Accidentally "destroyed" mini
The system they have set up in convenient yet flawed also, as you found out first hand. Submitting a ticket simply explaining the issue is your best route.
The mini Charlotte spider could be purchased with cobs last year. It’s quite possible that it will be again this year so if support can’t help then there still may be a way to get it.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Yeah, I just bought Ghost Carlotta last year with candy corn cobs. Hopefully, they’ll have the same reward again this year. But regardless, you can do as Linfang suggested and contact support to see if they’ll replace the physical item.
The mini Charlotte spider could be purchased with cobs last year. It’s quite possible that it will be again this year so if support can’t help then there still may be a way to get it.
Yeah it was very cheap to buy last year.
Don’t buy the minis (or the finisher) from the gemstore until you know it isn’t on sale for cheap first.
I’m not sure the CS Team can ‘re-lock’ a Miniature that you inadvertently unlocked, so they might not be able to help. Account-type unlocks seem difficult to address.
Still, it doesn’t hurt to ask, and, as others have posted, you may have other avenues for acquisition.
Good luck.
I had no idea you could get the carlotta spider in halloween, so I’ll probably do that instead thanks for the info everyone