A little insight into GW2

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I thought NCSoft already owned Arenanet when GW1 came out.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheProphetOmega.3596


You do realize that NC soft is actually South Korean? it has been since the beginning, not all player feel they must “own” the latest skin to be kewl, or In, yeah its human nature, but some adults have left the anal stage , this is just a game, nothing more, you decide how much you want in.

I do not like RNG either, but to me is rather simple, if it does not give anyone a “real” advantage and its just cosmetic, then why bother with it?
Dont go into the extremes my friend, make your vote count and do not give them your money, voice your opinion as well, but remember this and any other game is just out there to GET YOUR MONEY, this is after all a BUSINESS, they already got your money anyway if you buy the game, the rest is just a “skin”

If anyone wants to give them their money, then who cares? as long as it isnt mine.
and yes I have bought gems, money well spent on a hobby I enjoy, would I give them more?, probably, if it suits my needs.

In the end GW2 or any other game will fade away, and be forgotten, I feel your pain man, but this is how things are… maybe its time to move on?

I am the wonder, I am the storm.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galtrix.7369


Welcome to the world of gaming, my friend. Once a game becomes too boring, or requires things we don’t want to give, we move on to other games. And once that game gets boring, move on again and again until the process ends when we die. Have fun!

[~Galtrix~] [~Level 80 Elementalist~] [~GoM~]

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Resonance.4216


I thought NCSoft already owned Arenanet when GW1 came out.

Yeah, but Guild Wars 1 wasn’t this bad.

Crystin Cox showed up and destroyed everything about GW1 that I loved.

Elementalist of Oceanix [OCX]

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Welcome to the world of gaming, my friend. Once a game becomes too boring, or requires things we don’t want to give, we move on to other games. And once that game gets boring, move on again and again until the process ends when we die. Have fun!

I like to eat prime rib for dinner, but if I ate it every night I’d get tired of it pretty quickly. With most things in life, a little variety keeps things interesting. Taking a single thing, such as your job, your partner or a hobby, and making the focus of your entire life will usually end badly.

If something doesn’t meet my needs, I look for something else that does.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I thought NCSoft already owned Arenanet when GW1 came out.

Yeah, but Guild Wars 1 wasn’t this bad.

Crystin Cox showed up and destroyed everything about GW1 that I loved.

I tried to play GW for the Hall of Monuments rewards, but the interface and game are so out of date and limited that I get bored and log off pretty quickly. I’ve tried several characters and haven’t gotten past level 10 with any. I don’t understand how people played it for years.

On the other hand, I really enjoy GW2. Games are like that, I don’t play 1st person shooters but many people love them. It’s good to have options, but realize that not every game is going to be a perfect fit.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Resonance.4216


I thought NCSoft already owned Arenanet when GW1 came out.

Yeah, but Guild Wars 1 wasn’t this bad.

Crystin Cox showed up and destroyed everything about GW1 that I loved.

I tried to play GW for the Hall of Monuments rewards, but the interface and game are so out of date and limited that I get bored and log off pretty quickly. I’ve tried several characters and haven’t gotten past level 10 with any. I don’t understand how people played it for years.

On the other hand, I really enjoy GW2. Games are like that, I don’t play 1st person shooters but many people love them. It’s good to have options, but realize that not every game is going to be a perfect fit.

What I’m saying is that GW1 was great for it’s time, and all Anet needed to do was modernise it, and they’d have lots of happy players.

Instead they turned it into another failed NCsoft korean grinder.

Elementalist of Oceanix [OCX]

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I thought NCSoft already owned Arenanet when GW1 came out.

Yeah, but Guild Wars 1 wasn’t this bad.

Crystin Cox showed up and destroyed everything about GW1 that I loved.

For Guild Wars 1, NCSoft pretty much let Anet have all the say in the game. There was NO micro-transactions until EotN. You paid for each of the 3 games and the 1 expansion and got all the updates for free with no sub.

IF Anet had followed what got them here and just made an updated(read open world) GW1, I don’t think you’d have 75% of the complaints that you see on these forums. As it stands now, NCSoft is just milking us for every dollar they can get till they decide to move on to the next “next-gen MMO”.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Resonance.4216


I thought NCSoft already owned Arenanet when GW1 came out.

Yeah, but Guild Wars 1 wasn’t this bad.

Crystin Cox showed up and destroyed everything about GW1 that I loved.

For Guild Wars 1, NCSoft pretty much let Anet have all the say in the game. There was NO micro-transactions until EotN. You paid for each of the 3 games and the 1 expansion and got all the updates for free with no sub.

IF Anet had followed what got them here and just made an updated(read open world) GW1, I don’t think you’d have 75% of the complaints that you see on these forums. As it stands now, NCSoft is just milking us for every dollar they can get till they decide to move on to the next “next-gen MMO”.

Lol exactly what I said in the post above.

The only thing “guild wars” related in this game is the name.

Elementalist of Oceanix [OCX]

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


People will complain no matter what they do. It’s in our nature, what we can imagine that should be is always better than what really is.

GW2 is its own game, it’s not GW1 with updated graphics, and it never will be. Either you can accept it for what it is, or move on. No amount of complaining is going to get them to completely reconstruct the game for you.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Resonance.4216


People will complain no matter what they do. It’s in our nature, what we can imagine that should be is always better than what really is.

GW2 is its own game, it’s not GW1 with updated graphics, and it never will be. Either you can accept it for what it is, or move on. No amount of complaining is going to get them to completely reconstruct the game for you.

So all the features that were good in the first game that have been removed, we’re just meant to accept that and move on?

Elementalist of Oceanix [OCX]

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


People will complain no matter what they do. It’s in our nature, what we can imagine that should be is always better than what really is.

GW2 is its own game, it’s not GW1 with updated graphics, and it never will be. Either you can accept it for what it is, or move on. No amount of complaining is going to get them to completely reconstruct the game for you.

So all the features that were good in the first game that have been removed, we’re just meant to accept that and move on?

What do you think is going to happen?

Arenanet Devs: “Oops, our bad. We’ll throw out the entire game and make a new one just for you.”

It’s going on a year since GW2 was released. It’s too late now.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Guild Wars 1 was created 8 years ago, in a different time…and it’s a lobby game, not a true MMO. It changes a lot.

The MMO landscape today is completely different. Anet has a company more than five times the size of what it was. Salaries have to come from somewhere and here’s a hint…they’re not going to come solely from box sales. It’s not possible.

Guild Wars 2 took 5 years to make, has a ton of voice acting (which is very expensive) and it’s a much more ambitious project than Guild Wars 1 was. Anet moved to larger digs, they have more promotion going on…and they’re competing against FAR more games.

If Guild Wars 1 game out today, it would have never survived the sheer amount of competition.

I will agree with the OP on one thing. The entire state of the MMO situation over all is frustrating. But I don’t think any MMO coming out from now on is going to be any less frustrating, because the MMO situation is the same as the Hollywood situation. It costs a lot to make a movie and so movie companies tend to go with the lowest common denominator.

Every MMO company does things that seem greedy, because every MMO has an increasingly smaller share of the pie, and every MMO has to compete in this environment…yet the amount of players that will flock and STAY WITH any MMO is smaller and smaller.

I don’t like this greed aspect any more than you, OP, but I don’t see it changing for any MMO from this point out…not unless the landscape changes drastically.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

Your memory must be short Gw1 had lots of problems like skill balance, pathing, etc. You really care about E-bragging? I know I don’t. Skins are shallow in my opinion but if you want them I won’t look down on you but I care more about skill. It sounds to me like you need to design your own game and leave the players that like this one to their own devices.

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Instead they turned it into another failed NCsoft korean grinder.

ncsoft is happily farming chronic gamblers effectively with RNG boxes. your statement is invalid.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Resonance.4216


Instead they turned it into another failed NCsoft korean grinder.

ncsoft is happily farming chronic gamblers effectively with RNG boxes. your statement is invalid.

And giving kids gambling habits, I bet

It’s amazing how much pakitteno rubbish is in this game now.

Elementalist of Oceanix [OCX]

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Resonance.4216


omfg, this word


is turned into kitten

who runs the word filter?

Elementalist of Oceanix [OCX]

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CobaltSixty.1542


Instead they turned it into another failed NCsoft korean grinder.

ncsoft is happily farming chronic gamblers effectively with RNG boxes. your statement is invalid.

And giving kids gambling habits, I bet

It’s amazing how much pakitteno rubbish is in this game now.

Better not let kids buy any pokemon cards.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Every MMO company does things that seem greedy, because every MMO has an increasingly smaller share of the pie, and every MMO has to compete in this environment…yet the amount of players that will flock and STAY WITH any MMO is smaller and smaller.

Off the top of my head I can’t think of any MMO that was released in the last few years that still charges a subscription. Trion overextended themselves by taking on three new projects while expanding Rift, EA/Bioware turned KOTOR 3 into an MMO and crashed a very expensive ship, Secret World uses the same buy the game, play for free model that GW2 started with, games like Aion and TERA offer pretty dolls for dressup but not much more…

And I heard that Titan was cancelled, TESO pushed back (translates to "cancelled, but we don’t want to deal with the kittenstorm yet), End of Nations never started, Defiance doesn’t seem to have made anyone take notice of the tv/game tie-in gimmick…

Based on GW2 box sales for the first few months, and the continuing popularity of cash shop items, it’s not unlikely that the game will have made more in its first two years than the first GW made in eight. In a field of underperforming games it’s hard to call this a failure.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Guild Wars 1 was created 8 years ago, in a different time…and it’s a lobby game, not a true MMO. It changes a lot.

The MMO landscape today is completely different. Anet has a company more than five times the size of what it was. Salaries have to come from somewhere and here’s a hint…they’re not going to come solely from box sales. It’s not possible.

Guild Wars 2 took 5 years to make, has a ton of voice acting (which is very expensive) and it’s a much more ambitious project than Guild Wars 1 was. Anet moved to larger digs, they have more promotion going on…and they’re competing against FAR more games.

If Guild Wars 1 game out today, it would have never survived the sheer amount of competition.

I will agree with the OP on one thing. The entire state of the MMO situation over all is frustrating. But I don’t think any MMO coming out from now on is going to be any less frustrating, because the MMO situation is the same as the Hollywood situation. It costs a lot to make a movie and so movie companies tend to go with the lowest common denominator.

Every MMO company does things that seem greedy, because every MMO has an increasingly smaller share of the pie, and every MMO has to compete in this environment…yet the amount of players that will flock and STAY WITH any MMO is smaller and smaller.

I don’t like this greed aspect any more than you, OP, but I don’t see it changing for any MMO from this point out…not unless the landscape changes drastically.

Actually GW2 was started in development 3-4 yrs ago and it’s been 9 yrs now since GW came out. And if you go back and look at Mike O’brien’s original blog about Anet no longer working on new content for GW and starting GW2, you’ll see that 75% of the things he said we’d have we don’t.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Every MMO company does things that seem greedy, because every MMO has an increasingly smaller share of the pie, and every MMO has to compete in this environment…yet the amount of players that will flock and STAY WITH any MMO is smaller and smaller.

Off the top of my head I can’t think of any MMO that was released in the last few years that still charges a subscription. Trion overextended themselves by taking on three new projects while expanding Rift, EA/Bioware turned KOTOR 3 into an MMO and crashed a very expensive ship, Secret World uses the same buy the game, play for free model that GW2 started with, games like Aion and TERA offer pretty dolls for dressup but not much more…

And I heard that Titan was cancelled, TESO pushed back (translates to "cancelled, but we don’t want to deal with the kittenstorm yet), End of Nations never started, Defiance doesn’t seem to have made anyone take notice of the tv/game tie-in gimmick…

Based on GW2 box sales for the first few months, and the continuing popularity of cash shop items, it’s not unlikely that the game will have made more in its first two years than the first GW made in eight. In a field of underperforming games it’s hard to call this a failure.

I’m not calling this game a failure at all, so I don’t know why you’re replying to my post.

I’m saying that the numbers of concurrent players or players at all in ANY MMO going forward isnt’ going to do what WoW did in it’s heyday.

It’s just logic. The more games out, the thinner the crowd spreads. It’s hard for it not to be that way. As such, games that cost more to make have to find ways to finance themselves. I don’t think any game is exempt from business decisions that will seem unfair.

But no one really knows the game’s bottom lines. We’re not looking at their accounting, their electricity bills, their rent or their payrolls.

So yeah, it may be that companies NEED to do these things to make some money back on what is essentially a very big investment.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I’m agreeing with you. It’s a statement, not an accusation.

The genre as a whole is oversaturated and by focusing on the casual crowd that consumes content in small chunks rather than diving in and burning out, GW2 has set itself up for long term success.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


I’m saying that the numbers of concurrent players or players at all in ANY MMO going forward isnt’ going to do what WoW did in it’s heyday.

It’s just logic. The more games out, the thinner the crowd spreads. It’s hard for it not to be that way.

the solution is simple; there are plenty of players [like me] who like to invest time and effort and money and invite friends if i find a good game. You would be surprised how loyal a person can be, that despite the relative bad times they are having they still try to improve the game by giving suggestions [on forums] and by supporting with money, heck, I even invited close friends and coworkers who arent even MMO players or online gamers for that matter into the game, now i almost feel ashamed of doing it given the current state of the game and how unfriendly it is; the complicated dailies, the high prices on everything, EVERYTHING, 50s for a moa race?! even I struggle making that much money as a lvl 80 on a day-to-day basis if im not doing CoF over and over again. Loyalty, something that many marriages are missing, the thing that can save anything from ruin, I have it for this game and my couple, have some more faith in people. Instead of burying the problems under the rug until they cant be taken anymore instead of solving them will not help the game.

The game has pretty much been reduced to grind for skins once you are over with the best part of the game; leveling and exploring the game [you know, the fun part; exploring the amazingly laid down and beautiful world they have created which is really unproductive to go around on]

Vayne, look, by now I’ve learned your name, without a fail you are always defending the game, but sometimes you just gotta admit this game has some mayor flaws that need addressing, disregarding them with the usual;

“yes that might be a problem, BUUUUTTTTT look at all this wonderful other things the game has that….blablabla”

“This might not be the game for you”

“nobody is forcing you”

Is not gonna solve it.

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

(edited by Fortus.6175)

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I’m not calling this game a failure at all, so I don’t know why you’re replying to my post.

I’m saying that the numbers of concurrent players or players at all in ANY MMO going forward isnt’ going to do what WoW did in it’s heyday.

It’s just logic. The more games out, the thinner the crowd spreads. It’s hard for it not to be that way. As such, games that cost more to make have to find ways to finance themselves. I don’t think any game is exempt from business decisions that will seem unfair.

But no one really knows the game’s bottom lines. We’re not looking at their accounting, their electricity bills, their rent or their payrolls.

So yeah, it may be that companies NEED to do these things to make some money back on what is essentially a very big investment.

My advice for Game Developers is to make niche games. You aren’t going to get the 10 million players that Blizzard has with WoW,;heck I don’t think they really have that many.

Look at Eve, it is a niche game and has just hit 500 thousand players and is going strong. I think that’s also a reason that GW did so well. It was a niche game. The big thing that drew players to it was the competitive PvP. Heck in the first 2 years alone there were tournaments for GvG that awarded between $500k and $1 mill. If Anet had taken the niche that GW was and translated it to GW2, they’d have done a lot better IMHO.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’m agreeing with you. It’s a statement, not an accusation.

The genre as a whole is oversaturated and by focusing on the casual crowd that consumes content in small chunks rather than diving in and burning out, GW2 has set itself up for long term success.

My bad. lol Apparently I need coffee before I hit the forums.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I’m agreeing with you. It’s a statement, not an accusation.

The genre as a whole is oversaturated and by focusing on the casual crowd that consumes content in small chunks rather than diving in and burning out, GW2 has set itself up for long term success.

My bad. lol Apparently I need coffee before I hit the forums.

No prob, considering the way people have been acting towards you lately, I can understand why you’d be on the defensive.

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Resonance.4216


I’m agreeing with you. It’s a statement, not an accusation.

The genre as a whole is oversaturated and by focusing on the casual crowd that consumes content in small chunks rather than diving in and burning out, GW2 has set itself up for long term success.

My bad. lol Apparently I need coffee before I hit the forums.

No prob, considering the way people have been acting towards you lately, I can understand why you’d be on the defensive.

Yeah, because it’s obviously all collectively our fault and none is his.

Elementalist of Oceanix [OCX]

A little insight into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’m agreeing with you. It’s a statement, not an accusation.

The genre as a whole is oversaturated and by focusing on the casual crowd that consumes content in small chunks rather than diving in and burning out, GW2 has set itself up for long term success.

My bad. lol Apparently I need coffee before I hit the forums.

No prob, considering the way people have been acting towards you lately, I can understand why you’d be on the defensive.

Yeah, because it’s obviously all collectively our fault and none is his.

People don’t like that I’m pushing my agenda, but it’s often gotten personal when it doesn’t need to be. If people can’t argue on the facts, they shouldn’t be arguing at all.

On the other hand, I don’t care what people say on a forum anyway. They don’t know me and I don’t know them. I care what my friends think. I care what my family thinks. What you guys think…not so much.