ANET: Complaint to you

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gimli.9461


Silverwastes. Everyone knows players mostly leave the map at 0%, thus it takes a while to ramp the map up and taxi people in. Here I was working on the map for about an hour, taxi’ing people in, and at 60% comes in a zerg led by a commander farming chests.

They promptly run by all fortresses, annihilating any progress in those fortresses, leaving dead players in their wake not even bothering to rez them.

I have player names turned off, so Tab I press to see what the hell just happened to fortress blue. I see a zerg. In the midst of it I see Anet player.

I get the ‘play how you want’ thing , I get that you can’t prevent people from doing that. All it takes for that commander is to zone out, zone back in => in 95% out of 100 cases he will end up in an empty map – farm away.

These people gladly stomped over us, disregarded requests in map chat to rez people, are still unwilling to change to a new map even though the map is at 80% which most likely will lead to a breach fail.. You get the point.

But what ticked me off most of all, was that Anet player was with them. So that is OK with Anet – players ruining other players experience.

I feel my 1h was soundly wasted.
I also feel there should be a complaint channel.

This player promptly scapered when I mentioned in map chat that Anet player was with the zerg, so I don’t have their name, or I’d have reported them in-game and wouldn’t post here. Not really sure how to make this reach intended recipients. Because I think Anet should show more consideration towards its customers and players representing Anet should likewise.

I frankly feel insulted. Thanks for reading.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


This player promptly scapered when I mentioned in map chat that Anet player was with the zerg, so I don’t have their name, or I’d have reported them in-game and wouldn’t post here.

reported for what, exactly?

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Silverwastes. Everyone knows players mostly leave the map at 0%, thus it takes a while to ramp the map up and taxi people in.

Yeah, the only way to address this would be to synchronize the maps, for example putting Vinewrath on a timer and make it global. Add it to the world boss rotation. That should stop people from jumping to the further along map.

Here I was working on the map for about an hour, taxi’ing people in, and at 60% comes in a zerg led by a commander farming chests.

Not sure how you fix that. Probably another nerf. I think it would be just be easier to use the LFG to find a proper map.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andred.1087


Just goes to show, you don’t get jack for doing your own work; better to mooch off a bunch of other suckers whenever you can! That’s the way good ole “Bob” would do it, and that’s good enough for me!

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfheart.7483


But what ticked me off most of all, was that Anet player was with them. So that is OK with Anet – players ruining other players experience.

I feel my 1h was soundly wasted.

The enjoyment a player gets out of their experience is subjective and differs for everyone. If that group of players were forced to stop doing their chest farm to help you with the forts/defenses it might ruin their experience at that moment. They might have felt their time was wasted. This is all up to the individual.

Personally, mine depends on my mood. Sometimes I go full on taking/defending forts, etc. Sometimes I just want to kick back and run a chest farm to use all those keys/shovels I earned from those events. If I feel like doing one of these things and I find myself in a map doing the other thing, I just look for a new map that aligns with what I want to do.

You may not like what they were doing but this also isn’t something you should be able to report anyone for. Nor should the Anet person be ashamed for it. They did nothing wrong. You say they ruined your experience, right? What if that Anet player had 100 shovels saved up and used them to help everyone in that zerg dig up chests to open? Then they just did something that enhanced the enjoyment those players running the zerg got during that chest farm. It’s all subjective. You may not like it but that doesn’t make it wrong.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pockethole.5031


Just goes to show, you don’t get jack for doing your own work; better to mooch off a bunch of other suckers whenever you can! That’s the way good ole “Bob” would do it, and that’s good enough for me!

If everyone did it this way in life, humans would’ve gone extinct long by now.
Sigh. Personally I’ve never understood such people.
Because of culture shock in the past and that kind of mean people, who only are happy alone by themselves and dont even dream about friends or family (is how i see it), because of them i’ve become shy and afraid of other people.
Yeah I’m afraid.
I guess I’m not one of those guys who can laugh every day, week, month, or even a year. I don’t remember when I was last time truly happy to the core of my heart.

So that means, some people are better than others? Is this true?

More importantly, wouldn’t it be in game’s best interests to make it nice for anyone…
I don’t know, I couldn’t judge anything alone ever, unlike these elite people.

I wonder why elite people are always correct in every turn?

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anymras.5729


This player promptly scapered when I mentioned in map chat that Anet player was with the zerg, so I don’t have their name, or I’d have reported them in-game and wouldn’t post here.

reported for what, exactly?

I am also confused what they’d be reported for.
They’re not resurrecting people? They’re not changing maps for…something to do with breach failures? Neither was any other player in that zerg, from the sounds of it. Would you have reported every single player in it? Why? They’re just playing the game. Nothing more. I don’t always resurrect people when I’m running along, with or without a zerg, whether or not they’re howling for it – in fact, if they’re yowling, I’ll leave them there out of spite. Is that reportable?

They’re disregarding you? Maybe they have chat turned off. I turn it off myself, sometimes, when people are being too puerile or I’m just having a bad day and don’t trust my self-control against wanting to jump down somebody’s throat if they say the wrong thing. Report me for that, too.

Is it that it was an Anet employee playing the game in this way that you think should be report-worthy? That’s just going to make them not play, or at least not want to show that they’re affiliated with Anet. They’re not company reps, they’re just employees who happen to be spending some free time (presumably, unless they’re doing some kind of research) playing the game they work on.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


I’m confused about this as well. I don’t chest farm myself, but you’re saying you feel the chest farming zerg is bad because they didn’t rez people and were lead by or had a ANet representative among them?

So . . . this is bad because their farming will lead to a breach fail and you wasted your time because they didn’t switch maps?

May I ask a question? If you felt they were doing this, and would cause you to fail no matter what, why didn’t you switch maps?

I’m not saying that your time isn’t valuable, or that you shouldn’t complain should you feel the right, but wouldn’t it have been easier to just jump to another breach map yourself?

One hour lost, in a video game, is something of small potatoes in the larger scheme of things to me.

But that’s just my humble opinion.

Gone to Reddit.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zombyturtle.5980


Sorry Ardenwolfe but what??
You think its acceptable for this player to have his 1 hr effort wiped and have to spend another hour gaining it all back because chest farmers cant be considerate?

OP im totally on your side. Its not a reporting issue, they aren’t technically doing anything wrong, but they are being inconsiderate kittens and I think its a shame they are happy to ruin peoples time and effort and not care.

If they just stuck to 0% maps, which are easier to get into anyway, then both playstyles could continue happily without getting in each others way.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


I’ve seen more people trample the bodies of the dead during the Vine event than in chest farms. It’s not a problem with just one group.
I dislike the map switching in general, because basically the maps are dead until just before breach.
The game should require that the forts be held a certain amount of time in order for the breach to happen, or require similar points in order for the main event to trigger. As it is right now, everyone just hops from boss to boss to boss.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDark.8632


Sorry Ardenwolfe but what??
You think its acceptable for this player to have his 1 hr effort wiped and have to spend another hour gaining it all back because chest farmers cant be considerate?

OP im totally on your side. Its not a reporting issue, they aren’t technically doing anything wrong, but they are being inconsiderate kittens and I think its a shame they are happy to ruin peoples time and effort and not care.

If they just stuck to 0% maps, which are easier to get into anyway, then both playstyles could continue happily without getting in each others way.

This are my thoughts on this.

I was in the same situation as OP some days ago. We were 1-3 players per fort since 0% and we started taxiing at around 50-60%. Some commander came in and said “Chest run on my tag” while tagging around 220 shovels on chat. No one came to any fort and the map was full. They stopped farming chests for Breach and Vinewrath of course. They even failed Copper and south lane failed Beekeeper boss, though we were successful in the end.

~ Blue Darkpurr

(edited by MrDark.8632)

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


If you design a game to be very grindy people are going to grind. So maybe you should focus on the main problem and complain about the grindyness of the game, but that hits the cash-shop and many core design elements in the game so it will be a hard fight. I did talk about that for almost 2 years but not much improvements there. The hopefully upcoming expansion might be your only / last hope. But again, as long as the game stays grindy these sorts of things will keep happening.

Remember how a year ago you would see nearly the same thread but then about champ trains in queesndale. At best Anet can move the grinders from one place to another but as long as it’s a grindy game people are gonna grind.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaklex.6308


To be honest, I can’t fathom how a chest farming zerg can cause a Breach fail unless the players that are already in the existing map join the zerg to farm chests. The Breach can be and should be successfully completed by a minimum of 35 players(possibly less), 40 – 50 optimal, that leaves room for about a 100 players to chest farm. Just from the OP’s description it sounds almost like the people he had taxied in weren’t all that good. You actually have a greater chance of failing the Breach with a full map because that causes the Champs to scale up that much more if you have each base full of people to go after the Champs.

As for the alleged player amongst the zerg in the OP’s post, I take that with a grain of salt, but then again, it’s play how you want and a chest farm zerg in no way on it’s own is going to cause a Breach fail…or loss of a base unless the players defending the base are incompetent.

I’m always trying to tell people to NOT taxing anyone into the the maps to prevent the scaling up of the Breach, but no one seems to understand that simple concept.

(edited by Zaklex.6308)

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDark.8632


To add: An ArenaNet employee running with the zerg while tagged does not mean anything. As they have previously said, when they are tagged it means they’re working. They could’ve been gathering feedback/reports on how the map is currently being played.

~ Blue Darkpurr

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elegy.2159


This is pretty much my experience in the Silverwastes as well. I’ve never seen an Anet employee doing what you saw them doing (nor do I assume they were doing it for any specific purpose – they could have been working) but I’m with you on the non-participation/refusing to rez points. I often solo events there since I don’t want them to fail. I’d like to actually get the map to breach. While I’m soloing defense though, people run by, get a chest, and keep running. Rarely do they stop to actually complete an event.

Just the other day I died while defending blue. I managed to rocket boots far enough away from the mobs to lose aggro, and went down. I was full of bleed/torment/poison though, and wasn’t going to rally. While I was laying there about to die, someone ran right over me lol. I’m an asura, so I whispered them thinking they maybe just didn’t see me. Would you help me up, please? Their response – WP. Oh gee thanks, hadn’t thought of using the WP at Camp Resolve and running back to Blue tysm!

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I believe the issue according to the OP is when the chest zerg forms in a map that has been working to completion and is midway there, runs through the map’s events scaling them up, and then doesn’t help fight the scaled up mobs.

Imo chest farms should form at the start of a map, or in the interlude between Vinewraith and new Pact preparations. If an event-completer finds a chest farming map, s/he should LFG to find an events one (that’s what I do), but chest farmers should likewise take note of the tone of the map they’ve joined and hop elsewhere if things are cooking along towards Breach.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Sorry Ardenwolfe but what??
You think its acceptable for this player to have his 1 hr effort wiped and have to spend another hour gaining it all back because chest farmers cant be considerate?

OP im totally on your side. Its not a reporting issue, they aren’t technically doing anything wrong, but they are being inconsiderate kittens and I think its a shame they are happy to ruin peoples time and effort and not care.

If they just stuck to 0% maps, which are easier to get into anyway, then both playstyles could continue happily without getting in each others way.

Again, if you know you’re going to lose an hour of your time on a video game, just go to another map close to completion. It seems silly to stick around, wasting your time and effort, if you feel your effort will be pointless.

You don’t have to ‘gain it all back’. Just use LFG to find a suitable map more to your liking. Seems smarter to do that than complain on the forums much less wasting your time knowing the end result.

Again, maybe that’s just me.

Gone to Reddit.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


Silverwastes. Everyone knows players mostly leave the map at 0%, thus it takes a while to ramp the map up and taxi people in.

Yeah, the only way to address this would be to synchronize the maps, for example putting Vinewrath on a timer and make it global. Add it to the world boss rotation. That should stop people from jumping to the further along map.

Honestly, it should be if only to prevent things like this and the other problems that got the other world bosses put on timers.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Make the chests only available after a successful Vinewrath event maybe?

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

If you design a game to be very grindy people are going to grind.

I think people are gonna grind anyway as long as it can be useful to get what they want. Whether or not the game is designed to be grindy intentionally.

. . . but then I don’t really get what people grind for exactly sometimes with this zone. If it’s about profit, doing the full events and the Breach and the Vinewrath seems better than hitting a chest for two hours with all the keys in the world you can afford. Especially since another Carapace Coat can only be earned off the Vinewrath – you’d think people would want to succeed at it more often.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

(edited by Tobias Trueflight.8350)

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Make the chests only available after a successful Vinewrath event maybe?

Better idea – only during the “Time Out” portion.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djinn.9245


But what ticked me off most of all, was that Anet player was with them. So that is OK with Anet – players ruining other players experience.

I feel my 1h was soundly wasted.

The enjoyment a player gets out of their experience is subjective and differs for everyone. If that group of players were forced to stop doing their chest farm to help you with the forts/defenses it might ruin their experience at that moment. They might have felt their time was wasted. This is all up to the individual.

Personally, mine depends on my mood. Sometimes I go full on taking/defending forts, etc. Sometimes I just want to kick back and run a chest farm to use all those keys/shovels I earned from those events. If I feel like doing one of these things and I find myself in a map doing the other thing, I just look for a new map that aligns with what I want to do.

You may not like what they were doing but this also isn’t something you should be able to report anyone for. Nor should the Anet person be ashamed for it. They did nothing wrong. You say they ruined your experience, right? What if that Anet player had 100 shovels saved up and used them to help everyone in that zerg dig up chests to open? Then they just did something that enhanced the enjoyment those players running the zerg got during that chest farm. It’s all subjective. You may not like it but that doesn’t make it wrong.

Using a metal detector to search for metal in random public areas is a past time for a fair number of people. But if a person chose to go to a public field where a bunch of people were trying to play a game of tag football (or whatever) and walk through that game searching for metal, it wouldn’t be a nice thing to do. Both activities are fine and legal and neither has precedence over the other. But if the people playing a game were there already the person trying to find metal should choose another field rather than disrupt the activity already in progress.

Ultimately, chests shouldn’t be in fort areas. That would help a lot.

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Ironically, I metal detect. And I do my very best to go to areas where no one is around. I bring my dogs. Three or four of them. But, almost without fail, someone, usually someone curious, shows up. I could be in an area, and have been, with eight ball fields . . . and yet a guy or two will decide to play in the one I’m in.

Every freakin’ time.

While I never go to an area where people are playing or gathered already, I more often than not find myself leaving the area if too many people also show up suddenly.

It isn’t worth the aggravation. So, just like in game, I go to another area to enjoy myself without the distraction of rubberneckers or those eager to call the police because they don’t understand what I’m doing.

Again, that just makes sense.

On a side note, I’ve made quite a few friends with the cops who come to investigate and ask if I’ve found anything interesting before they leave me in peace.

Gone to Reddit.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zombyturtle.5980


@Ardenwolfe if everyone just went to another map and didnt put in the effort to progress maps, there would be no maps in the first place. Someone has to do the work from the beginning you suggestion to move maps doesnt really work if everyone follows it.

Also the metal detector analogy doesn’t really fit. If you had to spend 1 hr setup before you could metal detect each time, and kids kept arriving spoiling it after you had spent that hour, I bet you would be more annoyed and alot less willing to just go somewhere else.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderBite.6274


If an employee is wearing an Anet tag; it means they are working. At every other publisher I’ve worked with, the tag is only available while playing from the internal network (at work) or logged in to the internal network via proxy server.

Either way its unlikely that said employee was out to grief or waste anybody’s time intentionally. Instead they were either trying to track down a bug with the assistance of other players, or some other in game task. Regardless, it sounds like you were just collateral damage.

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vix.6730


To add: An ArenaNet employee running with the zerg while tagged does not mean anything. As they have previously said, when they are tagged it means they’re working. They could’ve been gathering feedback/reports on how the map is currently being played.

Not necessarily. Anet is pretty open with letting employees play during off-time (lunch breaks, after work, etc). Additionally, I struck up a conversation with a support rep during the Marionette defense late one night. It was slow for them, all work caught up, allowed to game a little.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


@Ardenwolfe if everyone just went to another map and didnt put in the effort to progress maps, there would be no maps in the first place. Someone has to do the work from the beginning you suggestion to move maps doesnt really work if everyone follows it.

Also the metal detector analogy doesn’t really fit. If you had to spend 1 hr setup before you could metal detect each time, and kids kept arriving spoiling it after you had spent that hour, I bet you would be more annoyed and alot less willing to just go somewhere else.

Not every map is taken over by chest farmers. So, yes, it does work because . . . well . . . it is working as I type this.

The analogy wasn’t mine, but it does fit too. I’ve spend more than an hour in any given location, found some incredible stuff, and then got chased off. In fact, I’ve had parents actually drop their kids off near me, like I was some babysitter, while the parents did their own thing.

Oh yes, I get annoyed. But I’m also quite reasonable. I go to another location. And later in the week or so, I’ll return to that old location.

The rewards will still be waiting for me.

Gone to Reddit.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

If an employee is wearing an Anet tag; it means they are working. At every other publisher I’ve worked with, the tag is only available while playing from the internal network (at work) or logged in to the internal network via proxy server.

Either way its unlikely that said employee was out to grief or waste anybody’s time intentionally. Instead they were either trying to track down a bug with the assistance of other players, or some other in game task. Regardless, it sounds like you were just collateral damage.

I don’t know if they are working, but as I understand it from previous comments, that a guild tag they are using and whether or not it shows depends on whether or not they are repping.

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


Ironically, I metal detect. And I do my very best to go to areas where no one is around. I bring my dogs. Three or four of them. But, almost without fail, someone, usually someone curious, shows up. I could be in an area, and have been, with eight ball fields . . . and yet a guy or two will decide to play in the one I’m in.

Every freakin’ time.

While I never go to an area where people are playing or gathered already, I more often than not find myself leaving the area if too many people also show up suddenly.

It isn’t worth the aggravation. So, just like in game, I go to another area to enjoy myself without the distraction of rubberneckers or those eager to call the police because they don’t understand what I’m doing.

Again, that just makes sense.

On a side note, I’ve made quite a few friends with the cops who come to investigate and ask if I’ve found anything interesting before they leave me in peace.

It’s like when you have a nice car, so you park way out in the parking lot in the middle of nowhere (on a cold windy day no less), and you come out and there’s people parked right next to you.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

ANET: Complaint to you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


(laugh) Yep, pretty much, Neural. Pretty much.

Gone to Reddit.