About Howler legendary

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Hi, i just want to make a suggestion to Anet and hope someone can read and of course if possible change the effects of Howler. You see i got the Howler 4 days ago, and i was doing dungeons and world bosses, but non one noticed i was using a legendary until i told them, because the special effects are all so plain and dull.

The footprints are totally unnoticeable, because its white and disappear so quickly when you are running, and when you use your weapon, it only shows out a small wolf head and it disappears so fast that none knows it. The white fog effect around your body is also buggy, sometimes it shows out the mist and sometimes it doesn’t.

And of course the last part is the sound effect, there is only a small howling coming from the warhorn, but noone can even hear it when you are in combat.

I really hope Anet can fix the problem and add more effects to it, as you see i have 3 legendaries, a Dreamer, Quip and Howler, but i don’t have a problem with them except Howler. And i read from the web and other forums that a lot of people are having the same problem as me.

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taku.6352


You have to remember that there are two edges on the sword. Some want every legendary to be flashy and shiny beacon that screams “LOOK AT ME I MADE A THING!” and others like me prefer the more subtle effects like the Howler currently has.

Changing it now would only lead to disgruntled customers who like it because its not flashy.

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Blue Eyes.6420

Ice Blue Eyes.6420

May i know what is the point of making and using a legendary when noone knows what it is?

I can understand that some of you here don’t want your weapons to be too flashy but you can always use a normal warhorn if that’s what it is, a normal warhorn is not flashy.

A legendary take a lot of work and its not easy to get, that’s why you need to make it to a point that AT LEAST when someone saw it, he/she knows it is a legendary.

And the point is Howler is really really dull, i am really disappointed as i put in lots of efforts into it. I really hope Anet can fix this. Thanks

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CobaltSixty.1542


I don’t care if Joe Bloke knows I have a legendary. I know that I have a legendary and that is all that matters.

But I forget this game is about waving your kitten in other people’s faces all the time.

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KingJD.9687


tbh legendaries are really common these days. Nobody goes ‘ooooooh he has a legendary soo cool’ anymore 3 years after release. The real art is to make it fit with the look of your character, where a flashy legendary may or may not be more suitable.
Also, havent you thought of the possibility to actually check on google or youtube what the legendary actually looks like BEFORE putting all the effort into making one?

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Critical Lag.9075

Critical Lag.9075

So you crafted legendary to hear “Wow, he has legendary, so cool”, “Nice legendary dude”, “You have legendary, you are awesome!” and so on comments and not becouse you like the look of it ? I mean, are you serious?

You could have looked it up on youtube and decide whether effects are to your liking but instead you made it and now complain that effects are so “weak” that noone is commenting on it.

Besides like above comment said, legendaries are pretty common now. Im pretty sure a lot of people who saw you knew you had legendary but they couldn`t care less.

I myself have a Twilight but i crafted it for my own sake, i just love its looks. Since I have crafted it few months ago, maybe 1 or 2 times someone metioned it to me, which just means that people dont care as much as you expect them to.

(edited by Critical Lag.9075)

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chameleon Dude.1564

Chameleon Dude.1564

Some of us don’t want stupid, glowing weapons. Thanks.

Still, on a constructive note, I don’t see why Anet can’t add effect slots to weapons. Items like the poly-luminescent jewels could go into these (as opposed to being a gem, so they can be used on ascended and don’t take up stats), along with legendary effects (seperate skill effects and footfall into two different upgrade component things) and any other weapons that might have them. This way, all legendaries could have their maximum over-glow options, but the owner could add/remove these effects as per their taste.

On a plus side to Anet – the upgrade extractor would finally have a use. Oh, and naturally, these upgrade components would be account bound.

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JackSpacer.4320


It could have absolutely no effects like it did back when I first made it 3 years ago. :p

“The hype is real.”

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


You have to remember that there are two edges on the sword. Some want every legendary to be flashy and shiny beacon that screams “LOOK AT ME I MADE A THING!” and others like me prefer the more subtle effects like the Howler currently has.

Changing it now would only lead to disgruntled customers who like it because its not flashy.

Yeah, they did this with Moot and actually managed to degrade it with all the ribbons and effects added

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Night.2759


The animations on Howler were changed from a more showy version to what we have now in game a long time ago. There are still YouTube videos showing these outdated animations.

Imagine if you created Twilight only to find that it was a solid black with no “universe” in the blade or that one day you logged on and the animations were gone. Would you think of it the same or would you be like “what the kitten”?

There have been 2 threads posted requesting the return of the animations on Howler that I have personally commented on, I’m sure there have been more.

@Chameleon Dude – probably one of the best ideas that I’ve heard.

Nightanvil – Guardian / Nightrend Shademist – Thief
Nightspecter – Necromancer / Night**** all others

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


I actually considered making one after the precursor prices fell, but hearing about the nerf, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. :\

It’s especially irritating that Howler got a nerf, but Dreamer whinnies on at 1.3 annoyances per second. >_<

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OMNIBUS.2913


The white fog effect around your body is also buggy, sometimes it shows out the mist and sometimes it doesn’t.

Really wish they would fix this. If your a dungoen runner, or do sw you see how much that aura bugs out(the most prominent affect of the legendary imo). It often feels non-existant unless i keep re-stowing my weapon( which is really lame for a legendary :/). Also on humanoid female characters howler clips horribly while in combat, the whole head part goes into your leg.

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


Some of us wish they’d at least restore the night time effects that they BROKE over a year ago.

Yes, I wish it had a better warhorn sound to help distinguish it from other plain warhorns (the SAB warhorns have a unique sound…why doesn’t Howler?)

Aura & footfalls are fine as they are. They are more subdued than others but that’s how it should be for Howler…..but fix the dang night time effects.

The moon should glow all night long and you should hear a wolf howl when you take it out and use it. The night time sparkle is gone. Howler is dead and they broke it when they removed the endless (actually probably bugged) howl loop sound effect.

Broken legendary is broken. It’d be great to fix it to restore it to what it should be.

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


Don’t know much about the howler’s effects, so no comment, but…

Why do you even care if people “notice it”? why in the world would you waste the time making a legendary if you didn’t like it… Just get the skins you like.. And regardless, it’s not like people really care if other people have legendaries nowadays, in my opinion.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

About Howler legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


You see i got the Howler 4 days ago, and i was doing dungeons and world bosses, but non one noticed i was using a legendary until i told them…

Its because players that do dungeons and world bosses, dont know what a warhorn is.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.