Accivments in AR

Accivments in AR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gele.2048


so now whit the new dungeon whic i seems i cant find party or i cant NEVER do the stupid lasser not that i cant climb on boxes and staff like thakittens just the accivment is stupid RNG 4 times im doing it and i cant get it whit 0 dmg from lassers on me can u arena net FIX this if i miss one accivment and i cant do it later on ill just stop playing the game or make it MORE easy PLSSSS

Accivments in AR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Well, it was nice playing a game with you, but it’s going to be a shame to see you go. I’m sorry about that missing achievement, but all I can say is, best of luck in your next game, hopefully you can get achievements from the forums instead of being ingame at that place instead!

Accivments in AR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


God forbid there was anything hard in GW2 that would require some improvement of gaming skill, an outrage.

Accivments in AR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gele.2048


Its not about the HARD faktor keep it hard i like it but the limiting time limit is the bad thing now this period i dont have that much time to play im busy working and i cant do that kitten accivment KEEP it perma content and i would love it .

Accivments in AR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sabelle.2159


I read that twice to try and understand, and my brain nearly melted.

But on another note, seems like it might be a bug? Don’t know what to tell ya.

Accivments in AR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I read that twice to try and understand, and my brain nearly melted.

But on another note, seems like it might be a bug? Don’t know what to tell ya.

I’ll fix it for you.

So, this new dungeon. I can’t find a party with it and when I do, I can NEVER survive the stupid Laser Achievement (Faster Than Light). Not that I can’t climb on the boxes and stuff like that, but the ACHIEVEMENT (Faster Than Light) is STUPID RANDOM NUMBER GENERATION (tl1). FOUR TIMES I did it, but I always got hit by the laser. Arenanet can you FIX this. If I miss one achievement and can’t do it later I’ll just stop playing. MAKE IT MORE EASY PLISSSS!

(tl1): I… have no idea how that’s rng, but… okay.

Just a couple of kittenty latency check achievements.

Unfriendly skies? Easymode.
Faster than light? Half way between the walls? Zap.
Personal Space? Outside of a circle for over a second? Bam.

Inb4 more muricans at 50ms saying how easy they are. Here’s an idea, fire up your Honey Boo Boo and Jersey Shore torrents then try and do it, welcome to the rest of the world.

Bro, I play with 12 fps on a good day and my laptop is thermo-nuclear. I could burn myself with this thing (and I probably would have if my skin wasn’t so resistant to heat, thanks Dad!). I have every achievement through trial, error, and persistence.

(edited by Esplen.3940)

Accivments in AR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sabelle.2159


Just a couple of kittenty latency check achievements.

Unfriendly skies? Easymode.
Faster than light? Half way between the walls? Zap.
Personal Space? Outside of a circle for over a second? Bam.

Inb4 more muricans at 50ms saying how easy they are. Here’s an idea, fire up your Honey Boo Boo and Jersey Shore torrents then try and do it, welcome to the rest of the world.

Was the stereotyping necessary to your argument? Do you really need to be discriminatory? It’s quite appalling behavior.