A year later
They were talking about giving us quests/something to unlock more traits and skills in the future.
Chance of seeing that before the end of 2013 is slim though.
They talk about it a bit here under Progression Advancement:
The issue is that the vertical progression system doesn’t really cater to changing builds often. If it takes a long time to make a weapon with a single stats combination, even if you had multiple possible builds you would be limited by what stats your equipment offer.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
Really? Out of eight classes, only my thief seems so ridged. I never change anything on my thief apart from gear and the elite skill slot between two skills. Most flexible is probably between my ele and guard, I’m always changing things on the fly with them. The rest of the classes, eh I change things around but just to switch modes, not out of necessity. I’ve also been adding in vendor kits and such, like mortars and teleportation guns, there is a bit of variety out there on those vendors. Other than that just been waiting to see those new skills. But pretty much I’m not locked onto one class, I like the variety of changing to any class when I feel like it.
Oh you know there was a really great game about 10 years ago, you could buy different skills sets, swap around skill points at any time (as long as you were in a town or outpost), a pity the developers of that game didn’t make a sequel to that … I think it was called guild wars or something,
Oh who knew. I guess I’m just used to more complex MMO’s. No, I’m not talking about WoW, more on the lines of Final Fantasy 11.