A call out about the server pop on UW

A call out about the server pop on UW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leaa.2943


I have a bit of a doubt regarding this subject. I have two accounts, one bind to Underworld, and one bind to Aurora Glade. Both this servers are consider to be very high populated, but when it comes to Underworld which is where my main account is, i must ask Arena if this is really the case?

Now why do i ask this. I am in a wvw guild so i see WvW a lot. Underworld is very frequently undermanned, and lately to a point were this is nearly always the case.
People in WvW think this is because of two things. 1. All WvW guilds except for the one i am in, have left the server and 2. Underworld is a PvE server with mostly PvE-players, and up until recently i also thought the same.

How ever a few weeks back i bought a second account and placed it on Aurora Glade. Aurora Glase is just as Underworld set as a very high populated server. But the differences between the servers are so huge that it just baffles me.

In WvW there is so many people attending that i suddenly felt like we are a bit over crowded, which i suppose is a good feeling since it means that Aurora have a good WvW community.
At that point i then moved over to the second reason that Underworld gives to why there are no people in WvW. According to them Underworld are left with only PvE-players.

And here is were it gets interesting. I join The Maw event on Underworld, and there is around 15-20 players doing it. I finish it and instantly log off and move to Aurora Glade and my second account because the same event pops there, and i really want to see if there is a difference. And here comes the interesting part, there is about 100 players doing the event.
I keep on doing this whole day and night with same result. There is 15-20 people doing the event bosses on Underworld except for late nights and early mornings were several of them fails or are just not done.
Even shatterer fails around 11 in the evening at Underworld, because to few attended and could not kill the dragon in time.
On Aurora they go on all day and night and i have not seen a failed event yet.

And if i move to LA then there is the triple amount of people in LA on Aurora compared to Underworld.

Underworld is ranked as a Very high populated server, but at this point and depending on what i have seen this last weeks, this can just not be possible. Unless there is this huge black hole on the server were they players hide that i am not aware of i ask Arena to look in to this and change it.

Now if there is someone wondering or not getting why i make such fuzz over this, then there is a very valid reason. We lack of WvW players on UW, and our hope to get new players and guilds in is about zero. Because we have a server that it cost 1800 gems to move to (due to it being set at Very High Populated), but everybody knows the server is empty in WvW and i know now this is also the case in PvE. With that in mind, make the math about how many that will choose to come to UW.
They simply do not get what they pay for, and this is really killing our community. First it was slowly, but now we are bleeding players like crazy.
So Arena, please check the statement of Underworld, and please check the amount of active accounts (as in frequently played for a longer period and not only during trials and the like) And please if i am actually right about this, make the change and remove us from Very High Populated so that players can afford to come to us, and give Underworld a real chance to come back.

A call out about the server pop on UW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enzo Kensei.9850

Enzo Kensei.9850

Me and the rest of my guild try really hard to push Underworld in WvW alongside with a Portugueses alliance but it isnt enough, the moment we take out camps and towers and put up a fight we see ourselfs to be out of the things we conquer.
They just have more numbers but in a even fight most of the time we win, we have more experience but we lack numbers so we just have to try and hope for the UW players to join in.
Most of the times it isnt fun…the fun factor in WvW disappears when numbers like 20 to 70 meet….


A call out about the server pop on UW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yorick.1305


Can you link those 2 accounts?

I have GW1 and 2 linked could I link another GW2 account to it?

A call out about the server pop on UW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galtrix.7369


The server population status’s are lies. My old server, Gate of Madness, said, “Full” all the time, yet I could never find anyone. I moved to Tarnished Coast, and lo and behold, I saw more people on Tarnished Coast in 2 minutes than I saw on Gate of Madness in 7 months.

[~Galtrix~] [~Level 80 Elementalist~] [~GoM~]

A call out about the server pop on UW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leaa.2943


Made Jungle Worm event today around 6 which should be prime time even. 8 people attended.

It would not really bother me that much how pve is going since normally i play more wvw then i pve, but our server is said to be one of the highest pop server, and wvw on UW is empty to a point were our community have collapsed.
For a while i believed in the rumor about UW being more of a pve server, until i made the comparing between Aurora Glade and UW and realized that the differences are like night and day and so huge that it can not really just be waved away.

Something is really wrong, and right now UW suffers highly due to this because we are bleeding players , and a chance of getting new players who wants to pay 1800 gems for a empty server and a empty wvw, is just not very likely.

A call out about the server pop on UW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kharm.3724


I’m a returning player and the first thing I noticed is how bad Underworld is with population, it should not be listed as high population on the server list. I really hope they change it and do something to encourage or get players to play on the server because it really has killed WvW on the server, we are constantly out numbered by the other 2 servers and its just not enjoyable to do anymore.

(edited by Kharm.3724)

A call out about the server pop on UW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


The server population status’s are lies. My old server, Gate of Madness, said, “Full” all the time, yet I could never find anyone. I moved to Tarnished Coast, and lo and behold, I saw more people on Tarnished Coast in 2 minutes than I saw on Gate of Madness in 7 months.

Server status goes by accounts registered on the server not by logins…i know right insane but thats apparently how we were told it works..

So just because it says high does not mean a lot are logged in..

A call out about the server pop on UW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vaugh.7193


Instead of server population, the gem cost could be based on server activity. Activity of a server can be caluclated with Achivement points:

Total achivement point / Total server population = Activity value

The Activity value then needs to monitored weekly or monthly, to see what server is currently most active.

There is alot of inactive players out there. If I look at the Achivement leaderboard for my guild, I can see that about 50% of the total player base hasnt even reach 1000 AP yet. I would consider all those players inactive, unless they started to play 2 weeks ago. These inactive players really hurt communites like UW it seems.

Guild leader of As Stars We Belong [STAR]
WvW Commander of Blacktide.
@RaugoolGW2 on Twitter