A Legendary? Really? Wow!
Did you get your 3 Loot Bags? Your Token, Blueprints, Letter of Commendation? I don’t believe there is a chest.
Oh, and there is an Achievement:
Savior of Tyria
10 Arenanet Points
Complete the personal story step “Victory or Death”.
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
If I have the patience and the people to do it with I can do lvl1 story to lvl80 story in a matter of a few days.
Having the story give a legendary would just crash the market on them lmao
They should have done it like they did the stories in Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall; your choice of exotic weapon, Instead we get Rare weapons with crappy stats.
One legendary for each story completer would not crash the market, but even if it did, I don’t really care because they’re too expensive anyway. Maybe asking for a legendary is too much, but a precursor or legendary should happen for story completer. IF I didn’t have 2 small kids to take care of, I’m sure I could have gotten it done in a few days or so. My biggest issue here is that all the weapons I received were greens, not even rares; they SHOULD have been exotics. A letter of commendation does nothing for me. & whoopee! 10 Anet points! Again, that does nothing for me.
Well, you stated you didn’t think there was an Achievement award, so now you can see there was. If the Legendaries weren’t soul-bound, it would certainly affect the market. Same with Precursors. And it would render them very common, and worth little…desire- or monetary-wise.
It’s probably a rather popular suggestion that Exotics should be found in those particular Loot Bags. Maybe better loot will be attained with the death of the next ED. =)
And it would render them very common, and worth little…desire- or monetary-wise.
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
I unironically think a precursor should be the reward for completing the story. Makes way more sense lore-wise (“we found these weapons in Arah’s armory, I’m sure a hero like you can unlock their full potential, etc etc”).
Hell, make them accountbound if Anet wants to pretend to care about the economy. People who want to make legendaries get their precursor, the robber barons who run the precursor market can still sell theirs, everyone wins.
(edited by Hyper Cutter.9376)
Did you miss the part about them being soul-bound (or, as I should have said – account-bound)?
I really think awarding a Legendary would be a bit much, but maybe the Devs will consider the suggestion and…as stated above…reward them at the next ED’s death. /shrug
I don’t know what the answer is but there needs to be an improvement in the story rewards. At this point, there’s very little incentive to do it other than certain achievement points. My wife recently finished hers. Took a couple of weeks going through it off and on. At the end her answer to me was “I feel like I just wasted weeks of my time”.
Exactly! I felt completely robbed and like ’what’s the point of even playing’. Inculpatus cedo.9234 – you are right; I didn’t think I even got an achievement, but its so small its meaningless. Legendary items, I don’t care how common they are, they are so amazing and awesome looking, that they would totally still be very desirable.
Remember, I also feel like armor I cant sell should be recyclable, because I’m not just going to destroy it. I know there are some items that I cant sell that are recyclable, but there are a few that I cant do ANYTHING with, and its REALLY irritating :P
To be fair, completing the story does award you with a rare lvl 80 weapon of your weapon type of choice, but unfortunately those weapons have stats that are next to useless for most builds (healing power, precision, vitality). They do offer an exclusive skin and (if you’re lucky) some ectos from salvaging .
most of the skins are actually really nice
the problem is theyre not account bound
they should have been
but a precursor or even a legendary for the story???
waaaay too extreme
sure legendarys would still be desireable…
but as expensive as they are now everyone if he wants a legendary would just run the story again instead of buying it the prices would drop for sure
also everyone you see or at least 80% will walk around with a legendary…
the point that there are more legendarys than guys with green /yellow weapons is…
like 5 exotic inscriptions so u can make half a ascended weapon of choice if you do the rest on your own one ascended weapon..
would probably be still too much but it would fit much better….
but precursor..
same thing even if its account bound noone would buy precursors anymore
to drop one somewhere wouldnt mean much…so the actal crafting would be the central thing… even if legendarys drop in price.. this could make things better.. in some ways..
or simply do not change a thing since anything around precursors is at a high risc…
if anet is still working on precursor crafting however…
we might need to do story 100% for one part of the precursor… thatdbe nice
OP, I’m sorry but you are way off in your estimation for what effort goes into the story. You should not receive precursors or a legendary. You can do the story from start to finish within a week, the fact you took a year is specific to you and your playstyle. If you had been spending 2-3hrs/day doing only story you would have finished it within a week easily.
I do believe an exotic would be a better reward, but to give out legendaries and/or precursors (which are 500g-1000g) is way too much of a reward for so little of an achievement.
I know you think its some monumental feat you accomplished, but it really isn’t. If it took you a year then you were doing story quests randomly whenever you felt like it and not consistently doing them. Even doing one story quest a week wouldn’t take you a year to finish (30min/week).
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
OK, I can understand the gripe about wanting better loot for completing the story. I agree, we should have gotten a token through which we could have selected an exotic item, just like we could in GW1. Personally, I think it should be a max stat item, which means ascended now, since they stuck that tier in the game. But that’s just me.
I don’t agree on the legendary though. It really would make them worthless if you got one each time you completed the story. I have 13 characters, personally. I know people that have many more than that. If you could get a legendary for just doing the story, some people would be rolling in them, and legendaries really would not have any value what-so-ever anymore. They are devalued enough due to the fact that you can buy one with a credit card if you so chose, let’s not make it worse.
I’m sort of meh on the precursor suggestion though. Get your token, get a precursor. On one hand it would give us a solid way of obtaining one (and only one) per character, which might reduce some of the rng rage. Would still require you to build the rest of the legendary. On the other hand, it seems a bit too easy considering the current state of the final battle…
I have to agree the current reward for finishing the story line is a bit of a let down. I still have 2 of those tokens I probably wont use. A legendary is just silly, I dont have any and probably never will, we dont want everyone running around with a legendary.
Understandable that the rewards for finishing the story are laughable. But the suggestion towards precursors or legendaries is laughable as well. I mean it does take a decent amount of time to complete the whole personal story. And it’s not something you can do in a day (even though it is possible).
The time investment per rewards is a joke. But those rewards were put in place back in the day when Anet thought that exotic gear would be hard to obtain. It sure is overdue for some major overhaul with rewards, but till Anet decides to do something, anything about it, all we can do is wait.
Bringing up the discussion is a first step, but suggestions for rewards should be much more realistic, especially since some people work much harder and longer to obtain that legendary/precursor than you ever did to finish your story.
Regardless, exotic gear would be a nice start, maybe an ascended trinket would be another idea. Ascended Armor / Weapon would be borderline too much considering how little effort (effort, not time) it takes to complete the personal story.
It may be cold comfort, OP, but the armor/weapons that you “can’t do anything with” can probably be put in the mystic forge. You’ll at least get a random item instead of /destroy. Unless they are back items – those really kitten.
To be fair, completing the story does award you with a rare lvl 80 weapon of your weapon type of choice, but unfortunately those weapons have stats that are next to useless for most builds (healing power, precision, vitality). They do offer an exclusive skin and (if you’re lucky) some ectos from salvaging
No Rasimir.6239, you are completely wrong…I did not receive a rare lvl 80 weapon of my choice….that would have at least helped the loot. ALL I GOT WERE MASTERWORKS…GREEN WEAPONS!
It may be cold comfort, OP, but the armor/weapons that you “can’t do anything with” can probably be put in the mystic forge. You’ll at least get a random item instead of /destroy. Unless they are back items – those really kitten.
Mojo Gris Gris.5941 – Thank you for suggesting the forge. It may not be solution I want or would have preferred, but it is something!
To be fair, completing the story does award you with a rare lvl 80 weapon of your weapon type of choice, but unfortunately those weapons have stats that are next to useless for most builds (healing power, precision, vitality). They do offer an exclusive skin and (if you’re lucky) some ectos from salvaging
No Rasimir.6239, you are completely wrong…I did not receive a rare lvl 80 weapon of my choice….that would have at least helped the loot. ALL I GOT WERE MASTERWORKS…GREEN WEAPONS!
Pact weapons are rare weapons. Each weapon costs 1 Pact Victory Token, awarded at the end of a character’s personal story.
They require level 80 to use and are soul-bound on equip, thus making them tradeable on the Trading Post.
So, you do get a Rare weapon for completing your Personal Story. The way it is awarded allows you to choose the weapon you prefer, rather than just a random loot drop. =)
know what gw2 need’s is more story line like a addon it was too short for me and they need to make it so you can do it more then one time that way you can do all 3 story lines on one player it will help a lot if they put more skill’s in too like gw1. more people play gw1 then gw2 ! need’s more skill’s lol. so if a mod is reading this please tell them too put a lot more skill’s in game. will make it more fun
Okay, I just finished my story, and was completely disappointed with the loot that i got. I feel like after more than a year of hard work, i should have received all exotics, instead of all greens! What was up with that anyway? My character is level 80 and requires better weapons than stupid greens. To really get people interested in completing their stories, you should also include one Legendary of their choice. I also did not receive a final chest after destroying the Zhaithan Elder Dragon for my story; THAT really irritated me! I got no gold, no rares, no exotics. Completely upset by this. I also think i should have gotten a new title, like Story Completer or something. Plus, from what i can see, there wasn’t even an achievement award by completing my story. All of this was just completely bogus and severely disappointing. (& yes they can fix this, by simply mailing us better loot, and giving us a title)
One more thing: if I cannot sell or recycle old armor (that I paid a lot for & am simply not going to destroy), then what good is it? Its also soulbound, which is so bogus. GW2 really needs to allow us to recycle these items.
You’ve brought up several issues I’d like to address. I will start by agreeing with you that a title or an exotic for completing the personal story is not an unreasonable request.
Now to address the deeper issue of your disappointment, I would say that your expectations did not match the developer’s intentions for the personal story. It’s not meant to be difficult, and it’s not meant to give good rewards (as you’ve discovered). I wager that it was designed for immersion into the world and enjoyment of the lore. If you want difficulty, run high level fractals. If you want good rewards, run dungeons. If you want both and even better rewards, speed run dungeons, and sign up for DnT’s PvE dungeon speed clear tournament- the reward is 1,000 gold (among other things).
I strongly believe that completion of the personal story should definitely be incloded as a component of creating a legendary weapon. However, asking for a legendary or a precursor would invalidate the purpose of legendary weapons and the personal story. Legendary weapons are meant to be a symbol of your journey across Tyria, a huge investment in effort and time in the game, and items of extreme prestige and exclusivity. In order to have value, there has to be a standard that not everyone can meet. I understand that it’s frustrating you can’t meet those standards, but that’s a fact of life. You have other things to take joy in, like two beautiful children who love and depend on you.
As an optometry student, I’m not holding a career job like my friends so I don’t have as much money to spend as them. They put in time working, they have access to resources I don’t because I have made other life decisions. That’s just a fact of life. If I can be rich without working, that would be really unfair to my friends who work hard, just like it would be unfair if they had all the knowledge I gained from hours of studying without any work or sacrifice.
To be fair, completing the story does award you with a rare lvl 80 weapon of your weapon type of choice, but unfortunately those weapons have stats that are next to useless for most builds (healing power, precision, vitality). They do offer an exclusive skin and (if you’re lucky) some ectos from salvaging
No Rasimir.6239, you are completely wrong…I did not receive a rare lvl 80 weapon of my choice….that would have at least helped the loot. ALL I GOT WERE MASTERWORKS…GREEN WEAPONS!
Check the link I gave … and if you didn’t get your token for a pact weapon for finishing your story, put in a support ticket.
Yes, sorry! I did get a Pact weapon. However, since I use exotics, I had forgotten about that. From the chests in completing the last story, I did not get anything else besides greens. One rare just doesn’t make sense for lvl 80 characters.
Okay, I just finished my story, and was completely disappointed with the loot that i got. I feel like after more than a year of hard work, i should have received all exotics, instead of all greens! What was up with that anyway? My character is level 80 and requires better weapons than stupid greens. To really get people interested in completing their stories, you should also include one Legendary of their choice. I also did not receive a final chest after destroying the Zhaithan Elder Dragon for my story; THAT really irritated me! I got no gold, no rares, no exotics. Completely upset by this. I also think i should have gotten a new title, like Story Completer or something. Plus, from what i can see, there wasn’t even an achievement award by completing my story. All of this was just completely bogus and severely disappointing. (& yes they can fix this, by simply mailing us better loot, and giving us a title)
One more thing: if I cannot sell or recycle old armor (that I paid a lot for & am simply not going to destroy), then what good is it? Its also soulbound, which is so bogus. GW2 really needs to allow us to recycle these items.You’ve brought up several issues I’d like to address. I will start by agreeing with you that a title or an exotic for completing the personal story is not an unreasonable request.
Now to address the deeper issue of your disappointment, I would say that your expectations did not match the developer’s intentions for the personal story. It’s not meant to be difficult, and it’s not meant to give good rewards (as you’ve discovered). I wager that it was designed for immersion into the world and enjoyment of the lore. If you want difficulty, run high level fractals. If you want good rewards, run dungeons. If you want both and even better rewards, speed run dungeons, and sign up for DnT’s PvE dungeon speed clear tournament- the reward is 1,000 gold (among other things).I strongly believe that completion of the personal story should definitely be incloded as a component of creating a legendary weapon. However, asking for a legendary or a precursor would invalidate the purpose of legendary weapons and the personal story. Legendary weapons are meant to be a symbol of your journey across Tyria, a huge investment in effort and time in the game, and items of extreme prestige and exclusivity. In order to have value, there has to be a standard that not everyone can meet. I understand that it’s frustrating you can’t meet those standards, but that’s a fact of life. You have other things to take joy in, like two beautiful children who love and depend on you.
As an optometry student, I’m not holding a career job like my friends so I don’t have as much money to spend as them. They put in time working, they have access to resources I don’t because I have made other life decisions. That’s just a fact of life. If I can be rich without working, that would be really unfair to my friends who work hard, just like it would be unfair if they had all the knowledge I gained from hours of studying without any work or sacrifice.
I think there is a good debate btwn whether completing the story is hard or not. For me it was, at times, very difficult, and I would need to bring in other ppl to help me. For the dragon, of course, as one example. But I used to get stuck at certain points because (at the time) my character wasn’t a high enough lvl. Leveling the my character to lvl 80, I found to be very difficult. So honestly, if I feel like if I worked kitten this, then I feel like a precursor is worth it, but if not, then at the very least an exotic. Or possible an ascended or the recipe for an ascended (just a random thought). Anyway, my point is that yes, I did work hard, and deserve something better. I don’t know what “speed run a dungeon” means, or “DnT’s PvE dungeon speed clear tournament”, so more info on that would be welcomed.
Thanks again everyone for input!
The problem with giving Ascended items is that they weren’t available at the beginning. And when they were, just a few at a time, until we are where we are now…and more to come.
Thus, those completing the PS would not have the same opportunities to be awarded items those that completed the PS later would have. How would this be resolved? What would be fair to all, then?
The rewards will likely not change due to the need to have equitable rewards for everyone, no matter when they completed the PS.
The problem with giving Ascended items is that they weren’t available at the beginning. And when they were, just a few at a time, until we are where we are now…and more to come.
Thus, those completing the PS would not have the same opportunities to be awarded items those that completed the PS later would have. How would this be resolved? What would be fair to all, then?
The rewards will likely not change due to the need to have equitable rewards for everyone, no matter when they completed the PS.
They could do the same thing they did when they finally implemented a weapon reward at the end of prophecies. Just give everyone that has completed the story a token to trade for an item. Maybe make them have to redo Arah Story Mode as well (had to redo Lich in order to access the area with the rewards in proph).
Just to support what has been said, you do get the rare Pact Weapons as a reward in the same way some of the GW1 campaigns gave exclusive weapons. It’s not always obvious when you get the token where to go, but the advice/links above show you where to go.
Personally I think it should have been exotic level, but there you go.
It sounds like this was your first character to reach level 80 and completed the personal story with. To be fair, the first time around everything indeed was harder- from personal story to leveling to dungeons. I remember needing help at certain points during my first play through the personal story as well. So, congrats on finishing your personal story! I can say from hindsight, from here on out, if you choose to keep playing the game it gets easier- to improve/gear out your first character, to level other characters to 80, and to do the personal story again on a different character; all because you already have one level 80 to fund and support yourself with. There are people who, like you, experienced the thrill and excitement of overcoming the personal story for the first time, and wanted to keep playing the game, so they did just that- better gear, more characters, gear for those characters, more personal story. And there are players who reach that point and still want to keep playing (and that’s great for Anet) but then what is there to do? I guess legendary weapons and things like that are for people like that, who just love to spend time on the game and but want to keep feeling rewarded for playing.
So from Anet’s perspective, they have to choose rewards very carefully. For completing the personal story, the reward should feel very satisfying the first time you do it. But it shouldn’t be so good that it insults the people who have spent a lot more time in the game working towards something else to find that same sense of satisfaction. I’m glad you shared your feelings on the matter, because it offers invaluable insight into the perspective of someone who freshly completed their personal story- and it is that, the rewards simply don’t feel rewarding at all. I really do hope Anet hears some of our suggestions, and improves it to find that balance. Like I said, I believe that a title to show off, maybe a unique mini pet, a few exotics, a component necessary for a legendary weapon, or even an ascended recipe of your choice- all of those things are not unreasonable (IMO) as rewards for finishing your personal story.
Now to respond to your request about dungeons. You’ve completed “story mode” for Arah to finish your personal story. Completing story mode for any dungeon unlocks “explorable mode” which is a harder version of that dungeon with optional lore. Completing a dungeon’s explorable always rewards a guaranteed amount of gold (1-3) and tokens once per day per dungeon path (most dungeons have 1-3 paths). So logically, the faster you finish a dungeon, the faster you get your gold, and the more dungeons you can run in a set amount of time, the more gold you get for your time. So there are people who figured out exactly how to complete the dungeon in the absolute minimal amount of time- exactly what professions to bring, what skills to slot, traits, gear, what to do and when to do it, all to finish a certain dungeon path as quickly as possible. It’s kind of a strategy/puzzle figuring out what works best. In fact, some people take so much pride and joy in it that they’ve donated thousands of gold partnered with Anet who donated tens of thousands of gems as rewards for a tournament they’ve set up just to see which team can finish dungeons the fastest.
If you’re interested in learning more about dungeons, this guild teaches people general tips and strategies on how to run dungeons effectively
If you’re determined to run the absolute fastest way possible and don’t mind sacrificing the freedom to play how you want with whatever gear you have, this guild has people with that mindset
Here is a link to the tournament I mentioned
I wish you the best of luck, and whether you decide to ever set foot in a dungeon or become the next dungeon speed clear genius, I hope you’ll continue playing and enjoying the game when you have time to do so!
GW2 has the most boring loot in any game I’ve ever played.
A legendary is supposed to be A LOT harder then the personal story, it was made not to be cheap and easy, you are supposed to work for it, and yes if they gave one out for story completion the market would crash and they would be worthless.
I got my main (ele) to 80 in ~60 hours through personal story and PvE. Last alt I leveled (necro) to 80 in ~40 hours of gameplay through finishing the story and world exploration. You cannot possibly believe that 40-60 hrs of gameplay justifies a free precursor or legendary. That’s just plain absurd even if it is soul/account-bound. Since this has been beaten to death by the posters above me, I’ll leave it at that.
Did you forget about all the rewards + skins you got along the way? There’s lots of human T3 weapon skins you get for free along the way. These are normally purchased for 63k karma each. Did those count for nothing? The weapons with valuable sigils you received as rewards are suddenly worthless too (a few of Force and such, salvageable→sellable)? The huge chunks of XP you get for a simple mission are also trivial to you? Just because the reward wasn’t a pile of gold or a sellable item doesn’t mean it’s worthless.
I do agree that we should get at least an exotic weapon from completion, possibly replacing the current Pact Victory Token rewards with exotic versions. The final reward of greens was underwhelming, but I wouldn’t think anything more than 2 rares and an exotic would be fair. It’s just one mission.
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated