Activity cheating for Achievments
What do you expect people to do when people put caps on APs to join any instanced content?
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
Too bad we can’t switch places, OP. :P I’d love to find an achievement farming game like that. I always end up in proper matches.
Most of these Achievements designed to be earned in years of playing, so they will have some kind of value. It is the player’s fault that they want everything NOW, so they grind and farm.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
Too bad we can’t switch places, OP. :P I’d love to find an achievement farming game like that. I always end up in proper matches.
That. if you play realy legit, you just will take arounf of what? 200k games played to complete achievments.
Try the southsun one then to see hahaha.
We were living just fine at the start of the game.
Until the Achievement Points Nation attacked.
One day ArenaNet will stop allowing us to see other people’s AP and we can end this toxic war, I believe.
For christmas I’d like to get a crossbow for my characters.
With love, a cute kitty.
Hehe, I’m actually closing in on completing the Crab Toss and Southsun Survival achievements. I only need 15 more Crab Toss wins, and 140 more Survival games played. I’m pretty good at Crab Toss, and the Survival one is just a matter of time, so I’m not concerned with it.
But the Keg Brawl ones need you to coordinate/cooperate with your team members, which is just about impossible in random teams. That’s what frustrates me a little; it’s the only Activity where you can’t work towards the achievements based on your own personal skill.
One day ArenaNet will stop allowing us to see other people’s AP and we can end this toxic war, I believe.
I sincerely hope this happens. sooner the better.
If you don’t like it, leave the game and join another one.
You may just lose your 10 seconds but nothing more. Stop asking ANet to nerf everything you don’t like.
And people wonder why I say that achievement points aren’t a measure of skill.
Saying that, if you DO wonder why I say that, you’re generally not the kind of person I’d want to end up in a dungeon with anyway. Ever. I would sooner go without doing the dungeon.
Just went into Keg Brawl and group of players were not playing the game instead they were cooperating in doing achievements. To me achievements earned this way are worthless so I have no interest doing them that way. So basically I am robbed of the chance to enjoy a good Keg Brawl round of competition as these achievement without earning it types hog the game. I guess I could stay and be a troll and interrupt what they are doing but I choose not to.
What to do about this? Now that daily does not contain activities this might be a problem.
I don’t know what the achievements are but in many cases the nature of the achievements (and the reward) are to blame for such things.
Lets for example take a capture the flag example. If you would have a game with capture the flag then an achievement should be something like deliver x flags, not get killed x times. The first one would still be possible to cheat if the game allows you to set up your private parties (so then disable achievements for private parties) but the second one provokes you letting yourself get killed and so ’ cheating’.
So best is to make better achievements in the future, or not making achievements for this sort of 1vs1 activities.
Some of the achievements are just poorly designed – I mean, they’re supposed to take years to finish? No one even knows if GW2 will be around that long (I’m not saying the game is dying or will be dying soon, but that’s still an inordinate amount of time to devote to a single minigame). That’s why you see people farming them sometimes, if they’re able to. I think a couple of the WvW achievements also have ridiculous numbers associated with them too.
Try the 250,000 player kills in wvw. Only a handful of people have achieved that
This was never a problem before the combining of PVP with the rest of the dailies. Reason was daily activity was always on the dailies list. I whip out my dailies fairly fast now maybe just add this daily and one more everyday. Arnet used to think using the mystic forge was helpful for reducing number of items add it somedays. Maybe bring back more of the normal dailies rotation and make it 6 of 6.
Alternative there is a monthly recycle achievement so no need to have both it and recycle every day. Make doing activity on the list every day like recycle is now.
I have a guildie who got the Kegmaster title within the first two months of release. Him and a friend would farm for the achievements. Was much easier back then because you could Keg Brawl whenever you wanted.
Nowadays you can only do it when its up on rotation, so I can totally see why more people would want to farm achievements whenever it is up. Otherwise you would never get those achievements completed!
I love it when someone is like “hey wanna farm achievements?” I’m always down for that. And I hate it when some dude comes in wanting to play normal. Ruins our good time.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
This was never a problem before the combining of PVP with the rest of the dailies. Reason was daily activity was always on the dailies list. I whip out my dailies fairly fast now maybe just add this daily and one more everyday. Arnet used to think using the mystic forge was helpful for reducing number of items add it somedays. Maybe bring back more of the normal dailies rotation and make it 6 of 6.
Alternative there is a monthly recycle achievement so no need to have both it and recycle every day. Make doing activity on the list every day like recycle is now.
People have always played kegbrawl like that. It’s got nothing to do with dailies and everything to do with lazy players.
It’s amazing they can organise themselves to do this and can’t deal with the Boss Blitz or Marionette.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Oh comon guys, just relax already. I do some achievement hunting with my guild from time to time. A couple of friends, you try things out to complete achievement, it was always fun, we had a good laugh, everything is fine.
It exactly like if you go to the baseball field in your neighbouring and you have like 10 ppl playing soccer. Do you complain that they rob you of the opportunity to play baseball, do you complain to the city about how the local playground is flaw because you can play soccer on a baseball field?? No, its just life in society. Take 10 seconds to reload into another game of keg brawls and enjoy it, while other people enjoy something a little bit different than the devs planned. Nothing wrong with ppl enjoying different part of the game in different manners.
good grief, it’s not “cheating” it’s called cooperative play.