, but that’s my take on this. Seeing this bow firing made me smile I admit. It adds to the “fun” element. I still have my serious side and save that for WvW or the occasional instance type run. Even then, though, I have fun.
Well, maybe ANet doesn’t want us to take their game seriously after all. It seems to be catering to the “who cares, it’s just a game” more than to the “passionate”.
I surely have to rethink what this game means to me. :P To think that I might be taking it more seriously than its creators makes me worry about myself. Lol. :P
Here’s the thing, what makes you think the people whom think, “who cares, it’s just a game” are not passionate as well? This is just an assumption.
I do have the mentality of “Who cares, it’s just a game”, but that in no way means, I am not passionate about playing the game. I spend an excessive amount of time playing this game, and bettering myself and guild. But I allow myself to have fun, and to see the funny aspects of the game, while taking PVE and WVW very seriously.
Don’t assume people who say, who cares, are not passionate. Cause a lot of us are.
since we go all out absurd and comedy, i dream for that shield!i had to change my mindset, thats all.
I know you think you’re making a point about how the unicorn bow is just a slippery slope until we slide into complete absurdity, but really all you’re doing is making me wish I could have a clown shield so that I could rustle all of the jimmies.
The weapon doesn’t really bother me that much. It’s not really on my list of weapons to get on my thief, since it wouldn’t really fit the armor scheme I’m going for. However, I really doubt these will be the ONLY legendaries we ever get. In the meantime, I can work on getting the Incinerator and the electrified sword (forget the name, but I love the look of that thing!). Maybe the next legendary Pistol and Shortbow will work for me. If so, great. If not, nothing to get bent outta shape about.
Out of sheer, bull-minded and potentially hazardous curiosity, does seeing miniatures out in combat areas also risk breaking the immersion of those complaining about the Dreamer?
Some of them are fairly ridiculous, and there’s no option to simply ignore them as far as I’m aware. Tiny Dredge Mining Suits; micro Priest of Balthazar; teeny Logan – they might not be considered as obnoxious as rainbow unicorns, but I’ve never seen anyone complain about these fairly blatant breaks in immersion that are far more common than the Dreamer before.
Does the pure saturation not have an impact on your enjoyment?
First of all, I have seen only 1 of these, and I was in WvW, and they were in my group I was running with. I was intrigued at the beginning.
It is a given with me, anything equestrian is going to draw my attention – instantly. I saw ponies and got excited. I love horses, have horses, ride horses, have been for over 30 years (yes, I am an adult).
I am also female.
So let’s get those things out there, as it is sure to color my response here.
I don’t understand the OP and the other hater’s problems, but I do agree, if Anet would put in an option on your own graphics interface where you could throw the switch on ALL effects from legendaries, do it – so we don’t have to have more of the same of these distateful forum arguments about who is more adult, who is more fun, who is more manly, who is a homophobe etc.
To me, I love it. Puts a little magic and whimsy into the game, which is actually full of magic and whimsy if you get down to it. It just takes a bit of creativity to see it just like it does in the real world. I love magic and whimsy because it keeps me from becoming so downtrodden by reality that I couldn’t just go on.
I come to play games to escape, to have fun, to do things I couldn’t do in reality.
Where can I talk to a frog/rabbit/lizard hybrid genius who runs around with a giant robot golem named Mr. Sparkles and fight a giant cubist hand that is bent on destroying me even though I only just walked into the room?
Where can I hear rats talking about whether they should or shouldn’t go into sewers and explore?
Where can I see a giant cat/human cub creature and a human playing ghost and charr and making social comments about acceptance regardless of differences?
There is tons of examples of the “goodness” and “lightness” all over this game. I believe you are going to see what you want to see at any given time, and that what you want to see will be directly affected by your current state of mind.
Not to say those who see the dark are bad, or the ones who see the light are better, just we all come from different spaces, places, experiences, and exposures and we all enter into this joint alternative reality from a different perspective.
What upsets me is the drastic attacks on anyone who likes the bow from those who don’t and that those people can’t see that their arguments go back the other way too.
If this bow is what they like, who are you to force them to loose something they enjoy in the game.
If you don’t like this bow, don’t buy it. Don’t affect the market price. Don’t advertise it. Don’t talk about it. Ignore it like last weeks garbage.
If you like it buy it, make it, use it, enjoy it.
We all make this game what we want. We all get as much enjoyment as we wish to get out of it. We all paid the price to own it, play it, and each of us plays our own game.
Someone having the bow really shouldn’t affect your enjoyment one way or the other, but if people really can’t see past it, Anet, please to avoid these things, put in a “no legendary effect” switch on the individual’s graphics so they can shut off all the legendary effects, but still allow those who don’t mind, don’t care, or actually like them to enjoy them.
To those haters who hate because they don’t have any options – Anet has implemented 3 Greatsword legendaries. Who is to say you won’t get your gritty, dark, depressing option in the future.
I personally want the bow. It is the only legendary I want. I didn’t desire any legendary before the redesign of this bow. I thought all the legendaries were boring, uninteresting, and unoriginal. I make no fault on those who wanted them because that is their game and I am playing mine. Same goes the other way.
Hope everyone has fun with the game. I close with an alternate reference as to where the “Dreamer” bow came from… just as a toss into the mix (I don’t know if it is right or wrong):
Why are there so many songs about rainbows
and what’s on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
and rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we’ve been told and some choose to believe it.
I know they’re wrong, wait and see.
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Fun to play…hahaha. First, you need to consider that you’re killing people, animals and so on and second you need to consider that you’re KILLING living beings in virtual world. How does it feel? So now you’re killing living beings with unicorns…it’s not funny, it is embarrassing!
It is the same like with quaggan backpack. I saw character with CoF full heavy set and 2h sword and he was carrying quaggan backpack. It only raises questions if the player is child or without taste. Such updates are destroying overall feeling from environment. Sorry but seeing such character fighting against dragon or other epic fight just downgrading whole game for me.
Such updates should be only for town clothing, costume brawl etc and never ever as part of the gear used for combat and progressing through game world.
since we go all out absurd and comedy, i dream for that shield!i had to change my mindset, thats all.
I know you think you’re making a point about how the unicorn bow is just a slippery slope until we slide into complete absurdity, but really all you’re doing is making me wish I could have a clown shield so that I could rustle all of the jimmies.
The unicorn bow isn’t a slippery slope — it’s the faceplant at the bottom of said slope.
i was ok with mini and the little girl in her dollroom image on the trading post.
i was ok with the costume fight during halloween.
i was ok with jumping on candies during wintersday.
but i feel we are getting too close to total absurdity right now, im not comfortable.
and thats coming from someone who totally enjoy jrpg stuff and girly/childish things when its well done like final fantasy.
It’s quite clear to me that Anet decided to do a take on Charlie the Unicorn and immortalise him in rainbows. Just the way his trippy ‘friends’ would like it.
Pic #1… Charlie on display during a Claw of Jormag event
Pic #2… Charlie brought a friend. Yes, it turns out there’s TWO Dreamers at the same event. MOAR UNICORNS!!
Fun to play…hahaha. First, you need to consider that you’re killing people, animals and so on and second you need to consider that you’re KILLING living beings in virtual world. How does it feel? So now you’re killing living beings with unicorns…it’s not funny, it is embarrassing!
It is the same like with quaggan backpack. I saw character with CoF full heavy set and 2h sword and he was carrying quaggan backpack. It only raises questions if the player is child or without taste. Such updates are destroying overall feeling from environment. Sorry but seeing such character fighting against dragon or other epic fight just downgrading whole game for me.
Such updates should be only for town clothing, costume brawl etc and never ever as part of the gear used for combat and progressing through game world.
It’s comments like these that make me facepalm.
I have NO idea how someone else’s decision to use whatever he/she likes on their OWN character, is so detrimental to you, and your experience gaming. This is just so asinine to me. You are basically wanting to push your aesthetic preference on others, because it is something, you, as a player do not appreciate. You have a choice to wear it or not. Tell me, does the backpack make you play worse? Does it make you dodge attacks less if you see it?
You people whom actually let trivial stuff like this affect your gaming experience are crazy.
just saw the anet logo on the butt..
geez its bad. its ok for a laugh, but seeing that more and more everywhere?…
its like a kid repeating the same joke/trick for ever…
obviously it affects my gameplay experience to see all those unicorns being fired at jormag.
if you change the look, you change the reaction.
since we go all out absurd and comedy, i dream for that shield!i had to change my mindset, thats all.
I know you think you’re making a point about how the unicorn bow is just a slippery slope until we slide into complete absurdity, but really all you’re doing is making me wish I could have a clown shield so that I could rustle all of the jimmies.
The unicorn bow isn’t a slippery slope — it’s the faceplant at the bottom of said slope.
You seem like a pretty boring person if you think rainbows and unicorns are the final destination down the absurdity slope.
Fun to play…hahaha. First, you need to consider that you’re killing people, animals and so on and second you need to consider that you’re KILLING living beings in virtual world. How does it feel? So now you’re killing living beings with unicorns…it’s not funny, it is embarrassing!
It is the same like with quaggan backpack. I saw character with CoF full heavy set and 2h sword and he was carrying quaggan backpack. It only raises questions if the player is child or without taste. Such updates are destroying overall feeling from environment. Sorry but seeing such character fighting against dragon or other epic fight just downgrading whole game for me.
Such updates should be only for town clothing, costume brawl etc and never ever as part of the gear used for combat and progressing through game world.
It’s comments like these that make me facepalm.
I have NO idea how someone else’s decision to use whatever he/she likes on their OWN character, is so detrimental to you, and your experience gaming. This is just so asinine to me. You are basically wanting to push your aesthetic preference on others, because it is something, you, as a player do not appreciate. You have a choice to wear it or not. Tell me, does the backpack make you play worse? Does it make you dodge attacks less if you see it?
You people whom actually let trivial stuff like this affect your gaming experience are crazy.
Thank you Nikkistar. Exactly what I was trying to say. I don’t understand either. My having a “effect” has no affect on another player.
obviously it affects my gameplay experience to see all those unicorns being fired at jormag.
if you change the look, you change the reaction.
Exactly, HOW does this affect your gameplay?
All I hear are arguments that are narcissistic.
obviously it affects my gameplay experience to see all those unicorns being fired at jormag.
if you change the look, you change the reaction.
The same could be said of your character dropping balls of napalm (or whatever your fire elemental skills are based on) without any kind of launching weaponry, or the fact you can summon flying winged flame beasts etc.
Actually, the same can’t be said, because just like those don’t affect anyone, the unicorns don’t affect you unless you let them. If you let them, no one can do anything to help that – it’s a choice you make. No one is forcing you to pay attention to them. No one is holding a gun to your head saying “LOOK AT MY UNICORNS! LOOK AT MY RAINBOWS!” Don’t like it, focus on Jormag or whatever you are fighting and ignore it.
I have no stats to back up this conclusion, but I think the people who dig the big, colorful and mentally challenged new direction, are also the ones who would tend to spend the most on gems (in general). Hence, why there’s so many more hideous examples of circus-chic, floating around Tyria — and I’m certain there is more to follow.
Really? you had to go that far?
Complaints of it being childish and gay weren’t enough…
I never mentioned gay. I’m OK with gay. I’m not OK with designs that target the aesthetic sensibilities of six year olds, in a game that was never advertised as being for children. You want that game? Here you go: Pixie Hollow. Fill your glass slippers.
it affects the way i see the game.
its like comparing call of duty and borderland.
i like both, for different reason.
but if i play call of duty and i find a gun that fires rainbow unicorns…
its an exageration, but thats whats happening.
i expected some childish and silly stuff in gw2.
like i said, the ad to sell you mini was a 6y old girl in her bedroom…
but lets say many more weapon follow that absurd trend….
we re gonna have unicorns, chimpanzee, goldfish, boxing gloves, shields with clown face, and pistols that make farting sounds everywhere in the game world???
im just here to give my opinion; and i give it hardcore:
probably that stuff like that sells, but for the sake of your game… dont do it.
they wont listen anyway, but i had to say it.
(edited by Avatar.1923)
That bow is a joke, and not in a good way. When it comes to people that are using that bow, I’d really like the option to turn off the ridiculous effects it has, so I don’t “accidentally” leave a dungeon party when they start using it. I already “accidentally” left a party that had someone using “quip”, and another that had someone using “Sunrise”. I’m tired of these “accidents”, and would like them to stop happening. Unfortunately, until I get the option I need to fix the problem, I can’t promise future parties anything
it affects the way i see the game.
its like comparing call of duty and borderland.
i like both, for different reason.
but if i play call of duty and i find a gun that fires rainbow unicorns…its an exageration, but thats whats happening.
i expected some childish and silly stuff in gw2.
like i said, the ad to sell you mini was a 6y old girl in her bedroom…
but lets say many more weapon follow that absurd trend….
we re gonna have unicorns, chimpanzee, goldfish, boxing gloves, shields with clown face, and pistols that make farting sounds everywhere in the game world???im just here to give my opinion; and i give it hardcore:
probably that stuff like that sells, but for the sake of your game… dont do it.they wont listen anyway, but i had to say it.
I can respect your opinion. And this is probably the best answer I have read thus far.
However, I will say that I agree with magicweaver, that there should be an option to turn off the legendary affects for players like you. But I still don’t understand why people like the person whom posted below you, will actually not party or play with people who have made the decision to acquire the bow. That’s unfathomable to me.
Legendaries take a lot of work to make, and I give respect to anyone who chooses to do so. People not playing with people who choose to make The Dreamer, is basically like calling them bad players because their aesthetics differ from yours. I get it, people like immersion in games, but man, some of the reactions players have is so excessive.
While i agree with many of the complaints, I also got a chuckle seeing it. There’s many thoughts on this type of thing that go on and basically the logic follows with leave the game or have an option to turn it off or worse, the blatant snide remarks and slang terms. My wife wants The Dreamer now more than ever, which means i’ll be soon seeing lots of unicorns passing rainbow gas in my future. Pretty sure though it’s not going to break my vision of the game. If anet continues to add the cheesy effects to the new weapons though, i’m might be the one begging for an off button.
its a poor and condescending way to get girly girls to feel like playing tbh. everytime the gaming industry comes up with ideas to “encourage” more females to play video games they come up with trash like this.
If i was female i’d be insulted that they assume females all go gooey for rainbows and stuff.
even mini pets are junk to me, i,m not playing the sims or farmville I dont need “cuteness” to make me buy into my toon.
That bow is a joke, and not in a good way. When it comes to people that are using that bow, I’d really like the option to turn off the ridiculous effects it has, so I don’t “accidentally” leave a dungeon party when they start using it. I already “accidentally” left a party that had someone using “quip”, and another that had someone using “Sunrise”. I’m tired of these “accidents”, and would like them to stop happening. Unfortunately, until I get the option I need to fix the problem, I can’t promise future parties anything
Wow. The fact you would be so narcissistic to say that the parties would be so desperate to have you in them and that Anet is so desperate to make sure YOU get to be in said parties that they would change the weapon design is a new level.
On top of that anyone who would “accidentally” leave a dungeon party because the choice of weapon SKIN another player uses tells me no dungeon party needs you because if you are going to get that serious of a twitchy finger that you can’t control it in 2 clicks will get a party in serious danger – especially with the new “no res” dynamic.
Probably a good thing you can’t promise any future parties anything. Good move on your part. They are probably better off without you in this case.
You should probably see a doctor to make sure you don’t have something more serious going on rather than a general lack of acceptance of the people around you. I’m no doctor but that is something that I would think should be looked at.
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