A way to broadcast message to follower list.

A way to broadcast message to follower list.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tyu.9470


Basicly a way to whisper all follower list at once (it could use a different color than whispers to show it is a broadcast) with a long cooldown like 1 hour or more.

This would help a lot for dungeons where if you are good people usually add you – for commanders doing farm spots etc.

Reason i suggest follower list rather than friendlist is that follower list broadcasting cannot be abused. As in WE choose who to follow but we cannot choose who adds us as friends without blocking them. So if anyone broadcast random kitten just delete them from your own friendlist and it is gone.

Would this be a good thing to implent? Would it be too much work for a little quality of life? Any opinions are welcome

A way to broadcast message to follower list.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


This is actually a solid idea, having more chat options in a social MMO is always a good thing. +1

A way to broadcast message to follower list.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galeskyring.9617


Totally support this idea, but having it for friends tab would also good. Would add a nice depth to player’s follower an friend lists. ‘VW in 20m!’ or ‘TACO TIME!’ for big bosses whom such people are known to command well for the boss fight.

A++++++ idea here!

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