A refresher course for player etiquette

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zOMGREI.2413


Honestly, I’m surprised training is even an issue with how ridiculously short the leashes are on almost all of the mobs in this game. I can’t count the number of times I’ve gotten pissed off when a mob I was legitimately kiting on my engineer started auto-healing and running back to it’s spawn less than 50 feet away from where I pulled it from.

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


There’s 2 sides to every story.

OP could have avoided issues by simply reporting the first time and going on about his business.

How did this group of people even find you a 2nd time?

Training is something that is not nor should be the responsibility of Anet.

Has shown in earlier post I have added to this thread this is something that should be handled by guild leaders when someone using their tag.

Please note: Foul Play
Members who actively perform activity for the sole purpose to ruining another’s gaming fun should
be warned or kicked. Such activities such as monster pulling (training)
, teleporting one to a hazardous zone,camping a spawning area in PvP, and cheating have no role in an uber MMORPG guild setting. This type of foul play only brings a negative impact to the hard work you put forth to your guild.

this is from the Guild Conduct & Expectations I found which has a link to it in that reply.

As to the rest of your post I would suggest you re-read the thread because you are mis-stating what I have posted.

I would like to further comment that when I was going to High School one of my best teachers taught me. You can learn more form an anecdote then reading a text book.

This is the main reason I made this thread. I will not name names nor attack someone. Nor will I name my server. In time as was stated by someone else in this thread: What goes around comes around.

At this time I would like to thank those that have understood this is just something to get them to think and help them as well as their fellow gamers to have a fun time in this wonderful game.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

That link of yours has absolutely ZERO sway on guild wars. It has no connection whatsoever to the game. It’s some random website.


That is the rules of conduct for Guild wars 2.

The closest you get is “harassment”. And the only proof of INTENTIONAL training is that you say so. The subsequent stuff from the guild as has been said by everyone was unwarranted and should have been reported.

All we have to go on is your word that 2 people trained you on purpose. Personally, I don’t see it. Everything you have posted gives me the impression that there is far more to the story than you have posted. Especially what you had to have done to get an entire guild to come after you like you insinuate.

In the end this is all that matters: If you feel like you are being harassed. Report the player. Taking things in your own hands is just a bad idea. Especially if you have the uncanny ability to aggravate an entire guild to come after you because you suggest that two members might have dragged some mobs to them.

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dicellol.4153


Hahahah i found the OP’s story pretty funny.
You have to remember it’s a video game. When someone trains mobs onto you they are not punching your sister or cutting off your finger. They are having a laugh at the expense of your online character.

Sure, if this group found you everyday and did things to you its worth your time to get some help about it, but not because they trained some mobs onto you and you died. You could have easily run away with them and avoided the mob until they de-aggroed. A lot smarter than staying in the same place and trying to fight them haha.

Yes, i agree completely with the whole respect thing but, If someone whispered me to dob on someone for training mobs onto them i’d laugh hysterically.

This post has nothing to do with etiquette, its just you complaining about training mobs. I suggest you brush it off and give it a laugh and either find some friends to play with so you dont get totaled by a bunch of mobs or you simply avoid areas where you cannot handle a large group. Its a game.

Sea of Sorrows #1
Team Shatter [TS]

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


It’s a shame people defend poor behavior and call you out for trying to educate others. MMO’s best feature is other people. MMO’s worst feature is other people.

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

No one defends poor behavior here.

Every last person so far has stated that what the guild allegedly did was over the top and reporting the actions was correct.

What I have a personal objection to is making a mountain out of a molehill. The initial action. Two people dropped some mobs on him.

He decided to take it upon himself to talk to the guild leader instead of just moving on with life. Additionally whatever happened between him and the guild leader was ludicrous enough to cause the entire guild to rally and harass him.

Who does that? It’s hard enough to get 5 people to agree on a dungeon path let along agree to “Kill” another player. Something which is a minor inconvenience at best.

Having mobs dropped on you is a pathetic excuse for even confronting someone. It’s petty beyond belief. You can just move 20 feet away and reset all the enemies. It’s a minor inconvenience at best. Something that you will have to learn in Orr as the sea of enemies makes this a constant occurrence.

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


I don’t think this is at all about etiquette. Sounds like “bullying”

I’m a former farm kid (still in recovery)
There’s some animals that just get bullied. Herd/pack animals, birds… the instinct to pummel the wimpy non-conforming one is observable across a lot of species.

Humans should be above that, but we aren’t.

The post above (kunu honua) makes the implication that there’s contributors on both sides of this. Don’t want to blame the victim, not by any means. But if you are a victim, either embrace that role, or look at what you can do to change it. If nothing else, alt-F4 will put the train back on them.

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: beren.6048


Completely agree with Kumu Honua. As I said before, what they did is a report-able offense. But I wonder what was said to the guild leader that made all these people come, stop their activity and pay waypoint, find you and follow you around. What you said made the GL get mad about?

Also, in this game I don’t even have a good overview of the guilds on the server, let alone know where to find the name of the GL. You knew the GL from before? Really a lot of effort. Bullies are best ignored. There is nothing more fun then a victim who reacts in a way showing that (s)he cares / that it affects him/her.

(edited by beren.6048)

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDmajor.7084


Story just reads like a whole bunch is being left out.

Why involve another random person because of 2 individuals?

How did the guild even manage to find you?

How did these mobs manage to stick to you and kill you? Did you not move AT ALL?

Why didn’t you just waypoint?

ArenaNet does NOT play Guild Wars 2. This can’t be.

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: beren.6048


Why didn’t you just waypoint?

I assume he didn’t want to spend silver on bullies and/or because he was in combat.

Escaping would have be quiet easy, but if he would be able to ‘let it go’ he wouldn’t have contacted the GL in the first place.

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDmajor.7084


Why didn’t you just waypoint?

I assume he didn’t want to spend silver on bullies and/or because he was in combat.

Escaping would have be quiet easy, but if he would be able to ‘let it go’ he wouldn’t have contacted the GL in the first place.

I meant after he died the 2nd time. Don’t understand the point of hanging around to get taunted.

The story is vague and fishy. Regardless, contacting a player about the conduct of other players wasn’t a good decision.

ArenaNet does NOT play Guild Wars 2. This can’t be.

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


Something I wonder about is how they managed to find you in that huge world. Even if they manage to find in which zone you are, zones are huge too, would be quite hard to find a single player in them.

I’m not defending that behavior if the story is true, but you could have easily avoided further grief by simply moving to any area of your level or below and keep playing. I doubt they would have insisted much if they had to find you in a huge zone.

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: beren.6048


I meant after he died the 2nd time. Don’t understand the point of hanging around to get taunted. …

Yes, can have many reasons, there is only 1 side of the story posting here. In any case, stalking or bullying behavior is best reported to the GM. If these guys really enjoy bullying then they must be having the time of there life reading this thread.

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


Since folks want to read more into something and again imply I am withholding info. I will clarify one last time.

1) I talked to one of the guild leaders nicely even said thank you after that person even after they become rude to me. By the way I was NEVER rude once.
2) They can friend you in your contacts and it give them a general area. I then did a shout unaware I was now the object of a greifer party that a champ was up. Shortly after they arrived. Then followed me everywhere I went for the next hour. (I have several screenshot to support this)
3) As stated earlier my name shows my believes. I treat others as I would like to be treated NICELY.
4) I have been a guild leader in the past and I have been contact many times by folks with issues like this. That is why I felt justified in doing the same.
5) This guild is truly a greifer guild. They on their own volition decided to this. All I did to provoke was try to ask then nice to make a general statement to their membership of as they say 400+ people to try and watch out for others and follow the MMO etiquette as others in this thread have stated.
6) Since you want to read things into it. Why has no one commented about this first guild leader I talked to giving out my name to the general membership who then contacted me and cursed me out. Mention the fact I should change my name. The name you read here. If I were to read something into it. I would say it was a hate crime upon me for making this name you see on my post.
7) Stop trying to read more into. Every time you do you in turn call me a lair which due to my believes I do not do, well try not to do. (everyone is human)
8) This thread was made as an anecdote to help others to know they need to report such behavior. Telling them to hit the PrtScr key as this happens and report it.

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

(edited by Krosslite.1950)

A refresher course for player etiquette

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Ivonne.6782

CC Ivonne.6782

Community Coordinator

Hello everybody,
as this conversation has derailed, it will now be locked.
Thanks for understanding.