Account Bound Recipes

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rozalina.3196


Recipes we get as drops out in tyria or buy at merchants or in the trade post or anything similar when consumed on any character it should be unlocked for that entire account. That way if someone accidentally consumed a recipe on a character without the right crafting profession it wouldn’t matter because when they get on the right character they would be able to make it. Another great thing about account bound recipes is that you would be able to see if you already have a recipe unlocked without having to jump around to different characters to check it. Of course you wouldn’t be able to actual make the recipe unless that character has the crafting profession leveled on it.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deedrick.4372


I agree, I would loved to see an account unlock on recipes. It could be a little tricky when unlocking something that could be multiple professions. Like new runes, and which profession it unlocks for (or all?) I agree its frustrating to use a recipe on the wrong toon.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rozalina.3196


When consumed It would be unlocked for all the crafting professions that can use it for your entire account.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


That and put a small price on it to sell to NPC. Like 2 copper, lol. I have like 85 Settlers from the Karka Queen.

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Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ODB.6891


I would take this a step further and say crafting professions should be account bound. This would solve the same problem and it would remove the penalty for deleting a character. Currently, if you delete a character that has a crafting profession…then you lose that crafting profession too.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Often I find a recipe for purchase on a character that does not have that crafting discipline. (Pact Supply Agents come to mind especially) And I cannot remember if I have that recipe for that crafting without having to log out and get that character to check.

Having account bound recipes or at least a way of being able to see if one of my crafting disciplines has that particular recipe without having to go get that character would be wonderful.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mikau.6920


They should. I hate the need to login my main just to make inscriptions/insignias (I have no reason to buy twice and some of them are really expansive) to make some armor/weapon.

Also, like Aerinndis said (^), is really hard to keep track of which recipes I have already.

I see no reason why they are caracter bound instead of account.

Sorry for my english.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deedrick.4372


I would take this a step further and say crafting professions should be account bound. This would solve the same problem and it would remove the penalty for deleting a character. Currently, if you delete a character that has a crafting profession…then you lose that crafting profession too.

I disagree with account bound crafting. This would make a gem store crafting license obsolete. It would also significantly change the mechanic, as you stated, the reason for not deleting a toon. The account bound recipes would fall more to the QoL improvement and potentially cut down support issues where some one waste a recipie on the wrong toon and puts in a trouble ticket.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


A big “yes please” to account-wide recipes but not to account-wide professions.

I would, however, like to be able to buy a full set of crafting licenses on one toon rather than the maximum of 4.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fuzzylumpkins.1694


I would take this a step further and say crafting professions should be account bound. This would solve the same problem and it would remove the penalty for deleting a character. Currently, if you delete a character that has a crafting profession…then you lose that crafting profession too.

I disagree with account bound crafting. This would make a gem store crafting license obsolete. It would also significantly change the mechanic, as you stated, the reason for not deleting a toon. The account bound recipes would fall more to the QoL improvement and potentially cut down support issues where some one waste a recipie on the wrong toon and puts in a trouble ticket.

Ya, I agree with Deedrick that crafting professions shouldn’t be account bound, but I would love to have the recipes account bound. That would make recipes less of a hassle because you wouldn’t have to worry about putting them on the wrong characters or buying a recipe you already had.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ODB.6891


I would take this a step further and say crafting professions should be account bound. This would solve the same problem and it would remove the penalty for deleting a character. Currently, if you delete a character that has a crafting profession…then you lose that crafting profession too.

I disagree with account bound crafting. This would make a gem store crafting license obsolete. It would also significantly change the mechanic, as you stated, the reason for not deleting a toon. The account bound recipes would fall more to the QoL improvement and potentially cut down support issues where some one waste a recipie on the wrong toon and puts in a trouble ticket.

So I had to refresh my knowledge of what the “additional crafting license” actually provided and I’m a little bit surprised. Not surprised at what you get with the license, but surprised at the responses here in regards to account wide professions. All the license gives is the ability to have more active professions on a single character. It still does not eliminate the need to swap characters to be able to craft. The account wide recipes suggestion is, indeed, a similar suggestion…getting at a similar problem…but the account wide profession would be a full solution. I’m going to go out on a limb and make some assumptions as to why you all think account wide crafting would be bad:

1. You already purchased additional crafting licenses?
2. You don’t have multiple characters?
3. You want to maximize the number of things ANET has to sell to us in the gem store?
4. You like swapping characters when you need to craft for some reason?
5. You think its wrong to delete a character and that there should be more of a penalty than losing that character?

(edited by ODB.6891)

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deedrick.4372


1 no I have not
2 I have 10 80’s + bank/break down toons and a spreadsheet to organize.
3 I do want to see anet stay in business
4 I have no problem swapping toons, been doing it for years WvW is better than any other crating corner you could pay for and is free
5 see this thread:

I don’t know how to say it other than its to big of a change. It is a pain to spend money to turn the stack of food into a tray recipie at the forge, get excited and use it. Then you realize, "Crap, that wasn’t my cook!!" I have done that before once... I find the idea of account bound recipes wonderful and improvement on the current system. There are other small changes I would like to see, like default collapsed recipe list and expand to what your needing. There are others people have mentioned that are tiny/small/not so hard imo to implement.

When I craft something big, I still have to jump round from toon to toon collecting stuff, swap guilds to get to my personal guild bank. Run here and there to get a missing item on the tp. It’s not like I would benefit that much from crafting from one toon. Your suggestion of making them account bound crafting professions would be a fix, but that’s more like using a bazooka to kill a wasp. I think it’s much more than what is needed.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rozalina.3196


I’m all for having crafting professions account bound, but if they don’t do that I would at least want them to make recipes account bound.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystic.5934


I fully expect account-wide recipe learning, and only bought additional crafting licenses because I assume it’ll be implimented as soon as they figure out how as it’s such an obvious thing that is needed.
My main concern isn’t even price, it’s exclusivity. I have to keep old characters around who have certain disciplines because they know recipes that are not possible to obtain anymore (such as queen’s jubilee recipes, but there are many more).

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AirimirOfGondor.9081


I’ve supported the idea of accountwide recipe unlocks for a long time now. With everything else they have changed from character specific unlocks to accountwide unlocks, recipes are one of the last things that isn’t an accountwide unlock yet.

And it’s just silly that they haven’t changed these recipes into accountwide unlocks yet. It doesn’t fit with their design for them to just be character unlocks anymore. It doesn’t make sense. So consider this post another voice of 100% support of making these recipes into accountwide unlocks. With all the recipes in the game now, I think this is getting more important than ever before.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystic.5934


I’ll also add that it’s very inconvenient to character switch if I need to craft an inscription, drop that in the bank, then go back to the first char to craft the item (this is just one of many examples).

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rozalina.3196


Ya, I would like to see them put account bound recipes into the next feature pack and hey if they want to make crafting professions account bound while they’re at it that would be sweet.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AirimirOfGondor.9081


I wonder if any devs have eyes on this topic. While this is the newest active discussion about this idea, I have seen this topic discussed for years now. Making recipes that come from items unlock on an accountwide basis instead of this old archaic character by character basis would make that system fit better with all the other systems in the game, almost all of which are accountwide systems now.

But it seems like this suggestion has been lost on them for years. Which is why I am really curious as to whether or not any devs have had eyes on this topic.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cakemonkey.6347


Here’s another vote for account bound crafting.

Even if it has to be a gem store item to make it happen. Since it’s really a QoL issue.

The existing licenses would be ok if they allowed all professions on one character and allowed you to take already leveled up crafts and recipes from other characters.

Account Bound Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I wonder if any devs have eyes on this topic. While this is the newest active discussion about this idea, I have seen this topic discussed for years now. Making recipes that come from items unlock on an accountwide basis instead of this old archaic character by character basis would make that system fit better with all the other systems in the game, almost all of which are accountwide systems now.

But it seems like this suggestion has been lost on them for years. Which is why I am really curious as to whether or not any devs have had eyes on this topic.

Why do people think that a suggestion is lost just because it doesn’t get a response? There are always going to be more good posts than devs have time to respond to and more good ideas than ANet has the resources to implement.

In this case, it’s not just a matter of changing code so that reading a new recipe unlocks it for all characters, it’s integrating the currently-known recipes across all toons and figuring out how to display them (since sometimes the discipline won’t have been started by that toon). It requires testing to make sure this doesn’t break something that was coded under the assumption that recipes were character-bound.

And to do all this work means adding nothing new to the game — it’s a really good quality-of-life change, but it won’t add new functionality, so working on this means not working on other things.

I have no idea if ANet is working on this or not. I just know that they don’t always say when they are working on something, right up until the moment when it’s released. Case in point: gliding in core Tyria. Lots of us asked for it when HoT released and some of us (including myself) pointed out how expensive it would be to test the old zones…and ANet never said a word about it, even though they had originally intended it to go live in October and were working on it all along.

tl;dr it’s a good idea, but it might be too far down the list of priorities to see implementation any time soon.

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