ATTENTION: New Scamming Wave

ATTENTION: New Scamming Wave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I want to warn here everybody not to fall for those new Scammer Ingame Mails that people might find these days in their Mail Areas written by some cheap “Wannabe GMs” that try to lure you into their ill traps by letting you go to some stupid most likely virus infected phishing sites or so, which are clearly shown to everybody down below, that these Mails don’t come from any official Developer or general Anet employee like a GM.

These new scamming tries are based now on the information text (this shows that these scammers are reading at least partwise the forums here to get on this kind of information, but however always combine it with their ridiculous RMT reasons to create “pressure” that you follow the link…), that Anet currently is shutting down accounts temporarely from peoples that are affected by the Map Completion Reward Bug, which in fact is most likely something that will be fixed with the next patch.
(However, in regard of finding out where this Bug comes from it seems Anet must have had to temporarely lock your accoutn down..more about this in the “Banned? Thread” in which Gaile has written also something about this…)

This is an exacpt copy (minus names and hyperlinks) that you will see in these scamming mails, so if you find something like this in your Mails, then:

1) Report the Fake GM by pressing on the Attention Mark Symbol below and report for Scamming

2) Don’t answer these sick people and instantly delete the Mail.

Heres the Text you have to look out for:


We are sorry to inform you that your login account (insert Login Name.xxxx) will be shut down partially limited within 72 hours due to real world money (RMT) buy for item or abnormal login. If you want to remove the restrictions, please click the following link
(insert nonsensical BS virus infected link that no one ever with a brain in a head should ever follow)
Please keep in mind that Guild Wars 2 is a global game with hundreds of thousands of players. This means that stands of behavious must be uphelp

(Insert Fake GM name)

The last part makes me always laugh out loud hard when I see it (cause its some kind of sentence, that this scammer net holds on and writes into their scamming mails always at the end as if it would make their scamming tries look more serious as if it would be really a mail from a GM)
The fact is – no one ever at Anet would write to you something nonsensical like this, nor will they ever please you to follow ever a random hyperlink that absolutely has nothing to do with them and totally obviously is a fake site just on first look.

The only way to get rid of this problem is only by a political solution reachable.
These dumb scamming websites must get finally banned completely from the internet so that these sites get removed/deleted completely from the internet and people which create such sites need to land in jail by international law…. for mass fraud.
As long politics internationally doesn’t do something agaisnt this, we will always see these kind of scamming mails in games like GW2, because ANet can’t do somethign agaisnt that, other than just banning the player accouts but for every banned scammer account, get two new created practically, so its a never ending story, because nobody does somethign agaisnt the root problem, what are the scammer’s internet sites to which they try to lure as many people as possible too which seem to get not touched at to stop these peopel from doign what they do from there..

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

ATTENTION: New Scamming Wave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


Or … you know … could read the stick official post in the top of this sub forum: Alert: In-Game Mail Scams

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

ATTENTION: New Scamming Wave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


Yeah not new, but I support reminding people all the same, most people don’t read stickies (and I don’t even mean that as a snarky jab at the OP, we get so used to the list of stickies we tune it out and don’t notice changes)

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

ATTENTION: New Scamming Wave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blude.6812


Old news. Lots of posts about all of this in support area, as well as stickies mentioned by Belzebu.
Anyone who ignores the not sent by GW2 staff part of the message only have themselves to blame.

ATTENTION: New Scamming Wave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Old news. Lots of posts about all of this in support area, as well as stickies mentioned by Belzebu.
Anyone who ignores the not sent by GW2 staff part of the message only have themselves to blame.

No doubt.

But some people panic when they read the body of the text, and miss the message below. And some people aren’t good at reading, sad to say, and it’s hard for them to figure out two opposite messages, one that says it’s from ANet and you’re being banned and one that says it’s from a player.

People who read and post on the forums are typically of the class where reading and comprehension is effortless. They should work a while with an adult who struggles to read and understand text before making too harsh a judgment on those who fall for this,

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

ATTENTION: New Scamming Wave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blude.6812


Old news. Lots of posts about all of this in support area, as well as stickies mentioned by Belzebu.
Anyone who ignores the not sent by GW2 staff part of the message only have themselves to blame.

No doubt.

But some people panic when they read the body of the text, and miss the message below. And some people aren’t good at reading, sad to say, and it’s hard for them to figure out two opposite messages, one that says it’s from ANet and you’re being banned and one that says it’s from a player.

People who read and post on the forums are typically of the class where reading and comprehension is effortless. They should work a while with an adult who struggles to read and understand text before making too harsh a judgment on those who fall for this,

Worked with many who struggle with every single physical, cognitive, and behavioural challenge as well as those that had multiple and various combinations of the above (plus many more you may not of even heard of) including those that required 24/7 medical care to live let alone attend class. I am quite able to make informed judgements. Let me know when you have a had a student(s) pass in front of you ,in your care, or while comforting them.
I wasn’t being harsh, just truthful. Someone who has the ability to play an interactive MMO on a PC and comprehend the mechanics and nuances of this game and are lucky to be able to do so.

Thanks for your empathy though.

(edited by Blude.6812)