A history lesson

A history lesson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plague.5329


blah, blah, blah, something valid and well worth reading but way too long to quote

This is the SAME thing. Honestly…when I get home I am going to need to get on youtube and illustrate this for people.

In GW you traded availability and perfect stats for the ability to customize. In a gold req 9 max weapon you could put in the staff head, wrapping and inscription you wanted. But creating that weapon took time or gold; however, you could run right out the door of Grenth’s footprint and get one of four green items in about five minutes and they would be max, but you had no control over stats.

In GW2 you trade a small stat boost and availability for the freedom to customize. Ascended gear will be hard to get, yet alone the exact stat combination you are looking for, and when you do get it, you can’t modify it with normal runes/jewels/sigils/crests.

Your rose tinted nostalgia glasses are getting foggy.

It is not. The same. Thing.

“In GW2 you trade a small stat boost and availability – " Are you really so deluded that you can say what you said, begin the next sentence with that phrase and NOT immediately stop and realize they are not the same thing?

It will not be the same unless the stats are exactly the same in every way, and only if you can infuse normal armor just as easily as getting new armor. That is the only acceptable version of this system. Call Ascended items “Uniques,” give them the same stat items and make them drop from bosses and then sure, I’ll call it the same thing. But as it is, you’re misconstruing a very minor burp in GW1’s development in a small minority of the population to support an egregious divorce of the core tenets of the game from the reality of actual play. Do not EVER do this again.

A history lesson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


Expired, it’s to the point now you aren’t just expressing an opinion, you are jumping to wild conclusions based on a quote that you are interpreting in a twisted way to validate your theories. No other person that read that article is interpreting it that way. Context. And reading comprehension. Keywords for the day.

Common sense dude, if they are introducing the first level of infusions (offensive BTW, the bit of that you are leaving out) and rings and back slots…whats the next level or “progression”? Let me help…that would be maybe boots, and gloves, and the offensive infusions. After that…perhaps chest armor, and pants, and omni infusions?

The section of the article is about the ascended armor and infusion upgrades. She is indicating the roll out of the rest of the set. She isn’t talking about the uber-armor coming 2 years down the road that has nothing at all to do with this update.

The Kismet

A history lesson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ExpiredLifetime.1083


Expired, it’s to the point now you aren’t just expressing an opinion, you are jumping to wild conclusions based on a quote that you are interpreting in a twisted way to validate your theories. No other person that read that article is interpreting it that way. Context. And reading comprehension. Keywords for the day.

Common sense dude, if they are introducing the first level of infusions (offensive BTW, the bit of that you are leaving out) and rings and back slots…whats the next level or “progression”? Let me help…that would be maybe boots, and gloves, and the offensive infusions. After that…perhaps chest armor, and pants, and omni infusions?

The section of the article is about the ascended armor and infusion upgrades. She is indicating the roll out of the rest of the set. She isn’t talking about the uber-armor coming 2 years down the road that has nothing at all to do with this update.

They’ve already said that up to “fine” level infusions will be available upon the release of the patch, with adding in masterwork and upwards later on. You will be required to grind for those infusions.

That. Is a treadmill.

A history lesson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mada.5319


Green weapons = Gold items. Greens were PURELY a CONVENIENCE tier of items. Back then, getting a gold weapon with a max inherent mod and then purchasing the 2 necessary upgrades for it would cost you a fortune. Green weapons did not have higher stats. The only difference between greens and golds is that greens came with all three upgrades with the max stats already in place. They existed for the convenience they offered. They were never more powerful than gold items.

Ascended gear>exotics. Good luck explaining to us how this is similar to what happened in gw1.

A history lesson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


It is not. The same. Thing.

But it is. Not in the literal sense. Which is what you are thinking, since the rest of that post was pretty much morphing ascended armor into greens.

What were greens? They were max stat weapons with limitations. Some of which could be found out in the world, but the best of which were found in dungeons.

Who did they appeal to? They appealed to casual players who would get them eventually and get all giddy that a neat thing dropped for them. They appealed to the hard-core players that wanted to grind Tombs over and over again for Victo’s Blade (it was the most valuable one for a good while pre-factions).

What is ascended junk? Max stat items with limitations. Found in dungeons with other ways to get them within the world.

Who do they appeal to? Hard-core players that will grind the dungeon for that small stat boost. Casual players that get to them eventually and get all giddy that a neat thing dropped for them.

What problem were they both implemented to address? Giving people crap to do until a proper expansion comes out.

So once again….same thing.

It’s moot that they have higher stats. That has been beaten to death in this topic. Stats reach a point of diminishing returns. They have a maximum effectiveness to the point it’s a total waste to put more resources into them.

See my example of stacking power through ascended gear rather than condition augmentation via runes and sigils. The stat increase on ascended is a personal preference. Just because it’s a bigger number doesnt mean its better than everything because of what you are sacrificing to get it. Read the discussion people.

The Kismet

(edited by AcidicVision.5498)

A history lesson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plague.5329


Acidic, you really just don’t get it. There’s no hope for you. Greens were just perfect rares meant for non-hardcore players to obtain so they could avoid grinding for a perfect weapon, which was a big problem at the time for most players. This is the opposite of that situation in every way. You obviously are blinded by something, and can’t see that. A shame for all of us, I suppose.

A history lesson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


Acidic, you really just don’t get it. There’s no hope for you. Greens were just perfect rares meant for non-hardcore players to obtain so they could avoid grinding for a perfect weapon, which was a big problem at the time for most players. This is the opposite of that situation in every way. You obviously are blinded by something, and can’t see that. A shame for all of us, I suppose.

A shame for you? I have an entire room of engineers that understand exactly what I am saying and I didn’t need to explain it more than once. I already ran my logic through the ringer just to make sure I wasn’t being an unreasonable nut-job because some of you honestly had me doubting myself. But I passed with flying colors. So I know i’m good. I just can’t think of how to better communicate it to some of you people. Immensely frustrating.

The Kismet

A history lesson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azjenco.9425


But I’m on board with ascended gear matching a fully upgraded exotic, while having an infusion slot that is dungeon specific.

I like what your saying,

Keep the upgrade stats on them, but let the infusion mechanic allow you to deal with certain threats inside dungeons.

A history lesson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plague.5329


Yeah, I’m sure your room full of enabling friends reassured you greatly.

A history lesson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ExpiredLifetime.1083


But I’m on board with ascended gear matching a fully upgraded exotic, while having an infusion slot that is dungeon specific.

I like what your saying,

Keep the upgrade stats on them, but let the infusion mechanic allow you to deal with certain threats inside dungeons.

I actually was hoping that this is the route that the gear would take, that way that if we wanted the best gear for that dungeon, we could have it; yet it wouldn’t carry over anywhere else. The fact that it does, however, is the main thing that irks me.

A history lesson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


Being new to Guild Wars and not playing that other game from Blizz I must say that I’m a little confused. I see posts complaining about no end game and Anet adds what I consider new endgame content here comes all of the negative comments. Talk about mixed messages from the community.

I for one look forward to the new gear, as more of a casual player which borders on hardcore at times I now have something else to look forward to, but hey what do I know. If I don’t like the direction this game is going I can always stop playing it.

OP- great post and I appreciate it.

The people who start those threads are the people who should have researched the game before buying. GW2 was a game designed to not have a gear treadmill.

I don’t buy soccer games and insist I should be able to pick up the ball like American football games allow you to.

That’s how foolish these people look.

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

A history lesson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mada.5319


Acidic, you really just don’t get it. There’s no hope for you. Greens were just perfect rares meant for non-hardcore players to obtain so they could avoid grinding for a perfect weapon, which was a big problem at the time for most players. This is the opposite of that situation in every way. You obviously are blinded by something, and can’t see that. A shame for all of us, I suppose.

A shame for you? I have an entire room of engineers that understand exactly what I am saying and I didn’t need to explain it more than once. I already ran my logic through the ringer just to make sure I wasn’t being an unreasonable nut-job because some of you honestly had me doubting myself. But I passed with flying colors. So I know i’m good. I just can’t think of how to better communicate it to some of you people. Immensely frustrating.

Oh dear. A lost cause remains a lost cause.