A member stole everything...

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xehanort.4589


…from the guild bank. Can we report such players or they can do it everytime they want?
This guy has been with us for a lot of time, who knew he would do such a thing. He stole about 20g worth of stuff.

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkdanjal.3401


sorry but I think as a leader or even a bit under that you should manage your stuff more wisely

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

Well I don’t think he really “Broke in and stole it”.

You must have allowed them access to the guild bank, you trusted the person with access.

A tough lesson but be careful who you allow to have access.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RainbowSyrup.4130


Be more careful with who you trust that stuff to. In my guild only a few people has access to the guild bank, not because of distrust, but because we are careful. If one of our members needs something from there our higher ups can just pull it out for them.

’’I’m sad hanar can’t wear sweaters’’

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lpfan.3578


I am not 100% sure on this, but here is how I see it and pretty much how I believe ANet would see it.

The member was given access to the items in the guild bank, the items were put in the guild bank. He did not break any rules (that I know of). That is a rude, nasty, disgusting thing to do but he was willingly given access to those items by whoever in your guild gave him access to the guild bank.

Don’t want some thief stealing items? Don’t put it in the guild bank, unless only a few very trusted people are allowed access to withdrawing items. You could even have it so other members are told to ask a member who CAN withdraw to withdraw certain things for them. That way, only a few very trusted people have access and they can somewhat monitor who takes how much.

Edit: A few people beat me to posting! It seems we are all on the same page though. :P

(edited by Lpfan.3578)

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


Lol, 20g and you post on the forums.

It sux what happened to you it has happened to me in guilds in the past and I learned from it. These things will happen and there is not much you can do about it. Learn from it and manage your bank better next time. I hope this guy burns in hell

Edit: I mean really there isn’t much to put in the gbank except for maybe some gold for guild events or something. Or maybe some food for anyone who wants it.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

(edited by Ruprect.7260)

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aye.8392


Make the report — the worst that can happen is they tell you to be more careful. If they deem it suspension worthy they’ll suspend. It probably won’t take you and longer than placing this post did.

Sorrows Furnace

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Those Who Remain.1987

Those Who Remain.1987

Send in a ticket and explain the situation. You never know what it may accomplish.

The guild I’m leading had to disable permissions for most members as well due to abuse from some. (Luckily they were only stacks of food, but we clearly defined rules about that) Some people just can’t be trusted, unfortunately.

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


It sucks but once a guild expands beyond trusted friends/family then guild banks require managing a little tighter. If you recruit any and all without thinking about the ramifications then as others have said … you learn the hard ways.
With the endless amount of desperado guild spamming that goes on in GW2 I would hazard a guess this is far from an isolated incident but at least now you know to control access a lot tighter going forward.

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


I applaud the fact that you didn’t call out the player by name. I agree with that policy as we, as a player community, don’t really have access to the facts of each case, and we are not in a position to remedy any given situation anyway. But, Anet is. If there is a remedy to be had, Anet can effect it. So, report the player.

The way I have seen it work best is where only officers are given access to high-level items and gold and players go through officers to obtain high-value items. This doesn’t answer the problem of a rogue officer, so trust will always be a factor. And, trust is what security is built on along with mechanisms for limiting damage from bad actors. Perhaps a finer grained security would be helpful and this is where reporting this kind of activity would be helpful to Anet as well.

Bottom line though, you must assume that anyone with permissions to access items in the guild bank could access them so grant access accordingly.

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


guild leader can and should have limited the types of access to what can be gotten into in the guild.

Blame the leadership

Also never advertise your guild through shouts. Group with someone get to know them and then invite. This is not always a guarantee though either, but it is better

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leablo.2651


Random recruits + trust = drama waiting to happen

Don’t do it.

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anwar.2018


I disagree with you guys….it is almost impossible to judge a person’s charactor without ever seeing or hearing them or actually knowing ANYTHING about them.

With the advent of stores in about every game, those pixels actually have monetary value now. He actually stole something….stores allow access to goods but arrest for shoplifting if you rip them off.

I think the thief should be arrested and jailed…but would be happy with him returning the items and being blackballed ,

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farming Flats.5370

Farming Flats.5370

Sometimes the thief is not the player , but the thief who hacked the player account …..

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


I disagree with you guys….it is almost impossible to judge a person’s charactor without ever seeing or hearing them or actually knowing ANYTHING about them.

With the advent of stores in about every game, those pixels actually have monetary value now. He actually stole something….stores allow access to goods but arrest for shoplifting if you rip them off.

I think the thief should be arrested and jailed…but would be happy with him returning the items and being blackballed ,

Actually, he “stole” nothing. He was given access to the bank, that is permission to take whatever he wants, whenever he wants. If the guild leader gave him full access, then the guild leader is the person you would need to speak too. This type of thing is one of the reasons we never got guild storage in GW1, and why in GW2 it is the guild leaders responsibility to maintain and secure the guild bank. I am a guild leader, and the ONLY people who have access to withdraw from our guild bank are people I have known for years. If your a guild leader and you give access to some faceless person you met a few weeks ago online, then it’s YOUR responsibility and you should be willing to reimburse the guild for any lose to due to your mis-management of their resources.
If as others have mentioned, his account was hacked, well then that’s a completely different story.

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skar Hand.5037

Skar Hand.5037

Sometimes the thief is not the player , but the thief who hacked the player account …..

This is what I was going to post. We had a “long time” “trusted” player who ended up getting his account hacked for whatever reason. He emptied the guild treasure trove. Fortunately, it only contained 1-2s low level greens we leave in there for alts and new players. He ended up getting his account rolled back after submitting a ticket, but the stuff take from the bank vault was gone. It was no big deal to us financially, but frustrating none-the-less. My recommendation is to protect yourself the way we did (main vault had nearly 100g in it, saving for a guild commander tag) we have 3 levels of access for the 3 sections (bank, vault, trove). One is Officer/leader access only, next is good standing members, third is open to recruits and pending members. Also make sure if you are saving for big things using the bank make sure your officers are computer savvy and protecting their accounts properly. (dedicated e-mail, authentication, virus/mal-ware security)

I need to be able to dodge and leave a clone behind at work/home.

(edited by Skar Hand.5037)

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


I disagree with you guys….it is almost impossible to judge a person’s charactor without ever seeing or hearing them or actually knowing ANYTHING about them.

With the advent of stores in about every game, those pixels actually have monetary value now. He actually stole something….stores allow access to goods but arrest for shoplifting if you rip them off.

I think the thief should be arrested and jailed…but would be happy with him returning the items and being blackballed ,

The only problem with this is nothing was actually stolen. He took items he was given access to take. Really the blame here only lies with the Guild Leader and kitten poor guild UI tab.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystic.5934


I read a story like this a couple months ago on here… twist was that the guild leader was the perp who stole everything then bolted. I think they mentioned something about working towards a legendary…

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kane Fire Blade.7482

Kane Fire Blade.7482

You can report it and sometimes they do punish the player that did it but yea you need to put more restrictions on it like make a member plus rank so people who join cant just take it.
This happened to my guild twice first time I was daft and just let anyone take.
Second time tho they passed all the screening we have for promotion to the rank we made that can take stuff out and just looted and left anyway, you can do all the screening you want but some times it dose not help anyway!

This why i also made a post about making more restrictions they could add like how many items can be withdrawn a week and how much gold but so far no go!

Edit: They can not get back the stuff taken so its gone for good once its gone!

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Finer grained permissions would be nice. Divided maybe into food, money, rares, greens and how many items per day. That way, a new member could have permission to take out, say 10 foods a day and nothing else. Money could always be locked away to the guild leader only for example and rares to officers. At any rate, restrictions on how many items you can take out a day would help.

A member stole everything...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diviner.7405


I am always curious as to why people put anything worth more than like 50s into the guild bank.
Influence can be bought by players themselves and if you want someone to have a commander title, why not just send them the money via mail?