North Alabama Guild Wars Players
Given all the complaints and complaining I’ve witnessed here and how scatter-shot they seems to be, I believe I found a standardized method to submit said complaints.
(this is meant to be humorous, so smile).
In all seriousness, I fail to understand why this game is being treated with such seriousness. This is supposed to be entertainment and a way to take a break from everyday life.
This isn’t supposed to be a job or an all consuming obsession.
Life is far too short to be so grim about a game.
Completely off-topic, but where is your signature from? That’s a nice quotation.
Thomas Jefferson.
Actually it’s very much on topic. I am talking about GW2 and my views with regards to the complaints and the hyper-seriousness many take with regards to this game.
This fits within the GW2 discussion forum as a valid topic.
Lol that’s all what the majority of forum posts are all about… negative posts made by negative people. This form is perfect for such scenario. Thanks for sharing ShadowGryphon!
My pleasure, glad you enjoyed it and grasped the humor intended.
That form made me laugh, because EVERY complaint I’ve seen is covered in that form.
In all seriousness, I fail to understand why this game is being treated with such seriousness.
In all seriousness you wonder about seriousness.
That was the funniest part for me
In all honestly, I fail to understand why this game is being treated with such seriousness.
In all seriousness you wonder about seriousness.
That was the funniest part for me
Fixed it, lol.
(edited by ShadowGryphon.6257)
Nice one!
I agree that the forum system is not the best place to voice complaints, it is open to trolls, derailing, moderators, personal attacks and morons (hehe see what I did thar? :P)
But putting complaints neatly on a peice of paper that that can be easily filed away and ignored without any form of discussion or feedback is much worse in my opinion.
I think maybe a petition type system, where one person makes a complaint, this then is open to comments and votes. The complaint can be modified depending on feedback and once it has enough votes, a full written response from areanet should be posted. And I don’t mean 2 lines saying “we are working on it”, unless it is a small complaint.
Maybe the amount of votes required could be a set amount, or the top 5% for the week or something.
Basically an online system more catered to feedback rather than idle discussion.
I agree that the forum system is not the best place to voice complaints, it is open to trolls, derailing, moderators, personal attacks and morons (hehe see what I did thar? :P)
But putting complaints neatly on a peice of paper that that can be easily filed away and ignored without any form of discussion or feedback is much worse in my opinion.
I think maybe a petition type system, where one person makes a complaint, this then is open to comments and votes. The complaint can be modified depending on feedback and once it has enough votes, a full written response from areanet should be posted. And I don’t mean 2 lines saying “we are working on it”, unless it is a small complaint.
Maybe the amount of votes required could be a set amount, or the top 5% for the week or something.
Basically an online system more catered to feedback rather than idle discussion.
Just asking here, but, did you actually pay close attention to the form?
heh heh
Cant open pictures on this laptop, but better feedback forms are needed and even if this is a satirical thread, it at least shows some up something that should be addressed (like a lot of political humour for example!)
This thread is pointless. No one plays the game anyway, so few if any will read this thread. Maybe if you posted this back in September back before the game sucked it might have got noticed. Unfortunately all the classes were broke once they decided to cater to casuals. All hard core players have since moved on to play Hello Kitty Online. Excuse me while I go post these views on every other forums I know of.
/signed and +1 for posting this awsome form
I love this form and I love you.
Cant open pictures on this laptop, but better feedback forms are needed and even if this is a satirical thread, it at least shows some up something that should be addressed (like a lot of political humour for example!)
I see, then go to this link:
I think you’ll get the joke after you see this.
This thread is pointless. No one plays the game anyway, so few if any will read this thread. Maybe if you posted this back in September back before the game sucked it might have got noticed. Unfortunately all the classes were broke once they decided to cater to casuals. All hard core players have since moved on to play Hello Kitty Online. Excuse me while I go post these views on every other forums I know of.
/signed and +1 for posting this awsome form
It appears you play this game
Good thread, I loled
A WONDERFUL understament of the seriousness of this issue!!!! (Although you HAVE over-rated cancer and world hunger!!
The form doesn’t have the complaint of changing the end game from horizontal to vertical progression.
What I don’t understand about the OP is why do you take people so serious who take the game so serious? Complaining about people complaining is kind of ironic.
Why care what other people complain about? Life is too short right? Foodies complaining about McDonald’s food. Star Wars fans get upset about Han Solo not shooting fist. It just means that they care enough to complain.
The day that no one complains on these forums is the day that this game is dead because it will mean that no one cares anymore.
I know that this is joke
but I hope you do realize that there is difference between all negativity and constructive feedback …
Look at Star Wars old republic If somebody posted feedback and how to improve game he was called negative troll and was dismissed by fans and devs.
look at swtor today most expensive game in history probably flopped in less than year and now you buy best in slot item with real money in that game.
The form doesn’t have the complaint of changing the end game from horizontal to vertical progression.
What I don’t understand about the OP is why do you take people so serious who take the game so serious? Complaining about people complaining is kind of ironic.
Why care what other people complain about? Life is too short right? Foodies complaining about McDonald’s food. Star Wars fans get upset about Han Solo not shooting fist. It just means that they care enough to complain.
The day that no one complains on these forums is the day that this game is dead because it will mean that no one cares anymore.
You’re aware that the form is a joke, right?
Are you also aware that what I said was a counterpoint to all the gnashing of teeth and hair pulling of the people who take this whole thing far too seriously?
Further, my question is more about trying to understand why people treat this GAME as the be all end all of their gaming experience.
It’s like the occupier fools who protest and declare their hate for the US but refuse to leave to a country that better embodies their personal ideals.
If the game isn’t going how you think it should go, then leave or suck it up and deal with the situation.
Now, don’t get me wrong, do I think there are some changes made to GW2 that are more than questionable? yeah
Do I think one change in particular should be rescinded (COUGHdimihishedreturnsCOUGH)? yes
But ultimately these things do not greatly affect game play… for me anyway.
The game isn’t a job, so just enjoy it.
I know that this is joke
but I hope you do realize that there is difference between all negativity and constructive feedback …Look at Star Wars old republic If somebody posted feedback and how to improve game he was called negative troll and was dismissed by fans and devs.
look at swtor today most expensive game in history probably flopped in less than year and now you buy best in slot item with real money in that game.
At no point did I call anyone a troll or imply such.
I have no problem with constructive criticism
My post is directly pointed at those who think they’re entitled to dictate to Anet how Anet should run their game and by extension set policies for the game.
Bluntly: if one does not like what Anet is doing with Anets game and Anets policies, either find a better way to object or leave.
Unless, of course, those complaining are actually masochists, then it all makes sense lol.
(edited by ShadowGryphon.6257)
ShadowGryphon, thanks for this satyre. I got a real good laugh today. Sure there are issues with GW2 but eh, I’m still playing, I’m all for constructive criticism though, maybe Anet Is reading them from time to time.
ShadowGryphon, thanks for this satyre. I got a real good laugh today. Sure there are issues with GW2 but eh, I’m still playing, I’m all for constructive criticism though, maybe Anet Is reading them from time to time.
My pleasure.
I too am still playing and enjoy my time in game (tarnished coast btw)
Tarnished Coast also for me, our full population maybe helps because I still have to see an empty zone. You can locate a champion all alone on his path, shout a call to arms in /map and watch players running to help take it down. And the roleplaying is still going strong it helps forget the little frustrations of the game
Lol thanks alot for the funny form
You made my day alot more funny
+1 for u
In my view, which is an ordinary view- you take too seriously players complains and cancer and hunger are not the main problems that humanity faces… but, you may know this as well.
I am having a nice time not playing games. Because, I have found that I am unable to find another game that interests me besides Guild Wars 2, and as Guild Wars 2 is not the interesting game that I expected, I am just not playing games.
I giggled. There is a lot of complaining about a game which is still in it’s infancy. There will be bugs. There will the creases that need to be ironed out. But they have done a great job so far imho, despite this. I love this game.
Lol thanks alot for the funny form
You made my day alot more funny![]()
+1 for u
Thank you good sir, I’m glad I could bring you a good laugh.
Also, +1 to you for using the name of a killer Metal Band.
In my view, which is an ordinary view- you take too seriously players complains and cancer and hunger are not the main problems that humanity faces… but, you may know this as well.
I am having a nice time not playing games. Because, I have found that I am unable to find another game that interests me besides Guild Wars 2, and as Guild Wars 2 is not the interesting game that I expected, I am just not playing games.
To whom are you responding?
I never said anything about cancer and hunger.
(your reply just gave me cancer)
Lol thanks alot for the funny form
You made my day alot more funny![]()
+1 for uThank you good sir, I’m glad I could bring you a good laugh.
Also, +1 to you for using the name of a killer Metal Band.
A thx yes great band the old one that is !!!
With igor and max
A thx yes great band the old one that is !!!
With igor and max
Oh yeah!
Oh, and just to be fair I’ll post this too…
You’re aware that the form is a joke, right?
Are you also aware that what I said was a counterpoint to all the gnashing of teeth and hair pulling of the people who take this whole thing far too seriously?
“you’re all a bunch of whingeing babies, so I’m posting a parody to belittle your beliefs and opinions, if you don’t like it then you have no sense of humour or are taking things too seriously”
You’re so off base with this, that I honestly don’t know how you can’t see it.
Who are you exactly to tell people that something they care about shouldn’t matter because you don’t find it serious enough to warrant concern, especially when you took the time to make a thread and respond to posts in it about the subject?
Further, my question is more about trying to understand why people treat this GAME as the be all end all of their gaming experience.
This is a legitimate question, but the answers are probably all going to be different. The simplest answer is that if this game is successful after making what you later allude to as “questionable changes” then it could lead to others making the same mistakes.
It’s like the occupier fools who protest and declare their hate for the US but refuse to leave to a country that better embodies their personal ideals.
You REALLY should leave this kind of analogy off the forums here, or else you’re honestly going to wind up looking ignorant, that’s not a threat that’s simply just that it’s a powder keg topic and should be left to the proper forums to discuss it
If the game isn’t going how you think it should go, then leave or suck it up and deal with the situation.
This is a short sighted, and pointless answer to a more complex question, what you’re describing is what most players have already done if activity reports from other sites are to go by and usually they’re credible enough to be somewhat accurate. By all means the “bugger off if you don’t like it” solution works, up until the game tanks cos not enough players are bothered keeping it afloat.
Now, don’t get me wrong, do I think there are some changes made to GW2 that are more than questionable? yeah
Do I think one change in particular should be rescinded (COUGHdimihishedreturnsCOUGH)? yes
But ultimately these things do not greatly affect game play… for me anyway.
The game isn’t a job, so just enjoy it.
Translation: I don’t have the problems you have, so st#u
Love the satire… though games, especially when they exist in a state of evolving, are not somehow absolved from serious discussion just because they’re a form of entertainment; that assertion, frankly, seriously undervalues what entertainment means to a society or person. Providing no serious/real input or discussion does nothing to tell the industry what we enjoy in our entertainment and doesn’t progress the state of play. I’m not saying all discussion narratives are insightful or enlightening, but they’re also not trivial.
If you wanna get real nihilistic here, nothing should be taken seriously since the entire human, and even global, experience is nothing more than an insignificant blip on the cosmic scale. However, we deem things as important and the way a culture engages in play is very much an important aspect and worthy of discussion; whether it’s play in the general sense or something more specific like talking about a particular game.
Needs a sticky!!
Funny, but all too true.
You’re aware that the form is a joke, right?
Are you also aware that what I said was a counterpoint to all the gnashing of teeth and hair pulling of the people who take this whole thing far too seriously?Translation:
“you’re all a bunch of whingeing babies, so I’m posting a parody to belittle your beliefs and opinions, if you don’t like it then you have no sense of humour or are taking things too seriously”You’re so off base with this, that I honestly don’t know how you can’t see it.
Who are you exactly to tell people that something they care about shouldn’t matter because you don’t find it serious enough to warrant concern, especially when you took the time to make a thread and respond to posts in it about the subject?Further, my question is more about trying to understand why people treat this GAME as the be all end all of their gaming experience.
This is a legitimate question, but the answers are probably all going to be different. The simplest answer is that if this game is successful after making what you later allude to as “questionable changes” then it could lead to others making the same mistakes.
It’s like the occupier fools who protest and declare their hate for the US but refuse to leave to a country that better embodies their personal ideals.
You REALLY should leave this kind of analogy off the forums here, or else you’re honestly going to wind up looking ignorant, that’s not a threat that’s simply just that it’s a powder keg topic and should be left to the proper forums to discuss it
If the game isn’t going how you think it should go, then leave or suck it up and deal with the situation.
This is a short sighted, and pointless answer to a more complex question, what you’re describing is what most players have already done if activity reports from other sites are to go by and usually they’re credible enough to be somewhat accurate. By all means the “bugger off if you don’t like it” solution works, up until the game tanks cos not enough players are bothered keeping it afloat.
Now, don’t get me wrong, do I think there are some changes made to GW2 that are more than questionable? yeah
Do I think one change in particular should be rescinded (COUGHdimihishedreturnsCOUGH)? yes
But ultimately these things do not greatly affect game play… for me anyway.
The game isn’t a job, so just enjoy it.Translation: I don’t have the problems you have, so st#u
Let me enlighten you: I speak plainly, if I didn’t post it I wasn’t thinking it.
So don’t attempt to attribute to me something I never said.
Don’t put words in my mouth.
Also I was ASKING a question and wanting input from others.
You fail at basic comprehension and trolling.
Oh, and you completely missed the point of this post lol.
(edited by ShadowGryphon.6257)
I didn’t see anything about “developers changed their stated core philosophies to chase the almighty dollar” on there, so I guess it doesn’t cover everything.
I posted this a few times but it got marked as spam >.>
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