A tiny change request to commander tags

A tiny change request to commander tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kythan Myr.4719

Kythan Myr.4719

So this morning we had some commander egos battling it out in WvW. It was pathetic, afterall we are supposed to be fighting the otherside not each other. Well a lot of us left, we had better things to do.

So I had this thought, probably not a good one, but a thought anyway. For the most part our WvW ranks are spread out all over the place. Not all of us are Diamond yet. Maybe it would be rewarding for commanders who have WvW a lot to have reserved color tags that only they have access to because they have achieved a certain WvW rank.

I would not lock away the 4 current colors though. I would allow players to keep those 4 choices and use as they needed. Maybe, there could be a special metallic colored set of commander tags that are only available when they have achieved ranks bronze, silver, gold, platinum, mithril, and diamond? So obviously the colors would be bronze, silver, gold, no idea for platinum and mitrhril, and white for diamond.

This way it’s just another way to award players who have invested too much time and energy in this game. When they flip on their tag they are immediately recognized as someone who has spent some time in WvW and immediately sets them apart from the huge recent influx of commanders. If commander have to battle for who has better strategy, maybe it could just be settled by pulling rank. Of course they could just discuss rank as easily, but having nice visual representation which is available to all is much simpler and rewarding for the one who has achieved it.

This could also be taken one step further, which I don’t think is necessary, but still a thought. To indicate the specific rank rather than the tier, a system of shapes like stripes, outlines, chevrons, and dots could be implemented. A general could have 3 chevrons under their tag, while a squire has a stripe and two dots, and a legend had a triple outline. It would get confusing and probably not a good idea, but something nonetheless to help quickly separate those who have spent for time and money from those that haven’t, while giving an exclusive visual reward.

And before anyone suggests it, I also realize that such a system is not foolproof. Time spent in WvW does not equal skill with tactics and strategy.

A tiny change request to commander tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

I also think a toggle for Commander Tags would be great. You find out in the server TS/Mumble/Vent etc. who is commanding on which map and you can filter by Commander name the tags that show on the map. That way there is no confusion as to who is leading. Same goes for PvE. I am tired of Commander tags covering up tooltips that I hover my cursor over when I want to see read about an icon in a town or map.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

A tiny change request to commander tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


/signed yes for an off switch
too many doritos

A tiny change request to commander tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedStar.4218


EotM rewards more Wxp than WvW. So going from there, ranks have lost any kind of meaning they had before EotM was introduced.

As for the above posters, not exactly what you are looking for, but for now you can pick a tag and join its squad to toggle off every other tags.

A tiny change request to commander tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kythan Myr.4719

Kythan Myr.4719

Yes EotM is NOT WvW. However if you’ve earned a lot of rank through EotM, I still think you know a thing or two. You probably have even played quite a bit of REAL WvW. What they need to do is increase the WXP for normal WvW. If Anet was to change this system, they’d most likely nerf WXP for EotM anyhow. Not a pretty option.

Regarding switching on/off tags, I think they might be suggesting if you have high enough rank you can “command” other commander tags. You’d have the option of switching off other tags. Quite the “Supreme” Commander role! I think that option is NOT a good idea because the community would abuse it. Sorry I have little faith in the “good will” of a few with that kind of power at their fingertips.