Action Camera, great idea, but still useless

Action Camera, great idea, but still useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skekzyz.1458


-make the cursor (white dot) color changable (to any unlocked dye color?) or the negative of the color it is currently over, it is almost impossible to see anywhere in the Shiverpeaks.

-hard-wiring what the mouse buttons do is, however, the most broken aspect of Action Camera. Two special binds could be added to the Control Options where instead of being a unique key bind it would require that what key/mod(s)+key is entered into these 2 special binds be bound to something else or if left blank or unique would simply send the key press when one of the mouse buttons is pressed in AC or do nothing.
For example: to emulate the current, hard-wired, functions of Mouse1 (aka LMouse, LMouseButton, Primary Mouse Button, etc.) the 1 key (assuming 1 is bound to Weapon Skill 1) would be entered into the Control Options special bind AC Mouse1 (or whatever Anet would call it). I’m not exactly sure what the current functionality of Mouse2 (aka RMouse, Secondary Mouse Button, etc.) actually emulates, it is either a simple “Left Click” at the white dot cursor location or it is emulating the Lock Autotarget bind under Targeting. If it is the latter, that would be simple to reproduce by simply putting the same keybind into both Lock Autotarget and AC Mouse2 special bind.
Another example: If Up Arrow is bound to Move Forward and Down Arrow is bound to Move Backward and one wanted to make the mouse buttons move forward and back when using Action Camera the binds would look like this…
Move Forward = Up Arrow
Move Backward = Down Arrow

AC Mouse1= Up Arrow
AC Mouse2 = Down Arrow

These 2 special binds would allow any other bindable action to be placed on the mouse buttons when using Action Camera and facilitate maximum customizability to all players who want to use Action Camera to its fullest potential. Until this change is implemented Action Camera is basically worthless to most players.

The Dark Crystal [TDC] – Henge of Denravi

Action Camera, great idea, but still useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Maybe change the title of the post to something like “[Suggestion] Action camera improvements”?