Achievement Point Flaws !
Do people really run dungeons for APs?
People clearly ran dungeons before the collections were implemented, so I doubt the collections have anything at all to do with it.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
If you only did dungeons for colleection, you’re better out of them.
There are plenty people in dungeons, saying there is no one anymore is just bs.
Collections didn’t make me do dungeons any more than I used to…. PvP tracks are way faster and is what I am doing anyway.
I think they made collections low AP because a lot of the collections are just huge money sinks.
in a Achievement points, ya I agree the collection its too low considering the time that goes into it, but…. as a whole the Dungeon Achievement( the Dungeon Master and the Hobby Dungeon Explorer) grants 335 AP, so it works out in the end. Also you get Gold per path, plus whatever loot that drops within the Dungeon itself.
With the low AP, it makes you wonder if collections were meant to be something that you massively achieve over long term play rather than as a short term goal that you just rush through.
I am a big fan of the Achievement point system. But i think it needs some tweaking , The basic dungeon collections unlock all 37/37 for 3 AP per each dungeon has basically made me not do dungeons any more sadly. I wish it worked like the golden/lost badges , 1 AP per skin unlocked would be a lot fairer and get people running dungeons. I hardly see anyone doing dungeons any more and i think its the 3 AP collections has caused this .
Im sure there are others people feel are not worth there effort , if so list them guys so anet knows
Completing all of the dungeons unlocks the repeatable dungeon path, which is worth 200 AP.
Completing all of the Dungeon Collections rewards another 13 AP.
All of this is in line with other high end rewards. If you are more interested in low hanging fruit, maybe you should get that first. But there’s a limit to easy AP (I spent yesterday working on Southsun trapper for 5 AP because that’s all that was remotely close for me to get)
And if you don’t want to do the dungeons… Don’t! I finished my dungeon collection track with PvP reward tracks, which reward 3 weapons, 1 armor, and 180 tokens per path.
People run dungeons for purposes other than money? Thats more or less the only reason i run them. I just use the tokens to buy weapons and throw them into the forge.
I don’t think you guys actually get my point at all lol , o well . And 1 more thing while we are on the subject of Dungeons , why is there no track of which paths/story’s you have/haven’t done ? another flaw
I don’t think you guys actually get my point at all lol , o well . And 1 more thing while we are on the subject of Dungeons , why is there no track of which paths/story’s you have/haven’t done ? another flaw
Dungeon collections have way more rewards than those lost badges… you get gold, drops, karma, experience, the APs is just a little extra to what you already get. Other achievements simply reward AP, nothing else.