Add Cardinal directions to mini map.

Add Cardinal directions to mini map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grover.8753


I would like to use the Rotation toggle but sometimes its a bit difficult to tell where you are at glance when it’s always spinning. It would really help a lot of the mini-map could have the N, E, S and W added onto it when map rotation is toggled.

Add Cardinal directions to mini map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Titanium Pig.1462

Titanium Pig.1462

Solution: Up = North, Left = West, Right = East, Down = South.

Here there be dragons!

Add Cardinal directions to mini map.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grover.8753


Solution: Up = North, Left = West, Right = East, Down = South.

that doesn’t work when the compass is rotating. Do you know what Toggle Rotation is? it makes the map rotate and always keeps your mini-map icon facing up.