A challenge for one of the devs
You’re a bit late to this party.
The original jumping puzzles, the first ones, were designed with the old camera system in place.
They changed the camera system in beta. They didn’t redo the old jumping puzzles.
The devs are quite aware that there are jumping puzzles that are harder for norns and charr, and all the new jumping puzzles take that into account…but the old ones…before the change do not. So there’s no reason to challenge a dev to something they said was flawed.
That said, any charr or norn can take any humanoid tonic and you’ll still be allowed to jump. Therefore you can get tonics and get through the older puzzles, usually for a few coppers.
Not exactly worth the development time to redo older JPs.
Here’s the challenge:
On the livestream, I would really like one of the devs to go through the Troll’s End jumping puzzle in LA, preferably on a Norn, then look directly at the camera and tell us that they don’t think there’s anything wrong with the in-game camera.
I don’t believe it would be possible to do with a straight face.
I’d be happy if they could explain in detail what is so kitten ed hard about adjusting what is likely about 4 vertices on the end of the visual plank to match the actual platform structure that the characters stand on.
Here’s the challenge:
On the livestream, I would really like one of the devs to go through the Troll’s End jumping puzzle in LA, preferably on a Norn, then look directly at the camera and tell us that they don’t think there’s anything wrong with the in-game camera.
I don’t believe it would be possible to do with a straight face.
I’d be happy if they could explain in detail what is so kitten ed hard about adjusting what is likely about 4 vertices on the end of the visual plank to match the actual platform structure that the characters stand on.
Nothing is particularly hard about changing one jump. Nothing is particularly hard about changing an engineer’s backpack. Nothing is particularly hard about added extra filters to the TP. Nothing is particularly hard about fixing certain spelling mistakes.
When you have a list of 10,000 things that aren’t that hard, it still takes time to do them. Some of the landscape designers are working on longer term projects, like new areas. They’re not prioritizing an old jumping puzzles. Why? Because anyone can take a cheap tonic and do the puzzle. It’s not a priority.
There are literally thousands of things I could do to fix up my house and not any of them are “that hard”. But I only have time to do a handful.
Perhaps I was not entirely clear: Taking a human-sized tonic does alleviate some of the camera issues, but Troll’s End features an absolutely terrible camera for everyone, regardless of size.
The last jump off of the wooden plank is possible only with luck. On no race does the camera allow you to see how close you are to the end of that plank, and if you aren’t hanging off the edge, you’ll hit your head and miss the jump.
The jumping puzzle itself is fine. The only reason I brought up Troll’s End specifically is that it highlights the gross inadequacies of the camera system. However, though the camera is at its worst in enclosed areas like some JPs, the camera is also pretty terrible no matter what you’re doing or where you’re doing it.
How many of us who play Asura have been fighting in the wide open, only to have a small rock or other debris force the camera right up our backside, obscuring vision entirely, because the low-slung camera for Asura has no ability to clip through terrain? Does no one remember the camera fiasco that was the Queen’s Gauntlet?
ANet gave us a beautiful game, and then made sure we couldn’t look at it properly.
Still waiting for 1st person camera.
Developer who designed the puzzle admitted there was camra issues with it. But the puzzle can not be changed without a complete redesign.
The last jump off of the wooden plank is possible only with luck. On no race does the camera allow you to see how close you are to the end of that plank, and if you aren’t hanging off the edge, you’ll hit your head and miss the jump.
It took me many tries before I got to where I could do Troll’s End without messing up a few times. I finally learned the exact places to stand before the jumps. The last jump from the plank I have found that you actually don’t want to be at the very end of the plank when you jump or you will fall. I noticed it works best jumping a bit before the end. I know it doesn’t solve the camera problems but Troll’s End is pretty easy once you do it several times and know exactly where to stand before jumping.
Here’s the challenge:
On the livestream, I would really like one of the devs to go through the Troll’s End jumping puzzle in LA, preferably on a Norn, then look directly at the camera and tell us that they don’t think there’s anything wrong with the in-game camera.
I don’t believe it would be possible to do with a straight face.
Seriously? Trolls End? Dude, go run Not So Secret, come back with a real complaint lol
I do believe this game needs a first person cam though, if that’s what you were getting at.
Here’s the challenge:
On the livestream, I would really like one of the devs to go through the Troll’s End jumping puzzle in LA, preferably on a Norn, then look directly at the camera and tell us that they don’t think there’s anything wrong with the in-game camera.
I don’t believe it would be possible to do with a straight face.
I’d be happy if they could explain in detail what is so kitten ed hard about adjusting what is likely about 4 vertices on the end of the visual plank to match the actual platform structure that the characters stand on.
Nothing is particularly hard about changing one jump. Nothing is particularly hard about changing an engineer’s backpack. Nothing is particularly hard about added extra filters to the TP. Nothing is particularly hard about fixing certain spelling mistakes.
When you have a list of 10,000 things that aren’t that hard, it still takes time to do them. Some of the landscape designers are working on longer term projects, like new areas. They’re not prioritizing an old jumping puzzles. Why? Because anyone can take a cheap tonic and do the puzzle. It’s not a priority.
There are literally thousands of things I could do to fix up my house and not any of them are “that hard”. But I only have time to do a handful.
There’s this age-old concept in business known as “quality” which has apparently gone completely out the window.
Companies have gotten extremely lazy with their QC because “we can patch it later” is now the battle-cry. In the not so distant past if some well known games had been released with such glaring errors, it would have been a major problem for the company producing them, because their main method of data transfer was via CD, not broadband. Now, however, companies have skipped right past fixing problems to “the users can deal with it, we need new content.”
It’s lazy. Claiming there’s too much work to do is just an excuse.
When you have a list of 10,000 things that aren’t that hard, it still takes time to do them. Some of the landscape designers are working on longer term projects, like new areas. They’re not prioritizing an old jumping puzzles. Why? Because anyone can take a cheap tonic and do the puzzle. It’s not a priority.
Sorry, but that is in no way or shape an excuse for something as essential as the camera in a game. The image you see on your monitor is THE most important output the game has and it’s really aweful in this game. I can’t count how often I got turned around in a cave, because the camera started spazzing out. I know doing it right and still giving the player the feeling that he has control over what the camera does is not easy, but the game is doing an aweful job with it and I can’t imagine it cannot be improved.