A new trolling type !

A new trolling type !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TemplarOmega.7384


I just realised this while being bored, but now with the transmutation splitter theres a possibility for a new troll type, however its a very expensive one because it requires 4 things out of which at least 1 is expensive :
-A legendary
-A white item same type as legendary
-Transmutation crystal
-Transmutation splitter.

Basically ive realised that trolls can now transmute the skin of a legendary without the stats on a white item with super low dmg and then split them when he needs the actual legendary.

I mean no one would question or ask for link on a legendary to check if its actually a legendary, and no one would suspect that warrior with twilight is doing close to 0 dmg amirite?

Also for those saying that the trolls are doing bad to themselves coz theyre not completing a dungeon fast or not killing stuff fast, you have to realise a troll doesnt care for his own good as long as others suffer and he can laugh a bit. Also to attempt this you would need at least a legendary, which means u can afford to have a bit of fun on a free day and screw a dungeon or so.

So what am i trying to say? No idea, basically ive either given rich people new trolling ideas, either ive made it so ppl will ask for more gear link from now on soooooooo…………….TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

A new trolling type !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daywolf.2630


huh? I’m pressing the kick vote option. See how fast my fingers move. Click kick gone. That’s how it works. I don’t care if someone has shiny gear, click kick gone, many times. nuf

A new trolling type !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


If you are the type that requires XYZ gear first of all you are going to get a lot of negative feedback from a lot of people. Mostly because the numbers your armor/weapon does is not everything in this game. Now if you only require rare gear or higher then I think most people would consider that reasonable.

Due to transmutation stones never believe someone has XYZ stats based on looks. The majority of the time someone may transmute good looks into higher stats so you may be denying some viable people into your groups.

Gear check is not typically done in most groups for the simple reason. The content does not require specific gear. Most people assume that they have a decent gear for the encounter and that is all that matters.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

A new trolling type !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daywolf.2630


Yep, I’ve never asked for a gear link, not unless they are doing horibly bad. But in dungeons, it really is not hard to pick out the problems. If you can’t outdamage my guard, and I notice such things lol while I’m hovering over your corpse for a fast revive, then it’s time to pack your kittens and go find a jp. Really, I dont see a point to this thread, it would need to be a joke on a full group of newbies for them to not catch it right away.