(edited by normyp.8671)
A year and a bit on...
“Nothing is off the table”.
“Nothing is off the table”.
That is the standard reply from ANet when asked about new content coming, particularly an expansion. There are no plans at the moment but nothing is off the table.
e.g. don’t look for one anytime soon. The new game pillars are the 2 week rotation through living story achievements (.e.g. MMO fast food).
You ignore the fact that for two weeks before the tower came out, we had two weeks where we could see it but couldn’t get in, so for two weeks Kessex Hills was pretty busy.
New zones become old zones very fast in my experience. People want them, they scream for them, they plead for them and a month or two after they come out, no one cares about them…but they take a godawful amount of work.
The living story does a pretty good job of getting people to different places in the world. I’d like to see them add zones as part of the living story, sure. But I realize that wanting is not always so pleasing a thing after all as having. It is not logical but it is often true.
(Forgive the Star Trek reference) lol
^thats exactly the problem. There’s also another problem that’s unique to this game. In other games, you can explore the world alone, it’s all good, but in this game, DEs are an integral part of the game and they are best done with other people. Looking at how many people still do DEs at the moment, it would be foolish to add a new area to thin out the population even more before solving this problem.
And it can be solved. Look at FF14 and their FATEs, they’re basically hugely dumbed down and unimaginative versions of our DEs but people do them all the time, because they are essential to levelling other jobs.
Also, for a lot of people, exploring isn’t the main point of the game. Exploring is nice and all but you can’t explore twice. For me, I bought the game for its character costumization, the combat and the amazing dungeons we have (some people may think otherwise but I wholeheartedly welcome well-structured dungeons that isn’t just a linear hallway of kill trash, kill boss, then repeat for next part).
Personally I would love a new area to explore- a whole area full of DE’s, poi, vistas, ,mini dungeons, hearts- the works.
I don’t care if they do this through LS or through a more traditional one chunk expansion.
I love exploring in this game- and no it is not something I do just once.
I also love DE’s and I don’t mind doing them alone unless we are talking the Orr chains.
I like doing them with other people but frankly I would rather just explore the map on my own that run around as part of a zerg.
Mostly I see little groups of 3-5 people on most maps and that is ideal really.
And yes I am talking about maps like Dredgehaunt Cliffs- maps like Lornar’s Pass has scores of people running around ( no idea why, since I personally hate that map)
…I think we’d all like a PERMANENT explorable area added to the game…
you say players want permanent areas, fact that Southsun Cove is empty determined it was a lie
i still get shivers when guild gets missions rolled there
…I think we’d all like a PERMANENT explorable area added to the game…
you say players want permanent areas, fact that Southsun Cove is empty determined it was a lie
i still get shivers when guild gets missions rolled there
Thats because there’s a second line to that want. People want explorable areas with a purpose to go to. Most people don’t just explores for the hell of it, they want to get something out of it, whether that be loot, new skills, or titles.
Southsun is supposed to be the UW of GW2. Going through that place alone is a nightmare, its clearly supposed to be a group-explorable area, with a mission objective of freeing all the camps, and then take or the Karka Queen and her minions.
But there;s no point to doing any of that. There’s no good loot, there’s no titles or skills to obtain, and so people don’t bother going there. If it was instanced like UW, and beating events yields you azurite, whilst defeating the Karka Queen gave you a chance at a kitten skin like Dhuum’s scythe (of course not the scythe, those karka skins from back in the LS), people would probably go there a lot.
I think we’d all like a PERMANENT explorable area added to the game, that’s what everyone loved this game for… was for exploring… right?
There are two main reasons:
- Zone development is by far the most costly part of the entire development process. We are talking about millions per zone.
- They dont want a world like in wow. Where 90% of the zones are deserted/obsolete (even with cross realm zones).
“Nothing is off the table”.
It’s a trick statement.
There is no table.
…I think we’d all like a PERMANENT explorable area added to the game…
you say players want permanent areas, fact that Southsun Cove is empty determined it was a lie
i still get shivers when guild gets missions rolled there
Because SS is nothing more then fluff LS left around permanently. It’s meaningless crap. They just flooded it with mobs so you can’t move around to get resources you can get elsewhere easier. Plus the mobs they flooded it with are ones that give worthless comps. Just who is making Apothecary sets of anything? No one, that’s who.
LS content left around isn’t anywhere near the same as expansion content that persists. All it is is the rice cake people leave on the table cause no one wants it.