Hello to all of you Guild Wars 2 players. First of all, I am a rather new player to this game. And I must say, I love it. A superb created world, so many hidden places to reach, puzzles and labyrinths everywhere.
This mmorpg has so many elements I want from an mmorpg.
But lately I stumbled across some unfair advantages given to the older playerbase. shrug it’s about the Achievement Ladders.
I played 11 years World of Warcraft, and the sole reason I played it was to hunt down all Achievements in the game. When I reached 99% of all Achievements I felt bored of WoW and before it’s expansion (Legion, september 2016) I changed to Guild Wars 2.
Good choice! Currently I am also hunting down all Achievements ingame. And I noticed that there are about 2500~ish Achievement Points which a new player cannot obtain.
The moment I realised this, I lost all motivation & dedication to play this game. I love Achievements, I love this game, but this is – sorry Achievement Hunters, no offense intended – unfair competition.
A new player for example can never reach the top of the Achievement Ladders because there are 2500~ish Points removed. That means if a new player who is interested in AP grinding will be demotivated quite fast.
Why? Fairly reasonable. Everyone hopes to reach that World Rank #1 spot even if it’s unreachable, you dream about it. You hope to chase it, and maybe one day to claim it. But with a huge gap of points not being in any of the new players reach this dream is shattered into a one thousand pieces.
In World of Warcraft, the removed Achievements are placed under a tab called ‘Feats of Strength’ so the player still can show them, he also keeps the titles, items, shinies from these Achievements. However, in this tab, the points from it are gone.
In this way old players can still show the stuff they grinded, and new players doesn’t have to be afraid of unfair competition.
Maybe many of you Achievement Hunters will be upset, angry or have a go at me why this should not happen. And from your perspective, I actually do understand.
But having such a gap is basically killing any AP Ladder competition. It’s unfair, in all it’s logical essence. You could perhaps compare it to sport. Where a football team from the Second Division promotes to the Premier League. And before they have played their 1st match, Manchester City would be 15 points above anyone else, because they simply play longer in the premier league.
In sport this never would happen, simply as it is unfair competition. And in any kind of e-sports this should not happen either.
I’m kinda puzzled if I should keep playing this game. All my soul, my mind and my heart have a craving desire for Achievement Hunting. The way this game is built is brilliant, I love it. But I am in doubt if my desire for AP Hunting can survive a demotivator like this.
Feel free to share your ideas, your concerns, or feel free to disagree and explain. Maybe I am just one man in the entire community feeling this way. Who knows?
With most kind and sincere regards
Dofty, Achievement Addict