Account Bonuses

Account Bonuses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheWolfGoddess.7025


Clearly I’ve been gone too long XD. I tried to find something recent on the matter but the search function seems buggy. I apologize if this has been discussed. What’s up with these things? I mean, I understand the concept, but the only one that seems to be actively grind-enabled is magic find. You can salvage and raise it I assume to max(it will take forever, but I’m sure it’s possible). But what of the others? Are there items to raise Gold find? Karma find? Or do you just need to bang your head against the achievement wall? Or can you only get them through sets?

Account Bonuses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skullmount.1758


Achievement wall only, afaik.
There are infusions for ascended amulets that give either mf, gf, or xp increases, but those are character bound.

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Account Bonuses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KngGilgamesh.3481


I don’t think anyone has found any appreciable difference from these stats (it would be hard to do so) so no need to grind them.

Account Bonuses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


beside MF, the progression is so meagre, don´t bother. If you are into AP hunting, you will get a +1 % for this and that every few weeks, doesn´t matter at all in the big picture. Still, better to get something than nothing at all.

Account Bonuses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

Achievement Points are the only way to get account wide Karma, Exp and Gold find gain. You can also get increased Magic Find through Achievement Points, but not nearly as much of an increase as obtaining increased MF through Luck.

There are also infusions that you can buy at laurel merchants to infuse into utility infusion slots (on ascended amulets, for example) which can offer a significant boost to these stats (for level 80 chars). Gilded Infusions = +20% gold find, Magical Infusions = +20% magic find, Experienced Infusions = +20% exp from kills, Karmic Infusions = +15% karma.

From Achievements, I Currently have an increased +16% exp gain (from kills), which doesn’t sound much but it definitely helps (especially when using a food and utility buff). That gets me up to an extra +36% exp gain from kills, without considering infusions/boosters/guild buffs.

I also have found that the increased karma gain is useful- I definitely notice the difference when I’m karma farming in Edge.

However, it’s not something that you desperately need to do- these increases aren’t a game-changer, but they are a nice little reward. Personally, I farm achievement points for the sense of completion and for the reward chests themselves. If the buffs weren’t there I’d still farm AP.