ANet could of made both sides happy imo

ANet could of made both sides happy imo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liquid Swords.1740

Liquid Swords.1740

This could be placed in the suggestion forum but ohwell here i go.

First let me say I am not totally dissapointed in acsended gear and probably will continue playing because i like other parts of the game still. I am more upset that anet could only think of increasing stats on armor since they claim to be so innovative. This is so far from being original it makes me sad lol.

Now I was thinking how cool would it have been that instead of chasing improved stats they went with a transmute/reforge type system for thier current exotic lvl stats.

Having the option to swap what the main stat on my PVT exotic gear is instead of power to VT or heck even swapping out my Power stat completely for maybe condition damage. I think you understand where I am going here. (yes this is sort of in wow with reforging but could be done differently)

How cool would it have been to chase armor/accessory/skins trasmutations in FotM other than improved stats(imagine how well these transmutations would of sold on the gem store). I undertand this idea would have to have its boundaries to avoid some OP characters but it would of made much more sense. The creativity with builds each player would of had would of been amazing and catered to both sides of the player base imo. I also picture this option as a viable way to keep people playing your old content for skins and exotics.

Didn’t want to make a long post so figured this was good enough to get my thoughts across.

Fort Aspenwood – PRX