Account Bound Blades
They were account bound until the Battle for Lion’s Arch patch.
The blades are a permanent drop by all aetherblades(Not So Secret JP/TA aetherpath) in the game so you have plenty of time to get enough for different characters. Just make sure you have enough blueprints (and power cores if you are going for the colored versions).
Because there’s no way possible way to farm enough of them for 17 characters. More alt unfriendliness… smh
They’re now a permanent drop from aetherblade so without a time restriction it’s definitely possible to farm enough for a bunch of alts.
17 though.. I think it’s unreasonable of you to expect to be able to equip all of them with ascended gear.
Northern Shiverpeaks
17 though.. I think it’s unreasonable of you to expect to be able to equip all of them with ascended gear.
Unreasonable??? I think it’s unreasonable to expect every new generation to be less than the previous one in game. There’s little incentive to create new characters then. And please, someone might think, “Wow, I can finally gear this character in 2 years!” as a good thing but, surely I do not.
I think it’s unreasonable to have changed the binding after the fact. I intelligently planned and farmed for the exact amount of blades needed. I figured out how many were required to make one of each rarity in Zerker and a Celestial Exotic too. For them to switch now after the fact is nothing less then unreasonable. Oh, and I have two accounts so that means farming for that many back packs TWICE! There binding choices completely screw some players over to no end.
17 though.. I think it’s unreasonable of you to expect to be able to equip all of them with ascended gear.
Unreasonable??? I think it’s unreasonable to expect every new generation to be less than the previous one in game. There’s little incentive to create new characters then. And please, someone might think, “Wow, I can finally gear this character in 2 years!” as a good thing but, surely I do not.
I’m honestly curious: what incentive was there for you to make 17 chars in the first place? Obviously you made them before this backpiece even existed, so it’s not like there is less incentive, there just isn’t any additional incentive.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Slightly annoyed after crafting my first set of blades and noticing even the basic ones are soul bound when equipped. Why are they coming up soul bound? I thought all of them but, the Ascended version were to be Account Bound?
In my opinion, everything but the Ascended version should be Account bound. If not then Blade Shards should become tradeable. Because there’s no way possible way to farm enough of them for 17 characters. More alt unfriendliness… smh
Welcome to their continuing logic :p
But I agree, I really would like them to go back to all account bound (even ascended). I really would like the ability to retire/store one of each level and one of each color so that I can swap at will and not have them all stuck to just one of my 12 characters…
Please give us a keyring…
Unreasonable??? I think it’s unreasonable to expect every new generation to be less than the previous one in game.
generation of what? less in what way?
I seriously have no idea what you’re talking about here.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Only one of your characters can wear a single backpack at a time, so I don’t really see the harm in leaving the backpacks (or indeed any gear, particularly time-consuming or limited release reward gear) accountbound.
Unreasonable??? I think it’s unreasonable to expect every new generation to be less than the previous one in game.
generation of what? less in what way?
I seriously have no idea what you’re talking about here.
How is the term mostly used? As in once a character progresses to 80, some of us make another character and begin again. Thus, that could be considered a generation. So why should the younger generation be incapable of equal gearing? Ascended crafting and Laurels already limit alt progression to a snails pace. Also, WvW ranks limits an alt’s capacity too. Combined, these elements make alts woefully second class citizens of Tyria.
The heck with LA, Scarlet, and Dragons. How about making a digital recreation of the Anet offices so the Alt’s of Tyria can storm it!!!