A nice post :)

A nice post :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

I do not know what subforum it belongs under.
But here it goes.
I have been leveling a thief and a guardian.. I see that this game has a lot of issues in form of balance, bugs and more.. I have complained about nerf before bug correction.. I sometimes found this game very dull and repeatative though you manifest suggest otherwise.. I miss some feature from the manifest..
But no I am leveling a elementalist in my own pace (lvl 30 took nearly a day).
And I think I own you an apology.. And a thanks.

For just roaming around and looking at the details you but into the places it is just amazing. You done a great job, so between the QQ’s and more you deserve some credite.. And the music.. From the classical (Greig inspired?) and deep cello, to more faste pace, it is in such good harmony.. Really enjoy the game after I just slowed down and notice the effort you but into it.

Kind regards
A pleased part-time gamer

A nice post :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BioFringe.7945


Nice post. Slowing down is key to enjoying such games for myself, which is something that I learned a long time ago. That’s not to say that the game (or any game for that matter) doesn’t have its fair share of issues and that none of the QQing is justified but rather that if people would learn to see the forest from the trees they might present their concerns in a more reasonable fashion…IE: not calling the devs incompetent, claims of laziness, etc.

At any rate, I’m glad to hear that you’re starting to enjoy the ride for the details and not just the bottom line. Safe travels.

This sentence is false.

A nice post :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spectre.6452


I agree, there’s so much in this game which is really awesome, but most people don’t notice it at first.

Great post!

Some warn that the Mursaat will return to agonize the people of Tyria once more.

A nice post :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cowrex.9564


It’s a good thing that you enjoy the game in a really normal paced manner like how it should be!

Awesome post, OP!

Give a man fire, he will be warm, set a man on fire, he will be warm forever! …or dead…

A nice post :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

Thx for the response:) and thx for the change of the title^^
Yeah I must say the really put a lot effort in the details.. Even the smallest settlement.. Or some random carpets with patters, pictures of concept art, people teasing each other and more:D can only recommend other people to seek out these gimmicks:)