Account Magic Find is very much appreciated
Just got 5, FIVE rares from one stacked mob of ~12 to 15 aethers. Yes, MF really works, and Works well. Can’t wait to get to 300%.
It doesn’t work better or worse in a pure numbers sense than it did before.
It IS nice that it’s not attached to your gear.
You realize you like it now because you hardly scratched the surface? Wait until later on until you must salvage thousands and thousands of greens to move forward.
1 to 125 and 125 to 150 are about the same
Getting to 125 is only about 6% to 300%.
Level 60 luck magic find is only 24,200 luck which isn’t even half of a 250 exotic stack.
Please before you talk about how you like the system just realize how ridiculously bad the system gets with hours and hours of salvaging to progress later. Also you lose gold in the process. Wearing full magic find gear in the past was much easier than this system. Dungeons are mostly chests anyway so you didn’t really need to bring magic find gear to dungeons.
The current luck system is an extremely boring click filled grind. Maybe your lifetime luck magic find goal is 100 though? If so you might like the system. Other than that… no.
Well even though the above poster seems to discredit MF, I have seen more golds drop from regular mobs than before.
If you are concerned about profiting from loot though, It would be in your best interest to sell the masterwork items instead of salvage. But my personal gold income hasn’t been infected by this, and I salvage everything (exception of certain rares, exotics)
I like the new magic find, and I especially like that it’s not a “work on it for a week and cap it” deal… it’s a longterm goal, treat it as such.
I do like that MF isn’t armor bound anymore, so I don’t have to worry about having to get it on each individual char. And, of course, considering how much I salvage (which is pretty much everything) my mf keeps climbing steadily =) Thank goodness for the macroed double click though. Saves my poor mouse, lemme tell ya.
I’m anal when it comes to my inventory, so usually it’s just a few clicks at a time :P Can’t you just upgrade them for free with artificing as it is?
I’m enjoying the account wide mf, mainly because I had 0 mf gear on my characters before this, and just used an omnom bar randomly. I’m sort of noticing a difference, but I really don’t care if it’s all in my head, it’s just something that’s extra if it’s working.
In the end, it’s netting me more mats than before, mainly because I used to vendor all blue/greens.
Better RNG chance is still RNG.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
Better RNG chance is still RNG.
Yet every game runs on rng for its drops. shrug
You realize you like it now because you hardly scratched the surface? Wait until later on until you must salvage thousands and thousands of greens to move forward….
Please before you talk about how you like the system just realize how ridiculously bad the system gets with hours and hours of salvaging to progress later. Also you lose gold in the process. Wearing full magic find gear in the past was much easier than this system. Dungeons are mostly chests anyway so you didn’t really need to bring magic find gear to dungeons.
The current luck system is an extremely boring click filled grind. Maybe your lifetime luck magic find goal is 100 though? If so you might like the system. Other than that… no.
Not sure where I’ll stop yet.
I can see how the current system could be annoying for farmers who are bent on maximizing their MF (or getting it to 200 or beyond), especially since they were accustomed to higher MF on their gear sets.
For players like me who never bothered because of the hassle of collecting and switching out an extra armor set, almost any amount of MF is bonus. So if I get to 150 and decide that’s enough and I’d rather have the gold from selling blues and greens, I’ll still be ahead of where I was.
An added benefit I forgot to mention is having to deal with a vendor much less frequently. As long as I stock up in salvage kits (thanks, ANet, for not making kit quality matter in this area) I can stay out in the field, so to speak, a lot longer and still benefit from blue and green drops.
I have to agree, it’s been good for me for a lot of reasons. Sure, one of my characters had a full MF setup for farming, but since I hate farming I almost never used it. For the most part I felt too guilty to use it in regular game play while playing with other people. With the way it is now, I have MF on all the time and, even better, it doesn’t matter what alt I play (I have 8 level 80s). Any decision that makes life better for those of us with a lot of alts , I applaud.
Better RNG chance is still RNG.
So do you also complain about critchances unsteady weapon damage and proc chances?
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
No, just that getting good drops with high MF is still RNG.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
Wow… only months ago everyone was onboard the MF sucks and doesn’t work train and was convinced that MF had to go.
Now that the vocal minority has screwed over the farmers out there, everyone is so happy to find out that MF actually does work.
Wow… only months ago everyone was onboard the MF sucks and doesn’t work train and was convinced that MF had to go.
Now that the vocal minority has screwed over the farmers out there, everyone is so happy to find out that MF actually does work.
You’ve got a funny contradiction in there. “Everyone” hated MF, but they were really the “vocal minority”.
If it wasn’t clear from my original post, I was pretty indifferent to MF, so I don’t fit into your categories of people who hated it and wanted it gone, nor farmer who got screwed over.
And as a regular forum reader, I remember a lot of people saying that MF shouldn’t be a gear stat that replaces others, not that they hated the very idea of MF.
Hardcore farming will always be in a state of tension with non-farmers, because, by its very nature, developers have to work to make sure that farming doesn’t take over the game and crowd out other ways of playing.
I do sympathize with those who invested time and money in putting together MF sets. It sucks that you lost that gear and had it replaced with stuff that may or may not be useful.
I do think the current system is an improvement, however, over the old.
I just like clicking on the essences. Gives the illusion I’m improving my character more than I actually am. Just keep giving me my pellets and I’m a happy hamster
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
A long term solution sure but one that is not fun. Most of you are giving very confident analyses for people that are not very experienced with higher luck levels.
How is salvaging 1000s of items fun to hardly make any progress? Normal play will give mostly blues and that will hard do anything.
This system will have to be made more fun as the condition of the system is atrociously not fun.
Wow… only months ago everyone was onboard the MF sucks and doesn’t work train and was convinced that MF had to go.
Now that the vocal minority has screwed over the farmers out there, everyone is so happy to find out that MF actually does work.
What you are seeing is the nature of official forums.
It’s not 1,000 people suddenly did a 180 and now hate precisely the thing they wanted before.
It’s those 1,000 people are now happily playing the game while a different 1,000 people are grumpy and upset that the thing they liked was changed, and are charging to the official forums to voice their displeasure.
A long term solution sure but one that is not fun. Most of you are giving very confident analyses for people that are not very experienced with higher luck levels.
How is salvaging 1000s of items fun to hardly make any progress? Normal play will give mostly blues and that will hard do anything.
I understand your point. WXP has the same problem.
Still, the system suits me a lot better than the old. I won’t be all that bent out of shape if I decide to just stop at 150 or 200.
I’m aware of how ridiculously steep the curve gets as the percentage gets higher. I don’t really need to get there to see it. So being at only 70 MF doesn’t invalidate my feedback.