About Ferocity update

About Ferocity update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bubby.6475


Others have said that mob AI should change and not crit damage . I’m not sure how exactly to change that AI, so I have another suggestion. I feel like the devs should change frequency of crits.

Like you can only crit x amount of times on this mob for a set interval.

But if you guys absolutely feel the need to reduce crit, can it be a 5% crit damage reduction? and 4% crit reduce on ascended?

For the record, I just made 3 ascended cavalier weapons, which took me two months of slaying world bosses/blood, dungeons/sweat, node gathering/more blood, so this upcoming change saddens me and my charrior.

FFWC forum moderators. :)

About Ferocity update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crumps.4012


Bubby, why don’t you just kitten, buy some gems, convert to gold, buy some more mats and make new armor! Everyones happy right???

Yeah right, it’s not fair, it’s not right, it’s just a way for ANET to farm the player base for more $$$

I feel your pain, I am in the same situation, as is everyone else that crafted ascended armor already and if it doesn’t affect you yet it will… The nerf stick that forces more investment in the game, changing builds for no good reason, is coming to a build near you very soon!

About Ferocity update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Funky.4861


I am so glad about this change. Finally there might be an end in sight to the zerk-only player-enforced requirements for dungeons. If you didn’t see this coming, oh well…

About Ferocity update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mimizu.7340


I am so glad about this change. Finally there might be an end in sight to the zerk-only player-enforced requirements for dungeons. If you didn’t see this coming, oh well…


Mimizu Heavy Industries [Doll] – Underworld

About Ferocity update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


I am so glad about this change. Finally there might be an end in sight to the zerk-only player-enforced requirements for dungeons. If you didn’t see this coming, oh well…

Berserker will still be the highest damage set therefore the Berserker meta won’t change at all. Everyone is just overeacting over the Ferocity update (before we even have the actual numbers) asking for refunds etc. Doesn’t make much sense to me, the “nerf” is very little and there is no change to which stat combination is still the best in DPS (still Berserker).

The only way to change the DPS meta was to delete almost all dungeons (almost) and remake them from scratch. And while they are at it, remake all World Bosses, champion mobs, events, etc, remake the whole game which is unlikely to happen.

The other way to change the DPS meta is to either nerf Active Defense (blind/invulnerability/block/dodge) or tie them to defensive stats like Toughness/Vitality.

Until then, nothing will change to the dps Meta no matter the zerker nerf. Other gear stats will still deal less damage, and you will still be able to avoid all damage using Active Defense skills, making passive defense useless.

What worries me the most is the proposed upcoming Vigor nerf for Guardians and Mesmers, increasing the cooldown on their minor on-crit Vigor traits to 10s instead of 5s, that will hurt zerkers more than a slight damage reduction and I hope it’s not a sign of things to come.