Eternal Illumination[EB] Guild Leader.
Accounts created on previous Trial Weekends
Eternal Illumination[EB] Guild Leader.
I shouldn’t think so, Anet would have had absolutely no reason to save those chars. Besides that how would you even reclaim them if so? I never tried those trials but did you have to register an email or anything?
It’s highly unlikely those accounts were saved, but it’s probably possible to re-register using the same details. You’d have to start from the beginning again, but can take your time instead of rushing through.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Accounts created in Trial Weekends are active, with all characters created and have all the limits, except these:
- they received all bonuses and birthday gifts (2) during this time (including Royal Guard Outfit)
- bag slots 5 (not 2)
- /team chat unlocked (not mentioned if it should be locked though)
Anet never deletes accounts. Worst thing that will happen is that they get permanently closed.