Achievement Points Cap

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Keeping the high achievement point skins prestigious (29k+) is a valid reason.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snix Spoonman.3871

Snix Spoonman.3871

There’s really good reasons for keeping the cap and good reasons for dropping the cap. Personally for me though, with having reached the cap fairly recently, I just have no motivation to log in each day now.
I’ve now been drifting to other games when GW2 was once exclusively my only game I played and could spend 6-12 hours each day in game, now without that motivation to log-in every day I can go a whole week without bothering to log in to GW2.
Don’t know if this is a bad thing, but the cap has got me losing interest in the game itself.

(edited by Snix Spoonman.3871)

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


This isnt a good thing for many reason

1- Maxed AP
What is left for these people to do in the mean time? Obviously there isnt many but its around 200-300 players that will log in every day for those 10 points and dont really have much left to do.

2-Down time
Atm and since the HOT release there hasnt been much to do. If a player doesnt enjoy the raids/HOT/PvP and doesnt want to do shatterer or claw of jormag for the 10,000th time. What is to stop a player who doesnt need dailies and doesnt want to do the other parts of the game anymore from finding another game to jump into? Once again its not many players but for a few who still enjoy the game you are cutting them off. Nothing to work for means these players have no reason to log in.

3-Shows Anet Has a lack of content
Im sorry but day by day anet is showing more of there cards. Stopping legendary work, Living Story still missing, lack of dungeons, raids only working for a small part of the community, the death of WvW.
Stopping the ability to gain AP from dailies truly means they have nothing left to give. They probably didnt plan 4-5 years ahead.

GW2 was a amazing game and i know its impossible to measure up to it. It ultimately will mean this games slow decrease in population. Its just frustrating that more and more things are popping up that the company cant deliver on.

They promised us alot and they couldnt deliver but now i truly feel that they are simply running out of stuff to give to the game.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


Why stop at the removing the daily cap. Let’s make all achievements infinitely achievable.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

Why stop at the removing the daily cap. Let’s make all achievements infinitely achievable.

It wouldn’t bother me if certain achievements were infinite. Like the dailies and monthlies. Other achievements, it makes sense to have a finite number of things to do and they’re done. I don’t see why there can’t be a mix of both.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I’m not really sympathetic to either group of advocates.

  • If the game isn’t fun enough without the 10 AP/day of dailies, maybe it’s time to take a break.
  • Similarly, I don’t see why the game should cater to those who struggle to get every last AP or “catch up” to people who have been playing for 3 years.

I think it’s equally valid to have a cap as to not have one.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I’m not really sympathetic to either group of advocates.

  • If the game isn’t fun enough without the 10 AP/day of dailies, maybe it’s time to take a break.
  • Similarly, I don’t see why the game should cater to those who struggle to get every last AP or “catch up” to people who have been playing for 3 years.

I think it’s equally valid to have a cap as to not have one.

I dont think anyone is saying the game isnt fun enough without the 10 ap but the question is what is there left for me to do?

For instance im almost at 27k AP and i really havent touched the HOT pve maps since the PvP leagues have been going on.

I know a few people who are are at 28-29k ap and they have guilds over level 40. They have 4-5 legendary weapons and have made at least 1 of the new legendaries. I can tell you that they do enjoy the game and they log in to see the new skins/gliders/ minis/ etc etc etc. (seriously they have almost all the minis even from the guild halls)

These 2 guys i know really get these done and they both pop in to finish dailies for the rewards and the AP.

They use to command on the WvW servers and they commanded in the HOT maps for events. I mean they have done it all and i just want people to know that its not that they dont enjoy the game but after 4 years of the core game. Then a very short expansion, there becomes very little for them to do.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


The achievement point cap was okay while the reward for getting 3 achievements was 10 achievement points. However, the reward today is 3 spirit shards and 10 achievement points. Unfortunately even though I’ve hit my cap, I still end up doing the dailies anyway because that’s how I get my spirit shards.

It feels wrong somehow.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrashTestAuto.9108


Personally, I love the cap. I haven’t hit it yet, but I’m looking forward to doing so.

What we actually need are more achievements coming in that aren’t tied to dailies. The daily ones are boring after the literal years needed to max them out and they don’t show anything more than you logged in for 15 minutes a lot of times.

Heck, someone could be playing 24 hours a day at weekends and still be way behind someone who is playing an hour and a half total spread throughout the week.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

The daily cap is nothing compared to the achievements you cannot obtain anymore. Like historical achievements and retired achievements that you will never ever get no matter how long you play. I’d rather they introduce those back first before they increase the daily cap, or not do either.

Does no one remember the threads upon threads from AP hunters lamenting the fact it took them hours and hours to finish each and every Daily?


I kind of want them to bring back monthlies, but I hope that they keep the cap. I’m about 8k AP into the cap personally so it won’t affect me for quite some time, but most of the missing AP for folks are historical achievements.

I’d rather they brought those back, especially previous year festival categories (set them up similarly to the PvP backpiece achievements – every year they add a new category which unlocks when you complete the previous year’s category). Until Season 1 becomes permanent, I would love a new NPC that gives access to one or two maps every month (1 month = 1 chapter of S1) and said map has 1 of the S1 chapters content accessible, with the related achievements unlocked at the time.

For example, first month would have access to a copy of LA and Southsun maps during The Lost Shores; second month would have access to Wayfarer, Diessa, and Molten Facility as seen during F&F; third month would have access to Southsun as seen during Secret of Southsun/Last Stand at Southsun; fourth month would have access to Dragon Bash content; etc. etc. etc.

This would give a greater chance for players to regain those forever-lost AP.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


The achievement point cap was okay while the reward for getting 3 achievements was 10 achievement points. However, the reward today is 3 spirit shards and 10 achievement points. Unfortunately even though I’ve hit my cap, I still end up doing the dailies anyway because that’s how I get my spirit shards.

It feels wrong somehow.

I’m drowning in spirit shards. Once I hit the cap (not for a long while yet!), I’m still drowning in spirit shards. So it’s not much incentive. I get more from the daily gathers, because wood and ore are delicious.

Actually finishing dailies, especially PvE ones, is still a huge chore. We complained back then, offered a dozen solutions, and ANet plugged their ears again. :\ So, dailies are still in a garbage spot.
Not personally a proponent of a cap, and a few self-important, high-AP salty tears would be icing on removing that cap, but that’s a mean line of thought.

I think a progressive cap would be a reasonable compromise:

  • Every 1st of the month, raise the daily cap by 100.
  • Daily AP awards 5 instead of 10. (Preserves the value of some achievements)
    This gives a little extra reason for capped players to log in, without a daily stress to do so. It also means that those not capped aren’t perpetually chasing the cap. Do 20 dailies a month, hit cap again. Do 30 dailies a month and stretch toward catching the cap. Out of the tens of thousands of points out there, a monthly raise is less than 1% of the highest APs out there.
Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


What are your thoughts?

God forbid someone actually has to go out and achieve something to keep getting achievement points…

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkullProX.7083


I’m a fairy new player, playing since summer and since I’m really competitive those old achievements which are unobtainable are really annoying me, hopefully they will be re-introduced. No point to have the cap, if there are other 4-5k AP unobtainable for new players, since we will never catch up anyways, might as well let the top players get they daily 10 AP…. //same for already gone minis, skins etc, which can’t be obtained anymore. These are more annoying than some number next to a name tho.

But to make everyone happy, imo the cap should be increased by 500-1000 a year – You can get 3650+ a year, so new players can still catch up, and veterans can keep hunting AP. The wiki has 60k AP chests, so having a cap really makes it hard to get, this way those higher level skins/chests / achis are more easy to get.

EDIT: Someone else before me already mentioned sth similar, well that could work too.

(edited by SkullProX.7083)

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I’m not really sympathetic to either group of advocates.

  • If the game isn’t fun enough without the 10 AP/day of dailies, maybe it’s time to take a break.
  • Similarly, I don’t see why the game should cater to those who struggle to get every last AP or “catch up” to people who have been playing for 3 years.

I think it’s equally valid to have a cap as to not have one.

I dont think anyone is saying the game isnt fun enough without the 10 ap but the question is what is there left for me to do?

I don’t understand. You are saying there’s nothing left for you to do (except for the 10 AP). So what are you doing for fun then?

Regardless, I’ll rephrase my first point:

  • I don’t think the game should cater to people who don’t have any interest in playing, aside from getting 10 AP/day.

Games evolve more slowly than the community does and deliver additional content more slowly than players run out of new stuff to do. It’s perfectly normal and even healthy for folks to stop playing a game after a year or more of dedication.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


What’s the point on “catching up” someone’s AP? Sorry but I don’t understand that. IMO AP is something you want to get new skins and titles for yourself. How much AP another player have shouldn’t matter at all.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


What’s the point on “catching up” someone’s AP? Sorry but I don’t understand that. IMO AP is something you want to get new skins and titles for yourself. How much AP another player have shouldn’t matter at all.

It shouldn’t, but some people are very guarded about “prestige”. I don’t want to bring out the “E” word, but it fits here.

Good MMO design will accommodate the more hardcore players’ desire for uniqueness and reputation, so I can understand why the daily cap exists. It’s also why I’m not 100% for removing it, but perhaps a compromising escalation (noted above).

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


I’m not really sympathetic to either group of advocates.

  • If the game isn’t fun enough without the 10 AP/day of dailies, maybe it’s time to take a break.
  • Similarly, I don’t see why the game should cater to those who struggle to get every last AP or “catch up” to people who have been playing for 3 years.

I think it’s equally valid to have a cap as to not have one.

I dont think anyone is saying the game isnt fun enough without the 10 ap but the question is what is there left for me to do?

I don’t understand. You are saying there’s nothing left for you to do (except for the 10 AP). So what are you doing for fun then?

Regardless, I’ll rephrase my first point:

  • I don’t think the game should cater to people who don’t have any interest in playing, aside from getting 10 AP/day.

Games evolve more slowly than the community does and deliver additional content more slowly than players run out of new stuff to do. It’s perfectly normal and even healthy for folks to stop playing a game after a year or more of dedication.

I can be honest, yes

I have already made the Legendary Back Piece from PvP.

I was at level 50 fractal when they first reset all of us back to 30. Which i knew a few people who quit when that happened.

I have a WvW ranking over 700 and did a ton of WvW before the gave people levels for it.

Ive been here from the start and i dont want them rehashing old events so new players can get the AP/skins/ ETC because once again they are catering to the only a select few players who missed something.

HOT brought new maps and gliding which was fun but they didnt bring any reason to actually explore it. The idea of the HOT maps are awesome but fell flat in the story line and events.

This game came out with so much content with the scarlett story line and it was epic. Every month with new missions, new boss to defeat and i epic final battle.

When you compare GW2 core to the expansion, i didnt get what was promised and they have been really slow in balancing PvP, they killed WvW, and have not introduced any new events.

In this huge rant im trying to say yes, a heavy majority of the people in my guild who have been playing this game from the start have taken huge layoffs or only come in for dailies. There is about 4-5 people in my guild with over 15k ap and 2-3 with over 20k ap.

When you do something 5-6-7 times and you dont exactly enjoy it but the things you do enjoy you have done 5,000 times. You either want us to log in for the 20+ minutes or you want them to find some other game to play.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


It is very fair. Everybody can earn the same amount of AP.

Actually, no, they can’t. There’s a ton of AP’s new players will never get in historical achievements, and every year will increase that with new festival achieves.

Your logic is the same as claiming a Ferrari has no prestige in real life.

Well, it doesn’t. Not the way you think anyway. It is a symbol of the owner’s status, but it doesn’t confer prestige on its own.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

In this huge rant im trying to say yes, a heavy majority of the people in my guild who have been playing this game from the start have taken huge layoffs or only come in for dailies. There is about 4-5 people in my guild with over 15k ap and 2-3 with over 20k ap.

And I’m trying to say in my short response that there’s no game that’s going to ever catch up to you guys — it’s just not possible to deliver content as fast as some of us consume it.

Consequently, ANet shouldn’t cater to that group.

When you do something 5-6-7 times and you dont exactly enjoy it but the things you do enjoy you have done 5,000 times. You either want us to log in for the 20+ minutes or you want them to find some other game to play.

I don’t have a preference what you guys do. I’m just saying that I can’t imagine a money-making company trying to make a world as involved as Tyria is going to be able to satisfy that sort of interest.

tl;dr if you’re bored with content, it’s time to take a break. That’s healthy for you and for the game.

(I’m sympathetic — I’m getting close to feeling that the original pace of content in 2012-14 was really good for me; the pace since LS2 ended has been really dull, so maybe it’s time for me to take a break, too.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Darkwood.4237

Duke Darkwood.4237

As someone with 31.3k+ AP I hope this cap stays. Dailies are pointless and not really much of an ‘achievement’ anyway. It feels great to not have to do dailies once you cap it out and can play other stuff.

This is why there’s a cap. If you really think about it, what are you “achieving” when you log in, do a little of the easiest content in the game, and get 10 AP for under half an hour’s work?

maddoctor also makes a good point: Historical Achievements are things new players can never get. The only ones that ever come out of retirement are the SAB sets (currently active) and the Queen’s Pavilion; other holidays just get a new meta each year, and as for Living Story Season One, well….

In the end, if you want to keep your lead – either over your friends, or over new players – start actually achieving some things. The 15k limit has been known for a very long time (before monthlies were removed, when the caps were specifically 10k daily and 5k monthly – the latter was never actually reachable, at the time that monthlies were closed). It’s just that now is when many of the launch regulars are going to be running into it.

Oh, and chickennooble brings up a good point: If the cap WERE raised, you wouldn’t get any advantage in your race. They’d be earning the new AP, too.

If you ask me dailies and monthlies should never have given any AP to begin with, since they are just daily chores and not achievements.

To many people, they really are just this. At some point, it stops being a game, and becomes a job. I won’t say they should never have given AP, especially the monthlies (because those were at least more satisfying to end up getting done, especially through just normal playing and not specifically targetting them), but making this a bottomless AP well will only encourage people to hop on, do their “chores”, and leave.

I have to admit I don’t understand it myself, but apparently this was a real problem for some people, they didn’t actually enjoy doing dailies every single day but couldn’t stand the thought of missing those points and falling behind.

It’s actually very easy to fall into such a mentality. For some, it’s the fear of falling behind others who do it every day. For others, it’s just the thought of AP they’d be missing out on that drives them to do it. And if you’ve any degree of OCD, it’ll be that much worse. And once AP rewards were added to the game, it became a matter of “get the shiny”.

The biggest problem with the cap is that the ANet decided to gate some items behind AP and if you happen to way those items and have hit the cap then …. well screw you.

The cap is the same for everybody. There are people who get those items. Your argument doesn’t hold much weight. If you see someone with full Radiant/Hellfire, then clearly they did a lot more than just dailies/monthlies.

3-Shows Anet Has a lack of content
Stopping the ability to gain AP from dailies truly means they have nothing left to give.

In what universe are Daily Achievements “content”? The content is already there: WvW, PvP, world bosses, dynamic events, etc. Much of it is content that hasn’t been “new” since August 28th, 2012. Putting a 10 AP reward on it doesn’t change that. If it was fun before, it can still be fun. If it wasn’t, it still won’t be. Dailies are not “content”, they are a “carrot” – which prompts some people to do things they ordinarily wouldn’t want to (for the rest, it is a nice reward for doing things we already do).

And then some of these comments….

" when I hit the cap for dailies, im done with the game, I wont play a game where im capped" – OK I Did It

“The only reason I logged in the last couple of months was for the daily log in chest and the 10 ap.. " – Proxima Pro

Statements like these baffle me. Why are you playing Guild Wars 2 if this is your rationale? You’re logging in for AP…. but why? If you’re not into the game, then do the AP reward skins really MATTER? Will wearing Radiant Armor suddenly make the act of playing the game content more fun to you?

If you’re not enjoying the game, grinding AP won’t change that. Finding a game you DO enjoy should be your priority.

" if you’re bored with content, it’s time to take a break. That’s healthy for you and for the game."

While I disagree with you wanting to ditch the cap (because it sounds like you would then be playing only for the sake of AP, like these others), I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. Games are entertainment. Games are fun. When they are not that, then someone needs to evaluate why they are actually playing.

I enjoy Guild Wars 2. I’ve been working more on alts than my main, seeing many different things it has to offer, like alternate storyline paths, or playing as other classes, all while my main works – slowly – on finally getting a legendary (currently being in a material-heavy phase of it, it’s just more fun to let alts get the mats while doing things I feel worth doing, than to take my main out grinding) and trying to better himself at HoT zone meta-events. But if I ever fall into a lull, and think I need a break? Then I will take a break. Better that, than to burn out.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teleoceras.1298


I just hit my cap 2 days ago and I am not happy.

I’ve been trying to get AP’s through the game as much as possible until I was burning out my wrist (carpal tunnel) and have been doing dailies only for a bit to give my wrist a break.

I’m now stuck at 24,135 and that 25k chest not to mention that the skins I’ve been wanting to get farther down the road from the higher AP’s now look farther and farther away.

29 characters!
League of Omnipotents [Omni], Fort Aspenwood

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I’ve got less than 2 months before I hit the cap.

Full, complete sets of the 2 armors are a loooong way away when I’ll be only getting a point here and a point there instead of a steady 10 plus points every day. It’s kind of crazy they should design 2 sets of armor that takes (literally) years to get. I’ve been working my way towards them for 4 years now and complete sets are still a far away dream.

Really, it seems to me they capped dailies and left them like that because they didn’t want to spend time making the next set of rewards. It’s less work for them to have rewards as a sort of a mirage for pretty much everyone instead of an obtainable reality.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


So you worked for 4 years on it and 30k AP for a full set was not possible to get? Talk about focused play. A friend has 6600 hours and over 32k AP (I dont even have 1k AP more than him but almost twice his hours).

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warcry.1596


I like the cap honestly. I mean I was never one to focus achievement hunting but my dailies are at around 10,500 or something. That’s 4500 I can use to “catch up” to those that have mostly already called out on it. Along with other achievements I have yet to obtain I can, should I choose to, remain competitive in being a top spot on the leaderboard.

Granted, I don’t really have much interest in it, but I’m sure others in my predicament might feel that way too.

“He shall make whole that which was torn asunder.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


I hit the cap not too long ago. Still do dailies because of the 2g. It’s dumb because in game when you finish dailies it still acts like you got 10AP, but you don’t because of the “hidden” cap. Other repeatable achievements actually show 0AP gain when you do them again.

The historical problem was when each daily gave AP separately that “forced” AP hunters to do every single daily and that did take hours. Now, we don’t have to do all of them to get every AP possible just the 3 easiest ones and that takes a couple minutes.

I would like the cap removed….or the new achievements give more than 1AP. The amount of AP we’ve been getting from new achievements has been pitiful.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ReaverKane.7598


More or less, I think the cap a good idea to allow people to catch up. It the cap can keep going, no one can catch up, but it also has to do with the achievement chests I bet too.

Seriously? You like this cap to get other people to catch up ?

I really hope ANet will consider this cap thingie again and it won’t be any boundary to have new AP soon , it’s definitely not fair for all veteran players

I’m sorry, but achievement points are meant to show what you’ve done in the game the fact that you logged in and done 3 dailies and nothing else for nearly 4 years, shouldn’t out-weigh the people that have started playing a month ago but explored more of the content of the game. Dailies should never have given AP at all, but they did, now there’s a cap, you reached the cap, congrats, now go enjoy the game you paid for.

I like the cap honestly. I mean I was never one to focus achievement hunting but my dailies are at around 10,500 or something. That’s 4500 I can use to “catch up” to those that have mostly already called out on it. Along with other achievements I have yet to obtain I can, should I choose to, remain competitive in being a top spot on the leaderboard.

Granted, I don’t really have much interest in it, but I’m sure others in my predicament might feel that way too.

Actually, unless you did most or all of season 1, you’re still out of luck, because that’s where most of the achievement points in the game came from, and represent a major chunk on the top places.

(edited by ReaverKane.7598)

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: voltaicbore.8012


I’m fairly new to the game, and thankfully my personality doesn’t drive me to keep up with the Joneses on AP. I see AP purely as a rough measure of how familiar a player might be with the game.

Which confused me a bit at first, to be honest. I’ve run low-level dungeons (we’re talking AC and CM) with some 10K+ achieve pugs, and they were absolutely clueless. Running out of dodges on a ranger, failing to empty breakbars on a mesmer… all on the spider boss in AC lol.

Now that I know there are folks out there with 10-15K AP just from dailies alone, makes more sense that this could happen. Forced out of their routine because of the cap, that 5-digit AP count sadly didn’t teach them where the obvious stack points and boss windups are.

(edited by voltaicbore.8012)

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

So you worked for 4 years on it and 30k AP for a full set was not possible to get? Talk about focused play. A friend has 6600 hours and over 32k AP (I dont even have 1k AP more than him but almost twice his hours).

I knew you would respond to my post. ^^

I have over 23.5k AP, which I think is pretty good for 4 years. However a full set of both the armors is 36k AP (not 30k). It’s 42k AP if you count the backpieces. Achievement Rewards

Back when ANet designed the rewards and before they removed the monthly and capped the daily, AP was much easier to get. These rewards were set up with this higher amount of easily obtainable AP in mind. Now, the AP is given out in dribbles and drabs. Capping the daily means that the flow is restricted even more than the original design.

People like you and me who got all that easy AP from the early days are sitting pretty now. For new players, those armors are an unobtainable dream. If left unchanged the number of years for new players to get these armors with daily playing and doing all achieves is beyond reasonable. No armor, no rewards in a video game should be essentially unobtainable for new players yet in reach for old players. That’s not a fair playing field for them.

I know it’s too late for ANet to change the amount of AP needed. However they shouldn’t throttle the little AP we can get if they aren’t going to give us a reasonable amount of other AP with the new achieves.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

I like the cap honestly. I mean I was never one to focus achievement hunting but my dailies are at around 10,500 or something. That’s 4500 I can use to “catch up” to those that have mostly already called out on it. Along with other achievements I have yet to obtain I can, should I choose to, remain competitive in being a top spot on the leaderboard.

Granted, I don’t really have much interest in it, but I’m sure others in my predicament might feel that way too.

Why do you need to “catch up” what do you gain from it, its not like someone with higher AP has an advantage ingame over you, the only thing they get is skins before you,

I will hit the cap in 76 days, ANET have had months and months to give us an answer on this topic, and they have ignored it, a cap like this is stupid, in a game where skins are locked behind AP chests, then they put a CAP on the AP’s you can get, unless they are planning for content on a weekly basis to allow us to keep on gaining AP’s the cap needs to go,

And anyone who has hit it, should have the AP awarded to them that they missed out on since hitting the cap so that they don’t get left behind,

Its BEYOND stupid to restrict those who play the game everyday to allow those who do not to catch up as and when they feel like it, the catch up argument has been beaten into the ground already, as people cannot catch up due to previous seasons APs that can no longer be gained,

Anet the CAP needs to go, no one is forcing people to do dailies, so those that don’t want to do them don’t do them, but don’t continue to restrict those who want to do them,

Personally in 76 days if the CAP is not removed and or ANET have not acknowledged this topic, im all done with the game, then those who want to catch up can really catch up, I wont be restricted in my progression so that someone who only picked the game up or someone who logs in 2 hours a week can “try” catch up.

Restricting long term players = bad bad bad

This topic will have to move to reddit I feel before anet will even acknowledge it.

I am firmly in the group of players that think the cap is bad and needs removed.

(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


There is a cap of combined Monthly and Dailies at 15,000 achievement points and you will no longer gain the 10 for dailies after you reach the cap. Can ANET raise this cap or is there a reason why veteran players should be penalized for completing all the dailies and achievement hunting? Im not at the cap but in 10 days, I will be. I have a few friends on my contacts list that have a friendly competition on holding top achievement points and once the cap is reached we are forced into other areas of the game that we dont necessarily have fun playing. For instance, a friend has 25,937 and has had that for the last 3 months because of the cap. He doesnt have HOT, which does encourage him to get it for points but he completes dailies and receives the rewards, just not the achievement points. He was 2K ahead of me when HOT was release and IM currently at 27,146. My rival is at 27,454 but in 10 days, I might as well say goodbye.

What are your thoughts?

Honestly, why oh why should stuff like dailies count as an ‘achievement’ anyway. It should never have given any AP to begin with. Be glad you can get 15k out of mining, flushing the mystic toilet or looking through vistas…

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643


I wonder if replacing AP for dailies with AP for time spent logged into the game would be an improvement? (I’m not sure if it’s a good idea or bad idea yet, mind you, but maybe something worth exploring anyway)

This way the (dailies) cap could be removed, for the game would reward you for playing it longer as opposed to jumping through some hoops for a brief stint every day. Sure, the dailies should stick around… just not reward AP is all.

…might be too late to implement… or maybe not… I’m not a dev to know such magic.


P.S. off topic: is this thread old enough to be considered necroed? Gotta wonder that too, hehe….

(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Achievement points aren’t capped — just certain repeatable sources are capped, notably dailies.

I’m not sure anyone would have minded, except that during large parts of 2015 & 2016, we have had no new sources, whereas in 2012-2013, we had tons. The Long Content Drought caused a lot of issues, directly and indirectly.

Here’s what I’d like to see as a compromise: the cap on dailies should be adjusted upwards so that there’s also a ‘floor’ on the minimum number of points added. For example, any year that the total number of new AP was under 7,500, ANet would increase the daily cap by a few thousand (the amount depending on how far under the ‘floor’). (I used ‘7,500’ since that represents 30,000 points in four years — the amount a completionist might have gotten if they began playing during Headstart.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teleoceras.1298


Achievement points aren’t capped — just certain repeatable sources are capped, notably dailies.

I’m not sure anyone would have minded, except that during large parts of 2015 & 2016, we have had no new sources, whereas in 2012-2013, we had tons. The Long Content Drought caused a lot of issues, directly and indirectly.

Here’s what I’d like to see as a compromise: the cap on dailies should be adjusted upwards so that there’s also a ‘floor’ on the minimum number of points added. For example, any year that the total number of new AP was under 7,500, ANet would increase the daily cap by a few thousand (the amount depending on how far under the ‘floor’). (I used ‘7,500’ since that represents 30,000 points in four years — the amount a completionist might have gotten if they began playing during Headstart.)

I’ve been playing since headstart, but I never thought about AP’s until ANET put them with chests. Before then I just enjoyed learning the game while I had the time to play. Only later (due to real life) on was I able to play more and get the AP’s when the new content came out.

But like you mentioned, there has been a drought and I’ve gotten most of what I could. Unless they up the cap or start being more generous with the AP on the new content. The goal of getting things like a complete set of Hellfire armor is going to be out of reach. Even for us old timers.

29 characters!
League of Omnipotents [Omni], Fort Aspenwood

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Achievement points aren’t capped — just certain repeatable sources are capped, notably dailies.

I’m not sure anyone would have minded, except that during large parts of 2015 & 2016, we have had no new sources, whereas in 2012-2013, we had tons. The Long Content Drought caused a lot of issues, directly and indirectly.

Here’s what I’d like to see as a compromise: the cap on dailies should be adjusted upwards so that there’s also a ‘floor’ on the minimum number of points added. For example, any year that the total number of new AP was under 7,500, ANet would increase the daily cap by a few thousand (the amount depending on how far under the ‘floor’). (I used ‘7,500’ since that represents 30,000 points in four years — the amount a completionist might have gotten if they began playing during Headstart.)

That’s a good idea. Since the numbers are arbitrary, they need to be updated as the total amount of AP increases.

Personally, otherwise I think it’s a bit greedy. Dailies are easy to do and already yield other rewards, and can account for half or more of someone’s AP. That’s just heavily devaluing any of the fixed AP and expecting to be rewarded that much over a low effort, low skill category is excessive.

I think the cap should be set to which ever is higher, 15k or 60% of someone’s total AP. That way the cap will increase along as the list of achievements grows and it’ll require people to do other achievements.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Oh look, a zombie thread. Mod will be a along with a rifle soone. Boom! Headshot.

In the meantime, the problem isn’t the cap on AP, as such, it’s the importance players place on the number. You can get AP by running around harvesting nodes and viewing vistas every day. You can get AP by buying skins off the TP (collections) and salvaging them (Agent of Entropy). How does any of this translate into being better at the game than someone who does none of these things but runs dungeons or PvPs constantly?

I remember threads about dungeon runners won’t take PUG players with less than x,000 AP. And players who felt compelled to do every single daily every single day because they couldn’t bear to leave a single AP unclaimed. And then complain because they couldn’t go back to get missed AP from past events.

Without a cap/restrictions that attitude of “bigger number means better player” and the compulsion to do everything that gives AP just gets worse. Imagine playing for a year or two, learning everything you can about how to play a chosen class, but being rejected from a raid because you have less than 100,000 AP. Especially when 50,000 of it comes from doing the daily every single day.

The numbers mean nothing, but it tickles the psychological buttons of certain players. Other than the chat/forum rage of those players, nothing would be lost by removing it from the game.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I wonder if replacing AP for dailies with AP for time spent logged into the game would be an improvement? (I’m not sure if it’s a good idea or bad idea yet, mind you, but maybe something worth exploring anyway)

This would reward AFK farmers and botters with a constant stream of APs (and the chest rewards that come with them) while punishing those who have jobs and lives IRL so they only log in for an hour or two here and there.

Although the current system isn’t perfect, the reverse is true – Dailies give a little boost of karma, gold and XP to players who spend a short time doing them, while botting or being AFK all day does nothing to advance them.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

In the meantime, the problem isn’t the cap on AP, as such, it’s the importance players place on the number.

I don’t place any importance on the number, other than that there are skins I’d like to unlock that require more. For newer players, there aren’t enough AP in the game (counting all existing AP and 15k from dailies).

I don’t really care if there’s a cap on dailies or not, in terms of personal impact (won’t affect whether I keep playing or do dailies for gold). However, if ANet keeps the cap, I think they need to find a way to adjust it, so that each year, everyone has a similar chance of earning those later rewards…eventually.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Achievement points aren’t capped — just certain repeatable sources are capped, notably dailies.

I’m not sure anyone would have minded, except that during large parts of 2015 & 2016, we have had no new sources, whereas in 2012-2013, we had tons. The Long Content Drought caused a lot of issues, directly and indirectly.

Here’s what I’d like to see as a compromise: the cap on dailies should be adjusted upwards so that there’s also a ‘floor’ on the minimum number of points added. For example, any year that the total number of new AP was under 7,500, ANet would increase the daily cap by a few thousand (the amount depending on how far under the ‘floor’). (I used ‘7,500’ since that represents 30,000 points in four years — the amount a completionist might have gotten if they began playing during Headstart.)

That’s a good idea. Since the numbers are arbitrary, they need to be updated as the total amount of AP increases.

Personally, otherwise I think it’s a bit greedy. Dailies are easy to do and already yield other rewards, and can account for half or more of someone’s AP. That’s just heavily devaluing any of the fixed AP and expecting to be rewarded that much over a low effort, low skill category is excessive.

I think the cap should be set to which ever is higher, 15k or 60% of someone’s total AP. That way the cap will increase along as the list of achievements grows and it’ll require people to do other achievements.

I’d say 30%-40%. Dailies aren’t that difficult so they shouldn’t take up more than 50% of the available AP. If they go this route.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


However, if ANet keeps the cap, I think they need to find a way to adjust it, so that each year, everyone has a similar chance of earning those later rewards…eventually.

Not sure what you mean, the cap is on the Daily AP, and a newer player still has the same cap as an older one. The new player also has AP from crafting, slayer, dungeons, etc. that come from playing the game just like everyone else. The daily cap is to make sure the new player can reach that same AP rating eventually, it only slows down older players.

And they do add new sources of AP, even if it’s not as fast as you’d like. Today I got 1 pt just for being in the area when a “Leyline Anomaly” was sighted. I was underground and didn’t actually see anything, but I got it anyway. I’m sure there will be plenty of AP sources added as the LS progresses, and with future expansions.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Glacial.9516


Consider this: At the current rate of daily AP (10 per day) it would take over 4 years (longer than GW2 has been released) to reach the cap of 15k. If the cap on dailies is increased then perhaps the rate which daily AP is gained should be increased along with it?

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

However, if ANet keeps the cap, I think they need to find a way to adjust it, so that each year, everyone has a similar chance of earning those later rewards…eventually.

Not sure what you mean, the cap is on the Daily AP, and a newer player still has the same cap as an older one. The new player also has AP from crafting, slayer, dungeons, etc. that come from playing the game just like everyone else. The daily cap is to make sure the new player can reach that same AP rating eventually, it only slows down older players.

And they do add new sources of AP, even if it’s not as fast as you’d like. Today I got 1 pt just for being in the area when a “Leyline Anomaly” was sighted. I was underground and didn’t actually see anything, but I got it anyway. I’m sure there will be plenty of AP sources added as the LS progresses, and with future expansions.

People who have played since head start have had access to over 30k AP, including 15k dailies. People who started in 2015, including 15k of dailies, have access to a smaller pool. That pool grows at the same rate for everyone, as ANet adds to the LS.

So there are two issues:

  • Not everyone has the same access to AP, even playing at the same efficiency and number of hours/days.
  • The rate has grown very slowly due to the content droughts.

I agree that the second is more a matter of personal taste (I think it’s “too slow”; others will disagree). I think the first is a matter of equal opportunity.

Again, I don’t care about my number — it’s a means to an end. I was perfectly happy doing achievements for their own sake before the reward chests and I’d be perfectly happy if they did away with the system. However, if they keep the system, I would like it better if it provided some sort of minimum potential for everyone, veteran or newbie.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Still not sure what the problem is. The cap is only on dailies, and will take a new player 4 years to reach it, even if Anet does nothing to change the daily system.

There are also plenty of non-daily sources of AP, and by the time a new player reaches the shallow end of the pool there will have been many more added through LS seasons and expansions.

The cap only slows down the rate of AP for older players, giving newer players a chance to “catch up.” Changes to the game happen over time, and “retired” achievements will eventually be replaced by new ones. Yes, someone who has played constantly since the beginning will always have more AP, the only way to change that is to throw away the current system or score and start every player over at 0.

Even older players haven’t exhausted the sources of AP, I’ve been playing off and on since Sept 2012 and have <7500 AP. The system is not broken.

Achievement Points Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator


Please remember to check the date of a thread before posting. Commenting on an out of date thread and bumping it to the top of the forums is considered necroposting and is against forum rules. This thread will now be locked. Thank you.