Ever since the CDIs kept cropping up, there is an ever growing concern of mine which I finally attempt to address in public.
There are without a doubt a plethora of really great and well written thoughts from players in those CDIs, and it might just be me, but with certain things I don’t get the undertone out of my head of “we want it all, and we want it now.” Here is what has me worried:
I am not sure if everyone is aware of the concept to keep room for an expansive experience. If all the things which many people in the past months have cried for would have been in the game since day 1, or up to 6 months into the game, then the chance for having it detrimental to the future of GW2 is rather high. There are only so many things one can bring without a truckload of bugs to iron out and without oversaturating the player. Lots of content that has been long worked on can and will be blazed through within a fraction of the time required to build it, having a player soon again stand there saying “MOAR MOAR MOAR”.
This goes for the people who want an expansion pack, and I am one of them too, yet if have never brought it up for the following reasons:
Many things have been changing on a game-mechanic level, and the event systems are still being tested under a blanket. This is clearly evident with the living story events, and the different aspects of them. I am dead certain there is an expansion already in the works, but more in terms of conceptual lore and story and graphics assets instead of actually populating it with playable encounters. Look how much has changed in the past year, if they would have started working full front on these things, they would have been working for the trash can, as things got rewritten and all. Other than that, when looking at certain spots of the developers who are still in the company but you don’t see or hear them doing what kind of work, and when observing employee counters, I would be inclined to think we’re getting an expansion for certain, the question is only when – and patience is a virtue in this case.
The second big one being more skills, more weapons and all the whole shebang. Yes, I’ve all suggested that myself, but I also feel the need to mention that I don’t expect it any time soon. I expect new weapons in general and more unlocked weapons for professions in an expansion, not earlier. I actually do not even want to see them earlier. Alternate weapon skills could be done before an expansion pack hits, indeed, but I am on the fence about other additional support and elite skills being new content for an expansion or should be available before that.
Because the problem is, how would they mix these players who bought the expansion vs. those who didn’t? Not easy to answer from a marketing and fairness perspective.
Lastly, I want to promote the road of “cleaning up before going elsewhere.”
Sometimes, the goal for longevity is not putting out more new stuff and over-the-top ideas after the other, but rather going back and improve what is already existing. No, I do not talk about “rehashed content”. I talk about really improving and expanding old content plus fixing it. Not only playable content itself but also certain game mechanics or even interface parts as a whole. If I had to drop one example, only one, of the things that needs serious amounts of improvement (in my opinion) since day 1… I guess I would say… trading post interface. Cumbersome to work with. Horribly designed, bad performance.
But the same thing goes out to other content. Sure, I want to see an expansion, sure I want to see new zones, sure I want to see more weapons… but only when the time is right. What good would new stuff be if they would break old, unrefined things even more?
So what have I been intending to do with this topic other than ramble?
Sometimes one has to step above and beyond themselves and actually look at the bigger picture instead of what ones wants personally. I have left out a few suggestions in the CDIs because I realized… I wanted to change the game of GW2 itself. And that would have been the wrong to do. Even more, I’ve suggested things that I am not even absolutely wanting myself, moreso like… “would be nice if it is in, but I’m not all that a sucker for it” simply because I thought it would be complementing the product on a bigger scale far better than just my narrow point of view.
Ultimately, I hope some of us – including me – can take a step back and reconsider what would be doable based on existing mechanics AND reasonable for the GAME and not necessarily for us. Because in the end, forum users are just a fraction of a game’s population, and those users who actually WRITE stuff are just another fraction of the total forum users.