A way to gain ascended without crafting

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pride.1734


Topic. I wouldn’t mind the grind but some people just don’t want to craft.
No dropping them doesn’t really count because you will never get a full set with the stat combo you want.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_equipment is a good starting point for finding out.

I’m not sure you could get a full set but you can get some pieces from collections, although it will probably take a lot more time and effort (and gold) than levelling crafting.

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A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

I’m all for an NPC trader that lets you change Ascended chest stats (for whatever cost) but the minute they make Ascended “buyable”, it will become the new “exotic” gear (not that I find that idea all that horrible).

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Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


Having crafting be the primary method of acquiring top end gear is good for the overall economy because it ensures that lots of players will be participating.

I always hated other MMOs where the economy was irrelevant due to the fact that everything was grinded. Yeah, they “had one”, but it was meaningless. Its only purpose was to gouge new players who were still leveling.

Here, we get a dynamic system that keeps up with the game, and that’s a really nice achievement.

Server: Devona’s Rest

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Weapons and trinkets are easier to get through grind (fractals and WvW). Armour seems to have a far lower drop rate

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kash.9213


Having crafting be the primary method of acquiring top end gear is good for the overall economy because it ensures that lots of players will be participating.

I always hated other MMOs where the economy was irrelevant due to the fact that everything was grinded. Yeah, they “had one”, but it was meaningless. Its only purpose was to gouge new players who were still leveling.

Here, we get a dynamic system that keeps up with the game, and that’s a really nice achievement.

Everyone who has time to farm gold and take time from playing to craft. That’s as much of a slap as having the only way to get the best gear being Raiding and leaving crafting as an obsolete hobby. I still wouldn’t mind it if they just increased the drop rate even a little or even compartmentalized how and where certain stat combos would drop, I’d be fine with taking more time to get the stat combo I need while playing the game I want to play. Anyone who feels the need to spit the usual arguments about their crafted ascended can save it, I’m talking about how going extreme one way or another isn’t fair, it’s just tipping a scale in another way.


A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaklex.6308


Having crafting be the primary method of acquiring top end gear is good for the overall economy because it ensures that lots of players will be participating.

I always hated other MMOs where the economy was irrelevant due to the fact that everything was grinded. Yeah, they “had one”, but it was meaningless. Its only purpose was to gouge new players who were still leveling.

Here, we get a dynamic system that keeps up with the game, and that’s a really nice achievement.

Everyone who has time to farm gold and take time from playing to craft. That’s as much of a slap as having the only way to get the best gear being Raiding and leaving crafting as an obsolete hobby. I still wouldn’t mind it if they just increased the drop rate even a little or even compartmentalized how and where certain stat combos would drop, I’d be fine with taking more time to get the stat combo I need while playing the game I want to play. Anyone who feels the need to spit the usual arguments about their crafted ascended can save it, I’m talking about how going extreme one way or another isn’t fair, it’s just tipping a scale in another way.

Do you do high level Fractals? If yes, then you need Ascended, if no, then you do not need Ascended gear. End of story, no increase in drop rates needed…unless you just have to have BiS…in which case you have problems that only a professional can help with.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pride.1734


Yea collections are quite nice. I got one ascended piece for completing the lumi gear collection which only took about 2 weeks of grinding.
You can get the trinkets easy enough but the armor and weapons are pretty much gated for crafters only.

They once advertised that you could achieve stuff no matter how you played the game, but say if you only want to do WvW where ascended does matter then you are out of luck. Want the cool ascended skins? Gotta craft. Want to do fractals? Gotta craft.
I just wish there where more options.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chameleon Dude.1564

Chameleon Dude.1564

I still don’t understand this crafting hate I keep seeing: it’s much more interactive than chest farming or champ training, etc.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Yea collections are quite nice. I got one ascended piece for completing the lumi gear collection which only took about 2 weeks of grinding.
You can get the trinkets easy enough but the armor and weapons are pretty much gated for crafters only.

They once advertised that you could achieve stuff no matter how you played the game, but say if you only want to do WvW where ascended does matter then you are out of luck. Want the cool ascended skins? Gotta craft. Want to do fractals? Gotta craft.
I just wish there where more options.

your only real choice is to do 2 daily fractals. in the 31-40 range and the 41-50 range.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


I still don’t understand this crafting hate I keep seeing: it’s much more interactive than chest farming or champ training, etc.

uhh for ascended crafting you end up having to do both crafting and something equivalent to chest farming/champ training/etc.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Do you do high level Fractals? If yes, then you need Ascended, if no, then you do not need Ascended gear.

And yet, somehow, the same people that use this argument to defend the Ascended grind, suddenly start loudly protesting at the mere suggestion that ascended stats might get nerfed to exotic level. Regardless whether they do Fractals or not. Because, it seems, ascended stat advantage does matter for them.

Sorry, you can’t have both. Either ascended stat difference doesn’t matter (and we can remove it from the game), or it does, but then we get back to discussion about difficulty of obtaining it.

And back to OP: no, apart from few pieces that come from achievements, there’s no reliable way of obtaining ascended weapons and armor (of suitable stats) without crafting.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: A Volcano.2510

A Volcano.2510

Do you do high level Fractals? If yes, then you need Ascended, if no, then you do not need Ascended gear.

And yet, somehow, the same people that use this argument to defend the Ascended grind, suddenly start loudly protesting at the mere suggestion that ascended stats might get nerfed to exotic level. Regardless whether they do Fractals or not. Because, it seems, ascended stat advantage does matter for them.

Sorry, you can’t have both. Either ascended stat difference doesn’t matter (and we can remove it from the game), or it does, but then we get back to discussion about difficulty of obtaining it.

And back to OP: no, apart from few pieces that come from achievements, there’s no reliable way of obtaining ascended weapons and armor (of suitable stats) without crafting.

I agree with Astralporing 100%

It is hilarious. You get these people saying that ascended stats don’t matter, but when you then say—okay—lets make them the same as exotics, they scream and complain. Which is it?

Basically, does GW2 have a stat grind or does it not?

I hope that we can change it so that it does NOT. There are clearly people who are very invested in the stat grind now, however, who will simultaneously claim that it doesn’t exist while at the same time stonewalling against any attempt to eliminate the stat grind.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ezekel.6394


Do you do high level Fractals? If yes, then you need Ascended, if no, then you do not need Ascended gear.

And yet, somehow, the same people that use this argument to defend the Ascended grind, suddenly start loudly protesting at the mere suggestion that ascended stats might get nerfed to exotic level. Regardless whether they do Fractals or not. Because, it seems, ascended stat advantage does matter for them.

Sorry, you can’t have both. Either ascended stat difference doesn’t matter (and we can remove it from the game), or it does, but then we get back to discussion about difficulty of obtaining it.

And back to OP: no, apart from few pieces that come from achievements, there’s no reliable way of obtaining ascended weapons and armor (of suitable stats) without crafting.

I agree with Astralporing 100%

It is hilarious. You get these people saying that ascended stats don’t matter, but when you then say—okay—lets make them the same as exotics, they scream and complain. Which is it?

Basically, does GW2 have a stat grind or does it not?

I hope that we can change it so that it does NOT. There are clearly people who are very invested in the stat grind now, however, who will simultaneously claim that it doesn’t exist while at the same time stonewalling against any attempt to eliminate the stat grind.

Nobody is saying that there is no difference between Ascended an Exotic. What people are saying is that you don’t need Ascended to do any of the content in the game outside of upper level fractals and even that is all about the Agony resistance and not the stat differences.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


get an alt. use crafting to level alt. double the benefit.

Even if you dont’ like it. It should take only 30 minutes to level up a craft.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Basically, does GW2 have a stat grind or does it not?

The increased stats on ascended doesn’t matter for the most part, but it does serve a very specific purpose.

Back at launch, people were level 80 within a few days, in full exotics the day after and had all dungeons completed by the end of the month. The endgame was far too casual for a lot of the people coming from other MMOs and expecting something similar. The purpose of ascended gear was to basically stall for time, to give these people something to do. Fractals were for the same purpose, which were meant to be an endless grind. The increase in stats is for the people who were looking for the standard endgame of more powerful gear. ArenaNet was actually planning on furthering this treadmill using infusions as gear progression, which was mentioned in one of the AMAs, but they’ve since stopped after the first set.

I would assume that most of those people are gone however, so there’s really no point in the increase in stats. However, it still fills that purpose, which is to stall for time. People who need that stat progression will have to spend time acquiring it. During this time, the hope is that they learn how to simply play the game.

Does GW2 have a stat grind? Not really considering it’s a 1 time thing, but if you want to ignore that, then yes, but only for those trying to play WoW or people who lose in WvW with the mindset that they only lost because their opponent had better gear.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I still don’t understand this crafting hate I keep seeing: it’s much more interactive than chest farming or champ training, etc.

Crafting in any MMO is more or less boring. You’re like a rat in a psychologist’s cage clicking a lever. Now, add in the need to track the myriad and sundry ingredients to produce one piece of Asc. armor or weapon. It takes that boredom to another level.

I’m not going to say I don’t appreciate mats being more valuable. I do wish more of them were. However, I can’t say I like crafting when the only thing to like is the product. For me, the product is not worth the boredom.

I could live with the abysmal drop rate for Asc. pieces in the content I care to play (gotten 1 armor, 1 weapon since weapons went live). What I cannot stomach is the fact that those items are worthless to me because of the stats. The double low-chance RNG pays lip service to ANet’s long-ago statement about seeing to it that there are multiple ways to get Asc. pieces. Technically true, practically false.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


but say if you only want to do WvW where ascended does matter then you are out of luck.

Ascended is not needed in WvW at all and does not matter. The scenario where the difference between winning comes down to the minuscule difference Ascended gives you is so rare to happen, its not even worth considering. People in rares/exotics can take down people in Ascended if they’re better skilled.
In anything other than an ideally matched, even playfield with 2 equally skilled opponents, Ascended will not save you or make any discernible difference in the outcome. If you’re not skilled, you’re going to die regardless.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teon.5168


I got an ascended weapon chest in wvw a couple weeks back……while it is rare to happen…..that is the way I like it to happen, as there is no way I will craft an ascended weap….they’re only marginally better than an exotic and not worth the hassle, imo. Now, maybe, I might craft a legendary some day.

The ascended lb I got in the wvw drop has a cool look to it, and now I have the skin account wide……so that was worth it. But it certainly is just a tiny bit better than my exotic lb, and only in wvw.

And I completely agree with MrRuin’s post above.

Also, crafting in GW2 is light years easier than in any other older mmorpg I have played. Crafting in DaoC was like watching grass grow in slowmo…….ugggghhhh.

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(edited by Teon.5168)

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pride.1734


A 5% difference in attack defense and stats isn’t the world but it certainly makes a difference. Saying it does not is like saying 5 equals 0. And because there is a difference people want it.
I want to be as durable as possible in my zerg or i want to do the maximum damage possible as a backliner. Even if the diffence is small it is still an advantage that is very desirable. But its all locked to crafters only.

IndigoSundown has pretty much explained why crafting is not fun at all for some people. Whenever i craft i just tipp in a guide and follow the instructions like a zombie.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daywolf.2630


I still don’t understand this crafting hate I keep seeing: it’s much more interactive than chest farming or champ training, etc.

I love to craft. But not just craft, I like to sell the stuff I craft. Been doing it in mmo’s for almost 20yrs. However, when everyone is crafting (or just too many), just to get account bound top-T gear, prices crash and I don’t like to craft it then. I hate crafting.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: serenke.4806


Do you guys really need to reiterate the same topic every day in a new thread?

You do not need ascended gear.
If you want to get it, crafting is the only method to make sure you get the stats you want.
In this case you have to decide if you want it enough to craft it or if you are fine with exotics.
I’m pretty sure that while making a legendary or mawdrey or even playing pvp, there are certain things that people don’t like to do (map completion, farming for gold, play vs. turret engis or the likes, etc.) but everybody makes a decision if it is worth getting through it.

In the time it takes to make these posts every day, people who would want ascended gear could have already gotten materials for a piece.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Do you guys really need to reiterate the same topic every day in a new thread?

Every time this post come up my respond is always the same.

If the OP didn’t spend time on this post, he could have level up a crafting in the same amount of the time.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andraus.3874


vendors should sell it for like 2 copper. Or the level up chest for 80 should have a full set in. /facepalm

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pride.1734


Well thats one thing i was clueless about since this was my first topic on the subject, but if you really get these topics daily i guess there must be alot of people that would prefer a variety of ways to gain ascended.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Unsurprisingly there is a lot of people that want to get all sorts of things easier than others.

I for one think before Ascended or anything is looked at, we should think of an easier way for me to get The Hunter that doesn’t require luck or grinding.

Any suggestions? Perhaps I could get it on my next daily.


A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pride.1734


As stated in my first post i want no such thing.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Nobody is saying that there is no difference between Ascended an Exotic.

Actually, people do say that.

What people are saying is that you don’t need Ascended to do any of the content in the game outside of upper level fractals and even that is all about the Agony resistance and not the stat differences.

And that’s a nonargument. It’s not about what people need, because they don’t need to play the game. It’s about what the people want.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sorel.4870


They once advertised that you could achieve stuff no matter how you played the game, but say if you only want to do WvW where ascended does matter then you are out of luck. Want the cool ascended skins? Gotta craft. Want to do fractals? Gotta craft.
I just wish there where more options.

Craft is not technically PvE, and you can craft in WvW. I’m not sure what you’re complaining about.

And for that matter, ascended is not that important in WvW. Ascended trinkets matter, but you get them by just playing regularly and getting laurels.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: serenke.4806


What people are saying is that you don’t need Ascended to do any of the content in the game outside of upper level fractals and even that is all about the Agony resistance and not the stat differences.

And that’s a nonargument. It’s not about what people need, because they don’t need to play the game. It’s about what the people want.

Exactly… It’s about what people want. So you WANT ascended armor… not need it, so go and craft it.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Ascended is the most overrated thing since the invention of the wonderbra.

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chefdiablo.6791


I have no issue with working towards the BiS gear.

The only time I have an issue is when completion is gated behind only one type of content.

Forcing players to PvP, or play in WvW, or to do dungeons and Fractals in order to obtain a specific item or currency for said gear is annoying.

The way the Ascended gear is set up it can be obtained in numerous ways without doing anything more than just killing stuff or participating in events. This might be a very slow and tedious method, but it will have results eventually.

For those that like to have projects the crafting ability is there.

The only way that Ascended gear could be made available via other means without circumventing the time gates and effort of the other two methods would be to gate it behind a massive gate of achievements and tasks which would probably include a similar time and effort gate to crafting it. Otherwise this new theoretical method would just kill the crafting market.

There will be no easy way to get full Ascended gear in GW2 in the near future. No new gear tiers are expected.

Let it go, your dreams of easily obtained BiS gear will not be fulfilled.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pride.1734


I’d call lies to that. You will never get a full set of the stats you want without crafting.

Also i will just repeat myself for the 3rd time here since people don’t seem to read anything but the latest post in here. I do not mind the grind. It is not an easier way i want, just a different one that doesnt involve crafting.

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I’d call lies to that. You will never get a full set of the stats you want without crafting.

Also i will just repeat myself for the 3rd time here since people don’t seem to read anything but the latest post in here. I do not mind the grind. It is not an easier way i want, just a different one that doesnt involve crafting.

I’m curious why you are against the crafting aspect of it? Does it seem overwhelming / confusing? Do you just find it boring?

If you just find it boring, I can understand, but keep in mind the actual crafting process takes little time. Most of your time is spent leveling up your crafting to 500, and if you have the money that is a process that can be completed within an hour. The rest of the crafting is at most 5-10min/day. Since you have time-gated materials, and you know you will need X number of them. I just craft the time gated stuff every day until I build up a nice stock, then I dedicate 30min-1hr on a random weekend to putting the rest of the pieces together.

I’ve crafted 3 ascended sets and I want to say total actual time spent crafting is under 3hrs (of my1800hr play time).

Oh and make sure you have plenty of dragonite and emp frags. I assume you have dust coming out of your ears so don’t worry about that one.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

A way to gain ascended without crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bomber.3872


Anet should remove the random ascended equipment drops from all over the world and from fractals. Anet should remove the possibility to buy trinkets and rings with lorels/guildpoints and instead introduce jeweling crafting 500!

Best would be if anet would highly increase the amount of ascended materials needed for ascended stuff (not damask, but everything else so the other materials get at least the same value as damask).

That would actually be the best case scenario! For two simple reasons:
1. Everyone would have to get 2/3 (or in best case all) crafting disciplines to 500, which would increase the all over value of materials.
2. Everyone who decides not to need more ascended stuff (for example closely every gw2 player that actively daily played since release) could craft these ascended things and could with them at least earn a little bit of money through crafting.

Crafting is one core element of gw2 like dungeons, pvp, wvw, LS, but it is just way to worthless/undervalued right now.
If you don’t want to craft, you still can just “buy” 2 disciplines to 500 and then buy everything you need for ascended armor/weapon from tp in under 60 minutes!!!
If your real problem is that ascended armor/weapons “cost too much”, then just buy gems with real money and convert it to gold (which would help to keep the gold → gem price down for veterans) or just don’t get any ascended stuff.

IGN: Euer Verderben
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