A question for casual/all welcome groups.
Why would I care about that? It’s an all welcome group. I’m a noob, and people who know what to do are always welcome ^^
They literaly write anyone welcome bacause they don’t mind.
Anyone means tha- from the most OCD Min/Maxer to the healguard roleplayers the try to get out of combat for an emote – and yas that was an exaggeration.
If that wouldn’t be the case i think there would have been ppl complaining about it – its about respect – so everyone should be okay if you don’t just change the LFG to request Zerker because you feel like it would be helping them.
It’s an all welcome group, not an anti-meta group.
The only thing I care about is that you’re not expecting anyone else to be using meta builds or rotations, or to know the route off by heart. As long as you don’t complain about other people’s builds you can bring whatever you want.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
If I don’t mind the guy who can’t figure out how to dodge Kohler’s pulls or the guy who keeps going full kamikaze into volatile blossoms, I won’t mind the guy who knows what he’s doing, no matter what equipment he’s wearing.
What would be far more interesting to me if ppls who create those partys want advise – knowing that giving it unwanted can make you seem like a real kitten, even though you had the best intentions.
The only things casuals are likely to care about if someone goes YOLO Leeeeeroy Jennnkinnnns! ahead of everyone else and promptly gets killed. Other than that, casual groups are casual.
ANet may give it to you.
As long as you aren’t a kitten, I could care less. I run All Welcome groups simply because they tend to be kitten free. I play the game to have a good time and unwind. I don’t want to deal with elitist jerks who expect you to play a certain way and whine and rage when you don’t. I kick those types from my parties. I don’t join those parties.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
The only things casuals are likely to care about if someone goes YOLO Leeeeeroy Jennnkinnnns! ahead of everyone else and promptly gets killed. Other than that, casual groups are casual.
I’d add people who don’t seem to realise they aren’t playing a Trinity game and if they use a glass cannon build and stand in AoE it’s their fault they died and no one else’s. Just because someone happened to be playing a staff ele doesn’t mean they are the healer and are responsible for saving you from your own stupid mistakes.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
The only things casuals are likely to care about if someone goes YOLO Leeeeeroy Jennnkinnnns! ahead of everyone else and promptly gets killed. Other than that, casual groups are casual.
I can’t agree with this enough. My biggest issues with dungeon pugs come from inexperienced players trying to use MLG Pro LEET STRATS they either watched on Youtube or watched other groups do and then getting wrecked when they try. There are times when players try to do skips or stack on enemies and just get killed for their trouble and ultimately would have had an easier time if they’d just played normally.
You will find zero intolerance in most casual groups; that is almost always reserved to the other crowd. It may take some getting used to but you will be treated in a much friendlier manner (no gear checks). If you do make a few mistakes most parties will just laugh it off with you and continue; to a point as was discussed above. You will find little, if any elitism here, as players that advertise casual are generally just out to have fun.
Disclaimer: These runs tend to take a bit longer, but I have made some very good friends doing them.
Edit: clarity
(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)
I’m quite happy running “All welcome” dungeon groups- I’ve made a few myself and joined plenty.
Things I’m perfectly fine with:
-Any build a player sees fit
-Any level of experience or ability
-Players watching cutscenes
-Players being a little bit slow
-Players asking questions
-Players needing to “brb” for a short while, providing they say so
Things I’d expect:
-If a player doesn’t know what to do, to be open to suggestions, listen to explanations and ask what they can do if they are struggling/if the party is struggling.
-Use reasonable gear, within a couple of levels of their current level and rare quality where appropriate
-Repair when need be
-If I were to send them food/utility buff for the dungeon, I’d expect the recipient to use them rather than not have any food/utility active
Things I will not tolerate:
-People not reading chat/generally listening/doing the exact opposite of what has been explained (in a difficult situation)
-AFKing for extended periods of time/without saying so
-People telling other players how they should be playing their class/builds (of course, with exception to contextual things like: “would you be able to use battle standard if we’re down?” or “icebows are really useful here, would you mind spawning one please?” )
As far as I’m aware, this is all just common courtesy. In casual “all welcome” groups I find that I’m more likely to have friendly conversation and a few jokes than with an experienced only/speed group, simply because we’re not focusing on the dungeon as intensely.
I could care less if they are meta, zerker, ranger, necro, apothecary or whatever. As long as ppl have fun and don’t criticise each other or throw a paddy or leech or call anyone a noob, I’ll happily team with anyone.
Casual/all welcome means to me:
Any class of the minimum dungeon level
Any build
Possible strange strategies
Nobody is going to get bent out of shape if something goes wrong
So I just go with the flow and if the group seems to be doing something I find odd, I ask about it. If we wipe a lot, I’ll offer a suggestion but mostly just follow whatever the group leader is doing. I don’t think any casual group cares if someone following meta builds joins, as long as they aren’t being jerks.
I joined a fractal scale 50 the other day that was labeled “casual” and was pleasantly surprised (I never pug fractals, it makes me wildly nervous). People actually talked and we all had a good time (and it didn’t take that long either).
Whenever I do a “casual” group, I certainly don’t mind a more experienced player (or multiples) along for the ride. There are places they know the run better than I do and I’ll learn something, and they can help carry the weight from anyone who’s unprepared or just not very good.
It only bothers me if we’re clearly labeled as a casual group, and they moan if we stumble on Cliffside Fractal, or if people aren’t stacking. Beyond that, if you’re making an honest effort and don’t bail out when a run takes long than you’d hoped, I’m happy to have you in a group.
Anyone else feel like this was a bad attempt at a troll post?
When I open a party for a dungeon, I usually post the description something like “p_ all 80s welcome – yes you too Necro/Ranger”. If that doesn’t wink and nudge that it’s a relaxed and self-aware run, I don’t know what would.
I don’t mind speedrun groups. I’m even a kitten meowyface zerk ele, but I’m pretty paranoid that I’ll mess up bad and silent groups kind of get me nervous.
[EDS] Elder Dragon Sympathizers
i always do “All welcome,” I do not mind teaching/ taking my time for dungeons. Nor do i mind doing it as fast as possible. If you know how to play your class, then nothing is wrong (except bear/bow rangers who spam 4 and kittening stay point blank on long bow). I really do not enjoy players who are always “META META META ZERK 4k CHEEVOS OR KICK”. It is annoying, as long as you listen when you need to, do when you need to, and Learn when you need to, is cool.
Grand Warden of I Crit Under Pressure.
message me for an invite ^_^
Thankyou everyone for the answers. No this wasnt a troll attempt, I genuinely wanted to know. Im aware alot of people are averse to the meta and wouldn’t want to bring a meta type character to their runs if they were specifically trying to get away from zerkers and have diverse and different runs. I just wasnt sure what their expectations were for people like me joining and figured id get clarification.
Its good to know that you guys all seem to be happy to accept anyone with the all welcome attitude, makes me more comfortable running with all welcomes
Yep, bring whatever you like playing. All welcome groups started, because you can’t bring say, apothecary gear into “exp 80s only speedrun” groups. We’re intolerant of intolerance. Not people who do direct damage, and do it fast and efficient.
Naturally “all” But I’d imagine it runs with the following implications
- No Yoloing ahead
- Don’t spam knockbacks
- Don’t try to “take over” the run or get mad in any fashion when things don’t go right
Considering a number of dungeons can be done with random builds and <5 people, it actually often doesn’t really matter what the last person you bring in really runs as long as they’re here to like, do the dungeon or something. Yolo’ing ahead and making bad pulls of course, is the only hazard.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
I don’t mind about profession nor build and won’t mind at all if the player fore warns that is trying a different build, which might cause some deaths, or is the first time running the content.
Certainly will appreciate if they join the chat and keep the chill atmosphere during the run. However isn’t obligatory of course.
The only two things I don’t tolerate at all are:
*Rudeness, specially out of nowhere and nonsense;
*Players that joins then starts to bark orders about stacking, DPS, builds and complains a lot. My friends and I don’t like stacking and we usually make it known for the party so it is extra annoying when those people starts with that tirade trying to take over the party and impose as leaders.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
I make lfgs with the description “noobs join first timers welcome” and I still end up with 80s with 10k achievement points in zerk gear.
I enjoy running new people through the dungeon, so I make specific names to find new people. It doesnt make me “mad” or anything but i set out and make that lfg for specific reason. When a bunch of 80s join for ac story it kind of ruins the goal for me.
I make lfgs with the description “noobs join first timers welcome” and I still end up with 80s with 10k achievement points in zerk gear.
I enjoy running new people through the dungeon, so I make specific names to find new people. It doesnt make me “mad” or anything but i set out and make that lfg for specific reason. When a bunch of 80s join for ac story it kind of ruins the goal for me.
I can see your point and it is a very noble way of going about it. I however generally join the story modes because some of the exploitable paths are unknown (or difficult) for me as an older gentleman. I have 80’s of all classes with necro being my favorite (hence the lack of dungeon experience). My AP are over 20k now and I generally build with survivability in mind so strike two.
When I see a casual LFG for dungeons, I try to join them (even story) if I have the time. In essence my point is that even though you may get a few geared 80’s in your party for story, there may be good reason we join you.
Oh and thanks for making casual parties, I am sure many of us appreciate it!
To be fair, it is entirely possible to get zerker gear and 10k AP without having entered a single dungeon just by playing the game. And even if they were adept at dungeons, they might still be new to that particular dungeon.
Though I suppose sometimes it’s just safer to assume people misread stuff.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
What would be far more interesting to me if ppls who create those partys want advise – knowing that giving it unwanted can make you seem like a real kitten, even though you had the best intentions.
I guess it´s a matter of approach.
*If you come in all guns blazing with your info and make people feel like you are the only guy in the group that knows anything about GW2, you´re as popular as rectal bleeding in that run, that is something I can guarantee you.
*If you politely ask if you can give a friendly advise to someone who clearly failed in the run multiple time, preferably per PM, most people will listen to you. Some people are really thankful and even invite you on the friends list.
Or make an offer/consideration or a baffled question out of it(here again, smarty pants are not well received) instead of a full blown speech how inefficient this and that is.
*"I have 22K AP, surely they will see that I am superior to them in how I play because I had success in the past."
No. Just no. Nobody that has, lets say, more than 3k AP gives a rat´s bottom about your AP. All have probably run that dungeon at that point, know that there are speedrunners out there and don´t care if they spare 5 minutes on their own group.
Most of the time I prefer doing dungeons with zerk fast groups but sometimes I enjoy joining all welcome parties and having a relaxing run.
The question I have is how do the creators of casual/all welcome groups feel about this.
Of course I never bring up other players builds or try to force anyone to change anything about the way they play.
I also let other members dictate the pace of the run so I don’t accidentally rush ahead and ask if we are skipping or clearing at the start.
With this in mind..Does it bother you that a player is in zerker gear in your group?
Would you care if that player uses ‘meta’ weps and rotations and does things like might stacking during fights, as long as they dont ask u do to the same?
Nope, doesn’t bother me in the least. Don’t care what you wield. Don’t care what gear you run. Hell, you could run naked for all I care. We’re here to have fun, and to enjoy each other’s company. Yes, getting through the content is the goal, but hilarity and great times are more likely to arise if it takes you more than 5 seconds to get through any specific encounter.
Now, if a person turns into one of those people that blows their stack because someone dies, or the group wipes on what they consider to be an “easy boss,” or because the group isn’t ‘skipping’ in some arbitrarily ‘appropriate’ way, then I have no problems giving them the very acidic side of my tongue and promptly removing them from my group.
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
Fantastic question!
On the surface though, how would anyone know if you were zerker or not when you join in the first place?
That said, when I post “all welcome” or “meta not required” it means just that. It’s not required. I don’t care what gear you’re in. If it’s meta, that’s fine, just don’t bring the elitist attitude with you. Don’t start questioning people’s builds. Don’t start criticizing people unprovoked. I just want a relaxed run where everyone has a good time. Not one where every mistake is scrutinized by the prozerk super speedrun elite squad.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
To be fair, it is entirely possible to get zerker gear and 10k AP without having entered a single dungeon just by playing the game. And even if they were adept at dungeons, they might still be new to that particular dungeon.
(waves hand)
9k achievement points, all characters 80, zerker gear (well, the necro has Sinister, but I don’t really do dungeons on him either …), still haven’t finished Dungeon Master. I join “all welcome” groups because that way I know someone won’t get grouchy if I haven’t already memorized the routine.
The only things casuals are likely to care about if someone goes YOLO Leeeeeroy Jennnkinnnns! ahead of everyone else and promptly gets killed. Other than that, casual groups are casual.
Meh … as long as they don’t repeat it too often while bragging about how awesome they are that is still mostly fine.
I’ve done a few “Free Arah guide” for some casuals who only needed arah for their completion. Giving advice and helping out is a fun thing to do….but isn’t that part of a mmorpg? I could be mistaken…
I make lfgs with the description “noobs join first timers welcome” and I still end up with 80s with 10k achievement points in zerk gear.
I enjoy running new people through the dungeon, so I make specific names to find new people. It doesnt make me “mad” or anything but i set out and make that lfg for specific reason. When a bunch of 80s join for ac story it kind of ruins the goal for me.
Except there are us with high AP (18k + for me) and level 80s, who rarely do dungeons (my last was close to a year ago) so your type of group is one I’m likely to join. It feels like a better fit with me than even a casual group, since they know the routes and what to do and I don’t remember.
ANet may give it to you.
I make lfgs with the description “noobs join first timers welcome” and I still end up with 80s with 10k achievement points in zerk gear.
I enjoy running new people through the dungeon, so I make specific names to find new people. It doesnt make me “mad” or anything but i set out and make that lfg for specific reason. When a bunch of 80s join for ac story it kind of ruins the goal for me.
I have 10k ap and have been playing since the beginning. But, after doing the dungeon story modes on my first character way back when, it kind of soured me on dungeons. I never did the stories on my other characters and never did any of them in exploration mode. Until yesterday, because it seems I need Deadly Blooms to make my first legendary.
So, when it comes to dungeons, I AM a noob, despite my 10k ap and all my characters being level 80. If I join your dungeon group, I’m just as lost there as anyone who started playing last week. Be kind to me.
By great good luck, a level 80 with dungeon experience joined my “newbie lfg” group for TA. He/she was very patient in explaining the places to run, the places to hide or stack, and the dangers of each area and boss. It made the experience much more pleasant for me and the other newbies in my group. It will probably take me a few more runs to totally absorb all that info and fully learn the paths, but, thanks to our guide, I feel much better about being “forced” into doing a dungeon.