AOE Poll ( Quick response To Devs )
1. No.
2. Yes, they’re too weak on the elementalist.
3. No.
4. If it actually balances stuff, then yes.
5. If the damage reduction has to be applied, at least do it in an intelligent way, and look at the individual weapons. Staff eles have no option to swap to non-AoE skills, nor can they switch weapons in combat. So nerfing their damage (which is already much less than the more single-target minded D/D build) makes no sense at all.
3.yes, buff the necromancer s AOE, there is a reason why everyone thinks they are weak.
5. What were the devs thinking? AOE is avoidable, AOE has longer cast times, that is balance enough
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No, make certain builds more powerful rather than nerfing viable ones
5. Please rethink this one. It just doesnt make sense. I dont play PvP, so I cant comment on AOE balance there, but in PvE and WvW there is nothing OPed about AOE. If anything, certain classess could use a buff.
1) No
2) No
3) No
4) No
5) The nerfs are getting a bit silly, but the bigger problem is the communication. Maybe this is being implemented really carefully and cleverly, but how would we know? Putting a partial message like this out was clearly going to cause upset. I understand the need to balance giving some information with having to hold some things back, but seriously? This is like the whole Karka chest thing. They did resolve it, and they resolved it well, but by avoiding specifics on what was needed to qualify for a chest we had a HUGE amount of confusion and argument in the community.
I’d like to add that I appreciate ANet’s work to improve the game, a LOT of the communication that has gone on in the last week (especially on the forum) and remain a huge fan.
No to all. Concentrate on things players are complaining about.
I feel this is no point as the devs are already dead set on nerfing it. But I will give my 3 cents anyways… just for the heck of it….. waiting for Borderlands 2 to finish downloading on steam.
1. Are AOE’s a problem? NO.
2. Have you complained about AOE skills? Yes. It’s too weak and pointless to use them on many situation.
3, Do you support the trash of AOE abilities? NO.
4, Do you want this game to go that the way of wow and have a nerf bat swing every month or so in the name of balance? NO. I thought we are trying not to be like WoW or any other MMOs.
5, Any other comment? What happen to the Manifesto that was promised at the beginning?
1. No
2. Yes (they’re too weak)
3. No
4. No. WoW killed Druids and made it easy for Paladins. I’m afraid that all of these nerfs are just to make Warriors and Thieves even more OP.
5. Half of my posts were marked for infraction and deleted, because I felt really upset about the nerfs. Deleting posts won’t solve the problem. Please, actually go here and look forum users in the eyes. Don’t do something to illogical and silly.
No to all.
If you want to Nerf Aoe damage, then how about other class that have Superior Single Burst like Thief? This is greatly indirect buff to them.
1- No
2- Yes
3- No
5- This just seems like another ill concieved Idea by the Devs, short term answers are not answers, they are just future problems.
(if it aint broke… dont fix it)
Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !
Seems to me the AOE nerf is not needed in anyway shape or form and more or less will make redundant Ele’s. Even if your not an Ele you must see this as a sign of things to come and as there is no support in the forums for this even though they said it was.
Just give us a quick idea of how the community really feels about thisWhats your opinion?
first of all my opinion is this game is the worse balanced mmo i ever played…..and get worse with every patch.
Second opinion is Poll is useless: is Crystal clear as for ascended gear that players do not want this…..and they are again ignoring us and doing the opposite we want.
1. Are AOE’s a problem? Yes/No
they are too weak already….need a BUFF <=== best PVE classes are single target already…..
2. Have you complained about AOE skills? Yes/No
3, Do you support the trash of AOE abilities? Yes/No
I as most players are forced to use AoE in place of single target due to lacking of single target spells.
Also its the only counter to stealth. (single target)
4, Do you want this game to go that the way of wow and have a nerf bat swing every month or so in the name of balance? Yes/No
This is not a question……engineer fixes and warriors buffs are the proof of the complete lack of ANY balance…
They should keep their cats far from the keyboard when they balance things…..
5, Any other comment?
Yes BIG ISSUE are WARRIOR and GUARDIANS in pve….they are far superior to any class and mostly required…..
You are giving them even more advantage to the point every speedrunner or high lvl dungeoneer will only play those classes
Try fotm 30+ without war and guardians
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
1. Are AOE’s a problem? NO
2. Have you complained about AOE skills? YES
3, Do you support the trash of AOE abilities? NO
4, Do you want this game to go that the way of wow and have a nerf bat swing every month or so in the name of balance? UNNECESSARY to the purpose of this small Poll!
5, Any other comment? YES:
Instead of nerfing the AoE for dealing with one or two obviously OP skills, it’s better to have them more efficient. I was always in favor of AoE skills being more effective. I never understood for example why a AoE skill only hit 5 targets when there are 6 persons in the same spot… Is one of them more perfect? I’m would be perfectly fine if they set a 20 man AoE limitation, power decreasing in range to the center of the AoE skill, like:
AoE hit 1 player: 100% Skill damage to the player;
AoE hit 3 players: 90% Skill damage per player;
AoE hit 5 players: 90% skill damage to 3 players, 60% to 2 players;
AoE hit 10 players: 90% skill damage to 3 players, 60% to 3 players, 30% damage to 4 players.
AoE hit 20 players: 90% skill damage to 3 players, 60% to 3 players, 30% damage to 4 players. 10% damage to the last 10 players.
A system like this being an anti-zerg technique would make AoE’s more effective. Imo (Apllied to healing as well but on healing instead of damage)
Pretty biased questions, but okay. Looks like anyone who dares to answer “yes” to any question but number 2 is the Scum Of The Earth.
1. Are AOE’s a problem? Yes/No I don’t know, I haven’t seen the data
2. Have you complained about AOE skills? Yes/No nope
3, Do you support the trash of AOE abilities? Yes/No In my opinion, single target skills should have more damage, but only for one target, while AoE should have less damage for groups. If that is currently not the case, and I don’t know about that because I have not seen the data, then yes, AoE should be tweaked because single target skills become obsolete.
4, Do you want this game to go that the way of wow and have a nerf bat swing every month or so in the name of balance? Yes/No I think everyone is too allergic for nerfs. The kneejerk reaction I see on these forums every time someone even dares to imply the N word is astonishing. Anyhow, I have never played WoW so I cannot give an answer here. Though people tend to forget about buffs and only seem to think balance implies nerfing. And I’m not talking about the devs, I’m talking about the forumdwellers
5, Any other comment? Yes. I like cupcakes
Seems to me the AOE nerf is not needed in anyway shape or form and more or less will make redundant Ele’s. Even if your not an Ele you must see this as a sign of things to come and as there is no support in the forums for this even though they said it was.
Just give us a quick idea of how the community really feels about thisWhats your opinion?
1. Are AOE’s a problem? Yes/No
2. Have you complained about AOE skills? Yes/No
3, Do you support the trash of AOE abilities? Yes/No
4, Do you want this game to go that the way of wow and have a nerf bat swing every month or so in the name of balance? Yes/No
5, Any other comment?
1. No.
2. No.
3. No.
4. No.
5. No.
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. Fix the bugs, fix the horrible loot drop rate/DR. Give better rewards for chests/events vs effort. Played over 800+hrs have had 15-20 rare drops no exotics. Fix the issues don’t create more.
AoE is fine
1. No
2. No
3. No
4, No
5, If its a problem in sPvP (and possibly WvW), only change the AoE stuff for those. Make it like GW1 and split the two, PvE and PvP, if AoE changes are needed. PvE AoE is fine. Also this:
5. Fix the bugs, fix the horrible loot drop rate/DR. Give better rewards for chests/events vs effort. Played over 800+hrs have had 15-20 rare drops no exotics. Fix the issues don’t create more.
Please give us a keyring…
1. No
2. No – other than long channeling time and weak damage
3, No
4, No – nerfing will almost always cause the destruction of the fun factor and people’s built, i support more on buffing or changing mechanics to allow counter/defend
5, Please dont go down the road of Diablo 3, we want to play for fun and seeing damage not following some ‘yes it should be played like this or like that or thats not how we want the class to be played’ these words are exactly what diablo 3 developers said before they crashed and burn into oblivion. Nobody even bothers to check back to the game.
Fort Aspenwood
4. Balance ? Yes, but this is not balance, this is crap.
5. It seems like Anet is ran by biggest internet trolls ever. Then you cant think of nay other way to ruin the game.. they do.
There is already a dedicated thread about this concern here : Is AoE actually a problem? – Discussion Thread. Therefore this one is now closed to avoid duplicates.
Thank you for your understanding.