A new action bar? Yeah, please!

A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mikhaelangelo.7528



Hi everyone!
i’ll be direct cus my english isnt good enough and i dont have much time.
So, why GW2 doesnt have an extra actionbar? A space for shortcuts just for some itens (food, toys and every item we need/want to use frequently …)

A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853


I would love an action bar.

How I envision an action bar to appear in GW2:

I would like it to include a space for Toys/Gizmos (such as Bobblehead Lab, player instruments), a space each for food, utility buff and a booster, mounts (e.g. magic carpet, riding broom) as well as a space for a costume brawl weapon.

The spaces would be item-type specific, so you wouldn’t be able to put e.g. food in a utility buff space, or a booster in a costume brawl weapon space.

It’d be great if this bar was account-wide, so you could access these particular items without having to drop them off/pick them up from your bank.

I don’t think that this set-up would create exploitable niches. If there was a worry that this would benefit low level alts too much or be too confusing for new players, I’m sure Anet would just level gate it anyway.

Just to clarify: in my mind, the action bar would be like a seperate account-wide inventory space- not just a hotkey-type-system to a particular item located in your bag.

If anything, I’m sure Anet would highly benefit from a system like this. Allowing players to access gem-store items on characters without cluttering their inventory/bank may improve sales. I know plenty of people who don’t have player instruments/toys because they know that they’d sit in their bank and not be used (because they don’t want to clutter inventory space). My point here is that these gem store items will appear more attractive to players, thus a potential rise in sales. There could even be some sort of incentive for repeat purchases (e.g. if you buy two instruments, you get a total of two instrument slots).

I’ve also seen people discuss similar ideas for WvW blueprints and certain tokens (e.g. geodes and bandit crests). I think spaces for WvW blueprints would be handy, but it would be difficult to include all varieties without cluttering this action bar. Geodes/Bandit Crests belong in the account wallet as a currency in my opinion as they are largely similar to dungeon tokens.

A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


GW2 is balanced around only having access to your 5 weapon skills, your healing skill, 3 utility skills and your elite, thus there is no need for extra hotkey bars.

I can’t think of any item you would need to hotkey, as 90% of consumables can’t be used in combat, so there’s no reason to not just open your inventory and use them from there

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

90% of consumables can’t be used in combat

Erm… that’s not true. >_>

However to the rest of your post, I agree. There are no health potions/mana potions for instant replenishment and no gliders/mounts like in Archeage for example, so there’d be little use for another bar tbh.

A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mikhaelangelo.7528



I would love an action bar.

How I envision an action bar to appear in GW2:

I would like it to include a space for Toys/Gizmos (such as Bobblehead Lab, player instruments), a space each for food, utility buff and a booster, mounts (e.g. magic carpet, riding broom) as well as a space for a costume brawl weapon.

The spaces would be item-type specific, so you wouldn’t be able to put e.g. food in a utility buff space, or a booster in a costume brawl weapon space.

It’d be great if this bar was account-wide, so you could access these particular items without having to drop them off/pick them up from your bank.

I don’t think that this set-up would create exploitable niches. If there was a worry that this would benefit low level alts too much or be too confusing for new players, I’m sure Anet would just level gate it anyway.

Just to clarify: in my mind, the action bar would be like a seperate account-wide inventory space- not just a hotkey-type-system to a particular item located in your bag.

If anything, I’m sure Anet would highly benefit from a system like this. Allowing players to access gem-store items on characters without cluttering their inventory/bank may improve sales. I know plenty of people who don’t have player instruments/toys because they know that they’d sit in their bank and not be used (because they don’t want to clutter inventory space). My point here is that these gem store items will appear more attractive to players, thus a potential rise in sales. There could even be some sort of incentive for repeat purchases (e.g. if you buy two instruments, you get a total of two instrument slots).

I’ve also seen people discuss similar ideas for WvW blueprints and certain tokens (e.g. geodes and bandit crests). I think spaces for WvW blueprints would be handy, but it would be difficult to include all varieties without cluttering this action bar. Geodes/Bandit Crests belong in the account wallet as a currency in my opinion as they are largely similar to dungeon tokens.

ty u for explain my idea xD

A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korossive.7085


New item in the Gem Store: The Action Bar!

(1,500 gems + soulbound to 1 character + not available in dungeons, fractals, WvW, cities, or during any kind of event – that’s extra)

A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaz.5430


I’d quite like to see an additional swap button added to the UI, next the the Elite (like weapon switch is next to auto-attack), which when clicked, switches the Weapon and Utility bar into a 10 slot action bar.

You’d hit the swap button to revert back to weapons and utilities, and the number keys would bind to the items in the appropriate slots. The action bar could be tied to the equivalent of an extra 10 slot bag (that everyone gets), so you can pick which 10 items you want available.

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A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

I’d quite like to see an additional swap button added to the UI, next the the Elite (like weapon switch is next to auto-attack), which when clicked, switches the Weapon and Utility bar into a 10 slot action bar.

You’d hit the swap button to revert back to weapons and utilities, and the number keys would bind to the items in the appropriate slots. The action bar could be tied to the equivalent of an extra 10 slot bag (that everyone gets), so you can pick which 10 items you want available.

Excellent idea, seems pretty streamlined

A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541

Zera Allimatti.2541

I like this idea for boosters and food and such. It could be useful without breaking the game if implemented correctly.

Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins, please. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!

A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


for consumable items I’d be okay but not another set of skills, I like that games like GW1, GW2, TSW, and TESO have limited action skillbars, makes creating a build more thoughtful, rather than just having a bunch of keybinds.

doing a dungeon today I’d wished my build had more condition removal on it…

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mikhaelangelo.7528


Yeah, my idea would be applied only for consumable items.

A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mental Paradox.3845

Mental Paradox.3845

New item in the Gem Store: The Action Bar!

(1,500 gems + soulbound to 1 character + not available in dungeons, fractals, WvW, cities, or during any kind of event – that’s extra)

Don’t give them any ideas…

A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


An additional bar for consumables, tonics, gizmos, food etc. has been suggested several times with no single reaction from anet. It’s just a simple addition that would make the everyday life in an MMO easier. Most MMOs do have additinoal bars if you want them.

I dislike the fact that you simply can’t change anything in the UI. At least GW1 was a bit more free where we wanted to place our UI elements…

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

A new action bar? Yeah, please!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


so there’s no reason to not just open your inventory and use them from there

It would be a simple Quality of Life change to remove that extra step (open inventory).

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks